Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You are a liar. Always = “at all times”
you have not seen and heard everything I’ve done my entire live so you cannot say that. We’ve established you are a liar.

Grammar wise you should have said “from what I’ve seen@ you are an asshole. - So from what I’ve seen you are a lying assailed.
No. You’re always an asshole.

Confession is good for the soul. Confess you asshole!


You’re all triggered and shit. What an asshole!
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301:
Ummmm... yes, every single embryology textbook ever published does teach that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence after fertilization.


Clark Edward and Corliss Patten’s Human Embryology, McGraw – Hill Inc., 30

The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology fifth edition, Moore and Persaud, 1993, Saunders Company, page 1

F Beck Human Embryology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1985 page vi

Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2003. pp. 16, 2.

Signorelli et al., Kinases, phosphatases and proteases during sperm capacitation, CELL TISSUE RES. 349(3):765 (Mar. 20, 2012)

Keith L. Moore, Before We Are Born: Essentials of Embryology, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2008. p. 2.

Ronan O’Rahilly and Fabiola Miller, Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 2001. p. 8.

Dr. Morris Krieger “The Human Reproductive System” p 88 (1969) Sterling Pub. Co

James Bopp, ed., Human Life and Health Care Ethics, vol. 2 (Frederick, MD: University Publications of America, 1985)

Rand McNally, Atlas of the Body (New York: Rand McNally, 1980) 139, 144

Leslie Brainerd Arey, “Developmental Anatomy” seventh edition space (Philadelphia: Saunders, 1974), 55

DeCoursey, R.M., The Human Organism, 4th edition McGraw Hill Inc., Toronto, 1974. page 584

Thibodeau, G.A., and Anthony, C.P., Structure and Function of the Body, 8th edition, St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishers, St. Louis, 1988. pages 409-419

Turner, J.S., and Helms, D.B., Lifespan Developmental, 2nd ed., CBS College Publishing (Holt, Rhinehart, Winston), 1983, page 53

Carlson, Bruce M. Patten’s Foundations of Embryology. 6th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996, p. 3

Considine, Douglas (ed.). Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia. 5th edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1976, p. 943

Kaluger, G., and Kaluger, M., Human Development: The Span of Life, page 28-29, The C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1974

Langman, Jan. Medical Embryology. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1975, p. 3

Human Embryology, 3rd ed. Bradley M. Patten, (New York: McGraw Hill, 1968), 43.

Essentials of Human Embryology, William J. Larsen, (New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1998), 1-17.

Human Embryology & Teratology, Ronan R. O’Rahilly, Fabiola Muller, (New York: Wiley-Liss, 1996), 5-55.

The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 6th ed. Keith L. Moore, Ph.D. & T.V.N. Persaud, Md., (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1998), 2-18
Sounds like in a case of rape or incest, then the population needs to be educated that in such cases the victim needs immediate medical attention in order that the above mentioned does not take place or get started, otherwise it needs to be implanted into the brain that if such an event or event's take place, then the victim should seek medical care in order to stop any chance of the above mentioned taking place. If a minor the parent's should be responsible to get the child immediate medical care in order to stop any potential for the process to begin in such cases.

What do ya think ??
ding ‘s absurdities

ding 220719-#3,662 “Ummmm... yes, every single embryology textbook ever published does teach that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence after fertilization. See?”

NFBW: Who put together your list ding ????

Was it these Christians?

All Rights Reserved.
(888) 678-6008 ext. 1, Inc., Inc.
4 Family Life Lane
Front Royal, VA 22630

ding ‘s absurdities

ding 220719-#3,662 “Ummmm... yes, every single embryology textbook ever published does teach that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence after fertilization. See?”

NFBW: Who put together your list ding ????

Was it these Christians?

All Rights Reserved.
(888) 678-6008 ext. 1, Inc., Inc.
4 Family Life Lane
Front Royal, VA 22630

You got something against Christian's ?
NFBW: The Constitution does not say that a living human zygote inside a woman’s body has a right to continue developing if the woman does not want it. Nor does the Constitution say that terminating a living human zygote is homicide.

So why do you keep making shit up about what the Constitution says? END2207191705

Human "zygotes" butchered by Leftist Decree:

aborted humans.jpg


  • ``Choice.jpg
    115.5 KB · Views: 16
NFBW: Trying to find out why you and BackAgain assume that a woman’s right to choose her private health decision to terminate a pregnancy is slaughter of innocent life as stated in the OP.. END2207191857

No you are not. You simply play on words, calling savage, evil butchery "choice," pretending that women have some "right" to kill unborn babies when in fact men are doing life in prison for killing unborn babies. You lie and then lie to immorally defend your earlier lies. You never comment without subtracting from the discussion and the subject. Anyone responding to you is wasting his time, so you now go on my lengthy Ignore List.
"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible, source of the quote,
"Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you."

ciao brutto
ding ‘s absurdities

ding 220719-#3,662 “Ummmm...
“The first cell of a new and unique human life begins existence at the moment of conception (fertilization) when one living sperm from the father joins with one living ovum from the mother. It is in this manner that human life passes from one generation to another. Given the appropriate environment and genetic composition, the single cell subsequently gives rise to trillions of specialized and integrated cells that compose the structures and functions of each individual human body. Every human being alive today and, as far as is known scientifically, every human being that ever existed, began his or her unique existence in this manner, i.e., as one cell. If this first cell or any subsequent configuration of cells perishes, the individual dies, ceasing to exist in matter as a living being. There are no known exceptions to this rule in the field of human biology.”

NFBW: FYI ding passed the above opinion off as scientific fact . It was written by James Bopp,

James Bopp is a CATHOLIC Republican Terrorist

In 2022, responding to reports that a 10-year-old rape victim needed and received an abortion, Bopp said that model legislation he developed for the National Right to Life Committee would have banned that abortion;​
he also said that they believed she should have had the baby, and "we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child."[6] END2207200538​
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Sounds like in a case of rape or incest, then the population needs to be educated that in such cases the victim needs immediate medical attention in order that the above mentioned does not take place or get started, otherwise it needs to be implanted into the brain that if such an event or event's take place, then the victim should seek medical care in order to stop any chance of the above mentioned taking place. If a minor the parent's should be responsible to get the child immediate medical care in order to stop any potential for the process to begin in such cases.

What do ya think ??
It seems to me that certain exceptions need to exist.
Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. NFBW2307201010

ChemicalEngineer220720-#3,689 “Human "zygotes" butchered by Leftist Decree:”

NFBW: Since you do not have photos of actual human beings being butchered you can stay in hiding ChemEngineer A human zygote as photographed is living human cell tissue in the form of a living zygote without a soul. It is developing based upon the soul of the mother. The mother has a natural right to accept or reject the continued growth ding inside her body as Jewish people believe “ensoulment’ takes place at first breath of the newborn child. I agree with Jewish tradition and disagree with Catholic tradition that a soul is created by God at conception or any other Christian who thinks they have the right to control every girl and womans health and bodily development who are living and breathing on earth, . . . , clear? - here is where you say “crystal” if you are not in hiding as of yet.

Jewish tradition shows a soul does not require fles, bones and blood to exist in a personal relationship with God.

ChemicalEngineer220720-#3,689 “Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible, source of the quote, “Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you."”

NFBW: You want Bible Verses in this discussion ChemEngineer here is more, and for you too ding :

Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Trump

Ezekiel 18:20
The soul who sins shall die.

Ezekiel 18:4
Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die. END2307201010
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Ummmm... yes, every single embryology textbook ever published does teach that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence after fertilization.

Even some of your examples didn't say what you claimed. Not to mention that you haven't covered "every textbook". So, way to go proving my point.

I see you've gone full-blown eugenicist on us, claiming that superior DNA is what defines a human being. That's scary as hell. How long until pro-lifers dehumanize their opponents even further by declaring that their DNA isn't up to snuff?

DNA says it is a new person.

No, it doesn't. That's just a eugenics freak screaming "BECAUSE I SAY SO!", and it contradicts biology, ethics and all of human history.

Long before humans knew what DNA was, we knew what a human being was. Over all of human history, the definition of a person has been "human, born and alive". And now you fascist cranks want to change that, based solely on your whackaloon eugenic-religious beliefs. No, not good enough.

And does it bother you at all that you keep company with third-world shitholes, Islamic republics and fascist dictators? That would bother a normal person. In contrast, we keep company with liberty-based democracies.
Even some of your examples didn't say what you claimed. Not to mention that you haven't covered "every textbook". So, way to go proving my point.

I see you've gone full-blown eugenicist on us, claiming that superior DNA is what defines a human being. That's scary as hell. How long until pro-lifers dehumanize their opponents even further by declaring that their DNA isn't up to snuff?

No, it doesn't. That's just a eugenics freak screaming "BECAUSE I SAY SO!", and it contradicts biology, ethics and all of human history.

Long before humans knew what DNA was, we knew what a human being was. Over all of human history, the definition of a person has been "human, born and alive". And now you fascist cranks want to change that, based solely on your whackaloon eugenic-religious beliefs. No, not good enough.

And does it bother you at all that you keep company with third-world shitholes, Islamic republics and fascist dictators? That would bother a normal person. In contrast, we keep company with liberty-based democracies.
Feel free to post the science that you believe supports whatever your arbitrary designation for when a human life begins.
Way too much to ask of him.
That's because the science shows that human life begins after fertilization.

The fact they keep arguing against this tells us that they know it's wrong to end a human life. That's why they have concocted an unreasonable belief that they aren't killing a human being. They are just removing some tissue. It's silly.
That's because the science shows that human life begins after fertilization.

The fact they keep arguing against this tells us that they know it's wrong to end a human life. That's why they have concocted an unreasonable belief that they aren't killing a human being. They are just removing some tissue. It's silly.
Feel free to post the science that you believe supports whatever your arbitrary designation for when a human life begins.
It's not a scientific definition, dumbass. That's why you faceplant so hard. It's a social, historical and legal definition.

If you disagree, explain to us how humans knew what a human being was before the discovery of DNA.
It's not a scientific definition, dumbass. That's why you faceplant so hard. It's a social, historical and legal definition.

If you disagree, explain to us how humans knew what a human being was before the discovery of DNA.
And yet you offer not one scientific citation on the beginning of human life.

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