Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Irrelevant, but no.
NFBW: Why is it irrelevant? Catholics are supposed to believe that human life begins at conception. Jewish people believe life begins at first breath. I am a secular humanist who goes with the science of biology and I favor Jewish belief

Catholic belief is absurd to me when it says the instant an embryo is fertilized we must lawfully classify that one cell as a human being. When does human life begin based on your belief? 2208020926
NFBW: Why is it irrelevant? Catholics are supposed to believe that human life begins at conception.
That is textbook scientific fact.

The Catholic position, in this case, so happens to align with science and reason. I do not care what their pope says - I do care that others debating this are scientifically literate and do not spread misinformation and error

Jewish people believe life begins at first breath.
This mysticism is at odds with scientific fact and is thus known to be wrong.

While I suppose one could theoretically have the religious belief that say, “gravity does not exist,” gravity will still exist. So too with “life begins at the first breath.” Equally absurd.

Human beings are alive long before their first breath.
NFBW: When did the science and reason aspects of being human align with the Judeo Christian religious tradition known as Catholicism? END2208021039
Strange question.

Scientific advancements in microscopy enabled the field of embryology to begin and discover more and more details about a human's life prior to birth.

I do not know the extensive detailed history of the Catholic church - at whatever point they changed doctrine to recognize that life begins at fertilization, they were correct to do so.
Are pregnant women “people”? , …. to use the 10th Amendment as an excuse to deprive someone of control over a part of their own body is a misapplication of Constitutional principles. END2208020809
The last time I checked, yes, pregnant women are people. If you don't like the 10th amendment, then change it. Until then it's how states are authorized to write laws. One of which are laws on abortion.

10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
" Fangoria Goofs "

* Aborting Dead On Arrival *

Your delusions that some psychopath wanting to kill their own healthy offspring just for the hell of it make you a ghoul .

Roe v Wade substituted viability in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection and ruled that state interest could begin in 3rd trimester and could proscribed abortion from that point onward .

The sanctimonious psychopaths who adhere to an egocentric myopia of anthropocentric delusion that hue mammon life is to be religiously dictated from conception were also too deceitful to understand Roe v Wade and they insidiously usurped us constitution as traitors with a scotus that has committed sedition .
Tell it to SCOTUS :lol:
How can terminating a pregnancy @ding and be “killing someone else” when the part of the woman’s body being terminated has the woman’s blood keeping circulating through it? The fetus cannot be someone else until it is capable of oxygenating its own blood as born humans do.
Take it up with SCOTUS and the states. :lolly:
Sunday I heard Barack Lurie talking about the lies of Leftists and atheists. Barack said "Truth means nothing without God." I never heard that before but it rings very true.
He then spoke of "Due process" when it must be used to take someone's life, which according to our founding documents cannot be taken without.

Then it hit me. Unborn babies' lives have been taken for decades without "due process."
The mother says "kill it" and the abortion butcher does.

Fathers kill unborn babies, and they go to prison, using "due process" of the law.
NFBW2208021705 … if pre-borne existence is “someone else” then it would not die because of an abortion now would it? CarsomyrPlusSix ding

NFBW2208020808-#4,155 “to use the 10th Amendment as an excuse to deprive someone of control over a part of their own body is a misapplication of constitutional principles.”

CarsomyrPlusSix220802-#4,156 “You are not "deprived control over your own body" when you are not allowed to attack and kill someone else.”

NFBW2208020859-#4,158 “The fetus cannot be “someone else” until it is capable of oxygenating its own blood as born humans do.

CarsomyrPlus220802-#4,159 “Arbitrary, and incorrect.”

CarsomyrPlus220802-#4,159 They {little womb kids} had their own blood coursing through their own circulatory systems

NFBW2208020906-#4,160 “what preborn fetal cells and tissue do you know that oxygenates it’s own blood?”

CarsomyrPlus220802-#4,162 “You said they were using maternal blood.”

NFBW: No. You were asked “what preborn fetal cells and tissue do you know that oxygenates it’s own blood?”

So will you answer the question or not? END2208021705
Last edited:
NFBW2208021705 … if pre-borne existence is “someone else” then it would not die because of an abortion now would it? CarsomyrPlusSix ding

NFBW2208020808-#4,155 “to use the 10th Amendment as an excuse to deprive someone of control over a part of their own body is a misapplication of constitutional principles.”

CarsomyrPlusSix220802-#4,156 “You are not "deprived control over your own body" when you are not allowed to attack and kill someone else.”

NFBW2208020859-#4,158 “The fetus cannot be “someone else” until it is capable of oxygenating its own blood as born humans do.

CarsomyrPlus220802-#4,159 “Arbitrary, and incorrect.”

CarsomyrPlus220802-#4,159 They {little womb kids} had their own blood coursing through their own circulatory systems

NFBW2208020906-#4,160 “what preborn fetal cells and tissue do you know that oxygenates it’s own blood?”

CarsomyrPlus220802-#4,162 “You said they were using maternal blood.”

NFBW: No. You were asked “what preborn fetal cells and tissue do you know that oxygenates it’s own blood?”

So will you answer the question or not? END2208021705
Listen we're not fooled-by-you-either, so here's the deal - In order to have and maintain a CIVILIZED SOCIETY, we must first have standards, law's, moral's, ethic's, and rules. You leftist began challenging and destroying everything that makes up a civilized society, and now we see the fall out from it all. Then we get wicked wisdom from people like you who attempt to cover it all up with your wicked word's that try and suggest to us that up is down and down is up.

What a flipping waste of time it is for entertaining your bull crap, but thankfully we have people still able to stand up to those who are like you, and therefore are willing to call you out for your absurd rhetoric on issues that should highly concern any human being for which has any sense of decency and civilized character about themselves left in today's society.
Listen we're not fooled-by-you-either, so here's the deal - In order to have and maintain a CIVILIZED SOCIETY, we must first have standards, law's, moral's, ethic's, and rules. You leftist began challenging and destroying everything that makes up a civilized society, and now we see the fall out from it all. I
NFBW: Do You think Jews can have and participate in a civilized society. If Jews can, I can. We are of one mind on when human life begins and science backs us up. END2208021805
So not a human in your eyes until it breaths on its own. Got it.

NFBW: There is no possibility in my view that a pre-born fetus is not human. I see the human fetus as part of the human mother in the same exact way that human Jewish people see it.

The majority of Jews do not believe that life begins at conception but instead see the creation of life as something that happens over time.​
During this process, the fetus is seen as part of the mother, whose well-being, both immediate and future, takes precedence

NFBW2208021705 … if pre-borne existence is “someone else” then it would not die because of an abortion now would it? CarsomyrPlusSix ding
That's stupid.

The abortion is intended to kill them, so yes, they almost certainly will die. Other humans die when you kill them.

NFBW2208020859-#4,158 “The fetus cannot be “someone else” until it is capable of oxygenating its own blood as born humans do.
Incorrect. You seem to want to set your own peculiar definition - I do not agree with your private slang.

No. You were asked “what preborn fetal cells and tissue do you know that oxygenates it’s own blood?”

So will you answer the question or not? END2208021705
You are engaged in a logical fallacy right now called moving the goalposts.

That or you just failed at basic reading comprehension.

You said that they used maternal blood in their blood vessels. I corrected you noting that this does not happen. They do need oxygen provided by their mom. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the placenta.

They do not seize possession of their mom's blood.
NFBW: Do You think Jews can have and participate in a civilized society. If Jews can, I can. We are of one mind on when human life begins and science backs us up. END2208021805
a) There are pro-life Jews. Shapiro comes to mind immediately.

b) Who cares what your religious views about "souls" are? Your belief does not alter the scientific reality that the lifespan of a sexually reproducing mammal begins at fertilization with the zygote stage of life. Science has nothing to say about your belief in "souls."

You can believe as hard as you want that the living human being doesn't have a soul until their first breath - for you to deny their humanity or their life, though, is insane.

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