Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Pretending To Know Better With Missing Facts Of Evidence "

* Legalism Hermeneutics Of Rhetorical Hubris *

You appear to be confusing legal jargon and the sedition of scotus dobbs decision with facts of truth , and public rhetoric surrounding the actual constitutional basis and understanding for abortion choice , as presented by this republican remains suppressed .

The death penalty is not technically possible for a perpetrator for killing an unborn , and that is stated explicitly in code , as to encode that a death penalty is available would evoke a suit with a ruling based on a live birth requirement for equal protection .

As a zygote , or embryo , or zygote has not met a live birth requirement , it is not entitled to equal protection with a citizen , which is a fact of truth .

Any perceived legal jargon describing offense against a zygote , or embryo , or fetus are in fact of truth an offense against the self ownership element of individualism that entitled to the mother , through a credo of e pluribus unum espousing independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , and the penalties can be commensurate with the offense and within us 8th amendment .

The mother can not be charged with a criminal offense for authorizing an abortion .
The current Supreme Court disagrees with you. As does the rules surrounding common sense. The cold calculation killing human life is a kin to Stalin and other communists who believe human life at any stage has no worth and can be eliminated for the economic good of the motherland. Motherland, how coincidental? I think not. The Russia motherland can kill 30 million people to eliminate poverty through starvation and killing machines. And, by the mother's land killing their own babies due to economic and other issues. Socialism is temporary in these governments and devolves into genocides of inconsequential people. The way you talk about the unborn child is proof of this calling them clumps of cells in one for or another. The heartless psychopathic nature of those on the left pushing for communism of a tyrannical state including now mutilation of young children without their parents knowledge or consent. Barbarism...
NFBW Ref: 230425^a > The born alive rule was originally a principle at common law in England that was carried to the United States and other former colonies of the British Empire. First formulated by William Staunford, it was later set down by Edward Coke in his Institutes of the Laws of England. It follows the language used for cases of murder in English law, identifying three salient characteristics: a reasonable creature, in rerum natura (in natural being), and in the King's peace.[2] Coke says: "If a woman be quick with childe, and by a potion or otherwise killeth it in her wombe, or if a man beat her, whereby the child dyeth in her body, and she is delivered of a dead childe, this is great misprision, and no murder; but if he childe be born alive and dyeth of the potion, battery, or other cause, this is murder; for in law it is accounted a reasonable creature, in rerum natura, when it is born alive.[3][4]
The term "reasonable creature" echoes the language of an influential strand Catholic doctrine on the nature of the soul and the beginning of human personhood which generally adopted Aristotle in holding that it is the "rational soul" that infuses the fetus with "human beingness". There was disagreement as to whether this occurred at the moment of conception, or at the moment of quickening, as Aristotle had held.​
[5]As for rerum natura, William Staunfordhad explained "the thing killed must be in part of the world of physical beings (in rerum natura). This has been interpreted as meaning completely expelled from the womb.[6] Finally, the "thing killed" must be in the King's peace, i.e. in a situation where the protection of the King's peace applied. An outlaw, for instance, was not in the King's peace, and not subject to protection of the law.​
The designation "misprision, and no murder", can be traced to the Leges Henrici Primi of 1115, which designated abortion "quasi homicide".[citation needed] Here, we find the penalties for abortion were varying lengths of penance, indicating it was dealt with by ecclesiastical courts, while homicide, being a breach of the King's peace, was dealt with in secular courts. Penalties for abortion varied depending on whether the fetus was formed or unformed, that is before or after quickening, and were only imposed on women who had aborted the product of "fornication" (illicit sex), a distinction previously made by the Venerable Bede.[

Apr 25, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,458 {to: 08,451 nfbw} “…. I understand the pro-life folks not being able to just stand by and watch what they believe to be infanticide..”

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW #8,460 {to: 08458 fvstn} Why are MAGA’s mostly white Christians …. entitled to force their …. definition of infanticide on the whole country?

Apr 25, 2023 ¥frnknvstns¥ #8,462
{to: 08,460 nfbw} “They are just playing by the rules laid out by white liberals, rules they had forced upon them”

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,462 fvstn} White liberals cannot pass laws or rules the MAGA white anti-choice Christians must follow..

I was referring to the legal definition of infanticide which is based on common law.. “the thing killed must be in part of the world of physical beings (in rerum natura).see ref 230425^a

I hear the whimpers of MAGA being victims of anything liberal/commie/fucking”woke” whatever but they are not entitled to make their own laws and accuse pregnant women of murder for political sensationalism.

It’s not honest to accuse liberals of being for infanticide just because they don’t agree with white Christian’s and the vast MAGA disgruntled white males when the common law of before “quickening” is essentially legal killing of a fetus on the decision of it’s mother.

Are we a country of law or country of what MAGA wants?
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Apr 25, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,462
{to: 08,460 nfbw} “They are just playing by the rules laid out by white liberals, rules they had forced upon them”

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,462 fvstn} There are no rules forced upon white MAGA anti-choice Christians forcing them to terminate their fetuses. Herschal Walker freely killed his and his girlfriend’s fetus all on his own. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say there are rules forced in snowflake MAGA.
There are no rules forced upon white MAGA anti-choice Christians forcing them to terminate their fetuses. Herschal Walker freely killed his and his girlfriend’s fetus all on his own.
well Walker isn't your everyday "white MAGA anti-choice Christian" now is he...confused much?...

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say there are rules forced in snowflake MAGA.
...You would if you weren't so confused...your anger is bleeding through.
and that's because the whole anti-"white Christian" frustration you bemoan is the battle cry of communists who realize that the only chance they have against them is to kill them in the womb.
I hear the whimpers of MAGA being victims of anything liberal/commie/fucking”woke” whatever
all I hear is you retching in the death throes of defeat because you don't get to kill the "capitalist pigs" in the womb anymore
but they are not entitled to make their own laws and accuse pregnant women of murder for political sensationalism.
much like white liberals are not entitled to pretend abortion is a constitutional right.
It’s not honest to accuse liberals of being for infanticide just because they don’t agree with white Christian’s and the vast MAGA disgruntled white males when the common law of before “quickening” is essentially legal killing of a fetus on the decision of it’s mother.
the dishonest part in all this is your claim that you are only concerned with the harm pregnancy causes your "fellow" citizens
Are we a country of law or country of what MAGA wants?
since Roe v Wade set the bar on this matter at "legislating from the bench" it has made us a country of "laws by court decree" and it has put us at the mercy of the court which has determined it to be the rules laid out by white it has come home to roost comrade.
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" Scoping Out Twisted Styles "

* Mash Quash *

Does the woman have a choice as to whether to allow access to her vagina, from said overloaded aroused heterosexual male? Yes? thought so!
So approximately 93% of all abortions occur within the first trimester and it is reasonable to estimate that nearly all of those abortions are without cause .

It would be reasonable to estimate that the 6% of abortions in the second trimester and 1% in the third trimester are with cause abortions for developmental anomalies , whether with the mother or the fetus .

Historically , approximately 75% of elective abortions occur in those between 0% and 200% of the poverty line , and approximately 50% of mothers seeking elective abortion already have at least one child .

The 1986 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia intended to end generational welfare by not increasing stipends for additional children .

Those least likely to afford or possibly remember to use prophylactics , and otherwise engage in sexual behavior are supposed to stick a pea between their knees and not let it drop to the floor ; is that conjecture a realistic summation ?

Is the accusation of prurient behavior supposed to apply to elective abortion that are without cause and also to elective abortions that are with cause ?

Is it not bad enough when going to cash registers at wal-mart one is goaded into rounding up to donate to the lagniappe of food charities , while us foreign policy of abstinence only programs set by ascetics has funding coerced from taxpayers , while condom distribution with a reminder about gluttony lays wanton ?
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well Walker isn't your everyday "white MAGA anti-choice Christian" now is he...confused much?...

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: Why not? •••• MAGA is not “white Christianity” simply because members in the cult are all white skinned. MAGA believers have a deep conviction or general acceptance that America was founded by white Christian Protestant men plus Betsy who stitched together the Stars and Stripes in the kitchen, baby on lap.

Walker is a black American Christian. He is one of the 10% from the black Christian community politically aligned with MAGA white Christian ideology. That’s his choice. On the other side, my side, we have the 90% of black Christians who do not associate the founding of America to be some kind of covenant between himself the Almighty and white male property owners some of which owned slaves with the Blessings of Christ’s southern Colonial churches. Washington through Madison were rational theists not sin and salvation Jesus believers.

It’s a historical and sociological distinction I make in our time between right leaning white Christian’s and black
& white & multicultural left leaning Christians who right now are very much anti-MAGA.
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Why not? MAGA is not “white Christianity” simply because members in the cult are all white skinned. MAGA believers have a deep conviction or general acceptance that America was founded by white Christian Protestant men plus Betsy who stitched together the Stars and Stripes in the kitchen, baby on lap.

Walker is a black American Christian. He is one of the 10% black community politically aligned with MAGA white Christian ideology. That’s his choice. On the other side, my side we have the 90% of black Christians who do not associate the founding of America to be some kind of covenant between himself the Almighty and white male property owners some of which owned slaves with the Blessings of Christ’s southern Colonial churches.

It’s a historical and sociological distinction I make in our time between right leaning white Christian’s and black white multicultural left leaning Christian who right now are very anti-MAGA.
Yeah, sounds like yer all broken up over the harm to the citizenry being caused by pregnant women.
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It’s a historical and sociological distinction I make in our time between right leaning white Christian’s and black
& white & multicultural left leaning Christians who right now are very much anti-MAGA.
which proves this was just an untrue meaningless rant:
There are no rules forced upon white MAGA anti-choice Christians forcing them to terminate their fetuses. Herschal Walker freely killed his and his girlfriend’s fetus all on his own.
...brought on no doubt by your poor showing in this debate.
" Update Facts Of Truth For Consistent Reason "

* Authoritarians Dictate To Individuals Rather Than Leaving Responsibility Of Choice To The Individual *

Socialism is temporary in these governments and devolves into genocides of inconsequential people
The heartless psychopathic nature of those on the left pushing for communism of a tyrannical state including now mutilation of young children without their parents knowledge or consent. Barbarism...
A suggestion from a republican for abortion choice , from us motto for a credo of e pluribus unum , is that abortion anti-choice tropes understand a difference between authoritarianism and individualism , as it is relatively clear that most do not understand the contradiction of their own authoritarian dictatorial position against individualism .

* Responsibilities Without Considerations For An Obligation To Support *
The way you talk about the unborn child is proof of this calling them clumps of cells in one for or another.
If insignificance to ones own personal sphere of interest surprises you , consider how some speak about the apex predator hue mammon damned dirt apes that have been born .
Apr 25, 2023 NFBW #8,471 {to: 08,465 fvstn} It’s a historical and sociological distinction I make in our time between right leaning white Christian’s and black white multicultural left leaning Christian who right now are very anti-MAGA.

Apr 25, 2023 ¥frnknvstns¥ #8,472
{to: 08,471 nfbw} “Yeah, sounds like yer all broken up over the harm to the citizenry being caused by pregnant women.

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,472 fvstn} Pregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetus. White Christian male dominated MAGA state governments like North Dakota physically and financially harm every woman seeking access to an abortion in N.D.. Forced birthing harms all women and kills some.,If that is not Governnent doing harm I don’t know what is. Death is not an inconvenience.
" Pretending To Know Better With Missing Facts Of Evidence "

* Legalism Hermeneutics Of Rhetorical Hubris *

You appear to be confusing legal jargon and the sedition of scotus dobbs decision with facts of truth , and public rhetoric surrounding the actual constitutional basis and understanding for abortion choice , as presented by this republican remains suppressed .

The death penalty is not technically possible for a perpetrator for killing an unborn , and that is stated explicitly in code , as to encode that a death penalty is available would evoke a suit with a ruling based on a live birth requirement for equal protection .

As a zygote , or embryo , or zygote has not met a live birth requirement , it is not entitled to equal protection with a citizen , which is a fact of truth .

Any perceived legal jargon describing offense against a zygote , or embryo , or fetus are in fact of truth an offense against the self ownership element of individualism that entitled to the mother , through a credo of e pluribus unum espousing independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , and the penalties can be commensurate with the offense and within us 8th amendment .

The mother can not be charged with a criminal offense for authorizing an abortion .
Why do you two persist blanketly about the right, the conservative, the republican somehow wanting the mother to be charged, otherwise when abortion has been legal, and still is legal wherever it is legal ???

Is this some sort of leftist tactic in this debate ? Maybe some want to see future penalties placed on abortion, otherwise if it is abused wherever it is kept legal, but that is the extent of it.

You two undoubtedly are trying every tactic or strategy imaginable in this debate, but people are seeing through all the smoke and mirrors being used.
" No Assurances Of RINOs For Us Republic Founded Upon Individualism "

* Conservative Versus Liberal Paradigm Is Intellectual Buffoonery *

Why do you two persist blanketly about the right, the conservative, the republican somehow wanting the mother to be charged, otherwise when abortion has been legal, and still is legal wherever it is legal ???
There are factions of the abortion anti-choice groups which want the mother to be charged , no party mentioned , though they do not have sufficient numbers to implement that as public policy .

The example of a death penalty as capital punishment was provided to drive home the simplest fact of truth , which is that a zef does not have constitutional protections , in particular a wright to life , whereby the death penalty could not be exacted based upon an equitable doctrine , where by in removing a wright to life of another one could remove their own wright to life .

That a mother cannot be charged with a crime for authorizing an abortion is a statement in unborn victims of violence act of 2004 , and it reiterates that any perceived offenses against the zef are in fact offenses against the mother and that legal jargon is factually false or disingenuous - .
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" Update Facts Of Truth For Consistent Reason "

* Authoritarians Dictate To Individuals Rather Than Leaving Responsibility Of Choice To The Individual *

A suggestion from a republican for abortion choice , from us motto for a credo of e pluribus unum , is that abortion anti-choice tropes understand a difference between authoritarianism and individualism , as it is relatively clear that most do not understand the contradiction of their own authoritarian dictatorial position against individualism .

* Responsibilities Without Considerations For An Obligation To Support *

If insignificance to ones own personal sphere of interest surprises you , consider how some speak about the apex predator hue mammon damned dirt apes that have been born .
And, here lies the challenge. The challenge is to get Democrat leftists who do not value human life, born or unborn, known as communists, to see that this debate is about the unborn child, not the living mother. We on the right see both the mother and unborn child having individual rights, the left does not. The left sees as the communists do, not important, kill it to help with the economy and climate (less farts). The right also sees that the timing of "choice" comes before the decision to have sex with the potential outcome, a baby. Are you saying women are incapable of choosing to not have sexual intercourse? On the right, we see that after the woman chooses freely to have sexual intercourse, then the rights turn to the consequence, the embryo, zygote, fetus and born baby. Now, the mother shares the rights raising the child while unborn and then born until society considers the person an adult. So, we do not see the choice of the mother authoritarian unless she seeks to stop the right of choice to live for the unborn.
Pregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetus.
Yeah we know...its cow farts that do all the damage in communist la la land
White Christian male dominated MAGA state governments like North Dakota physically and financially harm every woman seeking access to an abortion in N.D.. Forced birthing harms all women and kills some.,If that is not Governnent doing harm I don’t know what is. Death is not an inconvenience.
You've made your feelings about white christians quite clear on everything except on how you feel about their treatment of do you feel about that?...try and stay focused on this one
I said and you quoted:
Apr 25, 2023 ¥frnknvstns¥ #8,472
{to: 08,471 nfbw} “Yeah, sounds like yer all broken up over the harm to the citizenry being caused by pregnant women.
so then you answered with:
Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,472 fvstn} Pregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetus
and fish don't ride bicycles, so what?

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