Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Given that consuming a large amount of cinnamon during early pregnancy can cause a miscarriage, if a woman misses a period and consumes a large amount of cinnamon during early pregnancy with the intent to cause a miscarriage
That’s not a natural death, that’s not even manslaughter, you’re describing a murder.

Or what should be a murder in a just society that cares about human rights and values equality.

That is objectively an intentional homicide with malice aforethought.
That’s not a natural death, that’s not even manslaughter, you’re describing a murder.

Or what should be a murder in a just society that cares about human rights and values equality.

That is objectively an intentional homicide with malice aforethought.
He is for any way of removing or ending the pregnancy, so it matters not to him how it gets done, just as long as it does, and it saves the planet.

NFBW221211-#6,288 In your un-private regulation of a woman’s reproductive organs
Oh what the fuck ever…

I’m sorry my objection to murder has a piece of shit like you butthurt, but not actually.

This is like saying that laws against shooting others is “regulation of your shooting hand.” No, you shouldn’t shoot other humans in aggression - it’s your hand and all, but that isn’t compelling as to why you think you should be allowed to use it to do whatever you want with it whenever you want even if you kill someone else with it…

NFBW: I was simply asking how you were going to manage the Taliban ZEF Protection Act
And here come the bigoted slurs for those you want dead.
I Think I’ll set up a multiple choice for some of your most intelligible replies going forward:
Every one of those insults is 100% accurate, I’m afraid.

You are hateful and despicable. Moreover you are incoherent - even if you were saying things I found agreeable, your posting style and your utter lack of reason or logic in your approach would be so obnoxious you should be dismissed and ignored for that alone.

It’s why no one wants anything to do with you, deserving pariah.
Oh what the fuck ever…

I’m sorry my objection to murder has a piece of shit like you butthurt, but not actually.

This is like saying that laws against shooting others is “regulation of your shooting hand.” No, you shouldn’t shoot other humans in aggression - it’s your hand and all, but that isn’t compelling as to why you think you should be allowed to use it to do whatever you want with it whenever you want even if you kill someone else with it…

And here come the bigoted slurs for those you want dead.

Every one of those insults is 100% accurate, I’m afraid.

You are hateful and despicable. Moreover you are incoherent - even if you were saying things I found agreeable, your posting style and your utter lack of reason or logic in your approach would be so obnoxious you should be dismissed and ignored for that alone.

It’s why no one wants anything to do with you, deserving pariah.
Reminds me of the conversation between Michael Knowles, and Bronte Remsik posted by me earlier. NFBW is truly struggling to try and hold onto his sanity in this debate.
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Fact? Uh, no.


You've provided ZERO reason. You seem utterly incapable of it.

The fact almost all ovum and sperm die, shows we do not care about potential life, but only about sentience after the brain has produced consciousness.
That is why we do not mind turning off the artificial life support machines once someone is brain dead.
You know, I ride around in my state, and it's simply amazing the amount of unused or unpopulated space that exist in the state. So undoubtedly he is living in a sardine packed blue metro crap hole, and has absolutely no clue as to how unpopulated this United States truly is or he's been brainwashed in a severe way by the left. I think it's the latter..... He's brainwashed so much so that he has adopted these henious thoughts about controlling the population in this country via abortion, and worse he thinks that he can control the population in the world through a process we should call "unborn genocide".

To support human beings, it takes more than just the space their house occupies.
They need over an additional 3 acres for food, textiles, etc.
And then in the long run there are at least an additional 10 acres or so of woodland needed for things like replenishing the oxygen we each breath in.
And over two thirds of the world is useless, as being too rocky, dry, cold, etc.

So the reality is that we are all in the process of extinction of not only all humans, but all life on the planet, (except maybe cockroaches).
That’s not a natural death, that’s not even manslaughter, you’re describing a murder.

Or what should be a murder in a just society that cares about human rights and values equality.

That is objectively an intentional homicide with malice aforethought.
Abortion is legal based on "self defense", because giving birth is incredibly RISKY and DEADLY.

Whilst maternal mortality has decreased significantly in recent decades, more than 300,000 women die from pregnancy every year.
by Hannah Ritchie
September 16, 2019

For most of our history, pregnancy and childbirth were dangerous for both baby and mother. If we look at long-term trends in maternal mortality – the likelihood a woman will die from pregnancy-related causes – we see that every 100th to 200th birth led to the mother’s death.
That’s not a natural death, that’s not even manslaughter, you’re describing a murder.

Or what should be a murder in a just society that cares about human rights and values equality.

That is objectively an intentional homicide with malice aforethought.

All births beyond the number needed to replenish the parents, should die, or else they will cause total species extinction eventually. And actually fairly soon.
He is for any way of removing or ending the pregnancy, so it matters not to him how it gets done, just as long as it does, and it saves the planet.


Not "saves the planet", but saves ALL THE ENTIRE HUMAN SPECIES.
Not aborting excess pregnancies can only result in total species extinction.
Abortion is legal based on "self defense"

Fuck you, insane lunatic. Utterly deplorable.

The kid is helpless and innocent, they can’t harm anyone or attack anyone, we all know this, especially and including the mother.

It is deplorable to claim that an aggressive and violent attack against a helpless innocent human being could ever be “self-defense.”

ANY “harm” of pregnancy, if there even is any, is caused entirely by the mother and the father. No one else bears any responsibility whatsoever. The kid sure as hell isn’t responsible nor causing anything.
The fact almost all ovum and sperm die, shows we do not care about potential life, but only about sentience after the brain has produced consciousness.
That is why we do not mind turning off the artificial life support machines once someone is brain dead.
You knuckleheads will come up with just about anything possible in order to twist something into your narratives or excuses. Fail !!!!

Fuck you, insane lunatic. Utterly deplorable.

The kid is helpless and innocent, they can’t harm anyone or attack anyone, we all know this, especially and including the mother.

It is deplorable to claim that an aggressive and violent attack against a helpless innocent human being could ever be “self-defense.”

ANY “harm” of pregnancy, if there even is any, is caused entirely by the mother and the father. No one else bears any responsibility whatsoever. The kid sure as hell isn’t responsible nor causing anything.
I agree with this fact based sentiment. They'll resort to anything to try and make their case. They are truly diabolical people.
Cplus6221211-#6,330 ANY “harm” of pregnancy, if there even is any, is caused entirely by the mother and the father.

NFBW: Experiencing pain is harm. Limitation of one’s freedom of movement is harm. Causing one to vomit is harm. Causing economic hardship is harm. But because there are plenty a sufficient number of cases where pregnancy can cause death or other severe health problems no matter how infrequent to a woman during pregnancy; it means every woman must be permitted, it stands to reason, that every woman has a right to self protection just as all the extremist rightwing gun worshipping numbskulls in this country have a right to self protection against another person that appears to be intent on causing them harm.,

Beyond that reasoning, I and Roe v Wade Justices suffice it to say that viability is important in the self protection evaluation aspect for legal abortion because that ruling allows for self-protection by the use of lethal force for the would be mother from the harm of pregnancy when the ZEF is not capable of sustaining it’s own life using its own bodily organs and autonomy. A woman is not taking a viable life when she does so before viability when she chooses not to assume the risk of harm from pregnancy.

In the case discussed at length on this message board where Ahmad Arberry’s life was aborted and the killers all claimed self defense in that they were potentially about to be harmed by their victim for trying to protect ‘civilization’ from harm. - but they were racists who almost got away with aborting a viable human life, but justice in this case prevailed thanks to the reality that progressives are steadily improving American society on all fronts including reproductive rights and human rights to life of viable black Americans on public streets.

I understand @beagle associates abortion rights with the evils of progressivism, but her conclusions on that run afoul of truth and objective reality.

beagle9221030-#8 @beagle9 Progressivism is the term most people associate with anti-Americanism these days, because it's a movement that wants to replace the old guard with their new form of Americanism, otherwise that will look nothing like America after all is said and done.​

If we take abortion to be justified on the basis of self-protection of the woman it is absurd of beagle9 to claim that most people associate abortion with anti-Americanism these days when looking at actual voters for irvagainst abortion rights because it just is not so.


So CarsomyrPlusSix is once again a self revealed dumbfounded anti-progress profane mouthed anti-intellectual goober when his ignorance is placed on full display by doubting that pregnancy ever causes harm to a woman who gets pregnant.

And beagle9 is always right there going atta-boy while patting him gently upon his quite empty head.

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^ That’s a lot of needless inane faggotry on your part, sir, when I can just direct you to read what you initially quoted…

… because it contains the reply to your line of “reasoning,” aka insane bullshit retardation, in assigning responsibility for any potential harm of pregnancy to the kid.

And then, in the depths of your depravity, you call the kid - helpless and innocent, resting peacefully exactly where his parents put him - a villain on par with a violent attacker who must be put down with gunfire.

That is vile, that is stupid, that is patently insane - all of these elements are STANDARD from you, filth.
" Catholicism Rearing Caution Radical Manifests "

* Prophylaxis Versus Asceticism *

Zygote? Nobody aborts a zygote, there is no procedure to abort a zygote.
Your comments sre a good reason why abortion is a procedure from the last century, ignorance and stupidity.
The orthodox position dismisses use of any prophylaxis including birth control which prevents a zygote from attaching to the placenta .

A penchant was once conveyed to myself by an individual confessing to intentionally poke a pin hole in his condoms so as not to violate a rule of onanism when hooking up with a girl .

* Finally Something Delivered Loudly Recommended As Obvious *

" The court’s ruling does not overturn the 2021 law, which banned abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy. It also does not impact the near-total ban on abortion that went into effect after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

The law, known as Senate Bill 8, allows anyone to bring a lawsuit against someone who “aids or abets” in an abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy. On Thursday, state District Judge Aaron Haas in Bexar County said people who have no connection to the prohibited abortion and have not been harmed by it do not have standing to bring these lawsuits. "

* Anecdote Some *

Between the stages of fertilization and implantation, the developing embryo is sometimes termed as a preimplantation-conceptus. This stage has also been referred to as the pre-embryo in legal discourses including relevance to the use of embryonic stem cells.[3]
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" Catholicism Rearing Caution Radical Manifests "

* Prophylaxis Versus Asceticism *

The orthodox position dismisses use of any prophylaxis including birth control which prevents a zygote from attaching to the placenta .

A penchant was once conveyed to myself by an individual confessing to intentionally poke a pin hole in his condoms so as not to violate a rule of onanism when hooking up with a girl .

* Finally Something Delivered Loudly Recommended As Obvious *

" The court’s ruling does not overturn the 2021 law, which banned abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy. It also does not impact the near-total ban on abortion that went into effect after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

The law, known as Senate Bill 8, allows anyone to bring a lawsuit against someone who “aids or abets” in an abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy. On Thursday, state District Judge Aaron Haas in Bexar County said people who have no connection to the prohibited abortion and have not been harmed by it do not have standing to bring these lawsuits. "

* Anecdote Some *

Between the stages of fertilization and implantation, the developing embryo is sometimes termed as a preimplantation-conceptus. This stage has also been referred to as the pre-embryo in legal discourses including relevance to the use of embryonic stem cells.[3]
That is very nice, you can give us google links.
Cplus6221212-#6,334 ^ That’s a lot of needless inane faggotry on your part, sir, when I can just direct you to read what you initially quoted…… because it contains the reply to your line of “reasoning,” aka insane bullshit retardation, in assigning responsibility for any potential harm of pregnancy to the kid.

NFBW: I have never assigned responsibility for any potential harm of pregnancy to the kid. Therefore your irrationality is based on a lie as most irrationalities are.

I cannot stop you from using your concoction of lies about my arguments because you can lie and run away like a #ding has done again and again.

I can only tell you and the readers that truthfully I do not assign responsibility to the unborn beings involved whether survived or aborted for any potential harm or death to the mother resulting from pregnancy. To do so would be absurd because it is the pregnancy that causes harm and potential death whether the kid is wanted by the parents or not.

Pregnancy harms all women To a degree and the moment of delivery is what causes most death due to pregnancy.

It is never the kid you BABBITT.

It’s the medical condition and separation process when a fully viable baby reaches his/her stage on the lifetime continuum and is ready to be physically extracted fron the person they were a part of for usually the better part of nine months.

It’s called giving birth that can kill a woman if she decides to take the risk for the reward of giving birth to a new child of the universe.

You cannot argue rationally or honestly on your own behalf’s CarsomyrPlusSix snd beagle9 that an asshole like Cplus6 is humane and intelligent enough to tell millions of women that they must subject themselves to Cplus6’s craven brute ignorance by assuming the risk of pregnancy because Cplus6 thinks a fertilized egg is a child and childbirth is a walk in a park where no danger or risk or threat can ever be found.

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" Fresh Meet Grind Stone Scene "

* Harmonics Foar Foer Foir Four Foyr Resonance *

Good stuff here..

The power of ideas is exemplified by the work accomplished per unit time , where work is a force applied through a distance with a specific purpose .

The excitation of electrons in orbitals to cause emission occurs at frequencies specific to the identify of an elements .
Experiencing pain is harm. Limitation of one’s freedom of movement is harm. Causing one to vomit is harm. Causing economic hardship is harm.
Self-inflicted. And none of this shit comes close to justifying taking someone else’s life.

every woman has a right to self protection just as all the extremist rightwing gun worshipping numbskulls in this country have a right to self protection against another person that appears to be intent on causing them harm.,
allows for self-protection

If we take abortion to be justified on the basis of self-protection​
Oh look, this is you assigning the situation of abortion the same weight as a violent attacker warranting self-defense - a right you disparage because clearly you don’t respect human rights or the Constitution - and you repeatedly saying “self-protection.” Exactly as I said you had, and exactly as you stupidly denied.

Which undeniably means this is you attributing potential harm of pregnancy and responsibility for that harm to the kid, exactly as I said you had, and exactly as you stupidly denied.

GG no re - feel free to emulate a samurai or something with the slightest bit of honor and disembowel yourself in disgrace now.
Cplus6221212-#6,334 And then, in the depths of your depravity, you call the kid - helpless and innocent, resting peacefully exactly where his parents put him - a villain on par with a violent attacker who must be put down with gunfire.

NFBW: CarsomyrPlusSix Being the dumb gun slut that he is takes the bait and self destructs his argument that woman have no right to reject the risk of pregnancy - but three white racist hillbillies dumber than a BABBITT had a right to gun down and murder a young unarmed black man who was jogging past their front yard in a public street. One thing we can count on is Cplus6 kicking his own ass during any debate here.


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