Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Never going to happen. Republicans have become too selfish and have little love in their hearts for anyone.

Abortions can never be banned. They will go on regardless, and women will die.

Show of hands, everyone who's devastated to not have to moral approval of LizardBitch.


Okay, how about a show of hands for everyone who takes her ignorant hysteria as fact?

I'll wait.
Authoritarian ideologues trashing established law... very unpopular with most Americans.


better to trash human beings, literally

we see where you people are mentally

as Michael Savage said "Liberalism is a mental disease"

Nobody is demanding they have children they don't want. We are demanding they exercise a modicum of common sense before doing the hunka-chunka.

If not, they should bear the consequences of their behavior. Literally. If they cannot understand that unprotected sex results in the development of new life, they should be made to, the man and the woman, in the most hands-on way possible.

Offer them the choice of taking advantage of government subsidies to help them raise their children, or put the child up for adoption.
One important fact that is being left out of this discussion is the lengthy lists of couples awaiting adoption. Multitudes of couples from the states relying on foreign access to unwanted babies. This still is the case or there wouldn’t be couples waiting 2 or more years to adopt. Many couples cannot have children due to genetics who long for children.

The problem is when a woman is pregnant and did not plan to become pregnant (even though she knowingly took the actions to become pregnant) and considers abortion as an alternative to resolving her “problem”. In 2022, this is not even a rational consideration due to the successful alternative- the day after pill, available at all major drug stores without a prescription. Pharmacies are also required by law to not make it difficult for minors to acquire the day after pill. They are not even allowed to ask if a girl if she is 17 or 18, however, some have done so.

I don’t understand why the conversation about abortion has not significantly changed since 1980, as if birth control information and technology stopped 40 years ago. The conversation needs to include the alternatives that were not around even 15 years ago, tmk.

Many people are stuck in their outdated mindsets and don’t learn new info. Considering that each of us has access to instant information (most of it legit hopefully) that is beyond bizarre imo.
Should you have a knee replacement surgery? Well let’s pass a law so we can have the masses decide whether it’s ok with us you violate God’s plan for what knee you should be using.
How about this

Using your own words w/ a few changes... how about this:

Should you have your 2 year killed? Well let’s pass a law so we can have the masses decide whether it’s ok with us for you to violate the laws against murder (which btw exist in ALL societies and cultures [ie it's not about "religion"])
dragonlady said:
Never going to happen. Republicans have become too selfish and have little love in their hearts for anyone.

Abortions can never be banned. They will go on regardless, and women will die.

it's an upsidedown world when a leftist will say that repunklicans conservatives have little love in their hearts when they are the only ones who care about these little lives destroyed before they have a chance and when we find out planned butcherhood is selling body parts of these little babes to leftist universities for black experiments and profit.
Abortions will never be banned. there will always be someone who will do the deed for a woman who should never be a mother...and some will die....just like they're dying now from so called professionals (HA) in Planned butcherhood. Planned Butcherhood does not care about the baby, OVIOUSLY; nor the mother. What they care about is the $$$$.
Never going to happen. Republicans have become too selfish and have little love in their hearts for anyone.

Abortions can never be banned. They will go on regardless, and women will die.
Why are you standing on a pile of dead babies PREACHING TO ME Canuck?

Especially after your people locking up old women for honking their horns.

We need no advice from you.
It SHOULD BE LEFT UP TO A DOCTOR NOT POLITICIANS you nitwit. What don’t you understand? You can’t legislate every medical condition. Just cuz you are a nazi who wants to live in the world created by Handmaidens Tale you can fuck off.

Jen is spot on. No legal restrictions. Doctors and the patient are the decision makers. Not you Nazis.
I have won this debate and proven just how much of a liar you are.
So if we were willing to stipulate that we're willing to allow abortions for 12-year-olds raped by their fathers and other such extreme cases, would you be willing to restrict all other abortions?
What do you think the answer is gonna be?
What do you think the answer is gonna be?

Leftists always come up with extreme examples to make their case. In the above, it’s easy enough to answer: states will make exceptions for rape.

But for adult women who make a voluntary choice to engage in unprotected sex, they know the risk. And if they’ve done so, there’s always the morning after pill.

Unwanted pregnancies will drop by half, at least, when consenting adults in states with restrictive abortion laws decide to do the nasty. They’ll be more responsible, knowing the consequences, and use birth control.

And for those who don’t, or for those who had a rare instance of birth control failure, then they can still likely choose an abortion, but they’ll have to decide quickly, or if they delay, they can take the Greyhound to an abortion state. if they’re poor, PP will have a transportation fund all set up.
Extreme examples the right the far right is really good at that, remember when they set up planned Parenthood to try to make it look like they were selling body parts. Right, there are extremists on both sides of the issue. Middle ground is always the answer and that's what Roe versus Wade was. No one was forced to have an abortion, and those who needed one got them. Everyone should have been happy.
So if we were willing to stipulate that we're willing to allow abortions for 12-year-olds raped by their fathers and other such extreme cases, would you be willing to restrict all other abortions?
I said from the very beginning laws restricting abortion have no place in our nation. An abortion is a medical procedure and it should be kept between the woman and her doctor a significant other or husband can also be included in that mix when it occurs. All other parties have no rights in the decision. And I just mentioned one extreme case, there are thousands of reasons to have an abortion. There's only one good reason to have a child and that's because you want one and you love it. This is my final answer and eventually the courts will see the wisdom of the decision it's not in their jurisdiction it's not in anyone's jurisdiction except the parties involved.
I said from the very beginning laws restricting abortion have no place in our nation. An abortion is a medical procedure and it should be kept between the woman and her doctor a significant other or husband can also be included in that mix when it occurs. All other parties have no rights in the decision. And I just mentioned one extreme case, there are thousands of reasons to have an abortion. There's only one good reason to have a child and that's because you want one and you love it. This is my final answer and eventually the courts will see the wisdom of the decision it's not in their jurisdiction it's not in anyone's jurisdiction except the parties involved.
In 20 to 30 years I won't be alive but if you give government this power over women's reproductive rights now they will have the right when the world is faced with overpopulation and starvation which is just around the corner at the rate the population keeps continuing to grow then they will have the right to tell you you cannot have a child you must have an abortion. Government will have that right established already that control over you.
I have won this debate and proven just how much of a liar you are.
I realize you think you won everyone loses if roe versus wade goes to the wayside. No one wins. The supreme Court needs to develop the balls to tell you people it's none of your business. We need a federal law making any and all abortion laws illegal. It will happen when people come to their senses and stop making it an emotional issue.
Everything these government official's cause from their loose political trouble stirring aggitating lips (in as far as violence goes, otherwise by them condoning it), and doing so in the name of protest as a cover, uhhh should be recorded for future prosecutorial purposes.

It's time for accountability when we begin to hear our so called government officials actually condoning violence in a very aggressive and reckless way, and doing so without any reposonsible standard's being stood for or applied too such rhetoric any longer in these things, otherwise just as long as the Democrat's get their political way it seems that nothing else matters to them but what they want...Fact......... Some sick crap is going on these days, and it's time for Democrat's to take a huge step back, and to then try and realize just how out of touch with reality, and out of touch with the citizen's, (they are) as a political party these days . JMO.
These people don't know what common sense is. It is a totally emotional issue for them. Emotions never make sensible legislation.

Yet you were the one spewing emotion this morning.

"MARK MY WORDS!" You kept saying.

Please don't.
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