Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

That's a super example of when an abortion is absolutely necessary.

I agree, but that is not what I'm referring to. I am talking about men and women who choose to have unprotected sex which results in a pregnancy. I know what you're doing right now, so you can cease with the theatrics.
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No thank you. I don't believe I will. You are trying to appeal to my emotions, to that, you will fail. On the other hand, Roe wasn't legislation passed by congress, it was a ruling made by a court.

You can't repeal legislation that doesn't exist.
Yes the courts came to that decision because it was a nightmare women were killing themselves of course the rape rate was a lot higher than and Men did totally disrespected women but now it's more acute the attacks on women more incisive and this is an attack on all women whether you realize it or not I'm not appealing to your emotions your emotions are feeling your instincts about this dilemma which isn't even yours. I'm trying to appeal to common sense we've been through this before this was the best solution and it still is nothing's changed people don't change that much they're still I don't know sad greedy little people that's what this is this is from the minds of little people to try to hurt other people. It just doesn't make any sense.
No, I'm not. I'm talking about adult women who know better.
No I don't there's some pro life fanatics on here who have said that women who have abortions should be executed for murder. They didn't even care what the circumstances were that surrounded the abortion don't know don't care just want to kill that's what this is all about it's sickness.
No I don't there's some pro life fanatics on here who have said that women who have abortions should be executed for murder. They didn't even care what the circumstances were that surrounded the abortion don't know don't care just want to kill that's what this is all about it's sickness.
They said I should be murdered for supporting the abortionists. I do not support abortion, I support a woman's right to choose what to do with their own body that's the bottom line in all this so abortion laws have to go all together they have no place in society there are moral judgments on other people that you don't know and don't care about.
Yes the courts came to that decision because it was a nightmare women were killing themselves

Yet nearly five decades later, medicine has advanced to a point where a man and woman can stop a pregnancy before it starts. Condoms, contraceptives.

Does a woman need to abort a child to feel like she has any rights? If so, that's a most barbaric way of thinking.
They said I should be murdered for supporting the abortionists. I do not support abortion, I support a woman's right to choose what to do with their own body that's the bottom line

Those who wish you death for your position are fools. Same as the ones who wish death on people like me for ours.

Primarily, when the phrase "a woman's right to choose" is cited in this political climate, it doesn't mean the choice to give birth.
Yet nearly five decades later, medicine has advanced to a point where a man and woman can stop a pregnancy before it starts. Condoms, contraceptives.

Does a woman need to abort a child to feel like she has any rights? If so, that's a most barbaric way of thinking.
See this is wrong there is no child. It's her body. North barbaric to try to control someone else's life . You're saying they have to live their lives according to what you believe, that's not right and there's no freedom for anyone in that kind of thinking.
See this is wrong there is no child. It's her body. North barbaric to try to control someone else's life . You're saying they have to live their lives according to what you believe, that's not right and there's no freedom for anyone in that kind of thinking.
It's late and I have to go to bed but I think you're starting to get my point. Hopefully you're not that dense. This is about control nothing else and we still want to remain a brief society I think we can agree on that.
See this is wrong there is no child. It's her body.

If there is no child, there is no abortion. The woman can control her body at any point, even before the pregnancy, by engaging in a contraceptive regimen.

Nobody took her choices away from her, it is only you that convinced them they had none, to begin with. Such lies need to be culled.
It's late and I have to go to bed but I think you're starting to get my point. Hopefully you're not that dense. This is about control nothing else and we still want to remain a brief society I think we can agree on that.

Are you talking to yourself?

At any rate, whatever point you were trying to make was lost on me. That might simply be due to the fact that there are many options for women to take to avoid this entire process in the first place.

By all means, go to bed. But that won't make any of your points more salient in the morning.
If there is no child, there is no abortion. The woman can control her body at any point, even before the pregnancy, by engaging in a contraceptive regimen.

Nobody took her choices away from her, it is only you that convinced them they had none, to begin with. Such lies need to be culled.
Your logic is totally faulty abortions don't remove babies abortions remove embryos in any one of the three stages. I have nothing to do with a woman's intelligence and their decision on what to do about what they do with their reproductive Rights. That is their decision and their decision alone.
Your logic is totally faulty abortions don't remove babies abortions remove embryos in any one of the three stages. I have nothing to do with a woman's intelligence and their decision on what to do about what they do with their reproductive Rights. That is their decision and their decision alone.
Nothing is 100% foolproof. You can be the most careful woman in the world and still end up with a dangerous and / or unwanted pregnancy. S*** happens in the real world.
Nobody is demanding they have children they don't want. We are demanding they exercise a modicum of common sense before doing the hunka-chunka.

If not, they should bear the consequences of their behavior. Literally. If they cannot understand that unprotected sex results in the development of new life, they should be made to, the man and the woman, in the most hands-on way possible.

Offer them the choice of taking advantage of government subsidies to help them raise their children, or put the child up for adoption.
Unfortunately Roe took any responsibility away from the male. The whole decision to birth or kill the child was placed with the woman. At the time Feminism was the vogue. 'My body my choice' was the rallying cry promoted by leftist Democrats for political reasons and, I think, even one radical Feminist said 'all sex is rape." SCOTUS completely ignored the science of human procreation in the Roe decision.

I agree with teaching accountability for the result of a sexual episode. Both the man and woman....(because only a male and female can have procreational sex) have the responsibility to use contraception and agree on what they will do if the attempted insemination is successful. Teaching kids about heterosexuality should be paramount in our public schools not teaching multi-genderism. Teach them the reality of what happens to teenagers (for example) when they have unprotected sex and a pregnancy ensues. Teach them about real life, not bullshit homosexual crap.
Nothing is 100% foolproof. You can be the most careful woman in the world and still end up with a dangerous and / or unwanted pregnancy. S*** happens in the real world.
Why would any decent woman have sex with a guy when she doesn't want his genes? After all, SHE is the one who will bear the brunt of the circumstances. Seems pretty dumb to me. Males are attracted to strong, 'sexy' women. Women do their best to be attractive to strong and successful, good looking males. Both need to consider the repercussions for unprotected sex before it takes place. That is the 'real world'......
Hysteria ! That's what I would call the minority trying to end roe versus Wade. There are very emotionally invested in this cause and that's what it is it's a cause it's not anything that should be put into law or used to end a law. It's a sickness.
Sickness is 62 million abortions used as birth control.

Sickness is left wing politicians promoting violence again.

Sickness is the teaching of perversion in schools.

Sickness is teaching white people are evil.

Sickness is burning down business and calling it Peaceful.

Sickness is attacking someone for wearing a maga hat

Sickness is leaving Americans at the mercy of the taliban.

Sickness is mass taxation and regulation then lie to the poor saying you are here for them.

Sickness is using govt to attack those who disagree.

Sickness is having orgies in the streets of San Fran Sicko and saying it is normal.

Sickness is legalizing hard core drugs.

Sickness is giving a free pass to politicians to Launder money.

Sickness is believing there are 72 genders.

Maybe you've let a perfect life but few people have, most people make the mistakes, some more than most. Life is messy, always has been, always will be. You think you are solving a problem. You are not you are creating many, many more. I am certain you will live to regret this.
And you believe in no accountability for their mistakes.

Not to mention abortion isnt gone if Roe versus wade is overturned. Shithole blue states will still allow partial birth abortions and the selling of organs.

It just will not be allowed in states who think this is barbarism.

Shows one thing clear. When your side doesnt get its way you call for violence Every time.
Yes the courts came to that decision because it was a nightmare women were killing themselves of course the rape rate was a lot higher than and Men did totally disrespected women but now it's more acute the attacks on women more incisive and this is an attack on all women whether you realize it or not I'm not appealing to your emotions your emotions are feeling your instincts about this dilemma which isn't even yours. I'm trying to appeal to common sense we've been through this before this was the best solution and it still is nothing's changed people don't change that much they're still I don't know sad greedy little people that's what this is this is from the minds of little people to try to hurt other people. It just doesn't make any sense.
Not about rape States allow abortions for rape and incest and for the safety of the mother.

You are just playing the victim card. No one makes you spread your legs. That is a choicem

Put on a rubber and STFU

The left terrorists have learned well from their brother jihadiis.
This also shows how damaging it is to have a leftist leak a pending ruling - and why these things are secret until a decision is final. The upcoming decisions of the SCOTUS aren’t supposed to be changed because losers intimidate or threaten violence against the justices.

So where is the president on this? He sure had plenty of contempt and scolding for those of us who are guilty of nothing more than supporting the other candidate - we’re the most dangerous extremists apparently - and plenty to say when the jury acquitted an innocent whitey - and yet, he can’t get on the blow horn and say the leftists intimidating the justices is despicable?

Or, for that matter, what about the senator who threatened violence of the SCOTUS doesn’t cave to leftist demands? Why isn’t the president out there defending the sanctity of the Supreme Court, and saying that threats of violence will not be tolerated?

Answer: Biden is an empty-headed demented fool who is being manipulated by the anti-American Marxists trying to destroy this country.

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