Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I do not have to rationalize that it’s wrong because it’s a woman’s decision, not mine.
You literally just proved me right. You can't admit abortion is wrong. You have to see yourself as moral. If you are looking for proof of God, there it is. You can't abandon the concept of right and wrong because it's hardwired into you. You can't say it's wrong to end a human life, so you rationalize it's not a human life.
Whatever decision she makes is right.
That belief is totally consistent with what I just said. You can't admit abortion is wrong. You have to see yourself as moral. You can't say it's wrong to end a human life, so you rationalize it's not a human life.
Up until this moment the fetus is alive, living off of the mothers’ blood and the mothers dna in the blood and the placenta.

The closure of the ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale completes the transition of fetal circulation to newborn circulationBlood flowing through the veins of the fetus is the mothers blood and her DNA.

That ‘separation’ is where separate “human life” begins and has a right to life in my opinion. prior to that the fetus is not a separate life from the mother. It is her choice and there is absolutely nothing wrong about it.
This is you still proving my point. You have to see yourself as moral. You can't admit abortion is wrong because you see yourself as a good person. And since you know it's wrong to end a human life, you rationalize it's not a human life that is being ended. Your mind has compartmentalized itself to avoid living in conflict.
NFBW: Assuming the zygote in your imaginary science world @ding deserves the same sanctity of life as you and I and @beagle9 do.
Can't begin to have that conversation with you until you acknowledge that rights exist to be weighed. Until you acknowledge that human life begins after fertilization you can't possibly weigh its rights because you don't believe it is a living human being so you give its rights zero consideration and weight.
NFBW2207251632-#3,885 “So what gives you the right ding to unilaterally insist that your “belief” must be the only one accepted by elected lawmakers to pass laws restricting abortion to force women to become mothers because terminating a pregnancy is killing your “belief” as to when human life begins?”
Can you show me where I did that?
This is you still proving my point.
You have no point. You have religious politicak pro-life trash.

ThIs is a point:


ding 220725-3,911 “I don't know how any reasonable person can see it any other way.... Abortion is literally ending the life of a living, genetically distinct human being.”

NFBW: My view is abortion is literally ending the development of a living, genetically distinct human organism beholden to the autonomy of the human being who took part in its creation. The donor of the sperm that created this organism has some say when consent is involved, but like that of the mother it’s none of my goddamn business.

Beyond the still mysterious questions unresolved by the scientific/biological explanations of the miraculous beginning of a potential human being I am certain that our collective living and breathing human moral obligation is to other living, breathing and tangible human beings who suffer or whose own lives are at stake in a pregnancy.

If you still don’t get it ding you need to delve into some introspection into the forlorn incapacity of your weak and cynical authoritarian mind. END2207261100
Can't begin to have that conversation with you until you acknowledge that rights exist to be weighed. Until you acknowledge that human life begins after fertilization you can't possibly weigh its rights because you don't believe it is a living human being so you give its rights zero consideration and weight.

Can you show me where I did that?

YOU JUST did it again. SEE ABOVE

Until you acknowledge that human life begins after fertilization

You must think you are God if you want me to take your absurd pronouncements seriously.
What I write is true isn’t it - you have written that Jesus is your Lord and Savior.
Have I? I don't recall ever saying that, but you have printed that I do.
Kind of like putting words in my mouth and putting up your argument, isn't it?
Can't begin to have that conversation with you until you acknowledge that rights exist to be weighed. Until you acknowledge that human life begins after fertilization you can't possibly weigh its rights because you don't believe it is a living human being so you give its rights zero consideration and weight.
Conservatives believe in reasonable common sense abortion laws that always include protecting the health of the mother.

Libtards want abortion on demand for the sake of convenience and that is despicable.
You morons. It doesnt matter if you think it is morally wrong. No one can use your body to live, not even a fetus or a baby if you want to call it that. You dont have to donate a kidney to anyone, give blood to anyone, nor do you have to carry a foreign invader inside your body while it grows into a human. It doesnt matter if the person was raped or slept with 5 guys in a weekend voluntarily. There is no right of way to a person's body. GTFOOH!
It doesnt matter if you think it is morally wrong. No one can use your body to live, not even a fetus or a baby if you want to call it that. You dont have to donate a kidney to anyone, give blood to anyone, nor do you have to carry a foreign invader inside your body while it grows into a human. It doesnt matter if the person was raped or slept with 5 guys in a weekend voluntarily. There is no right of way to a person's body. GTFOOH!
This. Exactly this. Pro-lifers claim state sovereignty over our insides. That will obliterate the fundamental concept of self-ownership and individual liberty.
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NFBW: I did not say that you “insist” laws be passed to restrict abortion. Read #3,885 I wrote, ““So what gives you the right ding to unilaterally insist that your “belief” must be the only one accepted by elected lawmakers to pass laws restricting abortion”
Can you show me where I unilaterally insisted my belief be the only one accepted by lawmakers? Can you show me where I insisted lawmakers pass laws to restrict abortions?
Therefore once again you are a liar.
What have I lied about?
ding 220725-3,911 “I don't know how any reasonable person can see it any other way.... Abortion is literally ending the life of a living, genetically distinct human being.”

NFBW: My view is abortion is literally ending the development of a living, genetically distinct human organism beholden to the autonomy of the human being who took part in its creation. The donor of the sperm that created this organism has some say when consent is involved, but like that of the mother it’s none of my goddamn business.

Beyond the still mysterious questions unresolved by the scientific/biological explanations of the miraculous beginning of a potential human being I am certain that our collective living and breathing human moral obligation is to other living, breathing and tangible human beings who suffer or whose own lives are at stake in a pregnancy.

If you still don’t get it ding you need to delve into some introspection into the forlorn incapacity of your weak and cynical authoritarian mind. END2207261100
That's because you have to see yourself as moral. You can't admit abortion ends a human life because you see yourself as a good person. And since you know it's wrong to end a human life, you rationalize it's not a human life that is being ended. Your mind has compartmentalized itself to avoid living in conflict.
YOU JUST did it again. SEE ABOVE

Until you acknowledge that human life begins after fertilization

You must think you are God if you want me to take your absurd pronouncements seriously.
That's not my belief, dummy. That's the belief of the scientific community which teaches that in every embryology textbook.
We are all sinners, that's why Christ died on the cross, it was for us

Or technically because of us.

Sad that you never had a relationship with God,

Sad that you never had a relationship with God, I see it nearly every single day.

That's obviously something you have to ponder, I don't need to. My Savior is my Lord.

I am not religious but was raised with Church on Sundays.

Have I? I don't recall ever saying that

There is some. should be enough.
There is some. should be enough.
If you want to have a discussion on rights and viability we can do that but you first have to acknowledge that abortion ends a human life as that is the basis for rights. Your argument seems to be no human life no rights which would make sense if there were indeed no human life. But under the strictest scientific definition of life, life begins after fertilization. The die has been cast so to speak, it's a very specific human being. Genetically distinct. And alive.

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