Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

the abortion loss at the court level threatened that agenda.
Actuality the Dobbs decision exposed the harm that religious conservatives want to impose on women. Fifty years of white Christian nationalism in the billions dollar propaganda industry was wiped out and set off the alarm heard by those not aligned with the Saving Baby Fetus Movement’s fraud against the American people.
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" Muted Debate For Antiquated And Preposterous Constitutional Originalism For Public Policy On Abortion "

* Anthropocentric Egocentric Myopia Advocates Legal Positivism And Sedition By Traitors To Principles Of Us Republic *

When debating what personhood law SHOULD BE, asserting what it CURRENTLY IS is both unnecessary, as all sides know what it is, and useless, as the debate is specifically about the prospect of CHANGING IT.
Great ! ! Sew ! !

We all agree that #dobbs is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments and sedition against title 1 section 8 of us code , where by us 14th a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , and where by title 1 section 8 of us code a live birth is required to be a person and therefore equal protection of laws , which the #dumbfounded #dobbs decision disavowed through intentional ignorance !

The trans literal definition for the term person , by etymology , is as per and son , as in countable by census and male .

From the judicial reasoning prompting a ratification of us 19th amendment , women are not categorically persons , as they are not male or men ,

A per son is an antiquated reference to a homunculus , which is a mythological theory for creation in full form , whereby without an ova or requirement for fertilization , the semen of a male was presumed to contain the entire pro generative matter needed for an offspring to form , except that a sacrum womb for man was needed for the homunculus to grow .

The citizens of a democratically elected republic are entitled as members to cast vote for and to qualify as representative members in the republic , and to correct the correct diction , so that females are categorically included as citizens , the term person should be updated with the term individual .
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you are an appendage of the republican party
When debating what personhood law SHOULD BE, asserting what it CURRENTLY IS is both unnecessary, as all sides know what it is, and useless, as the debate is specifically about the prospect of CHANGING IT.

Until it is actually changed as a matter of revised homicide law, there is no victim of homicide “LEGALY” and “MORALLY”
being harmed when a woman exercises her freedom of conscience by a request to her doctor to terminate her pregnancy for convenience prior to birth. So why is it possible for a state to ban a proven safe medical procedure that millions of women want and do not appear willing to give up or bow down to the white Christian religious right’s intent to take control of all the fertile female reproductive organs in the nation.

myrpls.23.06.22 #9,340
nf.23.06.25 #9,383
We need a Monk-eee to English translator.

Not that it would help. The rule of GIGO would still apply.
He's one of those college campus intellectuals that run around with signs when a conservative speaker walks through the door. 😁
Many conservatives and supporters of MAGA see it as potentially disastrous policy for the US to intervene in that Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. That does not, however, align such people with Putin.

The rule of GIGO

When garbage goes into a MAGA brain garbage logic always comes out. If a MAGA brain believes it is disastrous policy for the US to intervene in the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine it logically means the US Should not intervene. What is the outcome of no US intervention in Ukraine or no US support of NATO against the Russian genocide against Ukraine?

It is a US policy very much aligned with Putin’s objective of seizing all of Ukraine.

MAGA is Putin’s American collection of useful idiots for authoritarianism.

bckvgn.23.06.25 #22
bckvgn.23.06.25 #9,384
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When garbage goes into a MAGA brain garbage logic always comes out. If a MAGA brain believes it is disastrous policy for the US to intervene in the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine it logically means the US Should not intervene. What is the outcome of no US intervention in Ukraine or no US support of NATO against Ukraine?

It is a US policy very much aligned with Putin’s objective of seizing all of Ukraine.

MAGA is Putin’s American collection of useful idiots.

bckvgn.23.06.25 #9,384
Yeah well, we'll keep that in mind while we're saving your dumb ace from being nuked. But you might actually get your way, and wildly get us all nuked. Stay tuned I guess.
Yeah well, we'll keep that in mind while we're saving your dumb ace from being nuked.
Don’t let Putin seize all the territory he wants by genocide by saving me. What did Patrick Henry say? Give me liberty or give me death. I’m not signing on to the MAGA authoritarian fan club because authoritarian killers like Putin scare me. Stop wilting spineless Christian.
Don’t let Putin seize all the territory he wants by genocide by saving me. What did Patrick Henry say? Give me liberty or give me death. I’m not signing on to the MAGA authoritarian fan club because authoritarian killers like Putin scare me. Stop wilting spineless Christian.
Well of course that is your answer, I mean you are an advocate for the killing of unborn babies by the hundreds of thousands, so why would you cling to life for any reason ???
He's one of those college campus intellectuals that run around with signs when a conservative speaker walks through the door.
I believe Monk-Eye says he is a Republican (33 percent are pro-choice) and ad far as understanding the Constitution he is ultra Conservative in interpretation of it’s literal language much more so than you.
I believe Monk-Eye says he is a Republican (33 percent are pro-choice) and ad far as understanding the Constitution he is ultra Conservative in interpretation of it’s literal language much more so than you.
Says he is a Republican, oh is that how it works now ? In the mean time just defend leftism to the end, but call oneself a Republican eh ?
you are an advocate for the killing of unborn babies
You are a liar. I do not advocate for any such thing. I have no role in a woman making a decision to continue or quit being pregnant. I advocate the government keeps no role in that decision as well to prevent harm to women who do not want to be pregnant. THAT’s all I advocate.
Until it is actually changed as a matter of revised homicide law, there is no victim of homicide “LEGALY” and “MORALLY”
Objectively false, retard - learn English.

Down to the Latin roots, a human being is killed, that is a homicide. It is also a filicide - the killing of one’s own offspring.

Your whining won’t change the meaning of words. So cry about it.

So why is it possible for a state to ban a proven safe medical procedure
Contract killing isn’t a medical procedure, retard. And it isn’t safe.

Please stop wasting oxygen.
a human being is killed,

At 20 weeks gestation your definition of a “human being” being applied to “Baby Fetus” in post #9,394 fails you.

Human beings are anatomically similar and related to the great apes but are distinguished by a more highly developed brain and a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning.​
Human being 23jun06^hmcde​
Homicide laws cannot apply by the common definition of a human being to a brainless fetus. That is absurd and irrational. The only way to provide criminal and civil law providing equal protection that applies to a brainless 20 week fetus and a newly born child is to amend the US Constitution that a one cell fertilized egg from the moment of conception on is a person to be protected by the US CONSTITUTION. That will never happen. So if a pregnant woman chooses to kil the living human organism inside her body when that organism does not have its own brain it cannot be labeled homicide by definition of what a human being actually is. Human beings are anatomically distinguishable by having a highly developed brain.

myrpls23.06.26 #9,394
nf.23.06.26 #9,395
CarsomyrPlusSix is an absurd and irrational human being who wants to revise the definition of a human being to include a living human organism that has no brain.
Just say it, that you hate the unborn that are soon to become full human beings if they are left alone to do so, and it appears you hate human organisms or whatever you want to call them also, and why is this ? Because they might invade your space in which you think is over populating the earth as it stands, and endangering the women's lives who willingly did nothing to stop themselves from becoming pregnant ?
CarsomyrPlusSix is an absurd and irrational human being
I am literate in English and mastered the salient scientific subject matter. That is why I know you are so utterly full of shit on both fronts.

who wants to revise the definition of a human being
There is no revision, retard, the unborn have always been living organisms and living organisms have a species - these are members of Homo sapiens. Human beings.

human organism that has no brain
No, I don’t think you are a human being, you brainless shitstain, and you shouldn’t be a person.

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