Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Lisa55823020-#17 Lisa558 • And we have racist and bigoted Christians too, as Dudley reminded us.
DudleyS220220-#22 DudleySmith {a non-Christian abortion opponent} • I'm not a Christian, dumbass. . . . . A lot of Christians love to pat themselves on the back for 'supporting Jews'

NFBW230302-#7,430 • I just told you I am a rational theist in the way that five out of six of our first American presidents were rational theists.
DudleyS230302-#7,436 • lol you aren't rational. If you were you be a lot more accurate about our history and wouldn't be making up absurd claims, just because you hate the Xians and their annoying habit of rejecting perverts and sociopaths and their whims.
NFBW230302-#7,438 • This was not absurd:
NFBW230302-#7,430 • Adams was a Unitarian. Washington had ties to the Masonic Temple
NFBW230302-#7,438 • Are you prepared to explain DudleySmith what is wrong or absurd about that?
DudleyS230303-#7,440 • And you still can't name a single Founder who wasn't a Christian.

john54230126-#17 • On any middle ground, wouldn't christians also be trying to convert non believers?
DudleyS230127-#76 • Christianity is an evangelical religion, yes,.

NFBW: In your post 7440 DudleySmith you said that I have not named a single Founder who wasn't a Christian. I said I am a rational theist in the way that five out of six of our first American presidents were rational theists. I have however never seen a quote or documented behavior and activity from our revolution-era generation who had become president that is on historical record seeking to convert non-believers into the superstitious life of original sin and blood of JESUS on the cross as salvation of sins, virgin birth and all that stuff beagle9 believes from the alleged HOLY WORD of GOD.

So where is your case that Washington Adams Jefferson Madison and Monroe were evangelical about the supernatural aspects of Christianity?

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DudleyS230303-#7,440 • And you still can't name a single Founder who wasn't a Christian

NFBW: But I have; See NFBW221004-#572

elektra said:
Yes, critical of religion, again this does not change the fact that he was a christian.
elektra said:
You do have a problem
elektra said:
Thank god for god, for our founders, were men of god

NFBW221004-#572 Yes, our first seven president’s were white European men of God, that is a fact. All but one believed in a universal God not limited to the author of the Holy Christian Bible. SIx did not believe that the Bible, that was originally written and preserved by the Catholic Church, was the Word of God.

They did not confess their sins to Jesus and ask Jesus to forgive them?

Nor did they believe that Jesus was any different than them.

JESUS’ mother was not a virgin. Jesus performed no miracles. Jesus had no power to save anyone from sin and ending up in hell. Jesus did not rise from the dead.

That was what the six of the seven first elected US Presidents believed yet they were all good men with the exception that most held slaves coming from a materialistic and economic culture that required slavery to accumulate their family wealth.

Of those seven only Presidents John, and John Quincy Adams did not own slaves and were opposed to the practice.

The only one of the first seven president who professed faith and believed the Bible was the Living Word of God and the foundation and authority of the religion of Christianity was the first Christian President of the United States - John Quincy Adams. He defined what being a Christian was in his time. It was a “man to be a Christian must believe in God, in the Bible, in the Divinity of the Savior’s mission, and in a future state of rewards and punishments.”

When it was feared that Christian influence was waning in New England, he prepared a lecture on Truth, which he delivered in many places.
America's Christian Rulers: John Quincy Adams › The Forerunner
The premise was: “A man to be a Christian must believe in God, in the Bible, in the Divinity of the Savior’s mission, and in a future state of rewards and punishments.”


Sucks to suck.

Fuck you.
Rubbish, Jesus was a religious Jew, and began his ministry at the 33, the correct age for rabbis to begin teaching. His bible was the Old Testament, and they taught and preached in the synagogues. He was baptized according to Jewish traditions and preached from the Jewish canon, as did all the Apostles. The non-Christian Jews invented their own cult beginning with Ezra and after the fall of the temple and eventually fabricated a rabbinical cult run by the Pharisees. By the 2nd Century A.D. they were an entirely separate cult from the Hebrewism of Moses. Like I said, you don't know squat. Nazarenes weren't a 'sect', it is a general term for 'rebels', derived from a word that existed long before the Christians; Christians represented a return to the original written Torah of Moses, not a break from it.
He started at age 30 until 33. No the sect was the new religion. Jesus brought a new covenant= Love.
DudleyS230303-#7,440 DudleySmith • Next you will claim Thomas Paine, who wasn't a Founder at all, . . . .

NotfooledbyW: With regard to patriot Thomas Paine I will state only the true historical fact that Paine was a peer of our founding generation which fostered a rebellion against a Protestant Christian King of one of the most powerful Christian nations on earth in their day. END OF FACT. NOW AN OPINION. Without Paine’s passion for rebellion the signatories to the rebellion document and actual writers of the Constitution may not have had a reason to write anything with regard to their defiant declaration of Independence from God’s representative on earth and the Church of England that helped to sustain that centuries old myth.

Do you agree DudleySmith with Clyde 154 ‘s absurd post 0178 (below) declaring the US Constitution was based on the Holy Bible and the God of both the Hebrew nation and Christian Nation with no mention of the great thinkers in Paine’s time who paid more heed to Enlightenment Philosophy and to Natures’ God than to the God who allegedly inspired only one book for all mankind to believe in. - The Holy Bible?

@Clyde154 post 0178 : “all those who were responsible for the actual content of the US Constitution used . . . . standards of acceptable behaviors . . . . derived from English Common Law . . . . established principles . . . on the Holy Bible and the God of both the Hebrew nation and Christian Nation....” ^^​

NotfooledbyW: James Madison shares history on the same highly educated and European Enlightenment level with Jefferson and Adam’s and Washington and Franklin and Paine and Ethan Allen, none of whom expressed their belief that the Hebrew/Christian Bible was Holy or that it was the actual and only the Word of God speaking directly to humankind. •••• #178 #181 200124^aba<​

Paine was a rational theist who rationalized that Christian kings needed to be deposed for true liberty to spread among nations of mankind. 230303^b<

NotfooledbyW: With regard to patriot Thomas Paine I will state only the true historical fact that Paine was a peer of our founding generation which fostered a rebellion against a Protestant Christian King of one of the most powerful Christian nations on earth in their day. END OF FACT.
lol no he was just a hired propagandist, a secretary. He was promptly unemployed and forgotten after the British were defeated. He's only norteworthy today because a lot of perverts and assorted Xian bashers need to pretend his silly radicalism was widespread, people like yourself, since it's nearly impossible to find all these Xian hating Founders they keep lying about when they go after pastors hoping to shut them up.
God had 1 single religion-OT=Judaism--Jesus started 1 single religion he is with-- 1Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( all of Gods1 truth,) no division. = a true mark of the 1 religion Jesus is with --not the 40,000 trinity religions who fail that true mark 100% because they are a mass of confusion.
Yes they fail, and the confusion is of the devil for he is the author of confusion. No one comes to the father except by Christ Jesus our redeemer. AMEN.
DudleyS230303-#7,440 DudleySmith • Next you will claim Thomas Paine, who wasn't a Founder at all, . . . .

NotfooledbyW: With regard to patriot Thomas Paine I will state only the true historical fact that Paine was a peer of our founding generation which fostered a rebellion against a Protestant Christian King of one of the most powerful Christian nations on earth in their day. END OF FACT. NOW AN OPINION. Without Paine’s passion for rebellion the signatories to the rebellion document and actual writers of the Constitution may not have had a reason to write anything with regard to their defiant declaration of Independence from God’s representative on earth and the Church of England that helped to sustain that centuries old myth.

Do you agree DudleySmith with Clyde 154 ‘s absurd post 0178 (below) declaring the US Constitution was based on the Holy Bible and the God of both the Hebrew nation and Christian Nation with no mention of the great thinkers in Paine’s time who paid more heed to Enlightenment Philosophy and to Natures’ God than to the God who allegedly inspired only one book for all mankind to believe in. - The Holy Bible?

@Clyde154 post 0178 : “all those who were responsible for the actual content of the US Constitution used . . . . standards of acceptable behaviors . . . . derived from English Common Law . . . . established principles . . . on the Holy Bible and the God of both the Hebrew nation and Christian Nation....” ^^​

NotfooledbyW: James Madison shares history on the same highly educated and European Enlightenment level with Jefferson and Adam’s and Washington and Franklin and Paine and Ethan Allen, none of whom expressed their belief that the Hebrew/Christian Bible was Holy or that it was the actual and only the Word of God speaking directly to humankind. •••• #178 #181 200124^aba<​

Paine was a rational theist who rationalized that Christian kings needed to be deposed for true liberty to spread among nations of mankind. 230303^b<

False prophets are everywhere throughout history, and just for example of one these days -we have the Democrat/Rhino who puts on a Republican suit in order to infiltrate, and in order to commit chaos and mayhem while in the spy suit that they wear....Well the same can be done with the title of Christian also, otherwise a false prophet is one who assumes the title, but actually worked and/or still works for the devil in gaining the access through out the ages.

Yes there are many examples that point to these types of character's throughout time, and one of them being the blanketing attempt to label Christianity as being something bad due to the infiltrators that have successfully infiltrated the religion for the purpose of trying to Target it from within.

Once the hoped for destruction is accomplished on whatever level that it could be accomplished on within, then the spy stands at the door with his lantern signaling to those who are like you, who will otherwise take the information gained, and then run with it in hopes to destroy the entirety of the religion in which will never be possible for you or anyone else to ever do.

Weakness can be found in anything, and exploiting that weakness has been an age old tactic forever, but as is proven - the Lord Christ and his true follower's will overcome any attempt to destroy the message of hope that has been given unto mankind and womankind in Jesus name upon this world for our salvation and redemption - Amen.

In regards to what. Is it because I oppose the Catholic powered Dobbs Decision to allow white Christians do harm to pregnant persons.
Another racist attack by you, yet you attempt to be legit.... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣

Anyone taking time to listen to you, and believe you has got some serious issue's in life.
“pReGnAnT pErSoNs”

Hans, get ze flammenwurfer.

All this racist shit, all this hate on religious folks and white folks, just because the 10th Amendment exists and some judges who aren’t hacks followed the Constitution, and the humans this inhuman piece of shit NotfooledbyW wants dead won’t be killed now in all fifty states like he likes. It’s all a big evil conspiracy by HHHHHWWHYTE people and them damn papists.

The plain fucking English of the Constitution doesn’t matter, because Supreme Court justices can’t be any skin color or religion this asshole hates.

And of course, when he hates someone, he wants them unpersoned and murdered. That is well established. This psychotic dangerous shithead is why the Second Amendment is so important - lunatics like this aren’t all in mental hospitals where they belong.
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Another racist attack by you, yet you attempt to be legit.... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣

Anyone taking time to listen to you, and believe you has got some serious issue's in life.

lol he thinks Christianity and British laws and traditions have no influence on the Founders, so yeah he's nuts. He likes to cliam a few Founders' criticisms of the Catholic and Anglican churches as meaning they opposed all Christians n stuff.
and a “person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof” (Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3). ¥ 230204^ac<

CPlus6230303-#379 • . . . , use the 3/5th Compromise by which as an argument that the Constitution treated them as people…

NFBW: No. YOU ARE A LIAR - you must be beagle9 ’s Satan. The argument that I make is based consequently upon a quick read at the excerpt from the following link:

Slavery and the Constitution • Not only does the Constitution not mention blacks or whites, but it also doesn’t mention slaves or slavery. Throughout the document, slaves are referred to as persons to underscore their humanity. As James Madison remarked during the constitutional convention, it was “wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in men.” •••• The Constitution refers to slaves using three different formulations: “other persons” (Article I, Section 2, Clause 3), “such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit” (Article I, Section 9, Clause 1), and a “person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof” (Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3).
The point is @HeyNorm’s fetus=slave argument is bogus from the start because our Constitution refers to slaves as persons and they could not be randomly murdered on a Federal level which means you are a liar CarsomyrPlusSix when you write shit like this:

Cplus6230303-#379 • This fucking refuse demon crawls out of his sewer to use the 3/5th Compromise by which the South eeked out for itself more power by pretending negros counted as people only for purposes of representation in Congress and for nothing else, a cynical manipulative move, as an argument that the Constitution treated them as people… just so he can argue for killing more human beings? •••• NotfooledbyW Die. •••• That’s all anyone of conscience can say to you, you inhuman filth, and that’s all you rate.​

Read the Constitution:

and a “person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof” (Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3). ¥ 230204^ac<
Yes they fail, and the confusion is of the devil for he is the author of confusion. No one comes to the father except by Christ Jesus our redeemer. AMEN.

Yes the Father is the destination. By Jesus means-learning and obeying everything he taught.
Yes the Father is the destination. By Jesus means-learning and obeying everything he taught.
Still not perfect no not one, but we can try as hard as we can to be good people, and we shall praise his Holy name for he is worthy AMEN.
Still not perfect no not one, but we can try as hard as we can to be good people, and we shall praise his Holy name for he is worthy AMEN.
One must obey to the best of their ability. But the Father is the destination for the true followers of Jesus-John 4:22-24
DudleySmith • “And you {NFBW} still can't name a single Founder who wasn't a Christian.” dft2303^01 -#7,440

kjw47230302-#7,431 • God Jesus started 1 single religion •••• Unity of thought no division •••• a true mark of the 1 religion Jesus is with -- not the 40,000 trinity religions who fail that true mark 100% because they are a mass of confusion.

NFBW: Dear good Christian kjw47 if what you say is true that God-Jesus started only one single religion based upon unity of thought with no division as the true mark of his one and only religion that Jesus is with, then it stands to reason that the 40,000 trinity religions including all Catholic and Protestant churches who fail that true mark of 100% unity because they are a mass of confusion, then is it safe to conclude, as a rational theist myself like Jefferson was, that one who believes in the Holy Trinity or belongs to a trinitarian congregation as some of our founding fathers did - does that mean that trinitarian founders were not true Christians? And does trinitarian beliefs matter for an answer to @DudleyS ‘s rendered point in his post 7440?

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NFBW230303-#7,454 - Do you disagree @beagle with the Constitution or C+6

Cplus6230303-#376 • “If a plantation owner wants to put down some old negro who can’t work anymore, that’s his decision, not yours. His plantation, his negro, his choice.”

CONSTITUTION; and a “person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof” (Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3). ¥ 230204^ac<

BackAgain230304-#7,459 • You have heard of Amendments

NFBW: Yes. Do you have a point?
Cplus6230303-#376 • “If a plantation owner wants to put down some old negro who can’t work anymore, that’s his decision, not yours. His plantation, his negro, his choice.”

NFBW: The Constitution recognizes persons held to service or labor. It does not recognize a fetus in the womb as a person


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