Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I've heard Democrats call women who are Pro-Life all kinds of terrible names, even questioning their very womanhood because they made the wrong choice with their bodies. Your point? Politics these days is full of petulant, mewling children on both sides who stamp and cry instead of looking to compromise on issues they mutually agree on.

We do. That's why we fight to protect it at every stage in development. You wish to exterminate it as a matter of convenience, not of necessity. You are the ones who have no respect for life. We understand abortion can sometimes be medically necessary, but in those cases where it isn't and where contraceptive measures are not taken before intercourse, the life should be protected.

Your respect for life only extends to children the women wish to have, as opposed to the established science that says life begins when the egg is fertilized and transforms into a zygote.

There's a way around all of this. Contraception. Make sure there is no child to abort in the first place.
Maybe you've let a perfect life but few people have, most people make the mistakes, some more than most. Life is messy, always has been, always will be. You think you are solving a problem. You are not you are creating many, many more. I am certain you will live to regret this.
Changing the law has no effect. It gives states (and their citizens) the choice of whether or not to allow or restrict abortion.

The freedom of choice is something liberals like you preach about, is it not?

Let democracy run its course. That is the most American, Christian, and human thing to do.
Christians had Trump rigged the courts with planted people that were liars. I think Justice in America is dead. Judges are supposed to be neutral to political issues, and this is totally political.
Maybe you've let a perfect life but few people have, most people make the mistakes, some more than most.

It's not hard to plan for the future. There is no need to justify killing children in the womb because some people are 'prone to mistakes.'
You are not you are creating many, many more. I am certain you will live to regret this.

Hardly. My grandmother worked at UGA as a secretary, and she had to counsel many co-eds who were traumatized by their choice to have an abortion.

Sometimes two mistakes are made, not just one. Conceiving a child and aborting the child.
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Christians had Trump rigged the courts with planted people that were liars.

You're spewing lies. You know they are lies, yet they are all you know.

I think Justice in America is dead.

Justice isn't dead in a society if it fails to carry out your version of it.

Justice is blind. When you take the blindfold off of justice, it becomes revenge.
It's not hard to plan for the future. There is no need to justify killing children in the womb because some people are 'prone to mistakes."

Hardly. My grandmother worked at UGA as a secretary, and she had to counsel many co-eds who were traumatized by their choice to have an abortion.

Sometimes two mistakes are made, not just one. Conceiving a child and aborting the child.
Not everyone has a privilege life or even a decent life. One case in particular in Texas just before the thank God just before the stupid abortion law in Texas started. A 12-year-old girl was repeatedly raped by her father and kept in solitude in the house. She didn't even know she was pregnant she didn't know how she got pregnant but she was thank God they were able to do an abortion on her. If the Texas law had been in effect she would have been forced to carry that obviously deformed child to term a 12-year-old child no you can't make blanket laws that controlling abortion is way too many exceptions in cases that if you look at the graph most abortions occur before 6 weeks and that's great because there's nothing there to speak of. And there are very few late term abortions most of those are when the mother a married woman finds out she's carrying a totally a child with multiple problems let's put it that way that wouldn't probably survive anyway they have abortions too you're trying to take that away from them I'm sorry this is sick it should never be a blanket log against abortion if you want to have a review committee on each case go ahead but you're interfering with a woman's reproductive Rights they're making them second class citizens there's no way around that you can't be a first class citizen if you don't even have control over your body that's what's insane about all this we're America where we and Republicans are supposed to be supporting people's freedoms but they want to take them away from women that's insane.
It's not hard to plan for the future. There is no need to justify killing children in the womb because some people are 'prone to mistakes."

Hardly. My grandmother worked at UGA as a secretary, and she had to counsel many co-eds who were traumatized by their choice to have an abortion.

Sometimes two mistakes are made, not just one. Conceiving a child and aborting the child.
There are never two mistakes made, your so-called child never existed. It never had a name, it was never born, it never existed.
Actually, sending this issue to the states to decide (what overturning Roe actually does), is as neutral an act as can be.
So the Republicans are going to victimize all the women and all the Republican states great just great.
Not everyone has a privilege life or even a decent life.

But they are bestowed with the blessing of intelligence. The ability to plan ahead, and to consider the consequences of their actions. Better judgment.

You don't need to be privileged to have these things. Contraceptive measures are always affordable, and sometimes even free. Medicine has even advanced to a point that there are even contraceptives for men as well. So the consequences for a child having to be aborted can lie equally at the feet of the couple who chose not to take these prevention measures. So, lesson here is 1) Wear a condom if you are a man, 2) Take contraceptives if you are a woman.

Yet again, your reason is not a reason women should be allowed to abort their children indiscriminately.
You're spewing lies. You know they are lies, yet they are all you know.

Justice isn't dead in a society if it fails to carry out your version of it.

Justice is blind. When you take the blindfold off of justice, it becomes revenge.
Your reasoning is off. Women exist, women are citizens, they should be protected by our laws not harmed by them. And especially they are not supposed to be made second class citizens not even having control over their own bodies and reproductive functions that's a crime I'm not talking about Justice here I'm saying this is a crime. The most a human embryo can be is property of that woman.
So the Republicans are going to victimize all the women and all the Republican states great just great.

Hardly. Move to a state that allows it. It's not like they are being kept prisoner in Republican states, now are they?

Or they can simply take contraceptives. It's not hard. If there is no child in the first place, there is no abortion. And it renders this entire issue moot.
But they are bestowed with the blessing of intelligence. The ability to plan ahead, and to consider the consequences of their actions. Better judgment.

You don't need to be privileged to have these things. Contraceptive measures are always affordable, and sometimes even free. Medicine has even advanced to a point that there are even contraceptives for men as well. So the consequences for a child having to be aborted can lie equally at the feet of the couple who chose not to take these prevention measures. So, lesson here is 1) Wear a condom if you are a man, 2) Take contraceptives if you are a woman.

Yet again, your reason is not a reason women should be allowed to abort their children indiscriminately.
And who best to judge whether that they're aborting indiscriminately or not ? A lawyer a politician a judge or doctor I think a doctor should make those decisions don't you doesn't make sense if it doesn't make sense something's very wrong with you.
Hardly. Move to a state that allows it. It's not like they are being kept prisoner in Republican states, now are they?

Or they can simply take contraceptives. It's not hard. If there is no child in the first place, there is no abortion. And it renders this entire issue moot.
You mark my word women will be harmed if roe versus Wade is repealed. It will end up doing more harm than good.
How are they being harmed? By being made to bear the consequences of their choices before conception?
Their consequences ? Wow, you really hate women don't you. I don't think you had much of a life all kinds of situations go down that you don't have control over. This is just one of them.
And who best to judge whether that they're aborting indiscriminately or not ? A lawyer a politician a judge or doctor I think a doctor should make those decisions don't you doesn't make sense if it doesn't make sense something's very wrong with you.

Don't deflect.

Once again, the woman needs only take as many contraceptive measures as she can before having sex. It eliminates having to pay for a full-on abortion and the guilt that causes.
Don't deflect.

Once again, the woman needs only take as many contraceptive measures as she can before having sex. It eliminates having to pay for a full-on abortion and the guilt that causes.
I hope to God you're not talking about the 12 year old child in Texas that was repeatedly raped by her father and became pregnant. That's a super example of winning abortion is needed.
I hope to God you're not talking about the 12 year old child in Texas that was repeatedly raped by her father and became pregnant. That's a super example of winning abortion is needed.
That's a super example of when an abortion is absolutely necessary.
You mark my word women will be harmed if roe versus Wade is repealed. It will end up doing more harm than good.

No thank you. I don't believe I will. You are trying to appeal to my emotions, to that, you will fail. On the other hand, Roe wasn't legislation passed by congress, it was a ruling made by a court.

You can't repeal legislation that doesn't exist.

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