Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

ding 220815-#4,831 “The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”

NFBW: Actually that is deniable because of the significant scientific fact that the human being lifespan that begins at conception is not a viable human being when it consists of only one cell. Human beings have 30 trillion.

Scientists have come a long way in estimating the number of cells in the average human body. Most recent estimates put the number of cells at around 30 trillion. Written out, that’s 30,000,000,000,000!​
NFBW: So by scientific counting a just conceived human being is 29,999,999,999,999 cells shy of being an adult human being like you and me ding END2208152318
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Since you don’t have science @ding you have become hysterical. END2208151016
Incorrect. Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization. That's the science. Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination. The reason you are playing word games with viability is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life.

You deny the science that a new genetically distinct human being comes alive after fertilization because it's easier for you to kill them and dismiss their right to life if you don't see them as living human beings.

Women should acknowledge that they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again. Your minimizing the consequences of abortion does no one any favors. It's dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
NFBW: Actually that is deniable because of the significant scientific fact that the human being lifespan that begins at conception is not a viable human being when it consists of only one cell. Human beings have 30 trillion.

Scientists have come a long way in estimating the number of cells in the average human body. Most recent estimates put the number of cells at around 30 trillion. Written out, that’s 30,000,000,000,000!END2208152318
Incorrect again. Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization. That's the science. Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination. The reason you are playing word games with viability is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life.

You deny the science that a new genetically distinct human being comes alive after fertilization because it's easier for you to kill them and dismiss their right to life if you don't see them as living human beings.

Women should acknowledge that they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again. Your minimizing the consequences of abortion does no one any favors. It's dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
NFBW: An aborted fetus is not a viable human being and definitely not an autonomous human being. It’s would be mother has autonomy over it’s continued existence, not you @CarsomyrPlusSix . You can take your nose out of uteruses of women you do not know @CarsomyrPlusSix . Jesus dude? Who do you think you are? END2208152105
An aborted fetus is not viable because of the abortion, dummy.

A new study demonstrates that human embryos autonomously direct their own development from the very earliest moments of life—even when they are not in their mothers’ wombs.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

NotfooledbyW said:

NFBW2208102158-#4,614 Ending the life of a human being is murder.
NFBW: We already know @ding that your male dominated authoritarian Catholicism induced opinion on the legality of abortion is against reproductive freedom for women. We know you support state lawmakers like big time ‘Jesus on his sleeve’ Mark S. Gietzen who write a book wondering if it is a
sin to be a registered Democrat in his Christian Nation of America. END2208151037
If that's what you believe take it to court.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

NotfooledbyW said:
NFBW2208102158-#4,614 Ending the life of a human being is murder.
ding220815-#4,843 Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination.

NFBW: What “role” I do not argue that viability plays a role in that mystical moment of conception when a new genetically distinct one celled human being comes into existence, The impossibility of viability if that new unique cell is a biological scientific statement fact that the one-celled organism will be dependent upon a woman’s viability for up to 28 weeks before it may obtain its own autonomous viability and be capable of oxygenating its own blood. END2208152347
NFBW: We already know @ding that your male dominated authoritarian Catholicism induced opinion on the legality of abortion is against reproductive freedom for women. We know you support state lawmakers like big time ‘Jesus on his sleeve’ Mark S. Gietzen who write a book wondering if it is a
sin to be a registered Democrat in his Christian Nation of America. END2208151037
Actually you don't. You just think you do.

NFBW2208102158-#4,614 Ending the life of a human being is murder.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
ding220815-#4,843 Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination.

NFBW: What “role” I do not argue that viability plays a role in that mystical moment of conception when a new genetically distinct one celled human being comes into existence, The impossibility of viability if that new unique cell is a biological scientific statement fact that the one-celled organism will be dependent upon a woman’s viability for up to 28 weeks before it may obtain its own autonomous viability and be capable of oxygenating its own blood. END2208152347

You already have said all you need to say...

NFBW2208102158-#4,614 Ending the life of a human being is murder.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
NFBW2208160051 Is ending a human life always murder or ain’t it? If it ain’t what are all you choice deniers bitching about?

Ding220815-#4,848 You already have said all you need to say...

NFBW: How so ding ??!!!

NFBW220810-#4,614 Ending the life of a human being is murder.

NFBW: Ending the life of a human being is murder. That is a fact. Ending the life of a not viable human being by the would be mother is not murder when society agrees that it is not.

But I told you that already ding , so you are a liar.

ding220808-#4,512 “You can't believe it's murder”

ding220809-#4,535 “I couldn't begin to have this conversation with you until you acknowledge abortion ends a human life.”

NFBW220809-#4,536 “I don’t believe it is murder prior to viability at about 24 - 28 weeks. I’m glad you don’t either ding. It shows that I have been right all along to have a rightwing Catholic agree that aborting a human organism when it cannot oxygenate its own blood is not murder.”

NFBW320809-#4,537 “When you agree that a woman should not be charged with murder if she aborts a fetus prior to viability I wonder why you are obsessed with the notion that abortion prior to viability ends a human life. END2208081052

Cardinal Carminative220810-#4,592 “If a woman wants an abortion you would call that murder”

NFBW: ding asks Cardinal Carminative . . .

ding220810-#4,595 “You know this how?”

Beagle9220810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers, only that they just stop the deplorable action and realize that they are actually ending their babies life.”

NFBW: I was attempting to infirm beagle9 that ending a life is what defines murder.

NFBW2208102158-#4,614 Ending the life of a human being is murder.

ding220814-#4,808 “So just to be clear, you believe abortion is murder 1 day after your so called "viability" date.” END2208160051
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According to you it's murder before 28 weeks.
NFBW: You are a liar. I am on record agreeing with you ding and beagle9 . It’s CarsomyrPlusSix the atheist who says an abortion of a not viable human being by its would be mother is murder.

NFBW320809-#4,537 “When you agree that a woman should not be charged with murder if she aborts a fetus prior to viability I wonder why you are obsessed with the notion that abortion prior to viability ends a human life. END2208160119
Ding211221-#61 It's no longer conjecture when a human life begins.

NFBW220718-#2,361 Is there really empirical scientific evidence @ding that proves that a human being is formed at the moment of conception?

NFBW: Human life begins as one cell. Is that correct CarsomyrPlusSix ?????

A human being at the adult stage of development is 30 trillion. Do you believe that ding ????

If science becomes advanced to a point that an unwanted conception could be easily and immediately terminated after a couple finishes having sex and are smoking their cigarettes. They are done, they get a notification on their mobile phone that conception has begun and should they want to terminate the one celled human being before it splits and the pregnancy begins, it simply requires taking a pill that kills the one celled human being within hours of taking the pill. Would that be ending a human beings life ding @Beagle CarsomyrPlusSix requiring you to oppose such technology for all women nationwide? END2208160226
CarsomyrPlusSix-#4,820 “So I guess you would be pro-slavery then as well as pro-abortion.”

NFBW: NO. CarsomyrPlusSix I am opposed to slavery because BLM and as a white European American, BLM and historical slavery are absolutely my business.

It is a scientific fact that a fully developed black African adult male or female abducted by fully developed adult slave traders to be sold to a fully developed white European adult male plantation owner on American soil were all viable human beings consisting of 30 trillion human cells each.

As a viable adult human being able to observe the inhumane behavior of southern plantation slave owners and consisting of 30 trillion human cells myself I have a moral obligation to all 30 trillion-celled human beings to be treated fully by my civil society as I would want myself and my children and parents to be treated, Therefore CarsomyrPlusSix I oppose slavery and support Black Lives Matter and their quest for social Justice that has not been fully achieved since slavery was ended during the Cuvil War.

I am pro-choice also scientifically because a new human being at conception is a one-celled undeveloped human being that exists inside a 30 trillion-celled human body that is a private matter unbeknownst to me or ding or beagle9 when conception occurs. It’s the privacy as well as the woman’s autonomy over her own body that causes me to treat all viable adult 30 trillion-celled females as I wouid want society to treat my daughters when they became young women and so forth.

As a 30-trillion celled adult human member of American society I have no moral obligation to a one-celled unfunctional non-viable brainless skinless limbless human being until it develops (when the mother wants it) to a stage of development when it can survive outside the womb. when a fetus becomes trillions of cells and viable she or he becomes my business equivalent to its mother., But the life of the mother always comes first
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NFBW220810-#4,614 Ending the life of a human being is murder.

NFBW: Ending the life of a human being is murder. That is a fact.

NFBW220809-#4,536 “I don’t believe it is murder prior to viability at about 24 - 28 weeks. I’m glad you don’t either ding. It shows that I have been right all along to have a rightwing Catholic agree that aborting a human organism when it cannot oxygenate its own blood is not murder.”

NFBW320809-#4,537 “When you agree that a woman should not be charged with murder if she aborts a fetus prior to viability I wonder why you are obsessed with the notion that abortion prior to viability ends a human life. END2208081052
Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization. That's the science. Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination. The reason you are playing word games with viability is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life.

You deny the science that a new genetically distinct human being comes alive after fertilization because it's easier for you to kill them and dismiss their right to life if you don't see them as living human beings.

Women should acknowledge that they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again. Your minimizing the consequences of abortion does no one any favors. It's dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

NFBW: Ending the life of a human being is murder. That is a fact.
“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization. That's the science. Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination. The reason you are playing word games with viability is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life.

I am on record agreeing with you @ding

NFBW: Ending the life of a human being is murder. That is a fact.
Ding211221-#61 It's no longer conjecture when a human life begins.

NFBW220718-#2,361 Is there really empirical scientific evidence @ding that proves that a human being is formed at the moment of conception?

NFBW: Human life begins as one cell. Is that correct CarsomyrPlusSix ?????

A human being at the adult stage of development is 30 trillion. Do you believe that ding ????

If science becomes advanced to a point that an unwanted conception could be easily and immediately terminated after a couple finishes having sex and are smoking their cigarettes. They are done, they get a notification on their mobile phone that conception has begun and should they want to terminate the one celled human being before it splits and the pregnancy begins, it simply requires taking a pill that kills the one celled human being within hours of taking the pill. Would that be ending a human beings life ding @Beagle CarsomyrPlusSix requiring you to oppose such technology for all women nationwide? END2208160226
You deny the science that a new genetically distinct human being comes alive after fertilization because it's easier for you to kill them and dismiss their right to life if you don't see them as living human beings.

Women should acknowledge that they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again. Your minimizing the consequences of abortion does no one any favors. It's dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

NFBW: Ending the life of a human being is murder. That is a fact.
I am pro-choice also scientifically because a new human being at conception is a one-celled undeveloped human being that exists inside a 30 trillion-celled human body that is a private matter unbeknownst to me or @ding or @beagle9 when conception occurs. It’s the privacy as well as the woman’s autonomy over her own body that cause me to treat all viable adult 30 trillion-celled females as I wouid want society to treat me. As a 30-trillion celled adult human member of American society I have no moral obligation to a one-celled unfunctional non-viable brainless skinless limbless human being until it develops when the mother wants it to a stage of development when it can survive outside the womb.,END2208160646
You can't even admit you are killing human beings.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

NFBW: Ending the life of a human being is murder. That is a fact.
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization. That's the science. Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination. The reason you are playing word games with viability is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life.

NFBW320809-#4,537 “When you agree that a woman should not be charged with murder if she aborts a fetus prior to viability I wonder why you are obsessed with the notion that abortion prior to viability ends a human life. END2208160119

NFBW: Since you agree with me in the fullest ding that a woman is not committing murder, nor should a woman be charged with murder if she aborts a fetus prior to viability; and in the other hand, that it is murder if she has an abortion after viability because viability matters, - why you are so goddam obsessed with the notion that abortion prior to viability ends a human life?

Are you ever going to answer me that ding ????? END2208160710
NFBW320809-#4,537 “When you agree that a woman should not be charged with murder if she aborts a fetus prior to viability I wonder why you are obsessed with the notion that abortion prior to viability ends a human life. END2208160119

NFBW: Since you agree with me in the fullest ding that a woman is not committing murder, nor should a woman be charged with murder if she aborts a fetus prior to viability; and in the other hand, that it is murder if she has an abortion after viability because viability matters, - why you are so goddam obsessed with the notion that abortion prior to viability ends a human life?

Are you ever going to answer me that ding ????? END2208160710
That's for the states to decide.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

NFBW: Ending the life of a human being is murder. That is a fact.

The Autonomy of the Embryo

If we define organismal autonomy to mean freedom from external control, it turns out that we can identify precisely when an embryo satisfies the definition of autonomy: from the very beginning. A recent study published by Marta N. Shahbazi and colleagues from the UK demonstrates that this newly formed cell knows what to do post-conception regardless of whether or not it receives signals from a host uterus. Shahbazi and colleagues demonstrate in their study that a fertilized egg—also known as a zygote, the “product of conception,” the early embryo, or one of many other descriptive terms—is an autonomous living being. This one little cell, with its complete genetic content, can and does begin to divide and to grow, even in an experimental dish in an incubator in the closet space of some unmarked lab.

Then you should NEVER get an abortion!
What a useless reply.

“Well gosh, if you think rapists are that bad, just don’t rape anyone.”

I actually don't hate religion per se. What I DO hate are hateful people like

A self-evident militantly zealous atheist who hates one group his fellow human beings so much he claims to and at best actually does just not care if they are violently killed?

Please do hate yourself, hatemonger.

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