Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

That isn't the defintion.
Do you believe women considering an abortion should understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again?
Do you believe women considering an abortion should understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again?

Who cares?

I'm serious. I'm a guy. I don't have any say whatsoever. It isn't my body.

Is it yours?
People who are pro-abortion deny abortion kills a living human being.
No. But the life being ended isn't hers either.

Then that fetus should just gestate somewhere else then!

The least she can do is be honest about what she is doing. You people can't be honest about it.

OK. So she's ending a unique "life". Granted it isn't actually a fully human life yet because it is NOT viable outside of her body and as such really isn't quite in the same league as a toddler, but so what?

How about we agree that the fetus should have the RIGHT to gestate wherever it wants to so long as it has the fully informed permission of the woman whose womb they will inhabit.

Would you be happier then?
Then that fetus should just gestate somewhere else then!
That sounds like something a pro-abortionist would say.
OK. So she's ending a unique "life". Granted it isn't actually a fully human life yet because it is NOT viable outside of her body and as such really isn't quite in the same league as a toddler, but so what?
Of course it's fully human.

Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point.
Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland
How about we agree that the fetus should have the RIGHT to gestate wherever it wants to so long as it has the fully informed permission of the woman whose womb they will inhabit.

Would you be happier then?
I couldn't begin to have a conversation with you on mother versus child rights until you acknowledge abortion ends a human life. It would be illogical to discuss that with someone who takes the position that life does not begin after fertilization for no other reason than it makes them feel uncomfortable morally. Abortion is designed to end a human life. That's literally its purpose. Until you can admit that there's no reason to discuss rights.

Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization.

Women should acknowledge that they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again.

Your minimizing the consequences of abortion does no one any favors. It's dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
Cardinal Carminative , do you believe women considering an abortion should understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being

If I agree to this will you then agree to Federal tax breaks for dependents in the womb?

; one that has never existed before and will never exist again?

This particular phrase reads very "emotionally". It is how I know this is a passion for you that is probably more faith-based.

I find it so interesting that you are SO worked up over abortion because it sounds like you have a moral compass.

Someone with a moral compass is usually not as repellent a human being as you appear to be so it's a bit confusing.

Either that or you are just another of a million billion Christian hypocrites who doesn't know anything about their faith except the bits they pick and choose like a giant buffet of hypocrisy.

You sit here in judgement of women like some giant pharisee. You know the jots and tittles of this or that rule but you lack an overall understanding of the spirit of the rules.
Cardinal Carminative , do you believe women considering an abortion should understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again?
The question is whether a person is present. A legal person with rights.

But let's dispense with the fake argument. This is about punishing "loose" women. Nothing gets conservatives salivating more.
NFBW2208120955 Scientifically speaking The one-celled organism that forms as part of a woman’s body immediately after fertilization is alive and if the mother terminates it prior to viability it dies, it is dead, kaput, over, life ended, finished that human DNA will never exist in the universe again.

NFBW2208120149-#4,654 The one-celled organism that forms as part of a woman’s body immediately after fertilization is alive.

NFBW2208120636-#4,655 Based on that scientific, spiritual and easily recognized and observable fact by cognizant human beings, the death or end of the non-viable human formation of cells prior to viability is not subject to the same legal and/ or moral penalty as the death after viability if terminated by another including the mother.

ding220812-#4,658 And yet you refuse to admit that abortion ends the life of a living human being.

NFBW: But I have in NFBW-#4,654 & NFBW-#4,655 @ding - it is in writing.

In fact I use your source who informs us that each point along the human life continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point.

ding220719-#3,641 Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

I am saying ding The one-celled organism that forms . . . after fertilization is alive with the full human properties that are appropriate at that point per Dr. William Reville and is wired in according to the newly formed unique DNA codes that come after conception.

I have it in writing that the non-viable human formation of cells prior to viability are all alive and exist in a living stage of the human development continuum that begins after fertilization. I have said this continuum as defined by Dr. William Reville, will die, will be a death at whatever stage of development it is in . . . if terminated by another human being including the mother.

Therefore ding you are a liar. And beagle9 and CarsomyrPlusSix have attached their ideological contempt for women’s reproductive rights to the propaganda of a serial and ruthless liar.
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I couldn't begin to have a conversation with you on mother versus child rights until

...until you begin to understand it isn't your call.

you acknowledge abortion ends a human life.

Well, that's easy enough to solve. The fetus can just gestate somewhere other than that particular woman. Right? I mean that IS how it all works, right?

Until you can acknowledge that:

1. Women are integrally involved in the whole fetus scene
2. Women are human beings

we can't really have a conversation.

It would be illogical to discuss that with someone who takes the position that life does not begin after fertilization for no other reason than it makes them feel uncomfortable morally.

I'm not uncomfortable morally. I simply don't CARE either way.


Do you understand that point?

The fetus cannot exist outside of the woman for all intents and purposes so who cares what the "status" of the fertilized cell cluster is???

Women should acknowledge that they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again.

and if they do so, will it be ok for them to get an abortion?

Your minimizing the consequences of abortion does no one any favors. It's dishonest and ghoulish.


Why don't you come clean and tell us what your religious stake in all this is as well?

You CAN be honest about your faith, right?


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