Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

STann said:
The only demons that exist are the ones that we create. The only hell that exists is the one we create for one another. It's time to end that cycle and live as Jesus taught loving one another, not trying to control one another.

no fear of God in you.
Abortion IS murder Stann. you can twist yourself in pretzel knots from now to kingdom come and it will not change a damn thing.
Name a fetus a person that was murdered ? A verdict of Murder requires a trial and a body.
no fear of God in you.
I don't believe in travel gods I believe in the real GOD the natural GOD of which we were are all one with. Sorry you haven't come to that realization. That's the whole reason we cannot make moral judgments against others. We are simply attacking ourselves. There's no logic in that.
I don't believe in travel gods I believe in the real GOD the natural GOD of which we were are all one with. Sorry you haven't come to that realization. That's the whole reason we cannot make moral judgments against others. We are simply attacking ourselves. There's no logic in that.
PS: Fear was just one of the tactics the ancients used to get people to believe in their tribal gods. I do not fear death, because it's just another illusion, it does not exist. The problem with people in this world as they live too much in their bodies and not enough in their spirit.
Yes…I am observing a pattern of behavior here, you should actually read her post.

I've been commenting on this thread since it was started. I've seen enough of her posts, along with almost everyone who has taken her side here to discern one. It's not hard to see anyone of like mind gravitating toward another expressing the same opinion. All I have to do is take note of the general opinion they agree on, and it rebuts any contrary ones they take and lies low any refusal to acknowledge their original opinion. In short, law of averages.

What, you didn't think I paid any attention to that stuff?
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The reason you are totally and completely wrong is that states can't ever be allowed to dictate over the choices of individuals.
State has no standing about whether or not a woman wants to allow a fetus to be delivered from HER body.
Voters in states get NO choice in what a woman decides.
That would be a dictatorship.
In a republic, each person makes their own choices over their medical procedures.

So allowing the people in a state to vote on a law is a "dictatorship?"

Really? Are you this stupid?
For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.

But since you accused me of not reading the post (even though I did), Coyote, here we go:

"This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men."

This very sentence here leaves one to surmise that she means ALL women, especially the part where she stated "there are 8 million more women voters" than men.

Really? Doesn't that suggest to the reader that every woman in the country will vote this one way in response to Roe getting potentially overturned?

She overstates her case and is woefully oblivious to other women who don't think the same as her.
But since you accused me of not reading the post (even though I did), Coyote, here we go:

"This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men."

This very sentence here leaves one to surmise that she means ALL women, especially the part where she stated "there are 8 million more women voters" than men.

Really? Doesn't that suggest to the reader that every woman in the country will vote this one way in response to Roe getting potentially overturned?

She overstates her case and is woefully oblivious to other women who don't think the same as her.
Yes there are two sides to this issue two solutions for two different people and it has nothing to do with the law or morality.
Yes there are two sides to this issue two solutions for two different people and it has nothing to do with the law or morality.
It's always nice to have choices. That's one of the best principles of freedom.

Wow, Alito wants a return to the Dark Ages. Does he think those were the good ole days? Welcome to Christian Taliban Sharia Law.
View attachment 641511

Wow, Alito wants a return to the Dark Ages. Does he think those were the good ole days? Welcome to Christian Taliban Sharia Law.
All this goes back to tribal religious beliefs. It codified women as property and reproductive machines. Unfortunately Christianity didn't change any of that.
But since you accused me of not reading the post (even though I did), Coyote, here we go:

"This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men."

This very sentence here leaves one to surmise that she means ALL women, especially the part where she stated "there are 8 million more women voters" than men.

Really? Doesn't that suggest to the reader that every woman in the country will vote this one way in response to Roe getting potentially overturned?

She overstates her case and is woefully oblivious to other women who don't think the same as her.
If I were a woman I would take all the necessary precautions to not get pregnant if I didn't want to become pregnant but you're doing all that didn't work and /or I wanted to become pregnant but found out that the fetus was terribly malformed and didn't have much of a chance of viability I would definitely have an abortion. I'd like to see less abortions, but the individual woman has to make that choice for herself that has to remain her right otherwise she's the second class citizen not even in control of her own body.
Alito isn't interested in a return to the dark ages. The draft opinion doesn't even suggest that abortion be banned. It correctly points out that the Roe decision was unconstitutional. It is. The correct decision is the one that puts the burden of this decision on the states. Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg recognized that the Roe case was badly decided.

Even with all that, the case might have stood had the Casey decision not overruled it, in part. The ruling in the Casey court held that the old rules of when an abortion could be administered no longer applied. The new standard was undue burden. If the pregnancy and birth resulted in an undue burden, however slight, on the mother, abortion was legal up to the point of birth. Since Casey we have had horrible interpretations questioning whether two year old children could be the subject of a post birth abortion. This horrified most people and justifies going back to 1973 and undoing it all. Let the voters decide.
Alito isn't interested in a return to the dark ages. The draft opinion doesn't even suggest that abortion be banned. It correctly points out that the Roe decision was unconstitutional. It is. The correct decision is the one that puts the burden of this decision on the states. Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg recognized that the Roe case was badly decided.

Even with all that, the case might have stood had the Casey decision not overruled it, in part. The ruling in the Casey court held that the old rules of when an abortion could be administered no longer applied. The new standard was undue burden. If the pregnancy and birth resulted in an undue burden, however slight, on the mother, abortion was legal up to the point of birth. Since Casey we have had horrible interpretations questioning whether two year old children could be the subject of a post birth abortion. This horrified most people and justifies going back to 1973 and undoing it all. Let the voters decide.
The United States of America with 50 variations on abortion laws. Just what we needed something else to divide us.
Yep. Just like gun laws. No matter how you might wish it, there is no common ground in abortion. Actually, there is no common ground among the warring factions in this country at all.
I better solution would be to say it's a medical issue between a woman and her doctor and forbid any laws regulating it.
I better solution would be to say it's a medical issue between a woman and her doctor and forbid any laws regulating it.

That would be extremely foolish, and ludicrous.

No laws regulating abortion would essentially mean unrestricted abortion, at any point during a pregnancy.

Say, the woman decides her labor pains aren't worth it and makes the choice to abort the child before it is imminently born. No. There need to be laws regulating abortion. Period.
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I better solution would be to say it's a medical issue between a woman and her doctor and forbid any laws regulating it.
We tried that. It resulted in wackos deciding if two year olds were too much of a burden and should be executed.
That would be extremely foolish, and ludicrous.

No laws regulating abortion would essentially mean unrestricted abortion, at any point during a pregnancy.

Say, the woman decides her labor pains aren't worth it and makes the choice to abort the child before it is imminently born. No. There need to be laws regulating abortion. Period.
Or after it's born.

So much for women making an agonizing decision, just her and her doctor.

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