Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Er let's walk back this BS "Demonizing abortion clinics" charge as to who is the damn demon. Are you absolutely certain that using abortion instead of abstaining from sex until marriage does not deserve a second glance? That a mother who uses her fifteenth abortion rather than contraceptives is above demonic behavior? Should we just stfu when one of our daughter's best friends terminated her pregnancy so she could snag a better partner from the marriage she would like to break up? No demons in that one? lol

But anyone who opposes the abusive and pain-filled extinction of a future American citizen is considered in your book a "demon"? Izzat so? I have a hunch you never want to grow up. You're thinking conscientious humans who love children one and all are Demons? I'm staggered, indeed. :rolleyes-41:
I'm saying the emotional idea surrounding abortion should never be the basis for good law. Abortion is a matter best left to doctors and their patients. Good parents concentrate on their children, not on children that never existed in the first place.
I'm saying the emotional idea surrounding abortion should never be the basis for good law. Abortion is a matter best left to doctors and their patients. Good parents concentrate on their children, not on children that never existed in the first place.
The only demons that exist are the ones that we create. The only hell that exists is the one we create for one another. It's time to end that cycle and live as Jesus taught loving one another, not trying to control one another.
These people don't know what common sense is. It is a totally emotional issue for them. Emotions never make sensible legislation.
You missed Elizabeth Warren's screaming mimi hair-tearing, jumping up and down experience in verbal as well as clench-fisted form today? Honey, she was spittin' steam onto photolenses. You need to reconsider the words "totally emotional" for what it is. It's screaming mimi, hair-tearing, jumping up and down experience along with the clench-fisted shake wagging leftist baby killer approval committee baloney. :rolleyes-41:
Abortion IS murder Stann. you can twist yourself in pretzel knots from now to kingdom come and it will not change a damn thing.
Stann said:
Saying abortion is murder, abortion ends of child life, those are judgments. I see you're quoting the Bible. The origins of the Christian religion are tribal. That list of abominations, was basically a list of rules that the tribal members were required to abide by. The goal was to make a stronger tribe therefore pregnancy was encouraged, especially pregnancies that resulted in male births. Homosexuality, adultery, sex outside of marriage, even masturbation ( wasting seed ) were forbidden. They never said life are sacred though, unless it was their own, you know the chosen people. But they didn't care much about outsiders, they loved committing genocide, that included men women and children, even pregnant women; in at least one case they slaughtered all the other tribe's animals because their tribal God told them they were unclean. What could an animal do to make them unclean ? They didn't give much thought to that one. At any rate what I'm saying is a recent development, this sanctity of Life thing. If I could pinpoint when it's exactly started it would be the early 19th century Holiness Methodism.

that was stupid Stann. epicly. stupid.
You missed Elizabeth Warren's screaming mimi hair-tearing, jumping up and down experience in verbal as well as clench-fisted form today? Honey, she was spittin' steam onto photolenses. You need to reconsider the words "totally emotional" for what it is. It's screaming mimi, hair-tearing, jumping up and down experience along with the clench-fisted shake wagging leftist baby killer approval committee baloney. :rolleyes-41:
That is unfortunate that she became emotional, but it is somewhat logical to become upset when emotions are possibly going to play a part in bringing down sound policy like Roe versus Wade.
I don't wish. I know.

There is no 'repeal' because there is no federal law regarding abortion. Only a ruling. Rulings are overturned, not repealed.
Yes, I remember when it was enacted. The states were in total disarray. So we're going to go back to that. Great just great, something else swollen out of all proportions to divide us even more.
Have you heard Biden try to answer a question lately? His mind is half-gone.
You know something, ummmmm I'm starting to think that it's all been a sinister plan to make us think that he's lost it, when in reality other than his aging, and slightly within his mind (even though senile at times or worse maybe misunderstood), he could actually possibly be ok in reality.

If not then why are they not invoking the 25th on him ?
The pro-life campaign carefully chose its words calling a fetus a baby to encourage a strong emotional response.

No, we chose our words rather boldly and without fear. Because we have an actionable scientific consensus behind us on when life begins.

Our emotions are so strong because we KNOW we are right.

Whereas your strong emotions stem from demanding to others that you be right, those emotions are 1) Fear of being wrong and 2) anger at resistance to your stated goals.
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Yes, I remember when it was enacted.

You're using words you don't understand.

The words 'enact' and 'repeal' apply only to laws that are passed by legislative bodies like Congress or state legislatures.

Whereas words like 'overturn, overrule, strike down,' or 'uphold' apply to the courts.
She doesn’t, dumbass, nor does anything in her post state that.

The statements don't have to be explicit, the points they make do. And the point she made is essentially "abortion on demand and without apology."

This time we don't rely on mere words to discern a position, we observe the pattern of behavior.

No, we chose our words rather boldly and without fear. Because we have an actionable scientific consensus behind us on when life begins.

Our emotions are so strong because we KNOW we are right.

Whereas your strong emotions stem from demanding to others that you be right, those emotions are 1) Fear of being wrong and 2) anger at resistance to your stated goals.
You're confusing physical life with personhood. Yes, I'm glad you agree physical Life begins with fertilization of the egg by a sperm. ( Actually both of those things were alive before they joined, but for the purpose of this discussion we'll allow for that. ) There's no dispute there. The problem is when prolife people call it an " unborn child ", there is no such animal. First it is a fertilized egg, then it is a bastula ( germinal stage ), then it is called an embryo ( embryonic stage ), it is not called a fetus ( fetal stage ) until the last stage. It is not identifiable as a human embryo until at least 16 weeks. At no time in the fetal development can it be called a child or unborn child. These terms have no value except to excite pro life advocates on an emotional level. I am not wrong, my beliefs are based on facts not fiction.
The statements don't have to be explicit, the points they make do. And the point she made is essentially "abortion on demand and without apology."

This time we don't rely on mere words to discern a position, we observe the pattern of behavior.
Yes…I am observing a pattern of behavior here, you should actually read her post.

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