Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Bull Shit Arrogance Of Damned Dirty Apes "

* Uniform Fetish Fanatics *

The conservative versus liberal paradigm is intellectual buffoonery , and the left and the right both vie for government control over public policy , while emphasizing collective whimsy through populism for democracy as tyranny by majority .

The us republic is founded upon principles of individualism that do not simply pander to a whim of collective dictates through state or federal government , and us constitution assures it , so trite comments about sit down , shut up and take it are asinine .

That without cause abortion occurs is not an abomination , rather that abortion anti-choice ignore with cause abortion is an abomination .

The simple facts of us constitution are that as a live birth is required to be a citizen , whereby equitable doctrine states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , whereby dobbs is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments , that is supported by traitors to principles of us republic .

I'm pro-choice, but I do believe the fetus becomes a human being and baby before it is born. That's just common sense and inherently true and obvious. Society should define what constitutes a human being in the womb, based upon several parameters. If the fetus hasn't developed a nervous system yet or even a brain, then I don't see that fetus as a human being, worthy of the same rights as the woman who is pregnant. If a fetus is essentially unconscious, unable to feel pain, and can't survive outside of the womb, even with medical technology, then I see the woman as being within her right to end the pregnancy. Perhaps it's 24 weeks? It's up to society to determine that.

If a human being is on life support in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), attached to a machine that is keeping them alive, when does society have a right to pull the plug? It's up to society to decide that. Can society force family members, through the strong hand of the government, to take care of a relative that is in a vegetative state, with the potential of maybe in the future coming out of that condition or coma? The potential might be there for this person who is currently a "vegetable", to get well and healthy in the future, but that doesn't make that person's family obligated to take care of them while they are in that coma, connected to a machine.

Maybe the relatives of that person can't afford to take care of their relative. They don't have the expertise or resources. How does this apply to pregnant women who are of limited means and single? The conservatives are essentially trying to force pregnant women to remain pregnant and give birth through the power of government. These same Christians complain about the government forcing them to wear a mask on their faces in a public venue during a deadly, nationwide pandemic, because supposedly the government doesn't have a right to force them to wear a mask on their bodies while pushing that same government to force women to remain pregnant. The irony.

These pro-lifers, are righteously indignant against women who choose to end their pregnancies without caring much about the women's predicament. These righteous conservatives and champions of fetuses, often defund government programs that help the poor, including single mothers, raise their children. They strip these social programs of funding then turn around and tell these women who are poor and pregnant, that they have to remain pregnant for nine months, give birth and raise their child. The woman can place the child up for adoption, but many of these children, end up in foster care. In adulthood, they end up like these former foster care children:

Many of them end up like this too:



Where is the "pro-life" in forcing women through the heavy hand of government, to remain pregnant, when they can't afford to be mothers? When they can't risk losing their jobs due to their pregnancies. Are the conservatives there to help these poor, single women with some financial support, to avoid homelessness, when they lose their jobs as a result of the pregnancy that you're forcing them to maintain and are unable to pay their bills? Where are you "pro-life" disciples of Jesus, when these women need help? You love to defund all of the government programs that help these women, with their pregnancies and to raise their children, with a single paycheck. Hello? Where are you "pro-life", "righteous" Christians?

In an ideal world, women would only get pregnant when they are married and ready to be mothers. Unfortunately, we don't live in that ideal, perfect world that Christians envision. One of the reasons for that, is the American Christian's indifference to the needs of poor, single mothers. They're the champions of fetuses, not of babies outside of the womb and their mothers, who are trying to raise them with little resources. Christian Republicans defund SNAP-Food Stamps, Medicaid, housing, daycare for the children of single mothers, school lunch programs..etc. Even Job Corps, which trains young people in a trade:

Is often battling Republicans for its funding from the federal budget. These Republicans defund everything that helps the poor and love spending money on wars, weapons..etc (everything that helps the rich and powerful). They never ask the question "whose going to pay for it?", when it comes to funding wars and weapons, they only ask that question for the programs that help single mothers. How are these conservatives "pro-life"? They're actually pro-death.
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No, it's not the same thing. My fingernail is human, but it's not a human being
Moron, stop conflating part of a human being, a really shitty and worthless human being, to the entire body of an entirely different human being.

A human BEING is much more than just an embryo
No, a Homo sapiens in the embryo stage of life is still a Homo sapiens - members of Homo sapiens are called, colloquially, human being. That’s it, that’s all.

You need an actual human being
Pure bigotry, very Nazi-like, well done.
I'm pro-choice, but I do believe the fetus becomes a human being and baby before it is born.
You can’t “become” a human being after you’re already alive, stupid. If you’re alive, you have a species, and you don’t change species mid life-span.

If a human being is on life support in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), attached to a machine that is keeping them alive, when does society have a right to pull the plug?
Fuck society. Who cares about society?

Can you pay for the life support machine, and do the doctors who have to operate that machine agree that the care is therapeutic and not futile? That’s what matters.

If the patient doesn’t want the care, that’s what matters.

If the patient / family wants the care but can’t afford it, and there’s no charity funding, then you don’t get the service you can’t pay for.

The conservatives are essentially trying to force pregnant women to remain pregnant and give birth through the power of government.
Mothers should refrain from murdering their kids, yes.

These same Christians complain about the government forcing them to wear a mask on their faces in a public venue during a deadly, nationwide pandemic, because supposedly the government doesn't have a right to force them to wear a mask on their bodies
The government doesn’t have that authority, no, not at all. N95 masks protect the wearer, other masks did literally nothing, you are responsible for protecting yourself, buy yourself an N95 and otherwise leave others alone.

These pro-lifers, are righteously indignant against women who choose to end their pregnancies without caring much about the women's predicament
That’s probably because the predicament doesn’t fucking matter, just don’t kill your kid.

These righteous conservatives and champions of fetuses, often defund government programs that help the poor, including single mothers, raise their children.
I mean, yes, moral people who oppose human rights abuses tend to be moral and oppose human rights abuses, like socialist government programs.

Where is the "pro-life" in forcing women through the heavy hand of government, to remain pregnant,
That would be the banning the murder. That’s what affirming the right to life means.

when they can't afford to be mothers?
That would be completely irrelevant.
The point is you are a shallow human being for assuming I must be in favor of torturing animals just because I don’t buy your religious view that women do not have autonomy over their bodies when they get pregnant..

IF you want to give up your autonomy to a potential human being in your body you are welcome and free and normally expected to do so. No one is stopping you. Your autonomy is yours to give to the miracle of life inside you.

Just stop taking away that decision that autonomy by government force from every other woman in your state and this the greatest nation on earth ever.

I do not accept what your Holy Ghost tells you, I agree with John Adam’s who wrote this about your Holy Ghost.

Although this {HOLY GHOST} is all Artifice and Cunning in the secret original in the heart, yet they all believe it so sincerely that they would lay down their Lives under the Ax or the fiery Fagot for it. Alas the poor weak ignorant Dupe human Nature.
JohnAdams to Benjamin Rush December 21. 1809​

The definition of artifice = . (the use of) a clever trick or something intended to deceive:...

cgrbr.23.07.07 #9,614
nf.23.07.08 #9,615
Once again, when you start off with stupid reasons that would make you a complete hermit up in the Mount somewhere because every organization has perverts and abusive people. Just a dumb reason. And it makes you look foolish to even other atheists.
" Filthy Disgusting Apex Predators Want Sympathy For Their Own Inchoate "

* Demented Anthropocentric Freak Farm Clowns *

It’s amazing how democrats will write laws to protect the destruction of bald eagle eggs (unborn ) but not protect unborn humans.
Such a statement is not only traitorous to us republic , it is blasphemy against gawd !

There are 8 billion , gluttonous , damned dirty apes on this planet , and the most despicable dismiss extinction of other species as a triviality , especially the extinction of the us national symbol !
" Blubbering By Damned Dirty Apes "

* Explaining Simple Things Ad Nausea To Dullards *

You can’t “become” a human being after you’re already alive, stupid. If you’re alive, you have a species, and you don’t change species mid life-span.
An individual has been born and is entitled to constitutional protections , which includes due process to remove them from life support .

* Terminology Of Disingenuous Fools *
That’s probably because the predicament doesn’t fucking matter, just don’t kill your kid.
Abortion is not killing kids , as kids have been born , duh .
I'm pro-choice, but I do believe the fetus becomes a human being and baby before it is born. That's just common sense and inherently true and obvious. Society should define what constitutes a human being in the womb, based upon several parameters. If the fetus hasn't developed a nervous system yet or even a brain, then I don't see that fetus as a human being, worthy of the same rights as the woman who is pregnant. If a fetus is essentially unconscious, unable to feel pain, and can't survive outside of the womb, even with medical technology, then I see the woman as being within her right to end the pregnancy. Perhaps it's 24 weeks? It's up to society to determine that.

If a human being is on life support in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), attached to a machine that is keeping them alive, when does society have a right to pull the plug? It's up to society to decide that. Can society force family members, through the strong hand of the government, to take care of a relative that is in a vegetative state, with the potential of maybe in the future coming out of that condition or coma? The potential might be there for this person who is currently a "vegetable", to get well and healthy in the future, but that doesn't make that person's family obligated to take care of them while they are in that coma, connected to a machine.

Maybe the relatives of that person can't afford to take care of their relative. They don't have the expertise or resources. How does this apply to pregnant women who are of limited means and single? The conservatives are essentially trying to force pregnant women to remain pregnant and give birth through the power of government. These same Christians complain about the government forcing them to wear a mask on their faces in a public venue during a deadly, nationwide pandemic, because supposedly the government doesn't have a right to force them to wear a mask on their bodies while pushing that same government to force women to remain pregnant. The irony.

These pro-lifers, are righteously indignant against women who choose to end their pregnancies without caring much about the women's predicament. These righteous conservatives and champions of fetuses, often defund government programs that help the poor, including single mothers, raise their children. They strip these social programs of funding then turn around and tell these women who are poor and pregnant, that they have to remain pregnant for nine months, give birth and raise their child. The woman can place the child up for adoption, but many of these children, end up in foster care. In adulthood, they end up like these former foster care children:

Many of them end up like this too:

View attachment 802487

Where is the "pro-life" in forcing women through the heavy hand of government, to remain pregnant, when they can't afford to be mothers? When they can't risk losing their jobs due to their pregnancies. Are the conservatives there to help these poor, single women with some financial support, to avoid homelessness, when they lose their jobs as a result of the pregnancy that you're forcing them to maintain and are unable to pay their bills? Where are you "pro-life" disciples of Jesus, when these women need help? You love to defund all of the government programs that help these women, with their pregnancies and to raise their children, with a single paycheck. Hello? Where are you "pro-life", "righteous" Christians?

In an ideal world, women would only get pregnant when they are married and ready to be mothers. Unfortunately, we don't live in that ideal, perfect world that Christians envision. One of the reasons for that, is the American Christian's indifference to the needs of poor, single mothers. They're the champions of fetuses, not of babies outside of the womb and their mothers, who are trying to raise them with little resources. Christian Republicans defund SNAP-Food Stamps, Medicaid, housing, daycare for the children of single mothers, school lunch programs..etc. Even Job Corps, which trains young people in a trade:

Is often battling Republicans for its funding from the federal budget. These Republicans defund everything that helps the poor and love spending money on wars, weapons..etc (everything that helps the rich and powerful). They never ask the question "whose going to pay for it?", when it comes to funding wars and weapons, they only ask that question for the programs that help single mothers. How are these conservatives "pro-life"? They're actually pro-death.

Conservatives aren't forcing the heavy hand of government to do a damned thing (you're ridiculous assertions or interpretations), but rather they want government to stay the hell out of leftist liberal made up issues, otherwise demanding it to get involved or to stay involved against the wishes of the majority (forcing leftist thinking on the majority through government strong arm tactics)... The left wants the government to be against a majority who is striving for a civilized society, otherwise that builds up a nation, and not instead by a leftist highjacked government that wants to tear down a nation instead.......

The majority only wants a government to remain loyal to the majority when it comes to it's rightful role as government that is for the people, and by the people for whom are in agreement over 65% of the time in order to remain a governmental obligated to it's duties for the majority that it has sworn to serve.

Like you said yourself above, it's for the people to decide, but that's what the leftist liberal Democrat's can't stand, because what it always wants ends up in deviance of what the majority of a civilized society wants.

Stop trying to make government your armed and authoritarian hit squad doing the nasty business of nation destroying.
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" Filthy Disgusting Apex Predators Want Sympathy For Their Own Inchoate "

* Demented Anthropocentric Freak Farm Clowns *

Such a statement is not only traitorous to us republic , it is blasphemy against gawd !

There are 8 billion , gluttonous , damned dirty apes on this planet , and the most despicable dismiss extinction of other species as a triviality , especially the extinction of the us national symbol !
What are you talking about? How do you get to this nonsense from a simple observation that Democrats will protect unborn bald eagles but write laws destroying unborn human children? simple observation of a degenerate moral plummet of the Democrat liberal mindset.
" Moral Majority Is Neither "

* Get Off Your Fat Lazy Ass And Pay Attention *

What about it ?
Aside from the blatant sedition of us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments on the issue of abortion , the only reason abortion is being prohibited is because a direct populous vote is being withheld from the people , as abortion is rolled in with other issues that determine public policy positions by representatives , such as economics .

The Kansas No State Constitutional Right to Abortion and Legislative Power to Regulate Abortion Amendment was on the ballot in Kansas as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on August 2, 2022. The ballot measure was defeated.

A "yes" vote supported amending the Kansas Constitution to:
  • state that nothing in the state constitution creates a right to abortion or requires government funding for abortion and
  • state that the legislature has the authority to pass laws regarding abortion.

A "no" vote opposed amending the Kansas Constitution, thereby maintaining the legal precedent established in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt (2019) that the Kansas Bill of Rights provides a right to abortion.
He probably works for an abortion clinic.
You are a liar. I do not support abortion in my personal life and personally I would never work for an abortion clinic.
You don't support abortion in your personal life eh ? But, but, but you do support abortion in your business life maybe or in your political life maybe ?
None of the above. I do not support abortion for any reason because as a secular humanist I believe viable humans have an obligation to make the precious experience of human existence among all viable humans as perfect as possible. When a man and women partake of the pleasure of sex without concern that the woman can get pregnant falls short of seeking human perfection or enlightened existence as a common goal. I am not responsible for what other people do when they fall short in the pursuit of enlightenment as long as they do not violate the life and property and liberty of other viable human beings going about the business of life.
Do you want to live in a civilized society or an uncivilized SOCIETY?
let's promote life whether it be's growing in the womb or after being removed from the womb alive ok ??
I live in a civilized society where freedom of religion has protected me and freedom loving civilized viable human beings from religious fanatics like you for half a century. But now the Trump American Catholic Taliban on the Supreme Court are posing a real threat to freedom of religion in a civilized society when they chose to let religious majorities in states decide that life begins in a one-cell brainless heartless fertilized human egg, which idiot @CarsomyrPlusSix stupidly claimed there is no such thing.
No. My Conscience, spiritual belief and common sense commit me to defending the civil and public right to life and freedom of viable human beings. What goes on inside the womb prior to the capability and the viability of the fetus is not my business and it is not the business of any religious fanatic or any religion dominated state body of legislators.
If you can look at the method's used to remove an unborn baby from the womb at different stages of development, and all because of various reason's given in which are not justifiable in doing so, and you can call this living in a CIVILIZED SOCIETY (?), then you got mental issue's that definitely need to be evaluated by professionals that want to understand how the human psych can become this demented and confused in life. Good luck with your evaluation.
You calling a person (a religious fanatic), for promoting life, and then for promoting civilized society that promotes responsible action's by the citizen's who are creating life upon God giving them the tools in order to do so is simply hilarious 🤣.......... You being an adult (I'm guessing), should be knowledgeable about the citizen's having been made knowledgeable about such things through proper education and the upholding of a civilized society as best that it can, otherwise prior to making a decision to do what is necessary to create a new life by their action's taken in which could easily bring about such a thing, so it is highly disingenuous on your part to be calling someone names, and this because you should know better about these things, but for political or other reason's you act as if you don't and therefore attempt to distract with your adolescent petty name calling.
NFBW: It’s not petty. The combined fanatical religious-like power derived from Trump’s power crazed narcissism with a loud and unique sizable minority of white Protestant and Catholic Professed Christian european-ish nationalistic faction hidden behind the shield of Jesus Christ’s innate spiritual and cosmic genuine goodness has released destructive forces in America that is opposed to American religious freedom and the positive functioning of elected self government by the will of the majority of the multicultural civilized society that America is and shall further become.. It’s the MAGA infectious parasite that is eating the Republican Party alive and it must be brought under control like any serious disease to prevent the narcissistic collapse of America into a Putin like destructive authoritarian political and state run religious existence.
Why is it that you won't answer my questions about civilized verses uncivilized ? Are you afraid to address it because it will expose your radicalism on these issue's ??
NFBW: apparently you can’t handle my discussions on civilization
Well your definition of civilized is being interpreted by me and probably other's here as rather you promoting an uncivilized SOCIETY, otherwise where ethic's and rules are non-exsistent. It's because your stances on these issue's definitely promote an uncivilized SOCIETY instead of a civilized one.
Look, you can hide behind your uncivilized discourse all you want, but in reality you and your ilk have brought about the uncivilization or undoing of a once CIVILIZED SOCIETY for the most part, and this by taking society backwards instead of forwards. Many times when society gets it wrong, it has the ability to correct itself, but people like you fight to keep the wrong in society intact, but hide behind your created spin as if to suggest that you are the one's helping when instead you are the one's regressing and holding society back.
Do you think Jewish people are civilized? Do you think the good Christian people of Kansas, many of them to keep the freedom for women to choose in the Kansas constitution are not fit to live in your version of civilization
17 Fighting for a woman’s right to choose to have a safe legal abortion is not wrong. It is wrong to deny all women that right based on your demand that law abiding Americans must comply with your minority Biblical vision of proper civilized behavior
Is there nothing that you can't spin ?? That's just it though, you leftist live in a weird universe where up is down and down is up, otherwise totally ace backwards from most of normal thinking society, but you'll defend your spin to the end.
Pffft... Women thinking that they can be irresponsible in their choice's, and then go in search of a butcher to fix their stupidity is as uncivilized as it gets. Time to rejoin civilized society, and begin to act like human beings instead of animals again. Courting, dating, and finding out if one is compatible with the other is a great way to start a relationship that leads towards responsible action's by both parties involved. Why this has somehow gotten so foreign to people anymore has a reason. Hollyweird I believe is at the center of this universe, and it needs to be regulated. That's right REGULATED.

According to beagle9 our entire civilized American culture and our modern multiculturally blessed society is fucked because the white Republican MAGA Christians in Kansas voted to assist the evil leftist worshippers of Satan in protecting the Constitutional Right for women to a safe and private abortion as a matter of individual choice.

1 dvng.22.09.02 #5,008
2 nf.22.09.02 #5,010
3 bvvgl.22.09.02 #5,016
4 nf.22.09.02 #5,017
5 bvvgl.22.09.02 #5,019
6 bvvgl.22.09.02 #5,019
7 nf.22.09.02 #5,022
8 nf.22.09.02 #5,021
9 bvvgl.22.09.03 #5,031
10 bvvgl.22.09.03 #5,032
11 nf.22.09.03 #5,033
12 bvvgl.22.09.03 #5,041
13 nf.22.09.03 #5,042
14 bvvgl.22.09.03 #5,045
15 bvvgl22.09.03 #5,047
16 nf.22.09.03 #5,048
17 nf.22.09.03 #5,056
18 bvvgl.22.09.03 #5,059
19 bvvgl.22.09.03 #5,061
nf.23.07.09 9,634
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Abortion isn’t a religious issue. Abortion is a human rights issue. And no matter how hard you try to make this about religion it won’t change the fact that abortion is a human rights issue.

What about it ?

A "no" vote opposed amending the Kansas Constitution, thereby maintaining the legal precedent established in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt (2019) that the Kansas Bill of Rights provides a right to abortion.

It the right to an abortion is not a religious issue then why was the established right to an abortion written into the Kansas Bill of Rights politically brought forth by a minority of white Christian Catholic and Protestant paternalistic religious fanatics to abolish an existing secular and individual long established human right to protect women.

There was no secular financed organization clamoring in the public square to abolish a human right in Kansas. It came from the white Christian Republican base wingnuts who also believe Jesus is coming soon and they will all float up to Heaven where they will get to meet all the aborted fetuses including those Jesus saw fit to call to him through miscarriage.

For God’s sakes you Crazy Republican Christians need to leave our heathen human rights alone since the damned world is coming to an end in the Armageddon period anyway fairly soon.

You just be ready beagle9 and Cougarbear to say fare-thee-well to your atheist MAGA CarsomyrPlusSix pal who will suffer God’s wrath with the rest of us non-believers down here on earth.

dvng.22.11.29 #5,955
bvvgl.23.07.08 #9,632
mvnkvyv.23.07.09 #9,633
nfbw.23.07.09 #9,635
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It the right to an abortion is not a religious issue then why was the established right to an abortion written into the Kansas Bill of Rights politically brought forth by a minority of white Christian Catholic and Protestant paternalistic religious fanatics to abolish an existing secular and individual long established human right to protect women.

There was no secular financed organization clamoring in the public square to abolish a human right in Kansas. It came from the white Christian Republican base wingnuts who also believe Jesus is coming soon and they will all float up to Heaven where they will get to meet all the aborted fetuses including those Jesus saw fit to call to him through miscarriage.

For God’s sakes you Crazy Republican Christians need to leave our heathen human rights alone since the damned world is coming to an end in the Armageddon period anyway fairly soon.

You just be ready beagle9 and Cougarbear to say fare-thee-well to your atheist MAGA CarsomyrPlusSix pal who will suffer God’s wrath with the rest of us non-believers down here on earth.

dvng.22.11.29 #5,955
bvvgl.23.07.08 #9,632
mvnkvyv.23.07.09 #9,633
nfbw.23.07.09 #9,635
Abortion on demand to kill the innocent for no good reason has been disapproved by religious leaders since the time of Adam and Eve. And, up until a blood thirst Court in the 1970’s said women can kill their children for any reason was not a human right in this country. It still isn’t since it denies the right to life of the unborn children. There is no amendment protecting women for the purpose of killing their unborn children.
05008 dvng.22.09.02 #5,008 “He {nfbw} probably works for an abortion clinic.”

05010 nf.22.09.02 #5,010 “You are a liar. I do not support abortion in my personal life and personally I would never work for an abortion clinic.”

05016 bvvgl.22.09.02 #5,016 “You don't support abortion in your personal life eh ? But, but, but you do support abortion in your” ••>•• “political life maybe ?”

Not, even “maybe”. I do not support abortion on demand by anybody, ever.

This may be over the heads of people susceptible to falling into cult behavior:

I believe human beings have an obligation to make the precious experience of human existence as perfect as possible. When a man and women partake of the pleasure of sex without concern that the woman can get pregnant falls short of seeking human perfection or enlightened existence as a common goal.

nf.23.07.09 #9,638 to #5,008 & #5,016
What law ever written or passed by Democrats applies specific penalty upon conviction for violation of a law that requires the destruction of unborn human children?

cgrbr.23.09.08 #9,630
nf.23.07.08 #9,639 to #9,630
Laws in states that are attempting to overturn the SCOTUS decision on abortion. Then, the SCOTUS decision back in 1972 legalizing the destruction of unborn human children.

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