Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You’re not arguing for a “rape exception,” intellectually dishonest… wait, no, just generally filthy lying trash with zero integrity, zero honor, zero intelligence, zero merit.

If you agree that we should ban the other 99.9x% of abortions, then we can argue “rape exceptions.” Until then, go fuck yourself. You don’t give two shits about rape, you sick bastard.

Fuck you. Eat a bullet.

Non sequitur. “The government” does not go around inseminating ladies at gunpoint, you nutjob.
Good point - The government doesn't go around inseminating at gun point... That is CORRECT. At some point society has got to get control of itself and stop expecting government to be a fix all for them in society. It has led to the break downs that we see today. But who is the government ? It is us supposedly, so how does the wrong side of us get in charge of government ??? That definitely needs to be studied and fixed, because we are a national product of what wrongful government is.
What is there to argue about “rape exceptions” .
With you? Nothing.

Because you don’t want a rape exception, you’re bigoted filth who hates the unborn equally regardless of what their parents did.

So there’s nothing to argue with you - you don’t care about rape at all, so I won’t indulge you in whatever fetishes or proclivities you must have, sociopath.

Fuck you, bigoted filth.

And the rest is just your continued hate-boner against Catholics, which continues to be irrelevant. Whatever faith you claim to be, you soulless rotten blackhearted stain on the Earth, your god is trash.

There is no merit or intellect behind anything you say. Just fuck off.
With you? Nothing.

Because you don’t want a rape exception, you’re bigoted filth who hates the unborn equally regardless of what their parents did.

So there’s nothing to argue with you - you don’t care about rape at all, so I won’t indulge you in whatever fetishes or proclivities you must have, sociopath.

Fuck you, bigoted filth.

And the rest is just your continued hate-boner against Catholics, which continues to be irrelevant. Whatever faith you claim to be, you soulless rotten blackhearted stain on the Earth, your god is trash.

There is no merit or intellect behind anything you say. Just fuck off.
You seem a very smart guy, even in your crude and unorthodoxed way of saying things, or even in your getting a sharp point across when needed, so just remember that it's never to late to apply your smarts in a means of working for the Lord also (without all the cursing of course). Glad you are for the little ones in life.

Hey, you be you though.

Ok back to the fight. lol
You seem a very smart guy, even in your crude and unorthodoxed way of saying things, or even in your getting a sharp point across when needed, so just remember that it's never to late to apply your smarts in a means of working for the Lord also (without all the cursing of course). Glad you are for the little ones in life.

Hey, you be you though.

Ok back to the fight. lol

I am beyond politeness and my patience is beyond exhausted with this person. Yes, I do believe I have negative patience and tolerance for this person, because it is clear they maliciously lie and waste my time. I know without any doubt that when I get a reply from this asshat, that it will be stupid, bigoted, difficult to read, have inconsistent and incomprehensible logic, and will invariably involve loaded, nonsensical, irrelevant questions.

They also employ these lies in the form of malodorous hatred against innocent human beings who do not deserve to be killed, claiming killing them is self-defense, saying they are not human beings, calling them parasites, using slurs, just the worst. The absolute worst.

If they were civil and argued in good faith, I could do the same in return. I might lose my patience on occasion but we could still have a conversation. This person is allergic to good faith.
Cplus6221212-#6,362 So there’s nothing to argue with you - you don’t care about rape at all, so I won’t indulge you in whatever fetishes or proclivities you must have, sociopath.

NFBW: What kind of argument goes to “you don’t care about rape at all”. This is not the only sign of desperation you’re exposing to this forum.

Can you stick with objective facts bring up only observable truth in the construction of your arguments with an end of your bullshit commentary of what you think I care about or don’t care about because it only weakens anything truthful that you might slip up
And say.

When one only brings up rape to be emotionally manipulative on this topic, where rape is statistically irrelevant, when they have already established that they want abortion on demand to be legal in all cases, we know for a fact that rape is nothing more than a rhetorical pawn on a chessboard to that person. It has no impact on their position, so why would they bring it up?

Simple. It is a bad faith intentional logical fallacy to cease all logic and appeal only to emotion.

But no, rape accounts for such a minuscule amount of these homicides that I will not indulge that crap for a second.
Cplus6221212-#6,364 CarsomyrPlusSix I am beyond politeness and my patience is beyond exhausted with this person.

NFBW: I confront your ignorant statements head on. And they really set you off don’t they. Like this one:

Cplus6221115-#5,617 Hey Bitch off: We are NEVER “part of our mother’s anatomy.”

Cplus6220919-#5,280 “We are never “part of our mother’s anatomy,” drooling retard.”

NFBW: So I provided scientific proof that not only was every conceived human being, at the beginning life following conception as a human organism, are a part of their mother’s body when in the womb, but they are part of their mother’s body even after childbirth. fetal-maternal microchimerism.

NFBW221207-#6,179 But wait CarsomyrPlusSix (aka the dumbest dumbass on abortion here), If a living human organism referred to as a pregnant woman and living human organism referred to as a fetus never were part of the mother’s body then the miracle process, called fetal-maternal microchimerism could never take place.

I Heard nothing back from Cplus6 after that regard fetal-maternal microchimerism. Once again here is the link right after eagle1462010 agreement that ZEF is part of a woman’s body until separated at birth.

eagle1462010 is scientifically correct on the fact that fetus and mother become two separate lives at birth leaving the shared life of nine months behind.

Children’s cells live on in mothers

A baby's cells knit their way into a mother’s body.

Cplus6221212-#6,364 CarsomyrPlusSix I am beyond politeness and my patience is beyond exhausted with this person.

NFBW: I confront your ignorant statements head on. And they really set you off don’t they. Like this one:

Cplus6221115-#5,617 Hey Bitch off: We are NEVER “part of our mother’s anatomy.”

Cplus6220919-#5,280 “We are never “part of our mother’s anatomy,” drooling retard.”

NFBW: So I provided scientific proof that not only was every conceived human being, at the beginning life following conception as a human organism, are a part of their mother’s body when in the womb, but they are part of their mother’s body even after childbirth. fetal-maternal microchimerism.

NFBW221207-#6,179 But wait CarsomyrPlusSix (aka the dumbest dumbass on abortion here), If a living human organism referred to as a pregnant woman and living human organism referred to as a fetus never were part of the mother’s body then the miracle process, called fetal-maternal microchimerism could never take place.

I Heard nothing back from Cplus6 after that regard fetal-maternal microchimerism. Once again here is the link right after eagle1462010 agreement that ZEF is part of a woman’s body until separated at birth.

eagle1462010 is scientifically correct on the fact that fetus and mother become two separate lives at birth leaving the shared life of nine months behind.

Children’s cells live on in mothers

A baby's cells knit their way into a mother’s body.

Two separate live's no matter how you cut it once the life developmental stages begin. The spirit/soul given to the new developing human being, gives that human a distinct life that separates the human one that is residing in the womb, otherwise that is now forming separate from the identity of the mother, has begun to form it's unique distinction... The baby forming is separated from the host carrying it by a distinct and new identity/spirit/soul given to it, and this is so that it is a separate distinct human being being formed in the process, other than her nurturing and giving life protecting services to that distinct new life that is growing in her womb.
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^ I’m done with this dogshit NotfooledbyW and I encourage everyone else to ignore him too.

This account is an obvious and malicious troll spewing noxious hatred inbetween incomprehensible jibberish.

Part of me feels obliged to correct things being said that are just so stupidly wrong, but I’ve done more than my fair share here.
^ I’m done with this dogshit NotfooledbyW and I encourage everyone else to ignore him too.

This account is an obvious and malicious troll spewing noxious hatred inbetween incomprehensible jibberish.

Part of me feels obliged to correct things being said that are just so stupidly wrong, but I’ve done more than my fair share here.
Can't blame ya, he has struck me wrong also, especially when he becomes desperate to make his points... LOL. He really goes stupid then.

He's just like JoeB, two peas in a pod.
Two separate live's no matter how you cut it once the life developmental stages begin.
Yeah I mean this is just basic biology.

The presence of cells that somehow cross the placental barrier is a fascinating oddity, but this doesn’t change the fact that we have two different organisms with their own bodies.

To say otherwise is equivalent to trying to draw some kind of distinction between theoretical human cloning and normal fertilization… or to say that life cannot begin at fertilization because twinning may occur. But these outliers and possibilities do not change the fundamentals - clones would still be human beings even if created through some artificial equivalent of fertilization, like Dolly the sheep. Twins are an example where one contiguous organism became two identical ones due to the nature of the blastocyst’s cells being totipotent - the split just causes each portion to continue mitosis to generate sufficient cells to prepare each for implantation.

Science is full of interesting phenomena.

The placenta, a jointly made temporary organ, is a place of exchange which also serves as an imperfect biological firewall to prevent things like blood cells from crossing over, since fetal and maternal blood mixing can create dangerous reactions.

If we cast off cells and they survive through any means, it is difficult and really not appropriate to say that those cells are still part of our bodies. If one goes to the sperm bank and donates, and they freeze the semen the cells that survive the initial process can live for like 15-50 years. Are those cells still part of your body? No, they are cast off.

Similarly, scientists can collect a tissue sample from you and put it in a Petri dish. This tissue sample is not part of you anymore… nor is it its own human being. Absent some kind of currently science fiction cloning process, that tissue is not going to ever be its own human being.
The presence of cells that somehow cross the placental barrier is a fascinating oddity, but this doesn’t change the fact that we have two different organisms with their own bodies.
NFBW: That is not what CPlus6 initially wrote as part of one of his absurd arguments and I called him out on it and he exploded into a wild rant.

He argues a ZEF was never a part of a woman’s body - all us born humans were never a part of a woman’s body.

That is absurd. And I have never argued otherwise and against the fact that we have two different organisms with their own bodies.

So when Cplus6 slithers to you to gain a bit of credibility he has to lie about what my arguments have been.

Two separate live's no matter how you cut it once the life developmental stages begin
NFBW: I have always maintained that as of the moment of conception there are at least two separate lives involved. Both are human lives. One is viable during the first 24 weeks, one is not viable until after 24 weeks and has a right to life the same as the mother, except to save the life of the mother. END2212121645
Yeah I mean this is just basic biology.

The presence of cells that somehow cross the placental barrier is a fascinating oddity, but this doesn’t change the fact that we have two different organisms with their own bodies.

To say otherwise is equivalent to trying to draw some kind of distinction between theoretical human cloning and normal fertilization… or to say that life cannot begin at fertilization because twinning may occur. But these outliers and possibilities do not change the fundamentals - clones would still be human beings even if created through some artificial equivalent of fertilization, like Dolly the sheep. Twins are an example where one contiguous organism became two identical ones due to the nature of the blastocyst’s cells being totipotent - the split just causes each portion to continue mitosis to generate sufficient cells to prepare each for implantation.

Science is full of interesting phenomena.

The placenta, a jointly made temporary organ, is a place of exchange which also serves as an imperfect biological firewall to prevent things like blood cells from crossing over, since fetal and maternal blood mixing can create dangerous reactions.

If we cast off cells and they survive through any means, it is difficult and really not appropriate to say that those cells are still part of our bodies. If one goes to the sperm bank and donates, and they freeze the semen the cells that survive the initial process can live for like 15-50 years. Are those cells still part of your body? No, they are cast off.

Similarly, scientists can collect a tissue sample from you and put it in a Petri dish. This tissue sample is not part of you anymore… nor is it its own human being. Absent some kind of currently science fiction cloning process, that tissue is not going to ever be its own human being.
The miracle of life, and the CREATOR who is the author of it, is simply an amazing marveled after mystery for humans to treasure and behold. As you alluded too, that it is still unknown by man the astounding complexities involved in it all, so we study it, but mostly humbly respect it in hopes to understand what it is that we are truly dealing with.
If we cast off cells and they survive through any means, it is difficult and really not appropriate to say that those cells are still part of our bodies.
What are they if fetal cells are not part of a mother’s body but still there decades later from the time in life when a fetus was a living organism and a full part of its mother’s body
NFBW: I have always maintained that as of the moment of conception there are at least two separate lives involved. Both are human lives. One is viable during the first 24 weeks, one is not viable until after 24 weeks and has a right to life the same as the mother, except to save the life of the mother. END2212121645
So just go on and be pro-life then, that way you can live a much less stressful life not worrying about whether or not you might be wrong in your pro-abortionist stance in life, because you are wrong ya know.

Can't ride the fence, because that's a no no in the Lord's eye's. Take a stand on the side of life. You can't go wrong.

Let the woman take her stand on the issue, but if it violates the senses regarding civility and a disregard for human life, then regulatory action is to be taken against her as it should be, and this being in regards to the innocent child growing in her wombs "safety", otherwise noting that she is supposed to be task with a naturally occurring motherhood protection order, and this is in order to protect that life just as a good mother should protect her unborn babies life instead of aborting that life.

Maybe we should consider the option of offering a reversible long term contraception to women that don't ever want the responsibility of carrying or having a child until much older in life ? They probably have such a thing, but undoubtedly women aren't informed or the abuser's just don't give a shite about it.

Makes one wonder how many would seek that option before getting pregnant, otherwise where as wouldn't that be better than them attempting to just get rid of their unborn baby by way of abortion, where as if she uses abortion as a method of contraception instead of being responsible in her actions prior to any pregnancy taking place ??

Heck like I said, reversible long term contraception probably already exist, so why is that not being set up at these clinic's prior to a woman getting pregnant if that's what they desire to do is get pregnant and then get an abortion afterwards if they feel they have too ??

You got clinic's trying to change a female's gender (very stupid by the way), but you don't have clinic's specifically designed for educating women about the possible option of long term contraception being implanted in order to stop a pregnancy before it happens ?

All of it just makes no sense to me.
that's a no no in the Lord's eye's.
I believe in the US Constitution, not government of the Lord for the Lord and by the Lord and all the people who believe in the Lord. So your Lord has no power over two out of three Americans on wanting womenfolk having reproductive rights and not have rightwing Christian governments taking over control of they do with their bodies. If your religion forbids abortion don’t get one.


Your Version of Jesus is unAmerican and on the way out - Your embrace if Trumpism was a huge mistake.
I believe in the US Constitution, not government of the Lord for the Lord and by the Lord and all the people who believe in the Lord. So your Lord has no power over two out of three Americans on wanting womenfolk having reproductive rights and not have rightwing Christian governments taking over control of they do with their bodies. If your religion forbids abortion don’t get one.

View attachment 738176

Your Version of Jesus is unAmerican and on the way out - Your embrace if Trumpism was a huge mistake.
Your support of killing kids in the womb along with your support for every other nasty thing the Democrat's are into, doesn't have one damned thing to do with the constitution, the Lord Jesus, secularism with some kind of order involved, and anything that requires just down right being decent.

Go pound sand you wicked human being, oh wait did I refer to you as human ? My apologies to humans, especially those still in the womb.

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