Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

TGLRD221113-#2 TroglocratsRdumb “The Republicans are the mainstream people who make America a functional country.”

NFBW: Apparently not according to the Red Whimper of the mid-terms

TGLRD220625-#4 TroglocratsRdumb “The hot new issue is abortion abortion abortion”

NFBW: If Putin and Trump are to regain control of shaping the minds of mainstream white traditional Americans in order to overcome the direction the majority of voters are actually going on the reproductive rights of women, the future propaganda will have to figure out how to convince the Trump/Putin useful idiot white evangelical Catholics and Protestants MAGA voter base of the Republican Party that abortion rights are in the Bible and Herschel Walker did his proper Christian duty to God to abort the non-viable fetuses which were the result of recreational sex and fully compensate his victims for it.

And because you are MAGA strong against abortion bans TroglocratsRdumb I nominate you to get the revamped abortion MAGA propaganda ball rolling for Trump and Putin.

TGLRD220920-#26 TroglocratsRdumb “I am against Abortion Bans.

wow the left wingers sure are some angry bigots nowadays
what happened to the peace and love liberals?
they made some sense
the woksters are about hate and cultural division
they are not about unity and love or equality and justice
it's steady drum beat of hate from the left nowadays
TGLRD190721-#71 TroglocratsRdumb “Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party.”

NFBW: FYI Pro-Choice Christians, both Catholics Protestants of all colors and sexual orientations are not only welcome in the Democratic Party, they make up the majority of its members which includes all the Presidents since the first Catholic was elected President in 1960.

TGLRD220920-#26 @TroglocratsRdumb “I am against Abortion Bans.”

NFBW: I take it you are pro-choice so why don’t you vote for people who respect and will protect the reproductive rights of women.

it's an important issue for me
however, saying that, it is a basic moral issue
left wingers believe that only one life is involved
it shows their crass inhumanity
TGLRD221114-#5,602 left wingers believe that only one life is involved

NFBW: I believe there are at least two lives involved in each and every pregnancy. What makes you say I lack humanity just because I don’t vote according to your right wing religion’s moral dictates?

wow the left wingers sure are some angry bigots nowadays
what happened to the peace and love liberals?
they made some sense
the woksters are about hate and cultural division
they are not about unity and love or equality and justice
it's steady drum beat of hate from the left nowadays
Why do you insist on LYING?
RFC221114-#97 Ray From Cleveland What I said is it's not constitutionally protected.

NFBW: Yes you say that here:

RFC2212-#5,573 However I support the Roe ruling because abortion is not constitutionally protected. It's not in the document, it was never discussed by the authors, it was a bad ruling back in the 70's when it was made.

NFBW: You support the Dobbs overturn of the Roe decision which allows states to ban the abortion procedure because abortion is not protected in the Constitution.

NFBW221114-#95 You are saying an individual law abiding woman does not have a right to a safe medical procedure because the procedure is not addressed in the Constitution.

NFBW: Do you not agree with this . . . “an individual law abiding woman does not have a right to a safe medical procedure because the procedure is not addressed in the Constitution?

NFBW: Can you guarantee that every woman or girl who gets pregnant and is forced by the government and white Trump worshipping Christians to carry an unwanted pregnancy full term, is at zero risk of harm including risk of death?

Finally you've proven here just how stupid you truly are... It's going to be hot where you and your fellow hellion's might be going, otherwise if'n you don't change your ways fast.
wow the left wingers sure are some angry bigots nowadays
what happened to the peace and love liberals?
they made some sense
the woksters are about hate and cultural division
they are not about unity and love or equality and justice
it's steady drum beat of hate from the left nowadays
They are in protect their hive mode, otherwise they are swarming like a bunch of ground Bee's after being stepped on.
beagle9221114-#5,609 Finally you've proven here just how stupid you truly are...

NFBW: The only thing proven is you were asked a question that you have refused to answer because the only answer proves you to be a liar and you are wrong. You cannot guarantee in any case that every woman who gets pregnant will suffer zero harm.

Jesus is not fond of liars as he is the embodiment for truth for those who seeketh it. You and TroglocratsRdumb are avoiding truth and therefore pissing Jesus off. Good thing for you two chohorts in lies, there is no hell.

So why did you avoid answering my question in response to your answer that there is absolutely no harm to come to a healthy woman in a healthy pregnancy. What about a woman who has health risks?

Beagle9-#5,595 What exactly does a pregnancy pose as a risk to a woman's health? Absolutely none if both the woman and her developing child are healthy and growing together in Harmony.​
NFBW221113-#5,596 : “Can you guarantee that every woman or girl who gets pregnant and is forced by the government and white Trump worshipping Christians to carry an unwanted pregnancy full term, is at zero risk of harm including risk of death?”

NFBW: We all know you cannot guarantee any such thing so you wallow in the Trump hate slop swamp with your fellow hate-monger TroglocratsRdumb who decides who are Christians and who are not even though he himself said he is opposed to abortion bans.

TGLRD190721-#71 TroglocratsRdumb “Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party.”​
NFBW221114-#5,598 : FYI Pro-Choice Christians, both Catholics Protestants of all colors and sexual orientations are not only welcome in the Democratic Party, they make up the majority of its members which includes all the Presidents since the first Catholic was elected President in 1960.​
TGLRD220920-#26 @TroglocratsRdumb “I am against Abortion Bans.”​
NFBW: Do you see the way Ray From Cleveland how the white Christian dictate that the state ban the medical procedure of abortion produces undesired physical emotional and financial harm to every woman who chooses not to accept the risk of carrying an unwanted pregnancy to full term?

And that government harm to women is pushed by authoritarian do-gooders immersed in Trumpism who control the destiny of the Republican Party. Tulsi Gabbard cannot save your Republican Party from the 30 million beagle9 ’s that will decide it’s fate. The Beagle9’s are old white and dying off with no GenX Y or Z multicultural accepting voting population to replace them.

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beagle9221114-#5,609 Finally you've proven here just how stupid you truly are...

NFBW: The only thing proven is you were asked a question that you have refused to answer because the only answer proves you to be a liar and you are wrong. You cannot guarantee in any case that every woman who gets pregnant will suffer zero harm.

Jesus is not fond of liars as he is the embodiment for truth for those who seeketh it. You and TroglocratsRdumb are avoiding truth and therefore pissing Jesus off. Good thing for you two chohorts in lies, there is no hell.

So why did you avoid answering my question in response to your answer that there is absolutely no harm to come to a healthy woman in a healthy pregnancy. What about a woman who has health risks?

Beagle9-#5,595 What exactly does a pregnancy pose as a risk to a woman's health? Absolutely none if both the woman and her developing child are healthy and growing together in Harmony.​
NFBW221113-#5,596 : “Can you guarantee that every woman or girl who gets pregnant and is forced by the government and white Trump worshipping Christians to carry an unwanted pregnancy full term, is at zero risk of harm including risk of death?”

NFBW: We all know you cannot guarantee any such thing so you wallow in the Trump hate slop swamp with your fellow hate-monger TroglocratsRdumb who decides who are Christians and who are not even though he himself said he is opposed to abortion bans.

TGLRD190721-#71 TroglocratsRdumb “Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party.”​
NFBW221114-#5,598 : FYI Pro-Choice Christians, both Catholics Protestants of all colors and sexual orientations are not only welcome in the Democratic Party, they make up the majority of its members which includes all the Presidents since the first Catholic was elected President in 1960.​
TGLRD220920-#26 @TroglocratsRdumb “I am against Abortion Bans.”​
NFBW: Do you see the way Ray From Cleveland how the white Christian dictate that the state ban the medical procedure of abortion produces undesired physical emotional and financial harm to every woman who chooses not to accept the risk of carrying an unwanted pregnancy to full term?

And that government harm to women is pushed by authoritarian do-gooders immersed in Trumpism who control the destiny of the Republican Party. Tulsi Gabbard cannot save your Republican Party from the 30 million beagle9 ’s that will decide it’s fate. The Beagle9’s are old white and dying off with no GenX Y or Z multicultural accepting voting population to replace them.

The Democrat Party is based on hate.
That is why the Democrat Party is full of hate groups.
Democrats lie about everything all of the time.
The Democrat Party is a dangerous totalitarian cult.
You are one of their obedient delusional members.
" What Useful Experience Is "

* Standard Mantra For Political Adversaries Add Resonance For Volume *

The Democrat Party is based on hate.
That is why the Democrat Party is full of hate groups.
Democrats lie about everything all of the time.
The Democrat Party is a dangerous totalitarian cult.
You are one of their obedient delusional members.
The _____ Party is based on hate .
That is why the _____ Party is full of hate groups .
The ______ Party lies about everything all of the time .
The _____ Party is a dangerous totalitarian cult .
You are one of their obedient delusional members .

* Entropy Rates Bemoaning Life Duration Travails *
it's an important issue for me
however, saying that, it is a basic moral issue
left wingers believe that only one life is involved
it shows their crass inhumanity
Why would anyone on a left or a right have reason to exemplify crass inhumanity ?

In the opinion of a republican for a republic with a credo of e pluribus unum , whom espouses independence as individualism , through an equal protection of negative liberties , pro choice includes public choice for capital punishment as well as public choice for abortion .

A state interest is not concerned with when biological life begins , or whether biological life exists at all in the case of a death sentence as capital punishment , rather a state interest is concerned with whether a wright to life exists .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protections with a citizen and " Logically , of course , ... " a state interest is prohibited in protecting a wright to life of a zef which has not met a birth requirement to receive it .

Any sentenced to death as capital punishment has had its wright to life removed , albeit by due process , albeit with a contingency of double meaning from equitable doctrine that by removing a wright to life of another one removes their own wright to life .
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TGLRD220520-#1 TroglocratsRdumb Stopping hate crimes is a good goal.

TGLRD221115-#5,612 TroglocratsRdumb “The Democrat Party is based on hate.”

NFBW: What does “based on hate” specifically involve?

CarsomyrPlusSix220808-#241 CarsomyrPlusSix “In case it wasn't yet clear, the FBI are now the enemies of the United States. The entire bureau needs to go”

NFBW: Do you think what CarsomyrPlusSix says about the FBI is based on hate?

TGLRD221115-#5,612 TroglocratsRdumb “The Democrat Party is based on hate.”

NFBW: Is it ok to hate ignorance because I actually do hate the following ignorance by a poster who claims to be a highly educated biologist.

Cplus6220919-#5,280 CarsomyrPlusSix “We are never “part of our mother’s anatomy,” drooling retard.”

NFBW: And then there is this doozy

Correll210305-#948 Correll “If I honestly believe it, then I am telling the truth as I see it, when I say that.“

END2211150645 Mendocino
Hey BitchofW:

We are NEVER “part of our mother’s anatomy.”

You saying otherwise means you ARE, undeniably, a drooling retard.

The possible relevance of you bringing this up again: no one could know, especially not your brainless ass.
Cplus6221115-#5,617 CarsomyrPlusSix We are NEVER “part of our mother’s anatomy.”

NFBW: Why do you call a woman a murderess if she has a legal medical procedure to remove it? You know separate it from her body.

RFC221114-#97 Ray From Cleveland What I said is it's not constitutionally protected.

NFBW: Yes you say that here:

RFC2212-#5,573 However I support the Roe ruling because abortion is not constitutionally protected. It's not in the document, it was never discussed by the authors, it was a bad ruling back in the 70's when it was made.

NFBW: You support the Dobbs overturn of the Roe decision which allows states to ban the abortion procedure because abortion is not protected in the Constitution.

NFBW221114-#95 You are saying an individual law abiding woman does not have a right to a safe medical procedure because the procedure is not addressed in the Constitution.

NFBW: Do you not agree with this . . . “an individual law abiding woman does not have a right to a safe medical procedure because the procedure is not addressed in the Constitution?


The problem in our country is we allowed leftist judges to insert things in the Constitution that were never there. You can't make something protected by the Constitution simply because by not being protected you believe it will lead to all kinds of terrible things. There are people that believe abortion is the most terrible thing we can do. But unless you write a constitutional amendment, the Constitution does not prohibit abortions either.
RFC221113-#5,590 Ray From Cleveland “That's pretty much the bottom line. It's why I've been saying for the last couple of years the only way to save this country is to divide it in half. Each side gets one, write their own constitutions, build wall to stop the left from sneaking into our country, and there will be virtually nothing to fight about any longer.

NFBW: Putin would love that to happen don’t you think? Just like he loved seeing Trump incite Jan6 and then behave poorly when his people were attacking his own government.

Which half do you think Pence will decide to keep his family safe in? Trump America or the actual original and real America with actual cities with large populations.

Former Vice President Mike Pence said then-President Donald Trump "endangered me and my family and everyone at the Capitol building" with his words and actions during the Jan. 6 riot in 2021.​
Pence's statement came during an interview with ABC's David Muir, parts of which were released Sunday and parts of which are to be released Monday.​
Pence was the target of Trump's vitriol that day - and afterward - because he declined to take action to block the certification of Joe Biden's election as the nation's next president. During the height of the melee inside and outside the Capitol, Trump tweeted: "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution."​
Asked about that tweet by Muir, Pence said: "It angered me, but I turned to my daughter, who was standing nearby, and I said, 'It doesn't take courage to break the law. It takes courage to uphold the law.'"​
Pence, whose memoir "So Help Me God" is being released this week, added: "The president's words were reckless. It was clear he decided to be part of the problem."​

I could care less a about what Pence thinks. I didn't like the guy from day one and thought he was an awful choice by Trump.

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