Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

BackAgain joins the fray

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

BackAgain-#3,594 “Wrong. What it guarantees is the right to life”

NFBW: It guarantees the right to life to the born. You already acknowledged that fact. it only mentions born.

BackAgain #2,434 “Yes. It does mention born. But it doesn’t say that the preborn are, on such a flimsy basis, denied the right to life.”

NFBW: The Constitution does not say that a living human zygote inside a woman’s body has a right to continue developing if the woman does not want it. Nor does the Constitution say that terminating a living human zygote is homicide.

So why do you keep making shit up about what the Constitution says? END2207191705
I for one would love to see the federal government write abortion and climate change laws. If these are as important issues as they keep saying they are then it would seem to be time to put their money where their mouth is.
I agree.

I just can't help but think that they don't really believe these are important issues though. It seems to me they would rather not address these issues through legislation and keep these issues as dog whistles for their base.
It is not a lack of belief but a lack of consensus.
ding ‘s absurdities

ding220729-#3,598 “I for one would love to see the federal government write abortion and climate change laws.”

NFBW: Do you support legal abortion nationwide?
Are you willing to vote for Democrats in all three branches of government until they get a 60/40 majority in the Senate so they can?

If you vote Republican you get religious tyranny through the courts since Trump.

The Republican Party quadrennially pledged in its platform to appoint Supreme Court justices committed to reversing Roe v. Wade, and Catholics in the pews were encouraged to vote in favor of candidates' whose support for "life" issues was unwavering.​
ding ‘s absurdities

ding220729-#3,598 “I for one would love to see the federal government write abortion and climate change laws.”

NFBW: Do you support legal abortion nationwide?
Are you willing to vote for Democrats in all three branches of government until they get a 60/40 majority in the Senate so they can?

If you vote Republican you get religious tyranny through the courts since Trump.

The Republican Party quadrennially pledged in its platform to appoint Supreme Court justices committed to reversing Roe v. Wade, and Catholics in the pews were encouraged to vote in favor of candidates' whose support for "life" issues was unwavering.​
Abortion is now a states matter. Every state has a choice. I thought you Democrats believed in choice?
ding ‘s absurdities

Ding220719-#3,605 “Why do you keep rehashing Dobbs v Jackson?”

NFBW: is this compatible with your personal religious belief?

Most importantly, the essential biblical difference between ape and man is that man was created in the image of God, and God’s Spirit was breathed into man (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7​

ding ‘s absurdities

Ding220719-#3,605 “Why do you keep rehashing Dobbs v Jackson?”

NFBW: is this compatible with your personal religious belief?

Most importantly, the essential biblical difference between ape and man is that man was created in the image of God, and God’s Spirit was breathed into man (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7​

No idea what you are trying to ask or how it pertains to the OP.
BackAgain joins the fray

BackAgain #1 “Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end”

ding 220719-#3,609 No idea what you are trying to ask or how it pertains to the OP

NFBW: Trying to find out why you and BackAgain assume that a woman’s right to choose her private health decision to terminate a pregnancy is slaughter of innocent life as stated in the OP.. END2207191857
BackAgain joins the fray

BackAgain #1 “Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end”

ding 220719-#3,609 No idea what you are trying to ask or how it pertains to the OP

NFBW: Trying to find out why you and BackAgain assume that a woman’s right to choose her private health decision to terminate a pregnancy is slaughter of innocent life as stated in the OP.. END2207191857
You try in vain to understand anything. You’re truly just not at all smart. I haven’t discussed any alleged “right” of a woman to terminate a pregnancy. There is no such right. Never has been.

But there was a claimed right to slaughter the preborn totally helpless, defenseless and perfectly innocent life of preborn humans. That alleged right was “found” (literally) in the emanations of Constitutional shadows. And it is absurd.
NFBW: Trying to find out why you and @BackAgain assume that a woman’s right to choose her private health decision to terminate a pregnancy is slaughter of innocent life as stated in the OP..
As a rule the purpose of an abortion is to terminate a pregnancy by ending a human life.

That's how I would say it.
Ding220719-#3,605 “Why do you keep rehashing Dobbs v Jackson?”
NFBW: because it’s happening in what you call a Christian Nation.
ding200124-#518 “America is still a Christian nation even if all of its people don’t behave in Christian

NFBW: Dobbs v Jackson was a Christian Nationalist ruling granting Christian lawmakers the power to overturn religious freedom in whatever states a nationalistic Christian majority controls the government.

That is an infringement on religious freedom. That is not how religious minorities are to be left unprotected in this country or in any state having a dominant white right wing Christian majority having control over a non right wing minority.

It reeks of fascism in the name of Jesus. END2207191928

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