Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

no leftist has attempted to answer that question as of yet ... they cant and they know it .
They won't because it destroys their narrative. Any question that destroys their narrative won't be answered ever by them, otherwise they'll just spin their excuses right out of the room. It's an easy tactic to spot once understand the leftist attributes and/or character.
Totally wrong.
All cells are life.
We have no concern over life at all, but only about sentience and consciousness.

You totally don't know what life is, do you?

Take plants, for example, they exhibit neither sentience nor consciousness but live and die the same as we do. They live, breathe and reproduce by indirect means. We consider them life, but not unborn children in the womb?

Get off my lawn.
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Impregnation can occur inadvertently, even by rape and incest. Rather than someone presuming to sit in judgment and dictate, the law of the land for the past half century that recognizes the rights of women is supported by most Americans. Authoritarians seizing control will only divide the advanced states from the retrogressive ones.
States don’t have to take away that right
Abortion is not murder. Lefties are not clueless fucking idiots, but you definitely qualify. You know nothing about birth control.

Condoms have an 18% failure rate. CBP's have a 9% failure rate, so no none of your birth control methods are 95% effective. Even sterilization isn't foolproof.

Put them together ,numbnuts. Check out the figure. Try doing the math.
It is clear that the constitution doesn't enumerate any power of the government to regulate abortion.

Very accurate reading of the constitution.
Nor does the constitution say anywhere that abortion is a human right. Abortion as a right was made up out of thin air.

In the end, all this hysteria about overturning Roe vs Wade is simply a left wing fear tactic. Placing this issue in the hands of each state is not a big deal. It changes basically nothing.
Birth control is good, but never 100%.
Abortion will always be necessary forever.
In fact, we are dangerously overpopulated and risk species extinction already.

If you are willing to fight and die for the right of women to murder their unborn children and those like me are willing to fight and die to stop you, then what are we all waiting for? Let's get down to business. Anything else is foreplay.
Doctors are doctors you moron. Special cases are health situations. You fuckers should leave the doctoring to people who went to school for a decade vs your dumb asses.

That is bullshit. Maybe some stupid internet poll will say 70% but that is not a real representation.

Except for a few really dumbass Moon Bats I hear about in the news or on the internet I don't even know anybody in real life that supports abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.

This bullshit by the Libtards about "my body my choice" went out the window with the filthy ass insistance to wear mask and get vaccinated for Covid. They no more believe that than the Man in the Moon.
Most pools can be off 5% or so, that still means the majority of Americans still want roe versus wadein place. Sorry you get so emotional when you're wrong about things
View attachment 640771
Nor does the constitution say anywhere that abortion is a human right. Abortion as a right was made up out of thin air.

In the end, all this hysteria about overturning Roe vs Wade is simply a left wing fear tactic. Placing this issue in the hands of each state is not a big deal. It changes basically nothing.
Hysteria ! That's what I would call the minority trying to end roe versus Wade. There are very emotionally invested in this cause and that's what it is it's a cause it's not anything that should be put into law or used to end a law. It's a sickness.
Birth control is good, but never 100%.
Abortion will always be necessary forever.
In fact, we are dangerously overpopulated and risk species extinction already.
There is only one good reason to bring a child into this world and that's because it's loved and wanted. These pro-life people are trying to upend a model that has worked well for over 50 years allowing both sides to practice what they preach what they want. But that's not good enough for the prolife people they want to control everyone else's life besides their own. This is a a battle for rights a woman's right over her own body and reproductive decisions. They want the government to control that they are fools. They want freedom to carry their guns without any restrictions to take life but when a woman only wants to control her own body they'll have none of that they're just plain sick.
Nor does the constitution say anywhere that abortion is a human right. Abortion as a right was made up out of thin air.

In the end, all this hysteria about overturning Roe vs Wade is simply a left wing fear tactic. Placing this issue in the hands of each state is not a big deal. It changes basically nothing.
That's how I see, it, Tahuya.
View attachment 641061

They LIED to us all - while under oath!
You think judges of all people, would have to see both sides of controversial issues and make a middle of the road and decision if they had to. The real answer is for the supreme Court to say abortion is a personal matter a medical matter and it cannot be regulated by laws and in this once and for all this is insanity to go through all this crap again and again. It's just plain disgusting that some people want to control other people's lives that they don't even know or care about. I thought we were a free Nation, at least we're supposed to be.
Yea. This is a link. The democratic platform you moron.

Securing Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice​

Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion. We will repeal the Title X domestic gag rule and restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides vital preventive and reproductive health care for millions of people, especially low-income people, and people of color, and LGBTQ+ people, including in underserved areas.

Democrats oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to reproductive health and rights. We will repeal the Hyde Amendment, and protect and codify the right to reproductive freedom. We condemn acts of violence, harassment, and intimidation of reproductive health providers, patients, and staff. We will address the discrimination and barriers that inhibit meaningful access to reproductive health care services, including those based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, income, disability, geography, and other factors. Democrats oppose restrictions on medication abortion care that are inconsistent with the most recent medical and scientific evidence and that do not protect public health.

We recognize that quality, affordable comprehensive health care; medically accurate, LGBTQ+ inclusive, age-appropriate sex education; and the full range of family planning services are all essential to ensuring that people can decide if, when, and how to start a family. We are proud to be the party of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination in health care on the basis of sex and requires insurers to cover prescription contraceptives at no cost. These efforts have significantly reduced teen and unintended pregnancies by making it easier to decide whether, when, and how to have a child.

We believe that a person’s health should always come first. Democrats will protect the rights of all people to make personal health care decisions, and will reject the Trump Administration’s use of broad exemptions to allow medical providers, employers, and others to discriminate.
Your argument is invalid.

When Psaki refers us to Biden's answers...

That means even candidates who support no restrictions on abortions, thus "Abortion on Demand."

We are done here.
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You think judges of all people, would have to see both sides of controversial issues and make a middle of the road and decision if they had to.

The middle ground, in this case, would be allowing the states to make the decision.

How is this not the middle ground? Is it because you don't want it to be?
You think judges of all people, would have to see both sides of controversial issues and make a middle of the road and decision if they had to. The real answer is for the supreme Court to say abortion is a personal matter a medical matter and it cannot be regulated by laws and in this once and for all this is insanity to go through all this crap again and again. It's just plain disgusting that some people want to control other people's lives that they don't even know or care about. I thought we were a free Nation, at least we're supposed to be.
I've heard Republicans call women who want abortions all kinds of terrible names. That's how much they care about people human life. They have no respect for the life that's already here. Then what's this child is born it's not wanted not loved and has multiple problems they don't want to pay for it they don't want to have any responsibility for it I'm sorry if you're going to demand women have children they don't want you better be ready to take care of them and that takes a lot of money if you think the welfare cases are bad now it's going to multiply like you won't believe they'll be generations of them as long as this stupid lock stays in effect. America is supposed to be a free Nation. Not a fascist Nation where people are forced to do things they don't want. Changing this law is unAmerican, unChristian and just playing inhuman.
I've heard Republicans call women who want abortions all kinds of terrible names.

I've heard Democrats call women who are pro-life all kinds of terrible names, even questioning their very womanhood because they made the wrong choice with their bodies. Your point? Politics these days is full of petulant, mewling children on both sides who stamp and cry instead of looking to compromise on issues they mutually agree on.
That's how much they care about people human life. They have no respect for the life that's already here

We do. That's why we fight to protect it at every stage in development. You wish to exterminate it as a matter of convenience, not of necessity. You are the ones who have no respect for life. We understand abortion can sometimes be medically necessary, but in those cases where it isn't and where contraceptive measures are not taken before intercourse, the life should be protected.

Your respect for life only extends to children the women wish to have, as opposed to the established science that says life begins when the egg is fertilized and transforms into a zygote.

Then what's this child is born it's not wanted not loved and has multiple problems they don't want to pay for it they don't want to have any responsibility for it

There's a way around all of this. Contraception. Make sure there is no child to abort in the first place.
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I'm sorry if you're going to demand women have children they don't want you better be ready to take care of them

Nobody is demanding they have children they don't want. We are demanding they exercise a modicum of common sense before doing the hunka-chunka.

If not, they should bear the consequences of their behavior. Literally. If they cannot understand that unprotected sex results in the development of new life, they should be made to, the man and the woman, in the most hands-on way possible.

Offer them the choice of taking advantage of government subsidies to help them raise their children, or put the child up for adoption.
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Changing this law is unAmerican, unChristian and just playing inhuman.

Changing the law has no effect. It gives states (and their citizens) the choice of whether or not to allow or restrict abortion.

The freedom of choice is something liberals like you preach about, is it not?

Let democracy run its course. That is the most American, Christian, and human thing to do.

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