Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Arrogance Of A Perfect Image "

* Personification Of Little Dolls *

" Bright Lights On An Establishment Clause Violation "

* Heresy And Hypocrisy Of Sanctimonious Foolishness *

On the contrary , my standard is consistent and clear , while you are compelled to struggle with a standard you claim to promote but are unable to accept or implement .
Just sticking with the traditional standard's, it's you all that have attempted to turn everything inside out and upside down.
ELEKTRA2210-#82 Focus, this is not about hershel walker

NFBW: the hell he’s not. Walker wants a national ban on abortion because he can afford to fly the women he Fucks and knocks up to Canada to get an abortion.

Dumbass Baby killer Walker is the poster boy for white Jesusism Christian Republican hypocrisy.

" Arrogance Of A Perfect Image "

* Personification Of Little Dolls *

yes, I thinks it is a bit sick, that Down Syndrome babies get aborted at about a 90% rate depending on the country.

The testing for Down Syndrome does result in false positives, which is another tragedy in itself. .

But yea, you, you are pretty funny, but not in a funny way, too bad there was not a test for that, I am sure...
" Bright Lights On An Establishment Clause Violation "

* Heresy And Hypocrisy Of Sanctimonious Foolishness *

On the contrary , my standard is consistent and clear , while you are compelled to struggle with a standard you claim to promote but are unable to accept or implement .
beagle9221204-#6,137 beagle9 You truly struggle in your wickedness..

NFBW: ding repeatedly insists that the conflict of rights between human unborn beings when they are on the human life continuum following fertilization of an egg, but not viable if separated from its mother versus women of reproductive age, is not about religion.

Please note ding that your cohort in the shameful political activity of depriving women of their reproductive rights is using a religious and extremely emotional biblical religious slur to describe anyone who comes down on the side of women and freedom for them to not be slaves to providing offspring to a civil society.

For the past 50 years with abortions being legal before 28 weeks it was of no business of yours beagle9 or ding to force what either one of you believe about religion on the whole of society.

That is because the woman does no harm to society or to you if she terminates a pregnancy in private.

Wickedness, malignity, evil in thought and purpose is presented by the word poneria:​
"But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why make ye trial of me, ye hypocrites?" (Matthew 22:18). Jesus points out the origin of all wrong: "For from within, out of the heart of men, evil thoughts proceed .... wickednesses, deceit, lasciviousness .... all these evil things proceed from within, and defile the man" (Mark 7:21-23). See Imitation of Christ, xiii, 5. David Roberts Dungan​

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These files are public domain.
Bibliography Information
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "Entry for 'WICKEDNESS'". "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.

So in other words we are to accept the atrocity of abortion as is based upon your supposed "privacy of a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases", but this is aside from selling it in which is a private matter also correct ?? Why do you hate the unborn child who is being ripped from a woman's body in a most henious way, and then siding with her after she created the situation (abortion used for birth control), because she can't control herself in a serious situation that requires discipline and a moral standard in order to not fall into the evil abortion trap to begin with ???

What's wrong with turning back towards the light, and this in order to keep our young folk's from ruining their live's like this ???? Are you a mad man NFBW ??
ELEKTRA2210-#82 Focus, this is not about hershel walker

NFBW: the hell he’s not. Walker wants a national ban on abortion because he can afford to fly the women he Fucks and knocks up to Canada to get an abortion.

Dumbass Baby killer Walker is the poster boy for white Jesusism Christian Republican hypocrisy.

Care to prove your assertions instead of using hearsay to further an agenda that is probably far more evil than anything you might accuse Walker of doing.

If he done such things, and he learned that such a thing was a bad thing to do, otherwise when he was once caught up in the sinful world of fame and excess that may have been the time when he had done it, so I ask you - If he was convicted by his sins, and therefore he repented of them in order to serve his Lord and savior Jesus Christ afterwards, then who are you to use his former sins in order to convict him with them, otherwise after the alledged acts were atoned/forgiven later on in his life, (especially when you are advocating that it's alright for people to engage in what he and his lady friend was alledged to have done by her getting an abortion afterwards) ??

I know, I know, but he made her do it right ? Bull crap..... If a woman wants her child to be born, then I garantee you that the child will be born, otherwise no man is able to stop that unless he puts a gun to the woman's head, and I garantee you that doing that didn't happen. So did she get pregnant on purpose maybe, otherwise after she might have lied to say that she was using protection ? Hey anchor babies are also a thing when it comes to celebrities groupies maybe trying to score big by locking an individual in ?? So many ways to look at it, but no way to tell about what truly happened or didn't happen. So make it all political in hopes to use it to attack the entire party for fear that the party will land a majority if Walker isn't destroyed in the run off.

It's all just political with you, so don't try to be so moral and righteous when you aren't. You have an agenda, and it must hinge on these things being knocked down, so good luck with your wickedness, and let's see how far you can go.
So in other words we are to accept the atrocity of abortion
If you don’t think a woman who gets an abortion should be prosecuted for murder then there is no atrocity when a woman kills a not viable human removing it from her body before it becomes viable
If you don’t think a woman who gets an abortion should be prosecuted for murder then there is no atrocity when a woman kills a not viable human removing it from her body before it becomes viable
I think that brainwashed mental people who commit acts based on false teachings shouldn't be prosecuted for murder in the case no, but after being taught better, and new laws are passed regarding such things or maybe the old ethical laws are somehow respected and supported once again, then maybe, buuuut just maybe we can slowly walk this stuff back from the cliff's that the nation had since gotten itself way to far out on a limb on.
beagle9221204-#6,147 So in other words we are to accept the atrocity (per elektra propaganda cartoons) of abortion as is based upon your supposed "privacy of a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases", but this is aside from selling it in which is a private matter also correct ??

NFBW: Is prostitution a public act beagle9 in which an exchange of currency takes place or not? Morality aside, the government has at least a taxation interest during any public commerce between two viable human beings engaged in the oldest profession. .

Can you assure the government that prostitutes declare their income and send the government its lawful share? And the government has an interest in controlling the spread of venereal disease as a matter of public health.

So in our system under the Constitution you can, even as as a good white Republican anti-abortion beagle9 Protestant Christian, choose to accept the legality and justifiable right of abortion as it is based upon the Constitutional principle of a right to the privacy of a woman to make health and family decisions in the privacy of family and medical professionals in whatever way a pregnant woman decides.

I am an anti-abortion pro-choice rational theist myself, somewhat similar abortion-wise, to more than half of mass-attending Catholics who are AA-PC too. On the other hand, white Christian posters such as yourself Mashmont and ding are anti-abortion anti-choice AA-AC which I believe is due in large part to your and theirs common lack of respect for the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy in reproductive matters between her god if she has one her family and her doctor.

beagle9221204-#6,150 Care to prove your assertions instead of using hearsay to further an agenda that is probably far more evil than anything you might accuse Walker of doing.

NFBW: It’s a he said / she said of course but the she side has:

  • an acknowledgment from HW that the accuser has a child and HW is the father.
  • the accuser has a canceled check from HW plus a get well card from HW and a receipt from the clinic where she underwent an abortion all within the same time frame.
The clincher for me was when asked about the check he wrote in 2009 that was made out to the accuser HW told NBC News the check was not for a 2009 abortion it was because the accuser was the mother of a child they do have together that was born in 2011

HW writes a check to a woman who had an abortion at that time then HW says the 2009 check was to the same woman for child support for a kid born in 2011.

He is low life lying scum who wants to be the first werewolf elected to the US Senate.

beagle9221204-#6,147 So in other words we are to accept the atrocity (per elektra propaganda cartoons) of abortion as is based upon your supposed "privacy of a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases", but this is aside from selling it in which is a private matter also correct ??

NFBW: Is prostitution a public act beagle9 in which an exchange of currency takes place or not? Morality aside, the government has at least a taxation interest during any public commerce between two viable human beings engaged in the oldest profession. .

Can you assure the government that prostitutes declare their income and send the government its lawful share? And the government has an interest in controlling the spread of venereal disease as a matter of public health.

So in our system under the Constitution you can, even as as a good white Republican anti-abortion beagle9 Protestant Christian, choose to accept the legality and justifiable right of abortion as it is based upon the Constitutional principle of a right to the privacy of a woman to make health and family decisions in the privacy of family and medical professionals in whatever way a pregnant woman decides.

I am an anti-abortion pro-choice rational theist myself, somewhat similar abortion-wise, to more than half of mass-attending Catholics who are AA-PC too. On the other hand, white Christian posters such as yourself Mashmont and ding are anti-abortion anti-choice AA-AC which I believe is due in large part to your and theirs common lack of respect for the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy in reproductive matters between her god if she has one her family and her doctor.

So the government is sure to get it's taxes from an abortion sale, and that makes it A-OK for the government to allow such a hideous act to go on eh ? All about those Benjamin's eh ?? Another problem is that in the normalcy of monetary exchange for most who are getting an abortion, they alledgedly aren't even spending their own money for it, but are instead using welfare in some form or fashion in order to obtain that abortion, so then abortion becomes a government subsidized thing with our tax money doesn't it ??

I mean yes you have the family that secretly or quietly pays for the embarrassment of their daughter getting pregnant, but that isn't as often as those living in POVERTY getting those abortion's I'm betting. Be some interesting stats to find out the Numbers on for sure.
beagle9221204-#6,137 @beagle9 You truly struggle in your wickedness..

NFBW221204-#6,140 ding repeatedly insists that the conflict of rights between human unborn beings when they are on the human life continuum following fertilization of an egg, but not viable if separated from its mother versus women of reproductive age, is not about religion.

NFBW: Is it your Christian religious belief system beagle9 that drives you to promote government coercion against a woman’s right to privacy even when she seeks to have a medical procedure that causes no harm to any other human being including causing no harm to you?

beagle9221204-#6,153 I think that brainwashed mental people who commit acts based on false teachings shouldn't be prosecuted for murder

NFBW: Isn’t the killing, ending the life of an innocent human being murder, beagle9 ???? It’s as if you do not consider a human fetus to be a human being in the way that the atheist CarsomyrPlusSix does.

CPlus6221008-#148 It is premeditated and aggressive homicide, with no justification whatsoever, perpetuated against a known helpless and innocent human being - and in all other cases, that means the most severe category of murder.

NFBW: Is it your Christian faith that prevents you from expecting that women who terminate their pregnancies not be prosecuted for murder?

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beagle9221204-#6,147 So in other words we are to accept the atrocity (per elektra propaganda cartoons) of abortion as is based upon your supposed "privacy of a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases", but this is aside from selling it in which is a private matter also correct ??

NFBW: Is prostitution a public act beagle9 in which an exchange of currency takes place or not? Morality aside, the government has at least a taxation interest during any public commerce between two viable human beings engaged in the oldest profession. .

Can you assure the government that prostitutes declare their income and send the government its lawful share? And the government has an interest in controlling the spread of venereal disease as a matter of public health.

So in our system under the Constitution you can, even as as a good white Republican anti-abortion beagle9 Protestant Christian, choose to accept the legality and justifiable right of abortion as it is based upon the Constitutional principle of a right to the privacy of a woman to make health and family decisions in the privacy of family and medical professionals in whatever way a pregnant woman decides.

I am an anti-abortion pro-choice rational theist myself, somewhat similar abortion-wise, to more than half of mass-attending Catholics who are AA-PC too. On the other hand, white Christian posters such as yourself Mashmont and ding are anti-abortion anti-choice AA-AC which I believe is due in large part to your and theirs common lack of respect for the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy in reproductive matters between her god if she has one her family and her doctor.


beagle9221204-#6,147 So in other words we are to accept the atrocity (per elektra propaganda cartoons) of abortion as is based upon your supposed "privacy of a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases", but this is aside from selling it in which is a private matter also correct ??

NFBW: Is prostitution a public act beagle9 in which an exchange of currency takes place or not? Morality aside, the government has at least a taxation interest during any public commerce between two viable human beings engaged in the oldest profession. .

Can you assure the government that prostitutes declare their income and send the government its lawful share? And the government has an interest in controlling the spread of venereal disease as a matter of public health.

So in our system under the Constitution you can, even as as a good white Republican anti-abortion beagle9 Protestant Christian, choose to accept the legality and justifiable right of abortion as it is based upon the Constitutional principle of a right to the privacy of a woman to make health and family decisions in the privacy of family and medical professionals in whatever way a pregnant woman decides.

I am an anti-abortion pro-choice rational theist myself, somewhat similar abortion-wise, to more than half of mass-attending Catholics who are AA-PC too. On the other hand, white Christian posters such as yourself Mashmont and ding are anti-abortion anti-choice AA-AC which I believe is due in large part to your and theirs common lack of respect for the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy in reproductive matters between her god if she has one her family and her doctor.

Ignorance, you express it well. Try to keep up, hillbilly. We here got high definition technology these days. No need for you to think aliens landed in your backyard and hence the men in black are coming. Take a deep breath Billy Jo Bob

It is just technology
beagle9221204-#6,137 @beagle9 You truly struggle in your wickedness..

NFBW221204-#6,140 ding repeatedly insists that the conflict of rights between human unborn beings when they are on the human life continuum following fertilization of an egg, but not viable if separated from its mother versus women of reproductive age, is not about religion.

NFBW: Is it your Christian religious belief system beagle9 that drives you to promote government coercion against a woman’s right to privacy even when she seeks to have a medical procedure that causes no harm to any other human being including causing no harm to you?

beagle9221204-#6,153 I think that brainwashed mental people who commit acts based on false teachings shouldn't be prosecuted for murder

NFBW: Isn’t the killing, ending the life of an innocent human being murder, beagle9 ???? It’s as if you do not consider a human fetus to be a human being in the way that the atheist CarsomyrPlusSix does.

CPlus6221008-#148 It is premeditated and aggressive homicide, with no justification whatsoever, perpetuated against a known helpless and innocent human being - and in all other cases, that means the most severe category of murder.

NFBW: Is it your Christian faith that prevents you from expecting that women who terminate their pregnancies not be prosecuted for murder?

What part of brainwashed "MENTAL" people don't you understand ? They should be rehabilitated along with the system that definitely had them screwed up into thinking that the taking of the life of their unborn child was ok, otherwise in the same ways that you are advocating that it is ok for them to do as well.

Murder is committed by murderers, and not by mentally challenged people that are coerced into thinking that taking the life of their own clump of cell's that just so happen to resemble a human being is not murder.

All such things for a court to figure out, otherwise to figure out the insanity or mentally unstableness of the individual or individual's committing the act with disregard for human life.
beagle9221204-#6,137 @beagle9 You truly struggle in your wickedness..

NFBW221205-#6,157: Is it your Christian religious belief system beagle9 that drives you to promote government coercion against a woman’s right to privacy even when she seeks to have a medical procedure that causes no harm to any other human being including causing no harm to you?

beagle9221204-#6,153 I think that brainwashed mental people who commit acts based on false teachings shouldn't be prosecuted for murder

NFBW221205-#6,157 Isn’t the killing, ending the life of an innocent human being murder, beagle9 ???? .

NFBW221205-#6,157 Is it your Christian faith that prevents you from expecting that women who terminate their pregnancies not be prosecuted for murder?

beagle9221295-#6,159 What part of brainwashed "MENTAL" people don't you understand ?

NFBW: What does an American who votes consistently in every national election the past sixty years have to do to qualify in your opinion to be a brainwashed "MENTAL" person as opposed to your self-fixated white European protestant religious Christian and therefore the only stable and well informed mental capacity that is right for the Christian Nation in which we all live.


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