Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Birth control is good, but never 100%.
Abortion will always be necessary forever.
In fact, we are dangerously overpopulated and risk species extinction already.
Abortion is hardly ever necessary. outside of the life of the mother, ALL abortions are performed out of convenience.

you sound a lot like Margaret sanger... not a good look
Contraceptives were designed to help prevent pregnancy, ergo no baby and no abortion.

The neat thing about it is a woman can use multiple forms of contraceptives at once, to virtually ensure a pregnancy never happens.
No baby has ever existed in the womb. Did you know it's still legal for Christian hospitals to refuse the morning after pill to rape victims that is a crime. It should be federal law that all hospitals have to offer that right off the bat to rape victims, only one question should be asked by police, and that is do you want to pursue this issue. Since 90% of rapes go unreported. These women do not need to be further harmed or criminalized, as often is the case. You keep quoting idealized situations. The ideal seldom exists in most cases where women need to have abortions. As I said before there's only one reason to bring a child into those world and that's if you want one and if you love them. Otherwise the last thing this world needs is more people in it, especially ones that are miserable.
this statement is just so incorrect. there are scores of examples of the government having legal authority over the "other" they can exert authority over murder, rape, incest, child abuse, child neglect etc.. even if it does not effect "you"

why do you think there is a department of child protection? it is simply the government exerting authority on the behalf of children.
Why do you think that a woman's rights have been respected for half-a-century under law, as has been the case in most advanced nations?
It SHOULD BE LEFT UP TO A DOCTOR NOT POLITICIANS you nitwit. What don’t you understand? You can’t legislate every medical condition. Just cuz you are a nazi who wants to live in the world created by Handmaidens Tale you can fuck off.

Jen is spot on. No legal restrictions. Doctors and the patient are the decision makers. Not you Nazis.

Oh, my God, get OUT of here with that medically-ignorant crap about "leave it up to doctors, not politicians", like you think that's how ANYTHING in medicine works. Well, you're you, so you probably DO have that uninformed idea.

Medicine and healthcare are among the most regulated industries known to modern mankind, you dimwit. If you're suggesting that abortion should be treated like "just a medical procedure", and you're also suggesting that it should be left totally out of the sphere of government control and regulation and the doctors should be allowed to do whatever they want or "think is best", then you need to recognize that those are two completely different things and you're going to have to pick one.
Oh, my God, get OUT of here with that medically-ignorant crap about "leave it up to doctors, not politicians", like you think that's how ANYTHING in medicine works. Well, you're you, so you probably DO have that uninformed idea.

Medicine and healthcare are among the most regulated industries known to modern mankind, you dimwit. If you're suggesting that abortion should be treated like "just a medical procedure", and you're also suggesting that it should be left totally out of the sphere of government control and regulation and the doctors should be allowed to do whatever they want or "think is best", then you need to recognize that those are two completely different things and you're going to have to pick one.
Should you have a knee replacement surgery? Well let’s pass a law so we can have the masses decide whether it’s ok with us you violate God’s plan for what knee you should be using.
The middle ground, in this case, would be allowing the states to make the decision.

How is this not the middle ground? Is it because you don't want it to be?

It’s ridiculous to have every state make different laws. Women should have the exact same right to determine their own lives in every state of the union.
I've heard Republicans call women who want abortions all kinds of terrible names. That's how much they care about people human life. They have no respect for the life that's already here. Then what's this child is born it's not wanted not loved and has multiple problems they don't want to pay for it they don't want to have any responsibility for it I'm sorry if you're going to demand women have children they don't want you better be ready to take care of them and that takes a lot of money if you think the welfare cases are bad now it's going to multiply like you won't believe they'll be generations of them as long as this stupid lock stays in effect. America is supposed to be a free Nation. Not a fascist Nation where people are forced to do things they don't want. Changing this law is unAmerican, unChristian and just playing inhuman.
Nobody is demanding a woman have a baby, all they are saying is that it's not the job of the federal government to weigh in on it. Abortion will likely be banned in certain states, but other states will have abortion available to all who want them.
You keep spewing your churlish ad hominems, but doing so does not alter the reality that a personal freedom that has been the law of the land for fifty years and is supported by most Americans is about to bge abrogated by the State - the retrogressive, authoritarian ones. Elsewhere, in advanced states, freedom will be protected.
just because it has been the law of the land for 50 years does in no means make it a good decision. there have been lots of terrible decisions that lasted for years and had to be overturned. separate but equal, 13th amendment etc...
A fetus never gains rights over the medical choices of the mother.
It simply no longer is dependent upon the mother after birth.
what are you talking about? Babies are completely dependent on their mothers long long long after they are born. try laying one on a table and see how long it survives.

likewise, the mothers "medical" choices never have precident over the pre born baby. just because one is older does not mean they have more "rights"
It’s ridiculous to have every state make different laws. Women should have the exact same right to determine their own lives in every state of the union.
ummmm, this is already happening. and for many many years. every state has been legislating their own gun laws for decades. you sure better know state gun laws if you plan on driving through Mass, NY, NJ etc.

In addition, gun rights are enumerated in the bill of rights. not so with abortion
Should you have a knee replacement surgery? Well let’s pass a law so we can have the masses decide whether it’s ok with us you violate God’s plan for what knee you should be using.

For people who hate, hate, HATE religion, you and your comrades certainly seem to inject it into every fucking topic you can. Who's talking about "God's plan" on anything?

Did you have something rational and fact-based to say, or is it all just hysterical, emotional hypotheticals that frantically try to change the subject? Because if it's the latter, you can just say, "I have no argument, I just WANT THIS!!!" and save us both some time.
It’s ridiculous to have every state make different laws. Women should have the exact same right to determine their own lives in every state of the union.

Spoken like someone who isn't an American and knows fuck and all about what America is about and how it works. Maybe the next time you try to deal yourself into someone else's country uninvited and decidedly unwelcome, you might try learning a little about it, instead of ASSuming that you know better.

Ridiculous because why? Because that's not what you prefer? Who the fuck asked you? Ridiculous because that's not what your nothing of a country does? Maybe that's WHY your country is such a non-entity that your stupid ass has to try to stick your oar in on other countries and how they operate.
If you prevented those 600,000 abortions a years, the US would be destroyed by poverty within a century.
If the whole planet stopped having abortions, we could likely cause human species extinction within a 1000 years.
quite a Malthusian comment there. we are nowhere close to overpopulating the earth by the way. if standing up, you could fit every human being currently alive on the planet in the city limits of Los Angeles.

a piece of land the size of Texas has enough acreage to produce far more food than every human on the planet could consume in the span of a year.
Totally wrong.
All cells are life.
We have no concern over life at all, but only about sentience and consciousness.
that is a very very light line that you are towing there. you will never ever win an abortion debate if you use sentience and consciousness as your tenets.
Doing the right thing on the part of Republicans will ultimately bring a lot of people back to serving other people with love in their hearts. It's that simple.

Never going to happen. Republicans have become too selfish and have little love in their hearts for anyone.

Abortions can never be banned. They will go on regardless, and women will die.
No baby has ever existed in the womb. Did you know it's still legal for Christian hospitals to refuse the morning after pill to rape victims that is a crime. It should be federal law that all hospitals have to offer that right off the bat to rape victims, only one question should be asked by police, and that is do you want to pursue this issue. Since 90% of rapes go unreported. These women do not need to be further harmed or criminalized, as often is the case. You keep quoting idealized situations. The ideal seldom exists in most cases where women need to have abortions. As I said before there's only one reason to bring a child into those world and that's if you want one and if you love them. Otherwise the last thing this world needs is more people in it, especially ones that are miserable.
you do realize that the morning after pill is nothing more than abortion, right? why would a Christian hospital ever allow such a thing?

furthermore, why in the world should it be a federal law for hospitals to offer abortion to rape victims? Rape is one of the very worst things one human can do to another. but why kill the pre-born baby? that human did no wrong. that human committed no crime. if we are killing babies, pre-born or not because their fathers were terrible terrible people who did terrible things, there wouldnt be enough land to bury all the bodies.

should we punish the child for the sins of the father?
It’s ridiculous to have every state make different laws. Women should have the exact same right to determine their own lives in every state of the union.
It is already happening. Every state in the union already has their own gun laws. and they are vastly different. why dont the people living in california have the same 2nd amendment rights as those living in florida? because the majority of people who live in each state have their own values. they legislate those values into laws that reflect those values. why should abortion be any different? It has been happening to gun enthusiasts for decades. get used to it.

guess what we have to do if we are living in a state with gun control laws that do not reflect our personal views?

we move. or elect different representatives who better reflect our views.
Never going to happen. Republicans have become too selfish and have little love in their hearts for anyone.

Abortions can never be banned. They will go on regardless, and women will die.
it is so amusing to me how backwards some peoples views have become. I mean, just step back and listen to what you are saying for 30 seconds.

here, I will help you out...

you are saying that the political party that is AGAINST the killing of our most innocent, vulnerable members has "little love in their hearts for anyone."

I mean really think about what you are saying.

it is unreal. you have such scales over your eyes that you cant even see a most simple truth. it should NEVER be considered appropriate for a mother to literally kill their own children, be it inside or outside of the womb unless her life will end because of a complication of the birthing process. and even then, I cant imagine a woman choosing her life over her own offspring. I would die for my children. without a thought.

our society is truly in a sad sad place.

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