Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Mass Media Marketing Parity Policy Race "

* Blah Blah Blah Babble Vacuumed Twisted Locked Tight *

Blah blah blah....

.......supported by SCOTUS.

The premise presented is legible , intelligible and credible and supported by scotus - roe v wade .

Any citizen is entitled to legal standing for a claim that prohibition of abortion by a state violates the principles of equitable doctrine , as by us 14th amendment a citizen must be born and therefore equal protection with a citizen requires birth .

The seditious act by us scotus in dobbs decision is supported by traitors to the principles of individualism which remains the foundation of this us republic .

* Scrotus Dobbs Sedition For Traitors *
10th says its up to the individual states to create law regarding abortion....
Us 10th does not mention abortion .

The requisite determinate in us 10th amendment is whether a state is prohibited , that is proscribed ( negative wright ) , from issuing a prescription of law .

A state is prohibited from prescribing a law to protect a wright to life of a zygote , or embryo , or fetus which has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen , that would include a wright to life .

A state is prohibited from prescribing a law to protect a rite to life of a zygote , or embryo , or fetus which has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen , that would include a rite to life .

* Says Awl Sorts Of Things *

As designated for " to the people " in us 9th ( federal ) and " or to the people " in us 10th ( state ) is an ability of the people to determine a public policy based on populism , that is public policy can be determined through direct vote of the public .
You @Meriweather oppose that privacy and freedom of choice so you for some strange reason try to claim that you oppose it because elected officials voted to make abortion legal and safe. •••• Your fabricated and erroneous blanket blame it all on elected officials for making the first move to legalize abortion is a fatal flaw in your opinion. •••• It was the Supreme Court that made abortion legal nationwide. You are wrong to try to make excuses for voting only for Republican politicians who seek to ban abortions and take away freedom of choice from women and having government force all pregnancies to go full term.
Yawn. Clearly you don't understand a word I have been saying. The government having no say in abortion means there is more privacy, more freedom because it

I am saying government cannot permit abortion and government cannot prevent abortion because IT IS TOTALLY OUT OF GOVERNMENT PURVIEW.

Open your eyes! Open your mind! My points have not been that difficult to comprehend. Can you see what a waste of time this is for me?

I oppose government coercion and you support government coercion.
that is the truth.
Can you understand why I have been insisting you have created your own Meriweather in your own head and therefore why it is pointless for me to keep responding to you. You have not heard or seen a word I have said. All you hear is your imagination creating an argument with an imaginary Meriweather.
NFBW: When you vote for pro-life candidates do you think it pleases your Catholic version of God and Vatican interpretation of “Thou Shalt not kill”’ when those politicians pass laws authorizing the government to take the choice away from pregnant women and authorize the government to force women to give birth against their will?
Do you vote for those who support pro-abortion candidates because it pleases someone else?

Your imaginary Meriweather is just a Vatican robot or a brainwashed Catholic? Shrug. I am guessing you cannot comprehend that my own life experiences and the philosophies I have been creating since I was a toddler have me voting to please no one but myself.

ONCE MORE, I am saying the government gives neither approval or disapproval. The issue isn't on the government mind or agenda one way or another.
Imagine thinking you worship a good god who approves of you as you promote hatred and violence against the weakest and most voiceless human beings.

Your god isn’t fit to drink my piss, W’s Bitch Boy. What a vile entity you worship. You and your trash god are unfit for civilization.
Satan isn't worth worshiping, yes you are correct, in fact allowing him to come into one's mind is the very thing that causes such heartless thinking and action's to take place in the mind's of his worshipers. He doesn't worship the God I know, because if he did this issue would be simple for him, otherwise he would always side with life. There are no gray area's involved. He would know exactly what to say and do.

He would help this country become a CIVILIZED SOCIETY again, and work to unravel what the leftist cabal has since created with it's lie's and brainwashing. Not sure about the time frames left, but it sure would be great to imagine once again a great God fearing nation that value's life, even when it is developing in the womb, and one that mother's take responsibility for, instead of taker's of it for reckless reasoning in which they conjure up.

Look at the mother's in Ukraine, having babies under the threat's of missile's raining down upon them. Why ? Because they haven't devolved into devil's having no care for their unborn babies over there. They cling to life while under the most extreme circumstances, but here they stub their toe and blame the unborn baby, so next they say awwwe just kill it.
NFBW: Early on in every pregnancy, the one body that is viable is oxygenating blood for the one body that will not be viable during at least the first 24 weeks after conception.
A life, a body is being created. My priority/ideal is that life is our greatest gift.
Do you accept that the above biological and scientific fact should be denied to be relevant in a secular society dedicated to freedom of conscience just because the Catholic religion requires its believers such as yourself @Meriweather to see life as a gift from God regardless of the critical dinstiction between viable life and not-viable life?
Yawn. While the Catholic faith might agree with me, as I mentioned before, more Catholics have abortions than Protestants. As you see, Catholics aren't "required" to make life their own greatest ideal. Some make a very good point in placing salvation as their greatest ideal/priority. Others opt for love. For free will. There are probably others.

As it was brought up time and again in Catholic school...not all Saints agreed with each other, so we as Catholics should not expect to find our fellow Catholics in lockstep with one another in anything other than Christ is our redeemer.
You are off in some kind of la-la land probably due to your own misunderstanding of what you think I said or meant. No, I don't follow this thread or what you are saying to people. It is not that interesting. You seemed to want to know my thought process. I tried my best to explain in; you did your best to make turn it into something convoluted to serve your point...introducing the "Meriweather in NotfooledbyW head", which is not even close to my own reality.

In short, you have no interest in me and my position; your interest is in some character of your own imagination. And that's fine, but it is not a party I care to be a part of. It is why I am not following the thread or what you say to anyone else. I suspect you do to them what you do to me, and I would rather meet the real them in another thread, having no interest in your imaginary characterization of them.

Moving on... (Or, as you would have your imaginary character say, "Running away and hiding." :laugh: )
You are finding out exactly how the leftist thinks.. That's awesome.
You are finding out exactly how the leftist thinks.. That's awesome.
It appears that if there is no one to fight with and nothing to fight about, they start creating people in their heads. As you might imagine, I now find myself in quite a quandary as I see creation of people as a great gift. ;)
NFBW221227-#6,535 What rulings? ROE V Wade began when a private citizen who was pregnant sued the state of Texas and won when it made it to the Supreme Court.
MeriW221227-#6,539 You do recognize this as government involvement? Government making the decision?

NFBW: Yes I do and the only government dictatorial policy that would ever force a pregnant woman to sue the government for blocking her individual right to terminate the living yet not-viable human body attached to her uterus is a politically biased Republican controlled government because religious people vote for anti-choice Republicans in droves.

Here is where you wrote what contradicts your desire for no government involvement in a pregnant woman’s decision whether or not to go full term or end the not-viable life developing in her body.

MeriW221222-#6,472 Meriweather I will vote for the life candidate because it is also my stance that Government should not be involved in ending innocent life. A government who involves itself in such is not a government to be trusted in other matters.

NFBW: When you vote for the life candidate you are voting for government involvement in abortion. You cannot bluff your way out of the conflicting and contradictory knots you have tied yourself in.


MeriW221227-#6,540 Government should not care one way or the other! It should not be in their purview AT ALL. It is not government business or interest the government at all, any more than it is government business to decide what color I paint my bathroom.

NFBW: And the you turn around and tell me you vote only for politicians who make the abortion decisions the government’s business.

WHY? Why? Why? Do you do that?

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ONCE MORE, I am saying the government gives neither approval or disapproval. The issue isn't on the government mind or agenda one way or another.
NFBW: That is impossible to be true. The religious right has forced all Republicans to ban abortions in red states and the religious right has therefore forced Democrats in Blue States to define and defend the reproductive rights of all women.

You told me you vote with the religious right all the time.

Can you understand why I have been insisting you have created your own Meriweather in your own head and therefore why it is pointless for me to keep responding to you.
I am careful to debate with you based on your exact words and have created nothing at all about you and your beliefs in my own mind.

I understand you need to resort to unprovable accusatory language such as the above because there is no way for you to refute my facts and perceived interpretations that attempt to keep you in a an in depth discussion that is not tribal because I believe you and I agree more than disagree.

Our likeness centers on a personal level wherein we both value the life of the unborn exactly the same - very highly.

Our difference lies in how we see the political role shaking out on the public square.

I vote Democrat because I want the religious right party never holding power to ban abortion because I do not seek to impose my personal belief on the value of life on the general public out of respect fir the Constitution and individual liberty.

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant unbeknownst to me, my personal beliefs have no bearing on whatever decisions she makes.

You on the other vote with the religious right and therefore and at least by default are imposing your personal values on the unborn onto millions of women that have no personal relationship or obligation to you whatsoever, by subjecting them to the restrictive meddling government that the religious right intends to lord over them.

If you can dispute any of that feel free to do so directly.

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If you can dispute any of that feel free to do so directly.
You seem to be under the impression that this thread is about me and that I want to talk about me.

On the other hand, I am under the impression you are unable discuss an issue without making it about the poster.

I return to my philosophy: Don't pursue the lie.

For these reasons, I have no interest in continuing this discussion. I.AM.BORED. Which you will translate (and are free to do so) as me running and hiding. ;)

Speaking of hiding--and in plain sight--What do I look for first when selecting a candidate? This is your final opportunity to make this thread about me, but also the first chance for you to get at least one thing correct. A first opportunity and a final opportunity.

As I expect you will get it as wrong as you have gotten everything else, I'll take this moment to wish you a happy New Year. :)
You seem to be under the impression that this thread is about me and that I want to talk about me.
NFBW: All I know is Meriweather doesn’t want to talk about the inconsistency that exists in this statement:

MeriW221222-#6,472 @Meriweather I will vote for the life candidate because it is also my stance that Government should not be involved in ending innocent life. A government who involves itself in such is not a government to be trusted in other matters.

Delldude221226-#6,514 The federal government has no business making decisions for the masses regarding abortion law. It is up to the people of each state to decide. We left England for that very same reason.

NFBW: Your White Christian nationalist Republican people have no business imposing the Vatican’s Humanae Vitae reproduction laws on American Citizens who live under a Federal Government that is necessary to protect their freedom of conscience from Catholic and Protestant do-gooders like #Meriweather and beagle9 and the rest of the Republican anti-liberty so-called life voters and politicians.

Frankly, I see government as a cesspool. We should be teaching our children that it is,
NFBW: What kind of teacher would imagine preaching Trumpism to young minds like that.

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Delldude221226-#6,514 The federal government has no business making decisions for the masses regarding abortion law. It is up to the people of each state to decide. We left England for that very same reason.

NFBW: Your White Christian nationalist Republican people have no business imposing the Vatican’s Humanae Vitae reproduction laws on American Citizens who live under a Federal Government that is necessary to protect their freedom of conscience from Catholic and Protestant do-gooders like #Meriweather and beagle9 and the rest of the Republican anti-liberty so-called life politicians.

NFBW: What kind of teacher would imagine preaching Trumpism to young minds like that.

A better one than teaching kids to sin against God that's for sure.
NFBW: Your White Christian nationalist Republican people have no business imposing the Vatican’s Humanae Vitae reproduction laws on American Citizens who live under a Federal Government that is necessary to protect their freedom of conscience from Catholic and Protestant do-gooders like #Meriweather and @beagle9 and the rest of the Republican anti-liberty so-called life voters and politicians.
They're going to bring back the KKK and let the dems run it again.
Delldude221226-#6,514 The federal government has no business making decisions for the masses regarding abortion law. It is up to the people of each state to decide. We left England for that very same reason.
NFBW221227-#6,554 Your White Christian nationalist Republican people have no business imposing the Vatican’s Humanae Vitae reproduction laws on American Citizens who live under a Federal Government that is necessary to protect their freedom of conscience from Catholic and Protestant do-gooders like #Meriweather and beagle9 and the rest of the Republican anti-liberty so-called life politicians.
Delldude221227-#6,556 “They're going to bring back the KKK and let the dems run it again.”

NFBW: I recognize that MAGA World has white supremacists in the congregation and some were standing by for Trump, but for you to expect the multicultural inclusive and progressive Democrats would associate with the KKK is absurd. But absurd is the only place you can go because the mostly white Republicans even if they want to, cannot disown their KKK Kissing Kuzzins.

MeriW221219-#6,447 “Frankly, I see government as a cesspool. We should be teaching our children that it is, “
NFBW221227-#6,554 “What kind of teacher would imagine preaching Trumpism to young minds like that.”
beagle9221227-#6,555 A better one than teaching kids to sin against God that's for sure.

NFBW: Is that an accusation beagle9 ??? I’m a rational theist like our first four presidents. I reject the concept of sinning against God let alone teaching such a ridiculous irrational concept to children.

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I vote Democrat because I want the religious right party never holding power to ban abortion because I do not seek to impose my personal belief on the value of life on the general public out of respect fir the Constitution and individual liberty.
You vote for the vile collectivist socialist party with zero respect for the Constitution and zero respect for individual liberty or individual human rights because you want those human beings you hate to be killed without legal consequence. You want those you hate denied their human rights so they can be killed on a whim. Because you are inhuman filth, which fits with America’s collectivist socialist party.

You are also a habitual liar disoriented from reality, which makes you a natural fit with that party’s dementia-ridden standard bearer, who has no consistent principles at all other than saying whatever will get him the support of his howling collectivist mob.
NFBW221227-#6,551 “I vote Democrat because I want the religious right party never holding power to ban abortion because I do not seek to impose my personal belief on the value of life on the general public out of respect for the Constitution and individual liberty.”
Cplus6221228-#6,558 You vote for the vile collectivist socialist party with zero respect for the Constitution and zero respect for individual liberty or individual human rights because you want those human beings you hate to be killed without legal consequence.

MeriW221227-#6,552 “I return to my philosophy: Don't pursue the lie.”
NFBW: I have a similar cardinal rule based upon what Jesus reportedly said “seek the truth and ye shall be free” in the sense that if all sought the truth all would universally be free of the tribal differences that divide mankind.

NFBW: It’s too bad Meriweather became bored with this thread, made accusations and split, because perhaps I could convince one of the least tribal on the great abortion tribal divide to realize this thread is not about her, it’s about every poster expressing a tribal interest in the ROE v WADE TO DOBBS V JACKSON and therefore hopefully being in pursuit of truth and recognition of the political/religious shift taking placei right now on abortion. It is a monumental shift that transcends the 50 years of tribal warfare over ROE leading to the 2020 election, the Big Lie, The Jan 6 threat to our Constitutional Democratic Republic and perhaps an arrest and conviction of the former president who put three more Catholics on the Supreme Court that threw out out ROE.

In my book it is all tribal and all related. AND We cannot resolve the tribal divide when told to compartmentalize our tribal differences and try to resolve them separately. We must start with abortion.

So Meriweather this is to let you know this thread is not about you. It is about the list of posters in your tribe accepting or rejecting truth.

It’s also that in my opinion you are the least tribal of all of them. Just so you know, I rate CarsomyrPlusSix the most tribal and he will never have an interest in seeking truth about anything when and if truth hurts the tribe.

Alan Stallion
Calypso Jones
Concerned American
EvilCat Breath
Hang on Sloopy
MAGA Macho Man
Man of Ethics
Stormy Daniels

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The Jan 6 threat to our Constitutional Democratic Republic
Histrionic ridiculousness.

and perhaps an arrest and conviction
Baseless and stupid partisan hackery. You claim not to be a tribal yet you want someone you hate arrested and convicted for nothing because you think they lead the other tribe.

Just so you know, I rate CarsomyrPlusSix the most tribal and he will never have an interest in seeking truth about anything when and if truth hurts the tribe.
Way to spam EVERYONE with your retarded bullshit, fam.

If there is a tribe for individual human liberty, human rights, and equality, sign me up. Your tribe is diametrically opposed to both that set of things and honesty, so your tribe stands condemned.

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