Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I told you that if the answer is “yes”
to the question; “do you believe abortion should be legal”, there is no need to ask also if any exceptions are on the books.

If one thinks abortion should be legal it does not make sense that a respondent would want cases of rape and incest to be illegal.

How do you explain what happened in Kansas? The majority of Republicans voted with Democrats to keep the Kansas Constitution guaranteeing the right to have an abortion through 24 weeks in a special state wide referendum after Dobbs.

cgrbr.23.07.06 #9,538
nf.23.07.06 #9,540
You’re dumb if you think I’ll by into black and white questions over this. I gave you the answer. The questions asked by PEW and others is not the whole story. You can try duping me but because I am grounded in my testimony of Jesus Christ and have the Holy Ghost to receive answers.
You can try duping me but because I am grounded in my testimony of Jesus Christ and have the Holy Ghost to receive answers.
Can anybody know any truth if they don’t go to the Holy Ghost for answers?

If the Holy Ghost tells you not to have an abortion unless you are raped by a stranger or sexually assaulted by a relative then don’t have an abortion. Some Christian’s were told by the Holy Ghost that innocent life is innocent life and should not suffer death because they came into existence as a result of rape and incest. You support going against that holier Holy Ghost.

How do you live with your sin like that?
Can anybody know any truth if they don’t go to the Holy Ghost for answers?

If the Holy Ghost tells you not to have an abortion unless you are raped by a stranger or sexually assaulted by a relative then don’t have an abortion. Some Christian’s were told by the Holy Ghost that innocent life is innocent life and should not suffer death because they came into existence as a result of rape and incest. You support going against that holier Holy Ghost.

How do you live with your sin like that?
Not the point. on spiritual and moral questions, the Holy Ghost is there for us to know what is right and wrong. God does want us to use our brains in many areas of our lives. When it comes to questions on morality it's better to get that conformation from the Holy Ghost. Killing for selfish reasons is simply wrong. It's immoral. It's uncivilized. Note that I focus on those who abort because of selfish reasons and not incest or rape. Neither of those has anything to do with selfish. There are women who still have the baby. They will not be punished for keeping the child. Nor will they be punished for aborting the child. Neither has selfish reasons for the abortion on behalf of the woman. That's why the polling questions don't paint the entire picture. But, the Holy Ghost will help the woman to decide to keep the baby from the rape or incest. Trust in God.
I do not think being pregnant is punishment. Pregnancy causes harm and 17 out of every hundred thousand births in the United States results in maternal death. When the pregnancy is wanted, taking the risk has to be a decision made by the mother. When the pregnancy is unwanted and unexpected or unplanned, and the woman does not want to take the risk of death, she has a natural human right to avoid the risk of death when and if her conscience raises no objection.

You want 17 out of 100,000 women to die if any single one of them is forced by your state government to gestate a fetus all the way to natural birth. No woman can opt out of the white Christian religion in your state, and that is cruel and unusual punishment and a violation of her First Amendment right to a free conscience.
Stop making a fool of yourself already.. 😂
Stop making a fool of yourself already..
You want 17 out of 100,000 women to die if any single one of them is forced by your state government to gestate a fetus all the way to natural birth. Cougarbear wants the state to force women to die during childbirth when they wanted to avoid that risk. Is it the same Holy Ghost telling you to cause death for having sex without protection. Of course it takes two to commit the crime but only the woman gets punished according to the Holy Ghost.
You want 17 out of 100,000 women to die if any single one of them is forced by your state government to gestate a fetus all the way to natural birth. Cougarbear wants the state to force women to die during childbirth when they wanted to avoid that risk. Is it the same Holy Ghost telling you to cause death for having sex without protection. Of course it takes two to commit the crime but only the woman gets punished according to the Holy Ghost.
Is lying just first nature to you? Seems that way. I have stated very clearly that if a woman’s life is in danger, she may have an abortion. Most health issues with pregnancy are not mortal. So, please stop making it so.

Women actually die who want to have children. All of those 17 out of 100,000 (a very small percentage) wanted the child. Women sometimes cannot stop bleeding after birth. A tiny number. Life is a risk. That includes giving life to the world. Co-creators with God.

Abortion should never be used as birth control.
Is lying just first nature to you? Seems that way. I have stated very clearly that if a woman’s life is in danger, she may have an abortion. Most health issues with pregnancy are not mortal. So, please stop making it so.

Women actually die who want to have children. All of those 17 out of 100,000 (a very small percentage) wanted the child. Women sometimes cannot stop bleeding after birth. A tiny number. Life is a risk. That includes giving life to the world. Co-creators with God.

Abortion should never be used as birth control.
I disagree with Monk-eye for two reasons. All I wrote is accurate and factual. Te other reason is Monk-eye gave no reason for his disagreements so he loses debate for having nothing factual to back him up.
" Apex Predators "

* Consequences Nature Would Not Tolerate *

Can anybody know any truth if they don’t go to the Holy Ghost for answers?
If the Holy Ghost tells you not to have an abortion unless you are raped by a stranger or sexually assaulted by a relative then don’t have an abortion. Some Christian’s were told by the Holy Ghost that innocent life is innocent life and should not suffer death because they came into existence as a result of rape and incest. You support going against that holier Holy Ghost.
How do you live with your sin like that?
The sanctimonious sacrosanct psychopaths want the disabled as an excuse to collect social subsistence from government and to validate their self worth through domination and ease of manipulation over the mentally and physically compromised .
The life of the unborn. Someone has to protect them from the selfish abomination of the wicked mother and Democrat Party machine.
Scary thought that a reckless woman somehow turned mother is yes pregnant, and then she begins looking for a wicked doctor to end her pregnancy because she forgot to use birth control prior. What's even scarier is the clinic or Doctor saying to her afterwards, "hey we hope to see you again soon". So the cycle just continues into a sick trend being accommodated by the medical fields that are allegedly selling the fetuses for research/profits....
I have stated very clearly that if a woman’s life is in danger, she may have an abortion.

You and the Holy Ghost are so kind. Why do you put your conditions on someone else’s body and someone who is doing nothing wrong by having an abortion as a matter of choice?

What makes you so special that every pregnant woman in the USA has to get your consent to have an abortion when it suits you and your Holy Ghost?

If a woman wants an abortion as soon as she finds out she is pregnant, what harm comes to you? What exactly gives you cause to be involved in a decision to avoid risk by a woman who will have absolutely no impact on your life, your freedom, your religion and your Holy Ghost?

cgrbr.23.07.06 #9,546
" Just Another Animal "

* Simpleton Beliefs About Facts *

I disagree with Monk-eye for two reasons. All I wrote is accurate and factual. Te other reason is Monk-eye gave no reason for his disagreements so he loses debate for having nothing factual to back him up.
That abortion should not ever be used as birth control is an opinion , it is not fact .

As to whether a woman has a " without cause " abortion or a " with cause " abortion , it is none of your business , and that includes a conjecture of it being your business to interject yourself by proxy , on behalf of a legal victim that does not exist , either by law or by ethics based on empathy for suffering which has not sufficiently developed whereby cognitive objection would be possible .

  • Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
  • A trisomy is a chromosomal condition characterised by an additional chromosome.
  • A person with a trisomy has 47 chromosomes instead of 46.
  • Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome are the most common forms of trisomy.

Human and chimpanzee chromosomes are very alike. The primary difference is that humans have one fewer pair of chromosomes than do other great apes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and other great apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes

The results of the chimpanzee genome project suggest that when ancestral chromosomes 2A and 2B fused to produce human chromosome 2, no genes were lost from the fused ends of 2A and 2B.

Yes, it is fact that abortion should never be used for birth control. That is fact.
I have every right to express my distaste and disgust of abortion. I also agree that government has every right to stop the killing of any group of people. It’s amazing how democrats will write laws to protect the destruction of bald eagle eggs (unborn ) but not protect unborn humans.
And, the idea because a baby is not perfect with challenges is a reason to kill it. Have you no shame?

You and the Holy Ghost are so kind. Why do you put your conditions on someone else’s body and someone who is doing nothing wrong by having an abortion as a matter of choice?

What makes you so special that every pregnant woman in the USA has to get your consent to have an abortion when it suits you and your Holy Ghost?

If a woman wants an abortion as soon as she finds out she is pregnant, what harm comes to you? What exactly gives you cause to be involved in a decision to avoid risk by a woman who will have absolutely no impact on your life, your freedom, your religion and your Holy Ghost?

cgrbr.23.07.06 #9,546
Funny how Democrats believe the government are the parents of children and not the parents. Now, they don’t want the government to decide what is murder and what isn’t. Hypocrites.
I have more rights than you based on the 1st amendment. Why do you think you can get the government to infringe upon my religious and speech rights? Communist.
I also agree that government has every right to stop the killing of any group of people.

How does the government have a right to stop the killing of a group of people who do not exist?

There is no other person involved when a woman in the sixth through twentieth week of pregnancy terminates the fetus that is fully dependent upon the pregnant woman’s brain and neurological system for it’s ability to stay alive!
How does the government have a right to stop the killing of a group of people who do not exist?

There is no other person involved when a woman in the sixth through twentieth week of pregnancy terminates the fetus that is fully dependent upon the pregnant woman’s brain and neurological system for it’s ability to stay alive!
Notsobright always offers his opinions in the guise of fact. Zzz
How does the government have a right to stop the killing of a group of people who do not exist?

There is no other person involved when a woman in the sixth through twentieth week of pregnancy terminates the fetus that is fully dependent upon the pregnant woman’s brain and neurological system for it’s ability to stay alive!
In your mind they don’t exist. But they do. They are human. And, I’ve already proved the viability of the child is of no importance on whether you can kill. New burns are fully dependent upon mom. They cannot survive without older humans.
" Squawking Out Yearn Ass "

* Conceited Arrogance *

Yes, it is fact that abortion should never be used for birth control. That is fact.
That is not a fact , that is your opinion .

* Misconstrued Allegiances *
I have every right to express my distaste and disgust of abortion. I also agree that government has every right to stop the killing of any group of people. It’s amazing how democrats will write laws to protect the destruction of bald eagle eggs (unborn ) but not protect unborn humans.
And, the idea because a baby is not perfect with challenges is a reason to kill it. Have you no shame?
I am an abortion choice republican .

It is amazing how sanctimonious sacrosancts can be traitors to principles of us republic .
" Confused "

* Double Talk *

In your mind they don’t exist. But they do. They are human. And, I’ve already proved the viability of the child is of no importance on whether you can kill. New burns are fully dependent upon mom. They cannot survive without older humans.
The " without cause " abortion of healthy post viability , even near viability , fetus is fabricated bullshit .

New-borns are not fully dependent on mom , as they can be surrogate by any , whereas pre-borns cannot be surrogate by any but the would be mother .
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