Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

This also shows how damaging it is to have a leftist leak a pending ruling - and why these things are secret until a decision is final. The upcoming decisions of the SCOTUS arenā€™t supposed to be changed because losers intimidate or threaten violence against the justices.

So where is the president on this? He sure had plenty of contempt and scolding for those of us who are guilty of nothing more than supporting the other candidate - weā€™re the most dangerous extremists apparently - and plenty to say when the jury acquitted an innocent whitey - and yet, he canā€™t get on the blow horn and say the leftists intimidating the justices is despicable?

Or, for that matter, what about the senator who threatened violence of the SCOTUS doesnā€™t cave to leftist demands? Why isnā€™t the president out there defending the sanctity of the Supreme Court, and saying that threats of violence will not be tolerated?

Answer: Biden is an empty-headed demented fool who is being manipulated by the anti-American Marxists trying to destroy this country.
I went out and bought a fire extinguisher and a Viking Suit. Dont tell DHS where im at. Im a domestic terrorist.

Oh and I plan on taking selfies too but dont tell them.

Oh.... Where were we at. DNC basically being Peaceful saying go kill Scotus.
You're spewing lies. You know they are lies, yet they are all you know.

Justice isn't dead in a society if it fails to carry out your version of it.

Justice is blind. When you take the blindfold off of justice, it becomes revenge.
You are hitting the nail on the head on so many of your posts, I didnā€™t know which one to respond to.

But youā€™ve sure got it pegged with the above leftist regarding his claim that if Roe v Wade is overturned, ā€œjustice is dead.ā€ Anytime these petulant and violent children donā€™t get their way, they claim that justice is dead. NO, itā€™s the opposite here: if the leftists succeed in threatening and intimidating to rule in violation of the Constitution, THEN justice will be dead.

And the people intent on destroying this country are dangerously close. They succeeded via unethical means, at best, of installing a puppet president to do their biddingā€¦..theyā€™ve already succeeded in hijacking Congress to the radical leftā€¦.and now they are going about destroying the sanctity of upcoming SCOTUS decisions, and in doing so, destroying the very essence of the Supreme Court.

Our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.
I agree, but that is not what I'm referring to. I am talking about men and women who choose to have unprotected sex which results in a pregnancy. I know what you're doing right now, so you can cease with the theatrics.
Leftists always come up with extreme examples to make their case. In the above, itā€™s easy enough to answer: states will make exceptions for rape.

But for adult women who make a voluntary choice to engage in unprotected sex, they know the risk. And if theyā€™ve done so, thereā€™s always the morning after pill.

Unwanted pregnancies will drop by half, at least, when consenting adults in states with restrictive abortion laws decide to do the nasty. Theyā€™ll be more responsible, knowing the consequences, and use birth control.

And for those who donā€™t, or for those who had a rare instance of birth control failure, then they can still likely choose an abortion, but theyā€™ll have to decide quickly, or if they delay, they can take the Greyhound to an abortion state. if theyā€™re poor, PP will have a transportation fund all set up.
Not everyone has a privilege life or even a decent life. One case in particular in Texas just before the thank God just before the stupid abortion law in Texas started. A 12-year-old girl was repeatedly raped by her father and kept in solitude in the house. She didn't even know she was pregnant she didn't know how she got pregnant but she was thank God they were able to do an abortion on her. If the Texas law had been in effect she would have been forced to carry that obviously deformed child to term a 12-year-old child no you can't make blanket laws that controlling abortion is way too many exceptions in cases that if you look at the graph most abortions occur before 6 weeks and that's great because there's nothing there to speak of. And there are very few late term abortions most of those are when the mother a married woman finds out she's carrying a totally a child with multiple problems let's put it that way that wouldn't probably survive anyway they have abortions too you're trying to take that away from them I'm sorry this is sick it should never be a blanket log against abortion if you want to have a review committee on each case go ahead but you're interfering with a woman's reproductive Rights they're making them second class citizens there's no way around that you can't be a first class citizen if you don't even have control over your body that's what's insane about all this we're America where we and Republicans are supposed to be supporting people's freedoms but they want to take them away from women that's insane.
So you come up with a rare case, and that means all states have to allow abortions upon demand, at any point, to millions of women - even states where the majority of voters donā€™t want it?

Itā€˜s up to the voters of each state to decide how their laws will be set. In the case of the rape victim, I expect all states will have exceptions for that. For those who donā€™t, there will still be abortions wildly available throughout the country.
Leftists always come up with extreme examples to make their case. In the above, itā€™s easy enough to answer: states will make exceptions for rape.
They LIE...........stann............YOU ARE A PRAVDA LIAR.


Yet nearly five decades later, medicine has advanced to a point where a man and woman can stop a pregnancy before it starts. Condoms, contraceptives.

Does a woman need to abort a child to feel like she has any rights? If so, that's a most barbaric way of thinking.
Theyā€™ve always has condoms. Itā€™s the least scientific and medically advanced form of birth control there is.

And even at the time of Roe v Wade, they had the Pill.

Roe v Wade was the wrong decision 50 years ago, given the availability of birth control even then. But I get your point - BC has advanced even more over the past five decades, so thereā€™s even less of an excuse for an unplanned pregnancy now.
Your argument is invalid.

When Psaki refers us to Biden's answers...

That means even candidates who support no restrictions on abortions, thus "Abortion on Demand."

We are done here.

It SHOULD BE LEFT UP TO A DOCTOR NOT POLITICIANS you nitwit. What donā€™t you understand? You canā€™t legislate every medical condition. Just cuz you are a nazi who wants to live in the world created by Handmaidens Tale you can fuck off.

Jen is spot on. No legal restrictions. Doctors and the patient are the decision makers. Not you Nazis.
It SHOULD BE LEFT UP TO A DOCTOR NOT POLITICIANS you nitwit. What donā€™t you understand? You canā€™t legislate every medical condition. Just cuz you are a nazi who wants to live in the world created by Handmaidens Tale you can fuck off.

Jen is spot on. No legal restrictions. Doctors and the patient are the decision makers. Not you Nazis.

Here it is.


It SHOULD BE LEFT UP TO A DOCTOR NOT POLITICIANS you nitwit. What donā€™t you understand? You canā€™t legislate every medical condition. Just cuz you are a nazi who wants to live in the world created by Handmaidens Tale you can fuck off.

Jen is spot on. No legal restrictions. Doctors and the patient are the decision makers. Not you Nazis.
States donā€™t have to take away that right
No, they don't, and one asks why they are doing so?

Personal freedom guaranteed by established law for half a century, reflective of the progress that has been made in other advanced nations, is being snatched away by authoritarians, and their statist fanaticism is ravaging our liberty.

Many Americans assumed that the progress, reflective of that throughout advanced nations, that had been established law for half a century in the U.S., was sacrosanct, and yet it appears that invasive and intrusive statists are hellbent upon retrogressing. There is no reason that freedom-loving Americans should trust them. They are determined to further erode a woman's rights by confiscating private mail:

Reproductive choices are private, personal matters, best made by the woman herself, in consultation with her loved ones and medical and spiritual advisers whom she trusts, not arrogated by impersonal politicians issuing blanket their decrees.
Iā€™ve never had an abortion but itā€™s no lie.
The misogyny and hatred of women is at the root of our post. You donā€™t care about these children at all. You just want to abuse poor women who have few choices.
The Ministry of Truth flagged your post as disinformation.
No, they don't, and one asks why they are doing so?

Personal freedom guaranteed by established law for half a century, reflective of the progress that has been made in other advanced nations, is being snatched away by authoritarians, and their statist fanaticism is ravaging our liberty.

Many Americans assumed that the progress, reflective of that throughout advanced nations, that had been established law for half a century in the U.S., was sacrosanct, and yet it appears that invasive and intrusive statists are hellbent upon retrogressing. There is no reason that freedom-loving Americans should trust them. They are determined to further erode a woman's rights by confiscating private mail:

Reproductive choices are private, personal matters, best made by the woman herself, in consultation with her loved ones and medical and spiritual advisers whom she trusts, not arrogated by impersonal politicians issuing blanket their decrees.
They are doing so because the voters want it. Duh.
For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.
Doing the right thing on the part of Republicans will ultimately bring a lot of people back to serving other people with love in their hearts. It's that simple.
First of all, although I am far left, liberal, progressive, I am totally against masks and vax for covid.
Second is that NO one human body ever gets to dictate medical choices of another, and the fetus has no authority over the mother at all, in any way.
If some stranger wanted and needed something like a blood transfusion in order to survive, no one can be forced to give it.
Similarly, a fetus has no say over the woman's body at all, in any way.
And no, a fetus is not at all a human being, as it is not conscious, self aware, or sentient.

You have a right to your own ethical beliefs, but only over what you do, not anyone else.
all of your arguments can also be used in relation to the pre born.

a pre born baby is 100% human. if you use consciousness, self awareness or sentience as proofs of humanity, you will lose that argument every single time as there are millions upon millions of people living in america today who pass none of those tests.

unless the life of the mother is literally at risk (and that instance is exceedingly rare: 17.4/100,000 births) all abortion is birth control of convenience.
All sperm and ovum have "gestational viability", but no one has any rights over the body of the woman except the woman.
Legislation is NOT the source of rights or abstract law.
Rights are inherent and no one could ever make a fetus supreme over the choice of the woman.
allowing the pre born a chance at actually being born is in no way putting his/her rights over the woman. it is simply not allowing the woman to murder another human.
The legislation is wrong.
Government has zero legal authority over any choice a woman may make with here own medical procedures, ever.
that is correct. a woman can do whatever she wants with her own personal medical procedures. the very second her "choice" becomes one to do harm to another human body is where her bodily autonomy ends.
Your reasoning is off. Women exist, women are citizens, they should be protected by our laws not harmed by them. And especially they are not supposed to be made second class citizens not even having control over their own bodies and reproductive functions that's a crime I'm not talking about Justice here I'm saying this is a crime. The most a human embryo can be is property of that woman.

Oh, NOW women exist. Could swear we've been hearing for months that it's a meaningless word and category, with nothing special attaching to it and no particular recognition or protection needed.

I'm getting whiplash from how quickly the narrative keeps changing.
I hope to God you're not talking about the 12 year old child in Texas that was repeatedly raped by her father and became pregnant. That's a super example of winning abortion is needed.

So if we were willing to stipulate that we're willing to allow abortions for 12-year-olds raped by their fathers and other such extreme cases, would you be willing to restrict all other abortions?
No one ever has any interests in forcing moral standards on anyone else.
The ONLY time government has any legal authority is when what someone else does effect YOU, and that is not the case with abortion.
With abortion you are attempting to interfere with something between 2 others where you have zero standing and should stay out of it.

Moral standards can not and should not ever be forced.
They are only to be explained, and let people decide for themselves.
Anything else is fascist and dictatorial.
this statement is just so incorrect. there are scores of examples of the government having legal authority over the "other" they can exert authority over murder, rape, incest, child abuse, child neglect etc.. even if it does not effect "you"

why do you think there is a department of child protection? it is simply the government exerting authority on the behalf of children.

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