Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

06762 HeyNorm hynrm.23.01.17 #6,762 A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.

06770 flvsh.23.01.18 #6,770 These Moon Bats don't understand simple Biology so they have no comprehension of the valid point you made

06774 nf.23.01.18 #6,774 I understand the very simple truth, that every single individual human being who has ever lived on this planet, has a life that begins at conception. Immediately upon conception, the human living human organism gets attached to a woman’s uterus, and begins its development on the human lifespan continuum. This continuum begins at conception and develops to a moment of viability then birth and then death. What else do I need to know about biology when we are contemplating the natural human rights of pregnant women in our secular society?

06775 flvsh.23.01.18 #6,775 You need to know that killing a child is not a "natural human right of a pregnant woman". It is killing a child as a birth control method and it is despicable and inhuman.

06776 nf.23.01.18 #6,776 So you want me to adopt your authoritarian opinion about natural rights of pregnant women vs the child that is surviving life only insofar as being attached and part of it’s mother’s body •••• So why did you question my knowledge of biology???? What does biology have to do with your opinion Flash on the morality of abortion, which is something a woman should be able to decide in private in my opinion and a majority of voters in the red state of Kansas.

The Holy MAGA Ghost usually disappears with the mere utterance of the word “Kansas

Has Flash and the Holy MAGA Ghost in his soul come back to continue the discussion between us in January ending with post #6,776 (see above)

nf.23.06.07 #9,581
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You could not pursue a life of liberty in the pursuit of wealth property and happiness if you lived in a society where a separated at birth consciously acting individual can shoot another separated at birth consciously acting individual in the face and suffer no consequences such as loss of freedom for the commission of such a crime
Oh, I absolutely could.

Your theoretical shooter didn’t hurt or affect me at all… other than bringing me relief and joy.
It is that deterrence against criminal activity
When abortion is criminalized as murder, abortion is criminal activity. Welcome to the basics of how everything works.

You are not harmed directly if someone else shot me in the face and killed me. You wouid be harmed however if the crime was ignored because you could be next if there was no government to deter it.
Welcome to why abortionists and their clients need life sentences or executions, numbnuts.

And frankly, at this point I’m sure you’re responsible for many of these homicides yourself, so probably you too. I mean maybe you’re too poor to have done so, you do seem incredibly inept and stupid…
You don't know that, and we don't know that, so why take the chance ?
I don't believe an embryo or under developed fetus without a brain is a human being, anymore than I believe an infant is an adult or an elderly person. Even the Bible doesn't consider the life of a fetus equal to life that is born and breathing. The soul according to the Hebrew Bible doesn't enter the body until the person takes their first breath. Many rabbis don't see the fetus as equal to a born, breathing human being.

But anyways, women should have control over whether they remain pregnant or not. They're the ones who have to deal with the pregnancy, and maybe even lose their jobs because of it. You conservatives are extremely concerned about the life of fetuses but don't care much about the mother or the fetus once it becomes a baby and has to live in abject poverty with his mother or in foster care. You defund government programs that help poor, single mothers raise their children, but then pretend to be "pro-life" and concerned for fetuses in other people's wombs.
I doubt it. That's not how fascists roll.

So black is white after all.

I'm not the one preoccupied someone else's crotch.
Retard, I’m sorry you don’t know how to mind your business, or that other people’s bodies are not your property to attack and kill, but once you master how to not eat paste, please try to learn how to mind your business better.
I don't believe an embryo or under developed fetus without a brain is a human being
That’s not a matter of belief, retard, that’s you just not knowing objective scientific fact. You are not entitled to your own counterfactual “opinion” about a matter that isn’t subjective.

The soul according to the Hebrew Bible doesn't enter the body until the person takes their first breath.
That’s literally just Adam in Eden. A figure of a dude shaped out of earthen clay, made into a human with godly magic powers.

Does that describe normal embryology on Earth? No, of course not.

Many rabbis don't see the fetus as equal to a born, breathing human being.
Sad to see so many Jews be so Nazi-like and hateful and learn nothing, but thankfully not all Jews are that dumb.

But anyways, women should have control over whether they remain pregnant or not.
They certainly should control becoming pregnant or not, and they should do a better job of it, especially once we ban abortion everywhere. Guess they’ll just have to.

You conservatives are extremely concerned about the life of fetuses but don't care much about the mother or the fetus once it becomes a baby and has to live in abject poverty with his mother or in foster care
Oh look, retarded conflation of your communist economic agenda with an unrelated topic.

If you want bans on murder, you need to support x, y, z… no, no we fucking don’t you commie bastard.
That’s not a matter of belief, retard, that’s you just not knowing objective scientific fact. You are not entitled to your own counterfactual “opinion” about a matter that isn’t subjective.

That’s literally just Adam in Eden. A figure of a dude shaped out of earthen clay, made into a human with godly magic powers.

Does that describe normal embryology on Earth? No, of course not.

Sad to see so many Jews be so Nazi-like and hateful and learn nothing, but thankfully not all Jews are that dumb.

They certainly should control becoming pregnant or not, and they should do a better job of it, especially once we ban abortion everywhere. Guess they’ll just have to.

Oh look, retarded conflation of your communist economic agenda with an unrelated topic.

If you want bans on murder, you need to support x, y, z… no, no we fucking don’t you commie bastard.

That’s not a matter of belief, retard...

That is a matter of logic and facts, you moron. A human being is more than just a mass of cells attached to a woman's uterus. It's the woman who is the actual human being, not the embryo or fetus attached to her uterus. She, the human being, is the person who is pregnant, hence should have the right to determine, whether she remains pregnant or not.

that’s you just not knowing objective scientific fact. You are not entitled to your own counterfactual “opinion” about a matter that isn’t subjective.

It's not subjective, it's clearly not a human being. It's a potential human, just like an infant is a potential adult. If an infant dies, you don't say that an adult died. If an embryo dies, one shouldn't say a human being died. It's a potential human being. The fact that an embryo is a human embryo doesn't make an embryo a human BEING. If I extract an individual cell out of my body, that individual cell, is a human cell, and it's alive. If I attach that cell, to technology and place it in a woman's womb, it can generate another human being. That human being that is born from that woman, would be my clone.

The embryo that is conceived in a woman's body, is a potential human being, not an actual human being with all of the same rights as the woman who conceived it and is pregnant with it. Concern yourself more with life outside of the womb, and stop pretending you are "pro-life", when you have so much disregard for the life, rights and health of the pregnant woman, who is the actual human being. If she loses her job because of her pregnancy or can't afford to raise another child, you're indifferent, by defunding government programs that help single mothers, raise their children. You're not "pro-life", you're pro-bullshit, pro-hypocrisy and pro-death. How about that "retardo"?

That’s literally just Adam in Eden. A figure of a dude shaped out of earthen clay, made into a human with godly magic powers. Does that describe normal embryology on Earth? No, of course not.

Yeah, all of that religious mythology. Talking snakes and stuff. Yeah exactly. Move on and learn how to think critically.

Sad to see so many Jews be so Nazi-like and hateful and learn nothing, but thankfully not all Jews are that dumb.

Grow a brain shithead.
That is a matter of logic and facts, you moron. A human being is more than just a mass of cells
You are a mass of cells you imbecile, a very dumb and brainless and useless mass.

Organisms are masses of cells. We are the offspring of parents, we are alive, and we are members of our species from the time we are created and our lifespan begins. For Homo sapiens that is objectively at fertilization.

Your denial of these realities changes nothing, only demonstrates your lack of mastery of elementary school subject matter let alone anything beyond.

It's not subjective, it's clearly not a human being.
Flagrant misinformation now, retard. Lies. Malicious falsehoods - even as dumb as you are, you know better.

Concern yourself more with life outside of the womb, and stop pretending you are "pro-life", when you have so much disregard for the life, rights and health of the pregnant woman, who is the actual human being.
Spare us all your commie bullshit.

It is very illegal to kill born humans already.

None of the socialist safety net crap you want has anything to do with the right to life.
Yeah, all of that religious mythology. Talking snakes and stuff. Yeah exactly. Move on and learn how to think critically.
You’re the one trying to assert that counterfactual magical thinking as though it was worthy of respect in law, you dipshit!
You are a mass of cells you imbecile, a very dumb and brainless and useless mass.

Organisms are masses of cells. We are the offspring of parents, we are alive, and we are members of our species from the time we are created and our lifespan begins. For Homo sapiens that is objectively at fertilization.

Your denial of these realities changes nothing, only demonstrates your lack of mastery of elementary school subject matter let alone anything beyond.

Flagrant misinformation now, retard. Lies. Malicious falsehoods - even as dumb as you are, you know better.

Spare us all your commie bullshit.

It is very illegal to kill born humans already.

None of the socialist safety net crap you want has anything to do with the right to life.

You’re the one trying to assert that counterfactual magical thinking as though it was worthy of respect in law, you dipshit!

Really? Do human beings just amount to a mass of cells? Just that? You're clearly the fucking retard.
Really? Do human beings just amount to a mass of cells? Just that? You're clearly the fucking retard.
LITERALLY EVERY ORGANISM ON THIS PLANET - other than the single-called ones - is a “mass of cells” you dumb fuck.

Even the multicellular ones like humans are unicellular at first, and then the first mitosis happens and we are a body comprised of multiple cells!

Welcome to not even Bio 101, but like, the concept of Biology existing at all, somehow, in the depths of your mentally handicapped brain!
LITERALLY EVERY ORGANISM ON THIS PLANET - other than the single-called ones - is a “mass of cells” you dumb fuck.

Even the multicellular ones like humans are unicellular at first, and then the first mitosis happens and we are a body comprised of multiple cells!

Welcome to not even Bio 101, but like, the concept of Biology existing at all, somehow, in the depths of your mentally handicapped brain!
There are emergent properties that arise from a "mass of cells", when that "mass" or body, reaches a certain level of development. The morphology of an embryo doesn't cause the emergence of those qualities, which define a human BEING. It's stupid of you to reduce human beings to a mass of cells.
other people’s bodies are not your property to attack and kill,
Here is the truth that you would express if you were not spreading Saving Baby Fetus Cult disinformation. All human bodies that have met a live birth requirement at the end of gestation are no one’s property that can be attacked and killed.
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There are emergent properties that arise from a "mass of cells", when that "mass" or body, reaches a certain level of development
Who gives a shit?

You’re sitting here claiming that a living human being isn’t alive and isn’t a member of its species - neither of those things can possibly be true, and you know it!

All organisms have a body made up of cells, and the number of cells ranges from 1 to hundreds of quadrillions!

All organisms are just cells!
I explicitly disagree with your discriminatory “requirement” -
There is no discrimination because there is only one conscious person inside the body of a pregnant woman when she decides and she alone decides to terminate her fetus before 22 weeks. 98 percent of all abortions happen before then. 88 percent occur before the seventeenth week. JUST FACTS .
There is no discrimination because there is only one conscious person

“There is no discrimination” the bigoted retard says as he begins to spell out explicitly how he discriminates, how he denies personhood on a purely arbitrary basis.

Just keep self-defeating, you waste of oxygen…
" Squawking Out Yearn Ass "

* Conceited Arrogance *

That is not a fact , that is your opinion .

* Misconstrued Allegiances *

I am an abortion choice republican .

It is amazing how sanctimonious sacrosancts can be traitors to principles of us republic .
And, it's your position that abortion should be used as birth control, not a fact. Thus, we have elections and choose our representatives to decide. When conservatives lose to the looney left, we are supposed to sit down, shut up and take it because the majority spoke. But, when Leftist Liberals lose to the rational right, Conservatives again are supposed to sit down, shut up and take the disobedience of the left forcing the majority through democracy and force this abomination. It's your turn to sit down, shut up and take it. Woose!
" Confused "

* Double Talk *

The " without cause " abortion of healthy post viability , even near viability , fetus is fabricated bullshit .

New-borns are not fully dependent on mom , as they can be surrogate by any , whereas pre-borns cannot be surrogate by any but the would be mother .
Of course pre-borns can be supported by surrogates who will adopt them. Many babies are born premature and taken care of by hospitals until parents can take care of them. Such double talk from you and lying. You can't keep your stories straight anymore.
The Holy Ghost didn’t teach you that “we the people” are the government did it?

How do you explain Kansas Republicans voting in a special election last year to keep abortion legal through 24 weeks of pregnancy? Red state Kansas voted to keep the right to an abortion enshrined in the Kansas Constitution permanent.

That means Kansas Republicans do not want the government to decide that killing a fetus prior to the 25th week is murder..

It has nothing to do with being a Democrat to opposes the criminalization of freedom of choice by the government. It is being rational and recognizing the truth that it is not the government’s purpose to tell a woman what to do with her own body when she is going through the private experience and option of giving birth to her own potential child,, It certainly has nothing to do with a Holy MAGA Ghost? Our first four presidents and Founding Fathers rejected the false religious doctrine of the Holy Trinity. There is no way abortion
laws should be changed to please your Holy Ghost fantasies when making public policy that restrict a woman’s freedom and is detrimental to a woman’s health over a private matter.
cgrbr.24.07.07 #9,554
nf.23.07.07 #9,563
You are just proving that the U.S. has slipped into a cesspool leading to the destruction of our Constitutional Republic and the 2nd Coming is very, very close. The fact is, we don't know exactly when the spirit or soul enters into the unborn. But, that doesn't really matter because abortion should not be used as birth control. By the way, even State Constitutional amendments can be overturned. So, there is nothing permanent.
There is no such court of civilized society set up by the founders under our constitutional system.

You are not harmed directly or indirectly and your liberty is not diminished when a woman requests a doctor to perform a procedure on her bidy in private. so on what standing in a court of law did you bring your fucking complaint in post #9,549 ?

If no person who is participating in “civilization” by virtue of actually experiencing a live birth is not harmed when a medical procedure is performed on a woman by her doctor in private, the American constitutional civilization and all it’s Holy MAGA Ghost believers are not harmed or affected in any way.

When a fly lands upon an elephant’s ass the planet earth is not knocked out if its orbit in any way., So it is with a woman and her doctor ending unintended gestational development, civilization continues on its path unaltered and unaffected in any way.,

Why do you and your Holy Ghost have standing to oppose abortion in a real American Court of Law?

cgrbr.23,07.05 #9,528
bvvgl.23.07.06 #9,549
nf.23.07.06 #9,549
bvvgl.23.07.07 #9,561
nf.23.07.07 #9,565
How pathetic to equate the abomination of killing human life born or unborn to a fly landing on an elephant's ass. Just pathetic.

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