Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I live in Nebraska, I've heard far too many pro lifers. They don't think things through. For every action one takes there are reactions. There are so many negatives to this thing it isn't funny. And guess what, most of those abortions you're so against will still occur. Many women will be hurt in this process, far more than ever before. You're actually think it's worth it to try to force women to carry on pregnancies they don't want or need. When the first child is born that has multiple multiple problems and requires 50 surgeries to get halfway normal the state was going to have to pick up all those bills. And one of these children can cost millions. Economically and socially none of this makes sense. Hope it makes you feel morally okay.
Nobody’s forcing anyone to continue a pregnancy. You people are acting as if the Supreme Court is going to ban abortion. It will still be wildly available, albeit not as convenient for some.
I know it will get worse. The left has no respect for life. There's nothing anyone can do about that but that is on them. They must face those consequences.
You got that backwards. The right has no respect for life. They want their guns, they want the death penalty and they want their women barefoot and pregnant at home serving their men.
Nobody’s forcing anyone to continue a pregnancy. You people are acting as if the Supreme Court is going to ban abortion. It will still be wildly available, albeit not as convenient for some.
Any restriction on abortion will force some women to carry a pregnancy they do not want to in the first place. The poor and the very ignorant are most subject to this.
You got that backwards. The right has no respect for life. They want their guns, they want the death penalty and they want their women barefoot and pregnant at home serving their men.
Oh geez… don’t honestly believe that, do you?
Any restriction on abortion will force some women to carry a pregnancy they do not want to in the first place. The poor and the very ignorant are most subject to this.
No it won’t. If there is a restriction beginning at 15 weeks, they’ll just have to make their decision within the first couple of months. You want a woman to be able to get an abortion on demand, no matter how far along she is? Even when it’s a viable baby?
You still have a right to your opinion but it shouldn't be made law it's ridiculous. Moral laws that tell other people what they can and can't do. There's no place for them in a free Nation. If you don't want to be part of a free Nation move to Russia or Iran I'm sure abortion is not allowed there that's what dictatorships do they control every aspect of people's lives.
You lose in our States. Its that simple. You cn not tell our people what to believe here.

You can still be a barbarian in your shithole blue state
Oh geez… don’t honestly believe that, do you?
Some states have gone as far as to say no exceptions for rape or incest. Who does that give power to ? Wake up already, before you're not even able to vote anymore. This is just the beginning. There are probably far right-wing nuts who watched the handmaidens tale series on TV and said what a wonderful idea. I really don't think we should go there. It ends up being the immorality of the few gets to dictate the morality of the many. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Just look at the history of the Roman Catholic Church.
Some states have gone as far as to say no exceptions for rape or incest. Who does that give power to ? Wake up already, before you're not even able to vote anymore. This is just the beginning. There are probably far right-wing nuts who watched the handmaidens tale series on TV and said what a wonderful idea. I really don't think we should go there. It ends up being the immorality of the few gets to dictate the morality of the many. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Just look at the history of the Roman Catholic Church.
Get a grip. Sell your alarmist crap to someone who will fall for it.
No it won’t. If there is a restriction beginning at 15 weeks, they’ll just have to make their decision within the first couple of months. You want a woman to be able to get an abortion on demand, no matter how far along she is? Even when it’s a viable baby?
If ? You don't know what you're talking about, time is an hours the issue. Most of the late term abortions are by married women who discovered the fetus is horribly malformed and probably not viable. That's why these blanket abortion bands are a bad deal. Let's be truthful any abortion band is a bad deal. It takes away having to make one of the most important decisions a woman has to make. And that should be hers alone. Imagine for one second if a man was told he could only have sex for the purpose of procreation, no other sex would be allowed and especially outside of marriage. How well would that go over. It wouldn't men wouldn't allow this to happen to them. That's why I'm shocked women are allowing this to happen. So much progress to become first class citizens and it's all going to be gone.
"You don't practice your beliefs that I don't share the way I think you should!"

Your pathetic logic is becoming more pathetic by the moment.

I have two children who would have been aborted if I wasn't a better person than you are. You wanna come at ME with your, "I am the High Arbiter of Beliefs I Don't Share, justify yourself for my approval!" routine?
It's OK. You have to live with the hypocrisy, not me.
If Roe versus Wade is knocked down there's going to be a whole lot more unwanted children to be adopted. Looked it up in 2007 only 133,737 children were adopted in the United States. The adoption rates are unfortunately going down. I guess we'll have to have a rummage sale on these unwanted children.
Are you attempting to make some sort of POINT?
There is his utter defeat and your obvious state of denial.
You wish. I understand roe versus Wade might be repealed. But it's not set in stone yet. The justices have time to think about what they're doing and if they really gave it a lot of thought they'd come to a very different conclusion.
Are you attempting to make some sort of POINT?
It is so foolish to think that this is going to solve anything. Knocking down Roe versus Wade is just going to create a whole lot of new problems, worse problems.
If ? You don't know what you're talking about, time is an hours the issue. Most of the late term abortions are by married women who discovered the fetus is horribly malformed and probably not viable. That's why these blanket abortion bands are a bad deal. Let's be truthful any abortion band is a bad deal. It takes away having to make one of the most important decisions a woman has to make. And that should be hers alone. Imagine for one second if a man was told he could only have sex for the purpose of procreation, no other sex would be allowed and especially outside of marriage. How well would that go over. It wouldn't men wouldn't allow this to happen to them. That's why I'm shocked women are allowing this to happen. So much progress to become first class citizens and it's all going to be gone.
It’s up to the voters in each state. And if someone lives in a state with restrictive laws, they can either move to a state that is more fitting with their leanings, or, if they get pregnant, they can take a bus ride to a neighboring state. It’s not convenient, but the baby about to be robbed of life is paying a bigger cost.
What is actually more important at this time, since a final decision has not been revealed, is that pro-abortion savages are threatening the lives of the justices if they don’t yield to liberals’ demands.
It’s up to the voters in each state. And if someone lives in a state with restrictive laws, they can either move to a state that is more fitting with their leanings, or, if they get pregnant, they can take a bus ride to a neighboring state. It’s not convenient, but the baby about to be robbed of life is paying a bigger cost.
How about the states that have imposed Nazi laws that were you spy on your neighbor and get rewarded if you turn them in for having an abortion. Those are really sick laws.

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