Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Hey genius. Abortion will not be banned, just a matter for states, but left wing liars will act like its the end of the world.
It should not be banned in white Christian nationalist states because it violates religious and conscience freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution.
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Trump NEVER said "Send them back"!!! GEEZ how stupid!
NFBW: Trump asked “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” .

All four of the women of color in Congress that Trump verbally attacked were already living in the place they came from by the time they were legal age adults. They are all born here or became naturalized citizens of the United States of America. Where are they supposed to go back to healthmyths ?
Question: is "none of anyone else’s business what a woman decides to do with her own body if she had an unwanted pregnancy."... why do almost all states have laws like to drive on roads people have to have a license?
To me it's nobody's business that I have a driver's license.
So why is driving require the government to authorize me to drive? It's none of their or anyone else's business?
Better yet why should government be involved in regulating a woman when it comes to selling her body in an exchange for sexual favor ? That seems far less sinister than just allowing a woman to take a developing life that is growing inside of her, and then destroying that life with bad reasoning.. Otherwise a reason like she just can't handle the thought of carrying a baby to term, and it all because she felt like it was a mistake when she had unprotected sex knowing full well what the results would be.

At least the sex worker knows what she has to do as a professional to keep from getting pregnant when she engages in her job.

It all goes back to having a CIVILIZED organized civilization/society that in each thing the right thing is done no matter what it is, and a common sense approach is given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable.
beagle9 221111-#5,544 “It all goes back to having a CIVILIZED organized civilization/society that in each thing the right thing is done no matter what it is, and a common sense approach is given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable.”

beagle9 221009-#5,444 “Let's hope that people like Walker who may have fell into the trap, realized his wrong, and dug his way back out, otherwise given that his stance is now pro-life, and better yet his policies are conservative, so I say give him a chance if he's sincere. Like you say this Waynick guy is way worse, so hopefully the people choose the right person.

NFBW: Why should anyone listen to you when seeking a common sense approach be given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable on abortion?

For US Senate, You favor a man who has knocked up women and then paid the women he was using to pleasure himself to terminate the potential human life his immoral, unreasonable, unChristian behavior produced, over a man of Christian faith who has never terminated a potential human life that he was personally responsible for creating.

You are a lunatic if you think you will lead us to a more moral and civilized society than we already have..

I’ve never said it’s OK for irresponsible women to get pregnant again and again. I’d be for sterilization the next time they show up for an abortion (unless they were raped). Will never happen though.
If not sterilization, then at the least they should be required to undergo a procedure that will insure they can't get pregnant again, otherwise until they have the procedure reversed.
beagle9 221111-#5,544 “It all goes back to having a CIVILIZED organized civilization/society that in each thing the right thing is done no matter what it is, and a common sense approach is given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable.”

beagle9 221009-#5,444 “Let's hope that people like Walker who may have fell into the trap, realized his wrong, and dug his way back out, otherwise given that his stance is now pro-life, and better yet his policies are conservative, so I say give him a chance if he's sincere. Like you say this Waynick guy is way worse, so hopefully the people choose the right person.

NFBW: Why should anyone listen to you when seeking a common sense approach be given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable on abortion?

For US Senate, You favor a man who has knocked up women and then paid the women he was using to pleasure himself to terminate the potential human life his immoral, unreasonable, unChristian behavior produced, over a man of Christian faith who has never terminated a potential human life that he was personally responsible for creating.

You are a lunatic if you think you will lead us to a more moral and civilized society than we already have..

To start with the charges against Walker haven't been established in a court of law, so they could be political in hopes to knock him out of the running just like it was against Herman Cain and other high profile candidates that were running when such things came about, but even if it were that he (back in the day), was living a sinful lifestyle that brought about such sinful thing's, are you one to suggest that no sinner could ever change, and therefore afterwards become a Christian who would be against the sins that they were prone to commiting as a sinner before being saved ? What planet do you live on by suggesting or attempting to tell us that there are perfect humans that can occupy these job's for us, otherwise who have never done anything wrong ????

Now if he's hiding something like that, and if he were to be elected, and then he began doing thing's that proves he hasn't changed or is a bad person, then shame on us for not being strong enough to pull the levers in which would oust him from power immediately, and give the seat to someone more humbled and deserving.

That's been our problem for along time now, otherwise that we think or rather we are led to believe that if a person gain's power, then it's over until the next election cycle no matter what, but that just shows how weak we've become as an electorate over the year's.
Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other members of the "Squad" were re-elected Tuesday, cruising to victory in their deep-blue congressional districts by wide margins.​
The Associated Press has called the races for Ocasio-Cortez, as well as Reps. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Cori Bush, D-Mo., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.​
Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley and Tlaib were born in the United States

Omar was the only original member of the Squad who is a naturalized citizen from Somalia at age 13.
Rashida Tlaib, currently serving as the Democratic Representative for Michigan’s 13th District, is a fighter. As a life-long Detroiter, and one of the first Muslim-Americans, as well as the first Palestinian-American woman, ever elected to the United States Congress,​
(Take note here Papageorgio and let me know if you think Tlaib is working class and represents working class in Congress)​
Tlaib advocates for issues that affect the working-class. Feeling that interactions with voters are her “comfort zone,” Tlaib says she is always thinking of her constituents and where she came from.​
Rashida Harbi Elabed was born on July 24, 1976 as the oldest of 14 children to Harbi Elabed and Fatima in southwest Detroit. Both her parents immigrated to the United States. Her father, born in East Jerusalem, moved to Nicaragua before emigrating to the United States; her mother came from a small town in Palestine. Tlaib grew up speaking Arabic at home and learned English as a second language.​
(Take note here Lisa558 do you think Tlaib is some kind of an irresponsible pro-abortion whore because she is a Democrat?)​
She sometimes acted as a third parent, helping her parents change the diapers and take care of her younger siblings while also juggling homework and school activities. Both of her parents worked extremely hard—they each spent time working on the assembly line at the Ford Motor Company’s Flat Rock Assembly Plant—to provide for the family, but it was not always easy and Tlaib and her family experienced poverty growing up.​
Tlaib became the first person in her family to graduate high school. She received her B.A. from Wayne State University in 1998 and her J.D. from Western Michigan University in 2004. She married Fayez Tlaib in 1998, and the couple had two sons. When they divorced in 2015, Tlaib kept her married name.​

NFBW: Why does Trump ask only black Congresswomen to leave the multi-racial constituents that voted for them to represent them in Congress to “go back” to the “broken and crime infested places from which they came”?

You are avoiding this question as well?

When you read Rashida Tlaib’s bio above you can see her parents came from East Jerusalem, Nicaragua and Palestine.

So which country should Congresswoman Tlaib leave her job, her family, her constituents, her Mosque, her country to go back to fix to satisfy you and Trump that she is worthy to be here in America?

I believe East Jerusalem, and Palestine. are in Israel, should she go back there and convert to Judaism or what?

END2211110417 Portland
Interesting post....... They should only be judged by their actions as representative's, and never upon their religion, race or country of origin, otherwise if they are legal American citizens, and they are qualified to be in their Jobs as American citizens. The fact's that have been brought to light on Omar should have disqualified her to be serving in the job in which she has somehow acquired , but the other's I think have not been representing their state's well, yet somehow they keep winning?? Something wrong with that picture. Might be that the state has become lopsided with voter's who aren't qualified to make better informed decisions or the possibility of fraudulent activities exist in the state.
Exactly. I agree. what is your point?
Point being, is that I'm asking what changes if a woman decides to take the life of that which is human, developing, and/or is living within her ?? If she does what's right, then a beautiful little human being will develope as a result.

This would happen after she owns up to her responsibilities upon becoming pregnant, otherwise by her clear choice or even within her recklessness all due to her lack of responsibility shown when allowing herself to become pregnant outside of wedlock, she still does what's right afterwards.

Yes she has the power and independent responsibility to not get pregnant (especially with all the birth control that is available). This way she doesn't need to visit a butcher clinic to somehow end the lifecycle in which she allowed to get started inside of her, and this being all due to her lack in judgement or her recklessness for a quick moment in time.
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" Technicalities Of Legal Constructs Versus Over Generalization Of Legal Status "

* Empathy Requires Sentience For Suffering As Illegitimate Aggression *

To the poster who says that murdering unborn babies is not a crime, then why is a murderer of a pregnant woman charged with TWO counts of murder?
A punishment for a crime of animal cruelty does not stipulate constitutional protections for the animal , and a death penalty arises from a double entendre of equitable doctrine where by removing a wright to life of another one removes their own wright to life - albeit by due process , and an animal , as a zef , is without constitutional protections and capital punishment cannot be applied .

" (D) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the death penalty shall not be imposed for an offense under this section. "

* Without Informed Consent With Or Without Intent Punishment Options *

A fetus not having met a live birth requirement is without constitutional protections and is private property of the mother , and any perceived offenses against the fetus are in fact offenses against the mother , whereby penalties appropriate for the nature of any crime may be applied as prescribed by law .

" Sec. 1841. Protection of unborn children
(a) (1) Whoever engages in conduct that violates any of the provisions of law listed in subsection (b) and thereby causes the death of, or bodily injury (as defined in section 1365) to, a child, who is in utero at the time the conduct takes place, is guilty of a separate offense under this section.
(2) (A) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the punishment for that separate offense is the same as the punishment provided under Federal law for that conduct had that injury or death occurred to the unborn child's mother.
(B) An offense under this section does not require proof that—
(i) the person engaging in the conduct had knowledge or should have had knowledge that the victim of the underlying offense was pregnant; or
(ii) the defendant intended to cause the death of, or bodily injury to, the unborn child.
(C) If the person engaging in the conduct thereby intentionally kills or attempts to kill the unborn child, that person shall instead of being punished under subparagraph (A), be punished as provided under sections 1111, 1112, and 1113 of this title for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being.
(D) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the death penalty shall not be imposed for an offense under this section.
(b) The provisions referred to in subsection (a) are the following:

(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the prosecution—
(1) of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;
(2) of any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or
(3) of any woman with respect to her unborn child.

(d) As used in this section, the term "unborn child" means a child in utero, and the term "child in utero" or "child, who is in utero" means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb. "
Beagle9221111-#5,549 Point being, is that I'm asking . . . .

NFBW: The reality is you are not simply asking women to behave in a certain way - lead by example and education sort of thing - you and the religious right community to which you belong are petitioning the government through the politicians you select to use the force of law to ban a medical procedure that does prevent harm to the women that choose to have it done to their body.

You are sticking your Christian nose into a place where it should not be stuck in a free society.

You shouid listen to a Trump supporter :

RFC220906-#792 Ray From Cleveland
“Abortion always comes down to "if it's a baby or not" argument. As far as abortion goes, it's none of my business what a person does.”

NFBW: Just sayin’

END2211120610 PORTLAND
The poll’s results also dispel the narrative that Latinos are realigning toward the Republican Party. “That simply did not materialize in this election,” said
NFBW: I find interesting that OhPleaseJustQuit took the time to read the above and indicate that he does not agree. On what basis do we have his disagreement I wonder? How about self-induced or Trumpism-induced ignorance is all I can think of right now.

END2211120623 Portland
NFBW: I find interesting that OhPleaseJustQuit took the time to read the above and indicate that he does not agree. On what basis do we have his disagreement I wonder? How about self-induced or Trumpism-induced ignorance is all I can think of right now.

END2211120623 Portland

Wow! I'm very impressed by how clever you thought you sounded saying that.

However, no points for spelling or grammar.

OPJQ2224-#184 @OhPleaseJustQuit “The way to drastically cut down on abortions is to sterilize all leftist women”

NFBW: Let me ask you beagle9 Are you at ease and at peace with Jesus having this self-induced or Trumpism-induced ignorant fascist in yours and Herschel Walker’s political party?

END2211120708 Portland
OPJQ2224-#184 @OhPleaseJustQuit “The way to drastically cut down on abortions is to sterilize all leftist women”

NFBW: Let me ask you beagle9 Are you at ease and at peace with Jesus having this self-induced or Trumpism-induced ignorant fascist in yours and Herschel Walker’s political party?

END2211120708 Portland

You're funny.

Entertain us more.

If he decides to have an abortion, you bet your ignorant ass!
NFBW: Men don’t actually have abortions - Walker just knocks up woman but is a Trumpism gentleman so he is responsible enough to pay for them. So would you have men who knock up women and pay to abort the life they create be sterilized?

END2211120751 Portland
NFBW: Men don’t actually have abortions - Walker just knocks up woman but is a Trumpism gentleman so he is responsible enough to pay for them. So would you have men who knock up women and pay to abort the life they create be sterilized?

END2211120751 Portland



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