Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You can't compare a virus that affects us all and a public health issue with a woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. There is no comparison.
No, it’s a good analogy, setting aside the fact that masks didn‘t make much difference anyway. My decision not to wear a mask MIGHT give you COVID. A woman‘s decision to abort her child WILL end his or her life.
No, I'm still standing here, watching you scurry around like the cornered rat you are, desperately hoping for a hole in the baseboard to hide in.

Either follow through on the challenge you threw out, or admit you're a coward who only offers a fight when you won't have to back it up.
Still no point,then?

It wasn't a challenge, it was a simple question...and I got exactly the answer I expected.
You're close, trump is certainly losing his mind.
He ate your brain leftist. Right now your side is threatening justices who May say NO to you.

Threaten to kill when people dissgree. Go play in traffic leftist.

Thing is. Roe versus Wade will not stop states from having abortions. Just means some will not be a barbarian like you are. Your main problem here is people are Saying NO and you cant handle it
He ate your brain leftist. Right now your side is threatening justices who May say NO to you.

Threaten to kill when people dissgree. Go play in traffic leftist.

Thing is. Roe versus Wade will not stop states from having abortions. Just means some will not be a barbarian like you are. Your main problem here is people are Saying NO and you cant handle it
Here’s the other issue. On the off-chance that the SCOTUS comes out in June with the decision to uphold Roe v Wade, we will know they did so under threats by progs to murder them, or their children.

And the entire system of having a SCOTUS will be gone. The leftists will have succeeded in destroying more of what made America great.
Still no point,then?

It wasn't a challenge, it was a simple question...and I got exactly the answer I expected.

Still the same point: You're a craven, puling little coward who only has insults and who runs away the instant someone stands up to you, like all dickless bullies.

Jarlaxle: "How many unwanted babies have YOU adopted? You're a hypocrite! You can't oppose abortion because I say so!"

Me: "I have two children that would have been aborted by your standards."

Jarlaxle: "Oh, shit, someone has an answer! I don't know what to say next! HYPOCRITE!!" *much scampering away and pissing of pants* "Damn it, they told me that line would win without me having to fight!"

I'm laughing at you, girly man. My dog has bigger balls than you, and he's neutered.
Still the same point: You're a craven, puling little coward who only has insults and who runs away the instant someone stands up to you, like all dickless bullies.

Jarlaxle: "How many unwanted babies have YOU adopted? You're a hypocrite! You can't oppose abortion because I say so!"

Me: "I have two children that would have been aborted by your standards."

Jarlaxle: "Oh, shit, someone has an answer! I don't know what to say next! HYPOCRITE!!" *much scampering away and pissing of pants* "Damn it, they told me that line would win without me having to fight!"

I'm laughing at you, girly man. My dog has bigger balls than you, and he's neutered.
Spunk! I like spunk! :)

Keep fighting. I’m right there with you,
Here’s the other issue. On the off-chance that the SCOTUS comes out in June with the decision to uphold Roe v Wade, we will know they did so under threats by progs to murder them, or their children.

And the entire system of having a SCOTUS will be gone. The leftists will have succeeded in destroying more of what made America grrwr.
Why im calling them terrorist. It is the very definition right now. Violence for a political gain is terrotism.

On a law that will not stop abortion in blue states.

They are batshit crazy leftist retards
I dont give a shit what you think. Its that simple. Ststes rights are being restored by states who dont give a rip if you are offended
This is a discussion board, if you're not interested in an opposing opinion you should not be here. It's that simple.
Why im calling them terrorist. It is the very definition right now. Violence for a political gain is terrotism.

On a law that will not stop abortion in blue states.

They are batshit crazy leftist retards
I think the big difference here is the people you are referring to as leftists, actually care about people other than themselves. To call them all names, and to blame all of them for threatening justices which might be the act of a few might even be the act of a few right people far right people they've done it before. At any rate it's very selfish thinking.
This is a discussion board, if you're not interested in an opposing opinion you should not be here. It's that simple.
I will post where I please. This is a public forum. You are a barbarian.

15 weeks. Mississippi. If you cant make up your mind in that time. You must be a Moonbat leftist.
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Why im calling them terrorist. It is the very definition right now. Violence for a political gain is terrotism.

On a law that will not stop abortion in blue states.

They are batshit crazy leftist retards
And Biden won’t even condemn it. He should be out there condemning the leak, and the Progs threatening the justices. He had more condemnation for decent, law-abiding Trump voters the other day.
He ate your brain leftist. Right now your side is threatening justices who May say NO to you.

Threaten to kill when people dissgree. Go play in traffic leftist.

Thing is. Roe versus Wade will not stop states from having abortions. Just means some will not be a barbarian like you are. Your main problem here is people are Saying NO and you cant handle it
And here I thought we were having a discussion, in order to do that you have to have two points of view. Or would you really prefer to just hear yourself go on and on.
stann said:
You got that backwards. The right has no respect for life. They want their guns, they want the death penalty and they want their women barefoot and pregnant at home serving their men.

well stann...i know you don't see this but these men you say have no respect for life?....they protect their wives and children and the weak and innocent. They protect them with gun Stann. And then when necessary they go to war to protect all that and the nation with a gun Stann becuause it would be stupid to go to war with a water pistol...oh wait...that's banned. .....why....that's almost like not having any control over what you do with your body now isn't it. They want those guns to protect their families otherwise your radical leftist terrorists invade their homes and kill their wives and children and pets, and burn their homes and businesses. They need that death penalty to stop certain bad men from raping their wives and children...and pets. Now perhaps you don't care about that....heh Stann? Do you think that maybe some people don't deserve to live among decent hardworking people? Like just recently where a leftist DA released an illegal rapist and he went right out and did it again because he knew he could get away with it. you almost looks like the left has intentionally put Americans in harms way intentionally with illegals and radical leftist crazies. What would stop the rioting, protesting, burning home invasisons, rapings and killings...the FIB? The local police? have to be ready yourself to defend your family because when seconds count, the police are minutes away...or not at all.
I think the big difference here is the people you are referring to as leftists, actually care about people other than themselves. To call them all names, and to blame all of them for threatening justices which might be the act of a few might even be the act of a few right people far right people they've done it before. At any rate it's very selfish thinking.
No. I refuse to back down from your arrogant threats. Same as our states.

This about states rights. Our people here disagree. We dont have to listen to you. If overturned we will decide whats right and wrong here. Mind your own business you dont live here
I will post where I please. This is a public forum. You are a barbarian.

15 weeks. Mussissippi. If you cant make up your mind in that time. You must be a Moonbat leftist.
One size does not fit all. That's a fact of life. I don't really mind if you keep calling me names. It just makes you look very bad.
And here I thought we were having a discussion, in order to do that you have to have two points of view. Or would you really prefer to just hear yourself go on and on.
You have posted more than any poster here.

Im responding. You dont agree Oh Well
How does anyone accuse the right of having no respect for life when it is the left that promotes and supports the killing of the unborn even after birth. Leftist Planned Butcherhood was shown to be harvesting organs of Born alive infants slated for abortion and they killed them when harvesting their organs.....The unborn are innocent helpless humans. Those on death row are not innocent...they are rapists and murderers. There is no comparison.
Still the same point: You're a craven, puling little coward who only has insults and who runs away the instant someone stands up to you, like all dickless bullies.

Jarlaxle: "How many unwanted babies have YOU adopted? You're a hypocrite! You can't oppose abortion because I say so!"

Me: "I have two children that would have been aborted by your standards."

Jarlaxle: "Oh, shit, someone has an answer! I don't know what to say next! HYPOCRITE!!" *much scampering away and pissing of pants* "Damn it, they told me that line would win without me having to fight!"

I'm laughing at you, girly man. My dog has bigger balls than you, and he's neutered.
I'm sorry you do not like what you see in the mirror. Only you can change that.

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