Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

it's an upsidedown world when a leftist will say that repunklicans conservatives have little love in their hearts when they are the only ones who care about these little lives destroyed before they have a chance and when we find out planned butcherhood is selling body parts of these little babes to leftist universities for black experiments and profit.
Abortions will never be banned. there will always be someone who will do the deed for a woman who should never be a mother...and some will die....just like they're dying now from so called professionals (HA) in Planned butcherhood. Planned Butcherhood does not care about the baby, OVIOUSLY; nor the mother. What they care about is the $$$$.
How many unwanted children have YOU adopted?
I haven't had to adopt any of them but i have provided safe haven for a number of them. asshole.
You don't get it. I know you're not that dance you just don't want to get it. Roe versus Wade gave everybody what they wanted or needed. Those who didn't want to have an abortion didn't have to have one those who need it or wanted one could have one. That's how it should be. On the side issue I saw people saying this isn't part of our rights well so I looked up abortion during the colonial days and it was a very well known fact that women needing or wanting abortions at that time went to other women who knew herbology and were helped by them. This news was widespread and readily open to anyone that needed this. The founding fathers never addressed abortion because it was a non-issue back then. Overzealous pro-life advocates have played on people's emotions making them all think that they're going to do some good by stopping abortions when nothing could be further from the truth. In the future I hope abortion numbers and information is kept confidential like other patient information is. Too much knowledge in this area creates a problem for some of the population obviously otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion over and over again.

I just heard, "I'm not listening to what you think, because what I believe you think serves my purposes better! I was happy, so that means everyone else should have been, too! Stop having beliefs I don't approve of!"

And then I didn't waste any more of my time on your self-serving, utterly oblivious speech.

I realize that this is going to be incomprehensible to someone who so clearly can't wrap his brain around the idea that people even CAN disagree with him, much less have a right to do so, but Roe v. Wade manifestly did NOT "give everybody what they wanted or needed". Do you know how you can tell? By the fact that abortion has been the number-one most hotly contested issue in this country from the moment Roe v. Wade was imposed against the will of the people.

You don't win arguments by ignoring what your opponents have to say and chanting, "You should want THIS!" over and over.
How many unwanted children have YOU adopted?

By that "logic", you'd better not say a word about the plight of the homeless unless you've got some stashed in your guest bedroom. Seriously? "If you don't personally adopt children, you can't object to killing them!"? That's what passes for intelligent thought where you come from?
None, as expected. most pro lifers, you are in the "Talk a good game and nothing else," camp. Not surprising at all.

"You don't practice your beliefs that I don't share the way I think you should!"

Your pathetic logic is becoming more pathetic by the moment.

I have two children who would have been aborted if I wasn't a better person than you are. You wanna come at ME with your, "I am the High Arbiter of Beliefs I Don't Share, justify yourself for my approval!" routine?
No, I don't remember anyone "setting up" Planned Parenthood. I remember them getting caught out by an investigative journalist and all their minions swinging into action to try to excuse it away.

Roe v. Wade was not "middle ground" to anyone except those who were getting everything they wanted, exactly the way they wanted. In the sane world, that's not called "middle ground". The first place you went wrong was when you ASSumed that "middle ground" can ever be defined by just one side. "No one was forced to have an abortion": is that your idea of a concession to the pro-lifers? "You don't get anything you actually want, but we'll 'generously' prohibit something you weren't worried about in the first place, and in exchange we get everything we want. That should make you happy."

One definition of "extremist" would be "someone who thinks a compromise involves telling opponents how lucky they are to concede everything."

REAL middle ground would be what overturning Roe v. Wade will accomplish: everyone having a say in what the laws of their state will be, and everyone having the freedom to move somewhere that suits them better if they don't agree with the majority of their neighbors. The exact same middle ground America has on many issues, and is supposed to have on most issues. Coincidentally, this is the same middle ground that the left fights tooth and nail to do away with on increasing numbers of issues.
Two questions, who funded that investigative journalism and conspired to lie about their interests in the first place. The answer, a pro-life group and they attempted to practice entrapment. It didn't work they were caught red-handed everybody knows that except you try to ignore that. Second question, ending the reproductive protections that roe versus Wade represents limits women's rights, there's no way around that. You say that it somehow affects your rights please explain that how a woman you don't know or even care about having an abortion affects your rights I'd like to know that.
How many unwanted children have YOU adopted?
If Roe versus Wade is knocked down there's going to be a whole lot more unwanted children to be adopted. Looked it up in 2007 only 133,737 children were adopted in the United States. The adoption rates are unfortunately going down. I guess we'll have to have a rummage sale on these unwanted children.
Helping children does not always require adoption. How many have you adopted Strawman? Jarlaxle Excellent try at taking the focus of the democrats platform of death to the unborn.
And we're supposed to value YOUR judgement on what's shameful because why? What have you ever done or said that you imagine gives you any moral authority to declare that?
Attempting to make a person feel shameful or not valued is a technique imposed by people who want to control others. He never attempted any of this, he was / is fighting for the rights of women everywhere / actually all people. Those who cannot admit their faults are the people who need the help the most.
The pro-life campaign carefully chose its words calling a fetus a baby to encourage a strong emotional response. Attempting to discredit planned Parenthood by staging a false undercover scheme. Kidding people against people they don't even know or care about. Demonizing abortion clinics. If you believe all these evil Acts can bring about a good result you are mistaken. Everyone will regret if row and Wade is repealed.

Seriously, are you some kind of dumb fuck? You think the world began the day Roe v. Wade was handed down?

The pro-life campaign didn't "carefully choose its words", you moron. They didn't HAVE to. Humanity has been referring to the pre-born as babies since forever. WE aren't the ones who magically decided we had figured something out in the 1960s that no one else had ever known, and had to find new vocabulary to cover it; YOU did.
You know what I mean, these judges are lying themselves to be squeezed by you people into doing something that they shouldn't be doing in the first place. Abortion laws have no place in a free society they shouldn't exist at all.

The more you talk, the more convinced I am that you have very carefully avoided ever listening to an actual pro-lifer, in favor of listening to a lot of pro-aborts telling you about pro-lifers.

You are very mistaken in your belief that you have something to contribute to a debate with this level of careful, deliberate ignorance.
Helping children does not always require adoption. How many have you adopted Strawman? Jarlaxle Excellent try at taking the focus of the democrats platform of death to the unborn.
Agreed, but I wasn't the one who asked that question, everyone's situation is different. There are people who can do that that should, and there are people who can't do that and shouldn't. Problems arise when people get those things confused. I was simply stating that in 2007 there were only 133,737 adoptions in the United States and the adoption rate is going down. Here in Nebraska they've been advertising to get people to adopt. The number of children institutionalized is growing here, and more restrictive abortion laws aren't going to help the situation. They will hurt it badly there will be more children and many more children that are basically unadoptable. Institutionalized children seldom finish high School, commit more crimes and have more mental problems. The quality of the children being produced is going to go down, that's a given and the numbers are going to get go up, again, that's a given. While adoption rates are going down. This is just one of the many problems that are going to be produced if roe versus Wade is done away with.
The more you talk, the more convinced I am that you have very carefully avoided ever listening to an actual pro-lifer, in favor of listening to a lot of pro-aborts telling you about pro-lifers.

You are very mistaken in your belief that you have something to contribute to a debate with this level of careful, deliberate ignorance.
I live in Nebraska, I've heard far too many pro lifers. They don't think things through. For every action one takes there are reactions. There are so many negatives to this thing it isn't funny. And guess what, most of those abortions you're so against will still occur. Many women will be hurt in this process, far more than ever before. You're actually think it's worth it to try to force women to carry on pregnancies they don't want or need. When the first child is born that has multiple multiple problems and requires 50 surgeries to get halfway normal the state was going to have to pick up all those bills. And one of these children can cost millions. Economically and socially none of this makes sense. Hope it makes you feel morally okay.
I know it will get worse. The left has no respect for life. There's nothing anyone can do about that but that is on them. They must face those consequences.
Attempting to make a person feel shameful or not valued is a technique imposed by people who want to control other…..

What do you think the leftists are doing when they scream ”racist!” at everyone who disagrees with them, and silence, censor, or otherwise tries to humiliate them? You people have been using that technique for years.

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