Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Gametes For Introspection "

* Betting On A Life Without Being Directed To Heel *

Enjoy eternity in hell.
A fantastical predilection about literal introspection beyond mass entropy of a sophisticated physical state , understood as necessary for sentience and sentience , identified with life , is false .

A contingency that anyone would be presumed to enjoy or to suffer either heaven or hell are moral fables .

To end up in hell would imply the extinction of ones haploid kindred clad .

An after life , a chance for eternal life , the life to come , reincarnation , transmutation of soles , etc . , are metaphors with a literal meaning of passing on ones genetic identity , one haploid at a time , so that another , both figuratively and literally as oneself , may have an opportunity , through a sophisticated physical state , to experience by sentience and by sapience an introspection identified with life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement , or eternal damnation .

To end up in hiel would perhaps imply that ones haploid kindred clad succumb to bondage .
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" Red Herring Card Avoids With Cause Realities "

* Pernicious Developmental Alternatives *

No state in the United States will make a woman, carry if it risks her life.
With cause abortions can be detected by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks .

With cause abortions may be detected by amniocentesis at 15 weeks ( 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage ) or at 20 weeks ( 1 in 200 chance of miscarriage ) when elevated risk of genetic anomalies exist .

  • A person will be born with sickle cell disease only if two genes are inherited—one from the mother and one from the father.
  • A person who inherits just one gene is healthy and said to be a "carrier" of the disease. A carrier has an increased chance of having a child with sickle cell disease if he or she has a child with another carrier.
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I know people who have done exactly that, and they gave the child a chance to live to the best of it's ability. They are all in heaven now, so God bless their suffering, love, and enduring tolerance in which they gave, for they have all since inherited the Kingdom of Heaven as their work on earth was done. AMEN.

We should only be so worthy if we are lucky. Most take life for granite.
Really ? You had conversations with the Almighty ?
Funny, I once knew the daughter of a monument builder who took everything for granite. You don’t mean “granted.”
NFBW: Do you want Unkotare ; HeyNorm ; beagle9 to see the following white “praying” Christian’s Abolish Abortion in Alabama Act be passed ? Yes or No?

Alabama GOPer pushes murder charges for abortion after touting his passion for 'medical freedom' Rodric Hurdle-Bradford February 23, 2023​
Anti-abortion Protesters (Shutterstock)​
New Alabama State Representative Ernie Yarbrough (R) is making waves by introducing the Abolish Abortion in Alabama Act, which would officially classify abortion as homicide, making anyone seeking an abortion to be charged with murder.​
>New member profile: Rep. Ernie Yarbrough JANUARY 31, 2023 • NEWS​

BY MARY SELL By SAYLOR CUZZORT, Alabama Daily News •••• As a direct product of homeschooling in Alabama and father of four current homeschool students, school choice is at the forefront of newly elected Rep. Ernie Yarbrough’s agenda.​
Our values, our hard work, and our faith are the things that matter to us. And from that, taking our strict traditional freedom American principles and crafting solutions that not only take into account those principles but their voice as well.”​
America inverted the pyramid and said no, we’re not going to build this on some sort of vague general idea of identity politics or group; we’re going to build on the single under God on the single point of individual liberties and freedoms. ….. you can never use group force or collective force to destroy individual liberties and freedoms at the bottom of the base. So that’s the unique American experiment.​
…And parents want to get their kids the best education, which is mental, spiritual and physical, that they can provide for their children. And so, the right to choose is critical because it means you get to look at and survey your options and do the best with the money you have in your particular life situation and circumstances…”​
And we meet once a week and have guided journalism, robotics, math, chemistry and sports classes. This choice is selected here because we openly celebrate our Christian faith and the fact we want to teach our children what we believe. There are a lot of people who are concerned about the content of our education and whether it is racist or woke or whatever the case is. We all want to have true racial equality and justice, but we don’t want our kids being taught material that we believe undermines our faith and our values and, quite frankly, undermines our country.”​
And I want to ensure that we take the next step forward to protect the lives of unborn babies. So those are two areas that I will be monitoring closely and praying about.”​

NFBW: This Ernie Yarbrough (R) dude from Alabama is a NOTsee because he refuses to see that he lives in a secular American experiment, not in the Christian American experiment he wants to force on everybody else.

I’m betting he can’t get the introducing the Abolish Abortion in Alabama Act, passed in God, Guns and Goobers for the brainless beings of Alabama.


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jwoodie230130-#1 jwoodie • How is it possible for Christians to believe that each individual has a soul and yet condone its destruction? Was it really up to Mary and Elizabeth to decide whether or not to terminate their pregnancies? Is a soul's existence really dependent on a Certificate of Live Birth? •••• Please enlighten me.

NFBW: How do you scientifically verify for us secular folks that a soul enters the human egg cell simultaneously with a sperm cell?

NFBW: #324

Mashmont221205-#1 Mashmont • This is question that puts abortion in it's rightful context, and basically ends the argument: How many of you wish your mother had made the decision to abort you when you were a zygote or fetus? Show of hands.

If my mom aborted me before I had a brain - as is the case for elective abortion that is perfectly fine with me. Because “I never thought so therefore I never was.”
Beagle9 221111-#5,544 beagle9 “It all goes back to having a CIVILIZED organized civilization/society that in each thing the right thing is done no matter what it is, and a common sense approach is given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable.”​

NFBW: Please tell me beagle9 if you believe that “Dieism” as described below is evil and a detriment to civilized society?

{The ENLIGHTENMENT} A number of novel ideas developed, including deism (belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other source) and atheism. The latter was much discussed but had few proponents. Many, like Voltaire, held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined.​
DanteR230111-#1 Dante • Can we find it in the US Constitution? If so where? If not... What Constitutional Rights Apply to an Unborn Fetus

JGS230111-#2 johngaltshrugged • “Every innocent human being, born or unborn, have God given natural rights that are superior to any other rights, including the Constitution.

Redfish240226-#346 • wrong, I fully support abortion to save the life of the mother, rape, incest, etc.

NFBW: Please do tell us Redfish re: 0346 why you do not agree with johngaltshrugged ’s assertion that “Every innocent human being, born or unborn“ has a God given natural right that will be superior to any other rights if this brainless living human organism ….

…… is to be recognized by amending the Constitution or in a national referendum of letting the voters decide. ?????

Why would rape or incest allow our secular Constitution play God under any circumstances if every new unique individual totally innocent human being with no brain has a natural right to be born?

Is it political expediency or is it because after your brain became fully developed you love and respect your mother as much more deserving of full Constitutional rights than the fertilized egg you see depicted above?

END2302260710 in California with my awesome third and youngest with a quick fetus, happy to say, growing in her belly.
DonH230226-#152 Donald H • I'm aware of your attempts to gain my attention, and I'll respond when you raise an issue that's worth my time. I won't be taking
the bait on your current efforts. ^^

ding230226-#153 ding • People who don't like hearing the truth are wise to avoid me.

Correll200925-#288 • Your pretense that it is the Christians who are the would be tyrants in our society today, is not fooling anyone. Try again lefty. I’m

NFBW: The Tyrants are ding and Correll in that they represent a branch of white Christian nationalists who support the tyranny of the white Christian voters in states that ban abortion following a ruling by the tyrannical six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court.

Beagle9 221111-#5,544 beagle9 “It all goes back to having a CIVILIZED organized civilization/society that in each thing the right thing is done no matter what it is, and a common sense approach is given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable.”
NFBW230224-#7,409 • Please tell me beagle9 if you believe that “Dieism” as described below is evil and a detriment to civilized society?

~~ {The ENLIGHTENMENT} A number of novel ideas developed, including deism (belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other source) and atheism. The latter was much discussed but had few proponents. Many, like Voltaire, held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined. • The Age of Enlightenment | History of Western Civilization II 230225^aca<​
DudleyS230228-#358 • They {our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution} weren't very specific but then there was only one religion and they all knew what was being referred to.​
NFBW: Could you please tell me what you mean DudleySmith in your post 0358 when you stated as a matter of fact “there was only one religion“

Are you promoting some kind of historical record that the religion of rational theism or Deism was not in existence when our founding fathers penned and ratified our Constitution as they all became the first generation of Americans where freedom of conscience was invented thanks to them.

PS beagle9 has not told me if she believes that “Dieism” as described is evil and a detriment to civilized society?

Redfish230227-#356 • her rights are not subjugated by carrying her child to term either.
NFBW230227-#357 • What about her right to life being decided before her baby has a brain and does not know that it exists? END2302271845

NFBW: We have to wonder if Redfish ’s opposition to reproductive freedom for a woman comes from an acute failure to comprehend that giving birth always includes risk of causing harm and even death to a mother’s physical as well as her mental and financial well being. They all throw childbirth’s potential harm to the mother out the window when they want society to protect every brainless human organism when it is inside another person’s womb.

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Are you promoting some kind of historical record that the religion of rational theism or Deism was not in existence when our founding fathers penned and ratified our Constitution as they all became the first generation of Americans where freedom of conscience was invented thanks to them.

Are you claiming they were al 'deists n stuff', when in fact very few of them were, which is why thise who bring this up all the time only mention the same two or three names over and over and over and over again? lol it wasn't, is was a tiny almost non-existent minority at best. MAny of the Founders were ministers, and Ben Franklin paid pew rents in 8 different churches. Jefferson attend chuch services, held in Federal building no less. He also frequently called for prayers during the Constitutional Convention. You really have nothing but a fake narrative you read somewhere and never actually verified.

And 'freedom of conscience' wasn't invented by the Founders. That's just a ridiculous claim. The establishment clause comes from the Baptist sect's own founding platform, drawn up in 1611, in the Netherlands by English exiles.
Mashmont #664 “First Amendment needs tweaked on the religion part. The framers unwittingly enabled atheism to be the governing religion.”

NFBW: Mr Mashmont is not a white Christian nationalist. Catholics like him had little if at all any influence on the writing of the Constitution of the United States of America.

PorterR200124-#510 %Porter Rockwell • It took the courts 175 years from the ratification of the Constitution to the time of Engle v. Vitale to find a mythical "separation of church and state." Without any statutes and NO precedents, the United States Supreme Court manufactured the separation of church and state out of thin air.”

NFBW: After writing the above opinion of his Mr Porter Rockwell submitted this opinion;
James Madison's understanding of the provision in the First Amendment that there should be no law respecting the establishment of religion, he said in debate, was "that Congress should not establish a religion, and enforce the legal observation of it by law, nor compel men to worship God in any manner contrary to their conscience."​
"Probably at the time of the adoption of the constitution, and of the amendment to it, now under consideration, the general, if not the universal, sentiment in America was, that Christianity ought to receive encouragement from the state, so far as was not incompatible with the private rights of conscience, and the freedom of religious worship". Justice Joseph Story, United States Supreme Court 200124^a 1stAmendment​

DudleyS230228-#358 • They {our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution} weren't very specific but then there was only one religion and they all knew what was being referred to.
NFBW230228-#7,412 • Are you promoting some kind of historical record that the religion of rational theism or Deism was not in existence when our founding fathers penned and ratified our Constitution
DudleyS230228-#7,414 DudleySmith • Are you claiming they were all 'deists n stuff', . . . .

NFBW: Thanks DudleySmith for your prompt and fairly precise acknowledgement in the form of a question, that you were in fact aware of the fact that our first generation of presidents and contributors such as Benjamin Franklin, were not intellectually limited, at the time, to a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for the sins of all mankind. A religion known for centuries as Christianity.

Do you understand the detrimental implications that your acknowledgment has on the furtherance of the point you have attempted to make as follows:

DudleyS230228-#358 • When you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se.

NFBW: I do not believe anyone other than you DudleySmith could possibly believe that a single founding father meant “among Christian sects” when they chose to use “religion” in the 1st Amendment as follows;

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;​

IF I am wrong in my assessment all feel free to evoking why?

END2302240759 a Rational Theist H.S. Diploma in CALIFORNIA.
NFBW: Thanks @DudleySmith for your prompt and fairly precise acknowledgement in the form of a question, that you were in fact aware of the fact that our first generation of presidents and contributors such as Benjamin Franklin, were not intellectually limited, at the time, to a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for the sins of all mankind. A religion known for centuries as Christianity.

Do you understand the detrimental implications that your acknowledgment has on the furtherance of the point you have attempted to make as follows:

DudleyS230228-#358 • When you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se.

NFBW: I do not believe anyone other than you @DudleySmith could possibly believe that a single founding father meant “among Christian sects” when they chose to use “religion” in the 1st Amendment as follows;

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

I have no doubt you will never admit facts and will continue to peddle fake history, since the Founders in no way endorsed faggotry and other deviancies, much less political radicalism, and were in fact promoting cultural norms for their day, which were WASP values. You of course don't really have any idea what they meant, and you don't care in the first place. The vast majority of Founders were Christians, including Jefferson and Franklin.
NFBW230228-#7,412 • Are you promoting some kind of historical record that the religion of rational theism or Deism was not in existence when our founding fathers penned and ratified our Constitution
DudleyS230228-#7,414 DudleySmith • Are you claiming they were all 'deists n stuff', when in fact very few of them were,

NFBW: I have not claimed anything Mr Smith. I have cited much over the years that we have on record regarding the first six President’s activities and views on religion straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak. You say few were Deists which means you have some sort of list that you hope to share. I Don’t believe any of our first six Presidents or Benjamin Franklin referred to themselves as Deists n stuff.

Allow me to enter for the record an exchange I had with beagle9 who is very much a Christian, about having the right people in government which must not include uncivilized “faggots” like Biden’s Sec of Transportation who appears to be a law abiding citizen in good standing.

beagle9221215-#6,419 • Well without government being run by the RIGHT iiPEOPLE.

NFBW221215-#6,425 • You are not “right people” in America. You don’t get to decide you have a monopoly on rightness. You accept as a matter of your religion that all mankind are born into original sin but you are the right kind of sinner because you are saved, right? • You believe JESUS died on the cross to save you. • America is not a Christian nation and it never was. • Five of our six first presidents did not believe in original sin and they did not believe Jesus was crucified on the cross to save them from burning in hell. They were not saved in the way that you are beagle9 , so I must conclude that in your mind America’s first generation of presidents were wrong people in charge of government. • They did not include the unborn in the Constitution from the very start. Were they wrong people to you.

NFBW: Can someone be a Christian if they do not accept Jesus as the Savior and the only begotten Son of God who died on the cross to redeem their sins?

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Beagle9 221111-#5,544 beagle9 “It all goes back to having a CIVILIZED organized civilization/society that in each thing the right thing is done no matter what it is, and a common sense approach is given to everything by standard's that are ethical, reasonable, and sustainable.”
NFBW230224-#7,409 • Please tell me beagle9 if you believe that “Dieism” as described below is evil and a detriment to civilized society?

~~ {The ENLIGHTENMENT} A number of novel ideas developed, including deism (belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other source) and atheism. The latter was much discussed but had few proponents. Many, like Voltaire, held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined. • The Age of Enlightenment | History of Western Civilization II 230225^aca<​
DudleyS230228-#358 • They {our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution} weren't very specific but then there was only one religion and they all knew what was being referred to.​
NFBW: Could you please tell me what you mean DudleySmith in your post 0358 when you stated as a matter of fact “there was only one religion“

Are you promoting some kind of historical record that the religion of rational theism or Deism was not in existence when our founding fathers penned and ratified our Constitution as they all became the first generation of Americans where freedom of conscience was invented thanks to them.

PS beagle9 has not told me if she believes that “Dieism” as described is evil and a detriment to civilized society?

Uhhh that be a He here dummy (i.e. if you know what that is anymore, otherwise if you're living in leftist la la land), and the point is that "no one comes to the father except through Jesus Christ". Period.
NFBW230228-#7,412 • Are you promoting some kind of historical record that the religion of rational theism or Deism was not in existence when our founding fathers penned and ratified our Constitution
DudleyS230228-#7,414 DudleySmith • Are you claiming they were all 'deists n stuff', when in fact very few of them were,

NFBW: I have not claimed anything Mr Smith. I have cited much over the years that we have on record regarding the first six President’s activities and views on religion straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak. You say few were Deists which means you have some sort of list that you hope to share. I Don’t believe any of our first six Presidents or Benjamin Franklin referred to themselves as Deists n stuff.

Allow me to enter for the record an exchange I had with beagle9 who is very much a Christian, about having the right people in government which must not include uncivilized “faggots” like Biden’s Sec of Transportation who appears to be a law abiding citizen in good standing.

beagle9221215-#6,419 • Well without government being run by the RIGHT iiPEOPLE.

NFBW221215-#6,425 • You are not “right people” in America. You don’t get to decide you have a monopoly on rightness. You accept as a matter of your religion that all mankind are born into original sin but you are the right kind of sinner because you are saved, right? • You believe JESUS died on the cross to save you. • America is not a Christian nation and it never was. • Five of our six first presidents did not believe in original sin and they did not believe Jesus was crucified on the cross to save them from burning in hell. They were not saved in the way that you are beagle9 , so I must conclude that in your mind America’s first generation of presidents were wrong people in charge of government. • They did not include the unborn in the Constitution from the very start. Were they wrong people to you.

NFBW: Can someone be a Christian if they do not accept Jesus as the Savior and the only begotten Son of God who died on the cross to redeem their sins?

No - the name says it all......... One might be a Christian and didn't realize it, but as one becomes aware, then the entire picture becomes as clear as a bell, wherefore the person excepts what they were all along but didn't know it until one day the answer comes in their calling.
NFBW230228-#7,412 beagle9 has not told me if he believes that “Deism” as described is evil and a detriment to civilized society?
beagle9230228-#7,418 to: -6 • and the point is that "no one comes to the father except through Jesus Christ". Period

NFBW: Deism is a rational belief in God that has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus (a divine) Christ. I am a law abiding citizen in every possible way who believes that Jesus Christ has become a politically charged vote getting prop in a scam that organizes white Christians like you against law-abiding citizen like me based on religion aroused unreasonable passions in
Like you beagle9 DudleySmith and Clyde 154 against law abiding citizens like me because you are victims of a progressive society that refuses to accept a belief that access to God comes through a Christian political prop.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; U.S. Constitution​

Clyde154220826-#184 Clyde 154 • can't present the text in the US Constitution that erects a wall stopping people from having a free exercise of religion
NFBW220826-#185 to: -1 • I never have and it will never ever presented a text in the US Constitution that erects a wall stopping people from having a free exercise of religion or no religion at all. I have no idea what the hell you are writing about. It doesn’t exist in the US Constitution. Is that clear?

Here is Madison’s preferred text of the first amendment free exercise clause That he presented during the constitutional convention

"The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed”​
What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not. [Pres. James Madison,A Memorial and Remonstrance, addressed to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1785]​
Experience witnesseth that ecclesiastical establishments, instead of maintaining the purity and efficacy of religion, have had a contrary operation. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution. [James Madison, A Memorial and Remonstrance,addressed to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1785] 220826^aa<​
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