Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

The supreme Court needs to develop the balls to tell you people it's none of your business.

The Supreme Court needs to develop the ba...

Wait, did you just tell Justice Barrett, a woman, to grow a pair of balls?

Please stop, I'm laughing here.

What the Supreme Court needs to do is rule on the Constitution, not on your feelings.
I said from the very beginning laws restricting abortion have no place in our nation. An abortion is a medical procedure and it should be kept between the woman and her doctor a significant other or husband can also be included in that mix when it occurs. All other parties have no rights in the decision. And I just mentioned one extreme case, there are thousands of reasons to have an abortion. There's only one good reason to have a child and that's because you want one and you love it. This is my final answer and eventually the courts will see the wisdom of the decision it's not in their jurisdiction it's not in anyone's jurisdiction except the parties involved.
Our. Only our if we agree huh.

We dont agree and it appears the courts will be with us.

Will not affect you in blue shitholes

all of your arguments can also be used in relation to the pre born.

a pre born baby is 100% human. if you use consciousness, self awareness or sentience as proofs of humanity, you will lose that argument every single time as there are millions upon millions of people living in america today who pass none of those tests.

unless the life of the mother is literally at risk (and that instance is exceedingly rare: 17.4/100,000 births) all abortion is birth control of convenience.
"Second is that NO one human body ever gets to dictate medical choices of another, and the fetus has no authority over the mother at all, in any way."

Got that covered! We're not funding other people's damned abortions. They have to pay for it themselves. RESOLVED!!!!

And I thank you, sir or madam.
Emotion. Like so.
The pro-life campaign carefully chose its words calling a fetus a baby to encourage a strong emotional response. Attempting to discredit planned Parenthood by staging a false undercover scheme. Kidding people against people they don't even know or care about. Demonizing abortion clinics. If you believe all these evil Acts can bring about a good result you are mistaken. Everyone will regret if row and Wade is repealed.
Our. Only our if we agree huh.

We dont agree and it appears the courts will be with us.

Will not affect you in blue shitholes
You still have a right to your opinion but it shouldn't be made law it's ridiculous. Moral laws that tell other people what they can and can't do. There's no place for them in a free Nation. If you don't want to be part of a free Nation move to Russia or Iran I'm sure abortion is not allowed there that's what dictatorships do they control every aspect of people's lives.
The Supreme Court needs to develop the ba...

Wait, did you just tell Justice Barrett, a woman, to grow a pair of balls?

Please stop, I'm laughing here.

What the Supreme Court needs to do is rule on the Constitution, not on your feelings.
You know what I mean, these judges are lying themselves to be squeezed by you people into doing something that they shouldn't be doing in the first place. Abortion laws have no place in a free society they shouldn't exist at all.
You still have a right to your opinion but it shouldn't be made law it's ridiculous. Moral laws that tell other people what they can and can't do. There's no place for them in a free Nation. If you don't want to be part of a free Nation move to Russia or Iran I'm sure abortion is not allowed there that's what dictatorships do they control every aspect of people's lives.
You reference a free nation, but then suggest anyone who doesn't agree with your version of a free nation should move to Russia. Perhaps someone's idea of a free nation is the ability to have their own state be able to decide what things it will and will not allow, rather than the federal government forcing them to do what it wants.
You know what I mean, these judges are lying themselves to be squeezed by you people into doing something that they shouldn't be doing in the first place. Abortion laws have no place in a free society they shouldn't exist at all.
What the supreme court shouldn't have done was rule in favor a roe in the first place. It wasn't an authority they possessed.

Abortion laws have no place in a free society they shouldn't exist at all.

You say that, while the house is current trying to codify abortion into law, and.if they do, you'll cheer it.
You reference a free nation, but then suggest anyone who doesn't agree with your version of a free nation should move to Russia. Perhaps someone's idea of a free nation is the ability to have their own state be able to decide what things it will and will not allow, rather than the federal government forcing them to do what it wants.
You don't get it. I know you're not that dance you just don't want to get it. Roe versus Wade gave everybody what they wanted or needed. Those who didn't want to have an abortion didn't have to have one those who need it or wanted one could have one. That's how it should be. On the side issue I saw people saying this isn't part of our rights well so I looked up abortion during the colonial days and it was a very well known fact that women needing or wanting abortions at that time went to other women who knew herbology and were helped by them. This news was widespread and readily open to anyone that needed this. The founding fathers never addressed abortion because it was a non-issue back then. Overzealous pro-life advocates have played on people's emotions making them all think that they're going to do some good by stopping abortions when nothing could be further from the truth. In the future I hope abortion numbers and information is kept confidential like other patient information is. Too much knowledge in this area creates a problem for some of the population obviously otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion over and over again.
Extreme examples the right the far right is really good at that, remember when they set up planned Parenthood to try to make it look like they were selling body parts. Right, there are extremists on both sides of the issue. Middle ground is always the answer and that's what Roe versus Wade was. No one was forced to have an abortion, and those who needed one got them. Everyone should have been happy.

No, I don't remember anyone "setting up" Planned Parenthood. I remember them getting caught out by an investigative journalist and all their minions swinging into action to try to excuse it away.

Roe v. Wade was not "middle ground" to anyone except those who were getting everything they wanted, exactly the way they wanted. In the sane world, that's not called "middle ground". The first place you went wrong was when you ASSumed that "middle ground" can ever be defined by just one side. "No one was forced to have an abortion": is that your idea of a concession to the pro-lifers? "You don't get anything you actually want, but we'll 'generously' prohibit something you weren't worried about in the first place, and in exchange we get everything we want. That should make you happy."

One definition of "extremist" would be "someone who thinks a compromise involves telling opponents how lucky they are to concede everything."

REAL middle ground would be what overturning Roe v. Wade will accomplish: everyone having a say in what the laws of their state will be, and everyone having the freedom to move somewhere that suits them better if they don't agree with the majority of their neighbors. The exact same middle ground America has on many issues, and is supposed to have on most issues. Coincidentally, this is the same middle ground that the left fights tooth and nail to do away with on increasing numbers of issues.
I said from the very beginning laws restricting abortion have no place in our nation. An abortion is a medical procedure and it should be kept between the woman and her doctor a significant other or husband can also be included in that mix when it occurs. All other parties have no rights in the decision. And I just mentioned one extreme case, there are thousands of reasons to have an abortion. There's only one good reason to have a child and that's because you want one and you love it. This is my final answer and eventually the courts will see the wisdom of the decision it's not in their jurisdiction it's not in anyone's jurisdiction except the parties involved.

So basically, you're not arguing in good faith. Your blatant attempt at manipulation by whining about, "12-year-old girl!" is summarily dismissed, since you've admitted that you don't really give a fuck about her; she's just a human shield to hide what you really want.

If what you want to argue for is, "Abortion any time, for any reason!" then do so. Don't waste my time with dishonest arguments about sob stories again.

And no, I didn't dignify the rest of your post with my time after you admitted that you were bullshitting.
I realize you think you won everyone loses if roe versus wade goes to the wayside. No one wins. The supreme Court needs to develop the balls to tell you people it's none of your business. We need a federal law making any and all abortion laws illegal. It will happen when people come to their senses and stop making it an emotional issue.

Then take your tyranny-aspiring ass out and make the case to your fellow voters and to Congress. Stop trying to force your preferences on the rest of us by judicial fiat and demands for us to shut up and be happy with what you tell us to.

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