Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Providing Help Self Healing Forte "

* You And The Cadaver You Rode In On *

Would you have outlawed dissection of the hue mammon body in the dark ages ?

You is a second person accusative which upon reflection incriminates the accuser .
Talk like you got some sense or don't talk at all... 😆
Zygote? Nobody aborts a zygote, there is no procedure to abort a zygote.

Your comments sre a good reason why abortion is a procedure from the last century, ignorance and stupidity.
I really am just tired of reading “wrights” and “hue mammon” and “sedition against the first amendment.”

All of these incorrect spellings and nonsense sentiments stand corrected and this rambling dude has no counterargument, just repetition.

Non-citizen humans still have human rights. Claiming only the born warrant legal protection against violence is arbitrary and bigoted.
Seriously. This asshole is attributing comments to me about “autonomy” and “fertilized eggs” when I only put these things in quotes because the former is irrelevant and the latter doesn’t even exist when it comes to the sexual reproduction of human beings and other viviparous species.

It’s not like this is ambiguous or somehow confusing - he is doing this on purpose.

So yes, I do recall his clear statement of how much he enjoys being a cannibal.
Tigers and Democrats eat their young.
WNFBW: what is your interest or harm to you
Irrelevant. Harm doesn't have to be to me for me to want it to be criminal, sociopathic inhuman filth.

to be involved in a private matter
Herpaderp. Sorry, aggressive violence against another human being means it's not just a private matter, it's everyone's business, sociopathic inhuman filth.

that supersedes the right of the person
No such rights are involved here, to be relevant. Sorry you don't understand how rights work or what they are, retard.

shared body situation known as pregnancy?
Wrong. Sorry you don't know what pregnancy is, retard.
Cplus6221210-#6,285 Harm doesn't have to be to me for me to want it to be criminal,

NFBW: It has to be harm to somebody, as in a person. The truth is every individual person is recognized by the Constitution when they are born. Prior to birth the human being is sharing a body and is protected through the would be mother’s human rights. Where does a fetus get its stand alone human rights CarsomyrPlusSix ?????

Cplus6221210-#6,285 Sorry, aggressive violence against another human being means it's not just a private matter, it's everyone's business, sociopathic inhuman filth.

NFBW: Is a natural miscarriage CarsomyrPlusSix considered a natural death of a human being? Twenty percent of pregnancies end in miscarriages.

In your un-private regulation of a woman’s reproductive organs will every woman who misses a period be required to be examined for unprotected sexual activity and/ or evidence of induced miscarriage every month?

How does your Taliban Fetal Plan Work CarsomyrPlusSix ?????

Abortion is commonly defined as the termination of a pregnancy resulting in the death of the embryo or fetus / or following the death of the embryo or fetus. So how do you know when a woman unbeknownst to you CarsomyrPlusSix living on the opposite coast, in a state with protected freedom of reproductive rights, has a natural abortion or an induced abortion. The forner being natural causes of death to a fetus; the latter being some form of murder in Christian Taliban America snd the subjugation of women to a status of reproductive slave.

Cplus6221130-#5,991 Roe cited a fictional "right to privacy" and hallucinated that this fictional right had a penumbra, a shadow right, which meant that you can kill your own kid just because, and it was always in the Constitution, just because of course it was.

Cplus6221130-#5,991 Nothing based on this "right to privacy" has any legitimacy whatsoever, and all of it, not just Roe, should be repealed immediately.

NFBW: Privacy is not a right to have the abortion. Privacy is the right to not have government intervene in any persons medical health and family planning decisions. It applies to male and female citizenship and every gender in between.

Therefore it is argued that the mother and fetus are involved in a symbiotic private relationship in which the mother is in possession of full authority regarding the fate of her unborn child and risks associated with a full term pregnancy. It’s her autonomy period.

A pregnant woman as an American citizen under the Constitution is protected to be an equal to all created men. Her freedoms do not dissociate and dissolve at the blink of an eye when one of her eggs becomes fertilized at conception or any moment thereafter during Z-E-F development of the human organism with wish she is dating her body beagle9

Autonomy is not negotiable with any political movement including American Protestant and Catholic Christian Taliban with a few atheists sprinkled in for meanness of propagandistic messaging against abortion.

The right to be free from unwanted bodily invasions and to control one’s own life is fundamental to the pregnant woman’s right to security of the person [7]. Maternal right to privacy is also supported by other concepts and rights, specifically that of autonomy.​
The concept of a person’s autonomy is their right to choose how to live their own life [9]. The pregnant woman should be allowed the freedom to decide upon alternative courses of therapeutic action based on her values and beliefs [4].​
NFBW: Nuff truth said for now. Thank you for reading.the truth. Speaking of truth intellectually gutless San Souci will you be citing a case where a Democrat has eaten its young or did you hear that from Q-non or TruthSocial ????? Please provide your link.

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When a woman unbeknownst to you San Souci misses a period following vaginal sexual intercourse with an unsnipped dude within marriage or not San Souci what is her business or duty or obligation to you so that you can be assured that she is not pregnant and therefore if a Democrat will eat her young? END2212111010
NFBW: Is a natural miscarriage CarsomyrPlusSix considered a natural death of a human being?

A naturally-occurring miscarriage literally is a natural death and is often the result of genetic abnormality that dooms the poor kid.

I don't care what assholes like you consider - I care what IS.

In your un-private regulation of a woman’s reproductive organs will every woman who misses a period be required to be examined for unprotected sexual activity and/ or evidence of induced miscarriage every month?\
Natural death occurs, idiot.

We don't do a full autopsy and criminal homicide investigation on every death for born humans.

We do this when foul play is suspected.

Abortion is
A contract killing.

So how do you know when a woman unbeknownst to you CarsomyrPlusSix living on the opposite coast
How do I know when someone shoots you in your stupid fucking face, other than you blessedly shutting the fuck up and never bothering me again with your garbage parsing and nonsense prattle?
I don't know when a lot of humans get killed. Guess it should be legal then?
You don't have a rebuttal to this, clearly, so you ignore it.

in a state with protected freedom of reproductive rights
In a state practicing a human rights abuse, like the states that used to allow slavery. Don't worry, your shitholes will be stopped from being evil eventually.

Privacy is not a right to have the abortion.
"Privacy" has nothing to do with contract killing other than the fact that most killers want to get away with their misdeeds in secret.

Privacy is the right to not have government intervene in any persons medical health and family planning decisions.
a) There is no such constitutional right, read the document
b) Your euphemisms for "I want to kill kids" are sneaking in again, tend to that
c) Contract killing is not medicine

Therefore it is argued that the mother and fetus are involved in a symbiotic
You are retarded, ignorant filth spewing nonsense.
Mammalian embryology is not symbiosis. All parties involved are the SAME SPECIES.

A pregnant woman as an American citizen under the Constitution is protected to be an equal to all created men.
They should be, and as such should be treated like men when they attack and kill someone, but bigots like yourself don't agree with equality.

Autonomy is not negotiable
I agree - it isn't negotiable that "autonomy" has nothing to do with this topic. It has nothing to do with this topic as a matter of fact.

It's very simple: don't attack other humans, especially your own kids.
If you have a problem with this, fuck you, and fuck off. Your words are noise.
If you do it anyway, you should die in a cell. Or via execution.
No compromise, no negotiation.

right to security of the person
There is no such right, this is just your retard euphemism for killing your own kid, stolen from the frozen barbarians in Canuckistan, that vile shithole to the North.

In conclusion, you remain a nonsensical and disgusting excuse for a human being, an utter waste of everyone's time and effort as you encourage death, slavery, and inequality. You are deplorable.
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Cplus6221210-#6,285 Harm doesn't have to be to me for me to want it to be criminal,

NFBW: It has to be harm to somebody, as in a person. The truth is every individual person is recognized by the Constitution when they are born. Prior to birth the human being is sharing a body and is protected through the would be mother’s human rights. Where does a fetus get its stand alone human rights CarsomyrPlusSix ?????

The fetus gets it's stand alone fetus rights from those of us who are examples of being a CIVILIZED people. Why ??? Because we are standing examples of the fact that when a fetus is nurtured, nourished, protected, and taken to it's final birth outcomes that creates another human being just like us, then we have shown that we are a CIVILIZED people who respect the miracle of life when it comes into being.

Therefore we grant those rights to that fetus because we are civilized, and we also know without a doubt that we came into being in the same exact manor that the fetus has come into being, and it sorely pains us to be expected to just stand by while a life is being ended for reason's that are unexceptable to us as a civilized SOCIETY or a CIVILIZED people......

Now regardless of it having to use it's host body in order to be nourished, kept safe, and monitored until the live birth maturity is reached, it should have a right to live just like it's mother was given that right to live by her mother with father to be who had created her.

If a woman doesn't want the responsibility of getting pregnant, then they should restrain themselves from having sex until ready to get pregnant if using no contraception or make use of the contraception that is readily available in order to prevent the pregnancy in the 1st place.

The Bible tells us that "I will not have you ignorant", so it is readily available to a CIVILIZED SOCIETY to read and then become learned by, so why would we attempt to act ignorant if we are therefore given the knowledge and material's that teach us how to be civilized instead of uncivilized whether it be in a religious situation or a secular situation ???
I really am just tired of reading “wrights” and “hue mammon” and “sedition against the first amendment.”

All of these incorrect spellings and nonsense sentiments stand corrected and this rambling dude has no counterargument, just repetition.

Non-citizen humans still have human rights. Claiming only the born warrant legal protection against violence is arbitrary and bigoted.

Since a fetus is harmful and dependent upon the woman, then legally the woman has total discretion to do whatever she wants.
No one else gets any say at all.
Irrelevant. Harm doesn't have to be to me for me to want it to be criminal, sociopathic inhuman filth.

Herpaderp. Sorry, aggressive violence against another human being means it's not just a private matter, it's everyone's business, sociopathic inhuman filth.

No such rights are involved here, to be relevant. Sorry you don't understand how rights work or what they are, retard.

Wrong. Sorry you don't know what pregnancy is, retard.

It is not totally a private matter, but clearly the woman is the only one who gets any say at all, since it not only effects her the most, but also because she is the one with the MOST maternal interest in particular.
If anyone else tries to get involved, it is over strangers, so then is motivated by selfish and fanatical religious beliefs.
The fetus gets it's stand alone fetus rights from those of us who are examples of being a CIVILIZED people. Why ??? Because we are standing examples of the fact that when a fetus is nurtured, nourished, protected, and taken to it's final birth outcomes that creates another human being just like us, then we have shown that we are a CIVILIZED people who respect the miracle of life when it comes into being.

Therefore we grant those rights to that fetus because we are civilized, and we also know without a doubt that we came into being in the same exact manor that the fetus has come into being, and it sorely pains us to be expected to just stand by while a life is being ended for reason's that are unexceptable to us as a civilized SOCIETY or a CIVILIZED people......

Now regardless of it having to use it's host body in order to be nourished, kept safe, and monitored until the live birth maturity is reached, it should have a right to live just like it's mother was given that right to live by her mother with father to be who had created her.

If a woman doesn't want the responsibility of getting pregnant, then they should restrain themselves from having sex until ready to get pregnant if using no contraception or make use of the contraception that is readily available in order to prevent the pregnancy in the 1st place.

The Bible tells us that "I will not have you ignorant", so it is readily available to a CIVILIZED SOCIETY to read and then become learned by, so why would we attempt to act ignorant if we are therefore given the knowledge and material's that teach us how to be civilized instead of uncivilized whether it be in a religious situation or a secular situation ???

Totally wrong.
A fetus is not sentient, so then has no value at all really.
The creation of life is not at all any sort of "miracle", but is a common biological process that not only is difficult to stop, but over population is clearly going to totally destroy our society and the entire planet unless we do things to control it.

Anyone attempting to impose their religious beliefs on others is not only wrong, but evil.
Since a fetus is harmful and dependent upon the woman, then legally the woman has total discretion to do whatever she wants.
No one else gets any say at all.
A fetus is harmful eh ? You have got to be kidding me .. lol.
Totally wrong.
A fetus is not sentient, so then has no value at all really.
The creation of life is not at all any sort of "miracle", but is a common biological process that not only is difficult to stop, but over population is clearly going to totally destroy our society and the entire planet unless we do things to control it.

Anyone attempting to impose their religious beliefs on others is not only wrong, but evil.
Says the one supporting evil.... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣
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A fetus is not sentient, so then has no value at all really.
Then neither do you.

over population is clearly going to totally destroy our society and the entire planet unless we do things to control it.
You first, then. Since you're so concerned about it, feel free to get off the planet yourself rather than advocating for killing others wholesale like a fucking monster.

Anyone attempting to impose their religious beliefs on others is not only wrong, but evil.
I'm sorry you feel one must be religious to oppose attacking and killing others, but it's not a surprising opinion for a dangerous lunatic like yourself to have.
Nothing I said in my comment about "hue mammon" boy is wrong.

I guess you think non-citizens are all fair game for murder like they do, which just means we have one more crazed sociopath on this site.

"Harmful." The kid is helpless and innocent. They cause no harm. You're delusional.

I don't know what you meant specifically by your "hue mammon" reference, but in general I think materialism and greed are evil.

And you clearly are ignoring reality.
Giving birth is about the single greatest cause of death in the whole world.
If we look at long-term trends in maternal mortality – the likelihood a woman will die from pregnancy-related causes – we see that every 100th to 200th birth led to the mother’s death.
But pregnancy is much more threatening than just death, because each child costs hundreds of thousands to raise, and takes away from the time and effort the rest of the family can get.

But what makes the anti-abortion people the most evil, is the fact they keep forgetting that an abortion does not at all eliminate life in any way, because the parents are going to still have the same number of children, but just delayed to after they have more financial, educational, and career stability.
Anyone who is actually religious at all should be able to realize that.

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