Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

well stann...i know you don't see this but these men you say have no respect for life?....they protect their wives and children and the weak and innocent. They protect them with gun Stann. And then when necessary they go to war to protect all that and the nation with a gun Stann becuause it would be stupid to go to war with a water pistol...oh wait...that's banned. .....why....that's almost like not having any control over what you do with your body now isn't it. They want those guns to protect their families otherwise your radical leftist terrorists invade their homes and kill their wives and children and pets, and burn their homes and businesses. They need that death penalty to stop certain bad men from raping their wives and children...and pets. Now perhaps you don't care about that....heh Stann? Do you think that maybe some people don't deserve to live among decent hardworking people? Like just recently where a leftist DA released an illegal rapist and he went right out and did it again because he knew he could get away with it. you almost looks like the left has intentionally put Americans in harms way intentionally with illegals and radical leftist crazies. What would stop the rioting, protesting, burning home invasisons, rapings and killings...the FIB? The local police? have to be ready yourself to defend your family because when seconds count, the police are minutes away...or not at all.
I was your young man when the draft was still in place. I got a very high number and I probably would have never had to serve, but I joined anyway. We were fighting the Vietnam war, fighting for people's rights. I can't imagine any right more important than woman's reproductive Rights.
How does anyone accuse the right of having no respect for life when it is the left that promotes and supports the killing of the unborn even after birth. Leftist Planned Butcherhood was shown to be harvesting organs of Born alive infants slated for abortion and they killed them when harvesting their organs.....The unborn are innocent helpless humans. Those on death row are not innocent...they are rapists and murderers. There is no comparison.
What far right horror film have you watched now ? You need to stop that, it's going to rot your brain completely.
How does anyone accuse the right of having no respect for life when it is the left that promotes and supports the killing of the unborn even after birth. Leftist Planned Butcherhood was shown to be harvesting organs of Born alive infants slated for abortion and they killed them when harvesting their organs.....The unborn are innocent helpless humans. Those on death row are not innocent...they are rapists and murderers. There is no comparison.
How many have you adopted, again?

Wait,that's right: zero.
stann said:
I was your young man when the draft was still in place. I got a very high number and I probably would have never had to serve, but I joined anyway. We were fighting the Vietnam war, fighting for people's rights. I can't imagine any right more important than woman's reproductive Rights.

well do ya THINK stann that she might consider keeping her legs closed or perhaps USING BIRTH CONTROL?? rather than exercising her most important reproductive right of killing her own unborn babe??
stann said:
What far right horror film have you watched now ? You need to stop that, it's going to rot your brain completely.
YOU DOUBT what i just told you about PP?? WHERE do you people stay during the day?? in a closed coffin??

I was your young man when the draft was still in place. I got a very high number and I probably would have never had to serve, but I joined anyway. We were fighting the Vietnam war, fighting for people's rights. I can't imagine any right more important than woman's reproductive Rights.
And you cooked your brain on LSD and screwed up your kids. Lol
well do ya THINK stann that she might consider keeping her legs closed or perhaps USING BIRTH CONTROL?? rather than exercising her most important reproductive right of killing her own unborn babe??
Oh, it's all her fault I understand, you think they're all people that don't care and have no sense at all. You're right about a few of them, but not all of them. Judge not, lest you be judged.
Yet you feign a caring attitude about this issue. Another obvious joke and not a good one.
Im calling you a barbsruan for supporting a law with over 62 million abortions.

Our states are saying enough. Not here.
Jarlaxle said:
How many have you adopted, again?

Wait,that's right: zero.

how can anyone adopt an aborted baby? providing adoption services would cost Planned Butcherhood $$$$.
Stann said:
Oh, it's all her fault I understand, you think they're all people that don't care and have no sense at all. You're right about a few of them, but not all of them. Judge not, lest you be judged.

that's not judging Stann...that's a suggestion. One i noticed you don't want to touch. I feel pity for young women who are talked into abortions and then regret it for the rest of their lives. That can't be fixed. All one can do is to repent and ask God's forgiveness...>but the women who brag about it, push it as a solution to other naive women (perhaps they think it lessens their own murderous character) are hellish in my opinion.
And you cooked your brain on LSD and screwed up your kids. Lol
At 12 years old I made a comprehensive Life plan. It did not include a wife and it did not include children. By the way it didn't include drugs either. I kept those promises to myself. I've had a very full and satisfying life. My imprint on this world is negligible. In fact, in my lifetime I probably planted an entire Forest. Making my existence a plus for this world. I hope you didn't screw up your kids or do too many drugs and above all I hope you did something to help this world. If you have children they deserve to have a better world one they can thrive in not one they simply survive in. This life can be wonderful, or it can be turned into a nightmare. Every little change affects the outcome.
Stann...talking about judgement. You are okay with pronouncing the judgement of death on an unborn infant. you are heartless Stann yet you think you are morally superior.

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
At 12 years old I made a comprehensive Life plan. It did not include a wife and it did not include children. By the way it didn't include drugs either. I kept those promises to myself. I've had a very full and satisfying life. My imprint on this world is negligible. In fact, in my lifetime I probably planted an entire Forest. Making my existence a plus for this world. I hope you didn't screw up your kids or do too many drugs and above all I hope you did something to help this world. If you have children they deserve to have a better world one they can thrive in not one they simply survive in. This life can be wonderful, or it can be turned into a nightmare. Every little change affects the outcome.
Well good for you. You are a legend in your own mind. I dont care.
that's not judging Stann...that's a suggestion. One i noticed you don't want to touch. I feel pity for young women who are talked into abortions and then regret it for the rest of their lives. That can't be fixed. All one can do is to repent and ask God's forgiveness...>but the women who brag about it, push it as a solution to other naive women (perhaps they think it lessens their own murderous character) are hellish in my opinion.
I'll put it more bluntly then, lumping all the women who want and / or need abortions into one group, basically calling them s**** is more correctly called bigotry.
STann said:
I'll put it more bluntly then, lumping all the women who want and / or need abortions into one group, basically calling them s**** is more correctly called bigotry.

does it depend on the degree? baby killer wouldn't be bigotry then would would definitely be the truth.
Stann...talking about judgement. You are okay with pronouncing the judgement of death on an unborn infant. you are heartless Stann yet you think you are morally superior.

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
Saying abortion is murder, abortion ends of child life, those are judgments. I see you're quoting the Bible. The origins of the Christian religion are tribal. That list of abominations, was basically a list of rules that the tribal members were required to abide by. The goal was to make a stronger tribe therefore pregnancy was encouraged, especially pregnancies that resulted in male births. Homosexuality, adultery, sex outside of marriage, even masturbation ( wasting seed ) were forbidden. They never said life are sacred though, unless it was their own, you know the chosen people. But they didn't care much about outsiders, they loved committing genocide, that included men women and children, even pregnant women; in at least one case they slaughtered all the other tribe's animals because their tribal God told them they were unclean. What could an animal do to make them unclean ? They didn't give much thought to that one. At any rate what I'm saying is a recent development, this sanctity of Life thing. If I could pinpoint when it's exactly started it would be the early 19th century Holiness Methodism.
The pro-life campaign carefully chose its words calling a fetus a baby to encourage a strong emotional response. Attempting to discredit planned Parenthood by staging a false undercover scheme. Kidding people against people they don't even know or care about. Demonizing abortion clinics. If you believe all these evil Acts can bring about a good result you are mistaken. Everyone will regret if row and Wade is repealed.
Er let's walk back this BS "Demonizing abortion clinics" charge as to who is the damn demon. Are you absolutely certain that using abortion instead of abstaining from sex until marriage does not deserve a second glance? That a mother who uses her fifteenth abortion rather than contraceptives is above demonic behavior? Should we just stfu when one of our daughter's best friends terminated her pregnancy so she could snag a better partner from the marriage she would like to break up? No demons in that one? lol

But anyone who opposes the abusive and pain-filled extinction of a future American citizen is considered in your book a "demon"? Izzat so? I have a hunch you never want to grow up. You're thinking conscientious humans who love children one and all are Demons? I'm staggered, indeed. :rolleyes-41:

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