Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Adopt? I'm not the one demanding the birth of unwanted children.

Oh, are you still hanging around issuing challenges you don't have the stones to actually back up? Okay, I remain ready for you to carry the fight you pretend to want to me, if you're finally up to it.

You want to challenge someone about taking care of the children you want to kill? You challenge ME, no one else. Are you ready, or do you need to go change your pissed-in frillies again?
Nobody’s forcing anyone to continue a pregnancy. You people are acting as if the Supreme Court is going to ban abortion. It will still be wildly available, albeit not as convenient for some.
Weaning these people off of the government teet is almost impossible. They have realized a federal government power that has been used to force the will of the people to break on various issues.

They feel as if they can't survive without the federal government forcing compliance for them on many unpopular issues in which they choose to engage in, and want everyone else to either support without any regards whatsoever to their cult or ya gonna pay a price by way of a government jack boot on your neck.
What is actually more important at this time, since a final decision has not been revealed, is that pro-abortion savages are threatening the lives of the justices if they don’t yield to liberals’ demands.
Remember when pro-life people were murdering abortion clinic personnel. Or are they still doing that ?
You wish. I understand roe versus Wade might be repealed. But it's not set in stone yet. The justices have time to think about what they're doing and if they really gave it a lot of thought they'd come to a very different conclusion.
Aka your side is doxxing them hoping to scare them into keeping Roe v Wade.

Tactics of terrorism.All for the right to use abortion as birth gontrol. And it doesnt even ban it.

You are a barbarian
Ok. Your point?
This is a can of worms no one should be opening. If it happens after a few years the people in this nation are going to be even crazier than they are now and demanding to go back to some sensibility about this issue.
Oh, are you still hanging around issuing challenges you don't have the stones to actually back up? Okay, I remain ready for you to carry the fight you pretend to want to me, if you're finally up to it.

You want to challenge someone about taking care of the children you want to kill? You challenge ME, no one else. Are you ready, or do you need to go change your pissed-in frillies again?
I'm sorry, are you still jumping up and down and screeching?
How about the states that have imposed Nazi laws that were you spy on your neighbor and get rewarded if you turn them in for having an abortion. Those are really sick laws.
Oh right….I remember. That leftist mayor in NYC was asking his followers to report people not wearing masks to “enforcers.” That’s why I will never in NYC. Can‘t stand their leftist nonsense.
Aka your side is doxxing them hoping to scare them into keeping Roe v Wade.

Tactics of terrorism.All for the right to use abortion as birth gontrol. And it doesnt even ban it.

You are a barbarian
LOL. I guarantee you, you are more of a barbarian than I am I am not making personal attacks on anyone here. When I condemn, I'm condemning the pro-life movement. This issue doesn't even affect me. I just feel sorry for all the women who are going to be victimized by this.
Weaning these people off of the government teet is almost impossible. They have realized a federal government power that has been used to force the will of the people to break on various issues.

They feel as if they can't survive without the federal government forcing compliance for them on many unpopular issues in which they choose to engage in, and want everyone else to either support without any regards whatsoever to their cult or ya gonna pay a price by way of a government jack boot on your neck.
They cant handle it when people fight back. Trump made them lose their minds. Now they see their controll slipping.

Twitter. Free Speach and they create a new govt agency headed by a Liar. They are Pathetic
I don't like me pointing out your hypocrisy.

I understand. Your script only gave you one line, and all you can do is repeat it because your masters didn't tell you what to say when someone had an answer.

Once again for those who have their fingers in their ears: I have TWO of the children you say pro-lifers don't care about. Where's this "hypocrisy" you thought was an unanswerable victory for you?

Go ahead. Blindly parrot about "hypocrisy! Hypocrisy!" at me again. I'm sure we'll all enjoy laughing at your frantic incoherence.
Oh right….I remember. That leftist mayor in NYC was asking his followers to report people not wearing masks to “enforcers.” That’s why I will never in NYC. Can‘t stand their leftist nonsense.
You can't compare a virus that affects us all and a public health issue with a woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. There is no comparison.
They cant handle it when people fight back. Trump made them lose their minds. Now they see their controll slipping.

Twitter. Free Speach and they create a new govt agency headed by a Liar. They are Pathetic
You're close, trump is certainly losing his mind.
LOL. I guarantee you, you are more of a barbarian than I am I am not making personal attacks on anyone here. When I condemn, I'm condemning the pro-life movement. This issue doesn't even affect me. I just feel sorry for all the women who are going to be victimized by this.
I dont give a shit what you think. Its that simple. Ststes rights are being restored by states who dont give a rip if you are offended
LOL. I guarantee you, you are more of a barbarian than I am I am not making personal attacks on anyone here. When I condemn, I'm condemning the pro-life movement. This issue doesn't even affect me. I just feel sorry for all the women who are going to be victimized by this.
I feel sorry for the babies aborted in month 5 and later, limb by limb. Or worse, the babies delivered alive and left to die - AKA a post-birth abortion.
I understand. Your script only gave you one line, and all you can do is repeat it because your masters didn't tell you what to say when someone had an answer.

Once again for those who have their fingers in their ears: I have TWO of the children you say pro-lifers don't care about. Where's this "hypocrisy" you thought was an unanswerable victory for you?

Go ahead. Blindly parrot about "hypocrisy! Hypocrisy!" at me again. I'm sure we'll all enjoy laughing at your frantic incoherence.
You could have adopted more. You didn't.
You can't compare a virus that affects us all and a public health issue with a woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. There is no comparison.
Lol. Adults right to take a jab. But side pushed to be just like Canada and failed. Not the same as a baby with no voice.
I'm sorry, are you still jumping up and down and screeching?

No, I'm still standing here, watching you scurry around like the cornered rat you are, desperately hoping for a hole in the baseboard to hide in.

Either follow through on the challenge you threw out, or admit you're a coward who only offers a fight when you won't have to back it up.

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