Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

There is no law against having unprotected sex. So what’s it to you? You are not harmed and your liberty is not diminished so on what standing in a court of law do you bring your fucking complaint?
The court of civilized society that's what..
" Squawking Out Yearn Ass "

* Conceited Arrogance *

That is not a fact , that is your opinion .

* Misconstrued Allegiances *

I am an abortion choice republican .

It is amazing how sanctimonious sacrosancts can be traitors to principles of us republic .
Traitors in your mind, but officers for civilized order in ours.
{Democrats} don’t want the government to decide what is murder and what isn’t

The Holy Ghost didn’t teach you that “we the people” are the government did it?

How do you explain Kansas Republicans voting in a special election last year to keep abortion legal through 24 weeks of pregnancy? Red state Kansas voted to keep the right to an abortion enshrined in the Kansas Constitution permanent.

That means Kansas Republicans do not want the government to decide that killing a fetus prior to the 25th week is murder..

It has nothing to do with being a Democrat to opposes the criminalization of freedom of choice by the government. It is being rational and recognizing the truth that it is not the government’s purpose to tell a woman what to do with her own body when she is going through the private experience and option of giving birth to her own potential child,, It certainly has nothing to do with a Holy MAGA Ghost? Our first four presidents and Founding Fathers rejected the false religious doctrine of the Holy Trinity. There is no way abortion
laws should be changed to please your Holy Ghost fantasies when making public policy that restrict a woman’s freedom and is detrimental to a woman’s health over a private matter.
cgrbr.24.07.07 #9,554
nf.23.07.07 #9,563
Someone has to protect them from the selfish abomination of the wicked mother and Democrat Party machine.
Scary thought that a reckless woman somehow turned mother is yes pregnant, and then she begins looking for a wicked doctor to end her pregnancy because she forgot to use birth control prior.
There is no law against having unprotected sex. So what’s it to you? You are not harmed and your liberty is not diminished so on what standing in a court of law do you bring your fucking complaint?
The court of civilized society that's what..
There is no such court of civilized society set up by the founders under our constitutional system.

You are not harmed directly or indirectly and your liberty is not diminished when a woman requests a doctor to perform a procedure on her bidy in private. so on what standing in a court of law did you bring your fucking complaint in post #9,549 ?

If no person who is participating in “civilization” by virtue of actually experiencing a live birth is not harmed when a medical procedure is performed on a woman by her doctor in private, the American constitutional civilization and all it’s Holy MAGA Ghost believers are not harmed or affected in any way.

When a fly lands upon an elephant’s ass the planet earth is not knocked out if its orbit in any way., So it is with a woman and her doctor ending unintended gestational development, civilization continues on its path unaltered and unaffected in any way.,

Why do you and your Holy Ghost have standing to oppose abortion in a real American Court of Law?

cgrbr.23,07.05 #9,528
bvvgl.23.07.06 #9,549
nf.23.07.06 #9,549
bvvgl.23.07.07 #9,561
nf.23.07.07 #9,565
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You are not harmed directly or indirectly and your liberty is not diminished when a woman requests a doctor to perform a procedure on her bidy in private
I am not harmed by someone shooting you in your stupid face right now.

I am arguably helped. It would harder to argue that I am not helped. I would cheer aloud in joy, in fact.

Given what an utterly repugnant person you are, it cannot reasonably only me that would benefit from your sudden demise. It would help everyone you know or interact with.

That doesn't matter, at all, though.

That isn't remotely a metric that matters.
Traitors in your mind, but officers for civilized order in ours.
If the Holy MAGA Ghost has purified and civilized the minds of the current six Catholic justices on the USSC it has to be your opinion that the minds of the justices that decided RvW were not under the influence of a Holy Ghost.

Now that we see you are pleased that the Holy Ghost had seized control at the top of our judicial branch of government - you are a traitor to the US Constitution and to the freedom of conscience that made America the greatest nation and ideal that mankind had ever seen.

You are a traitor.
If Christianity is true, then the soul of those human beings who die as embryos or underdeveloped fetuses (that don't even have a brain), will go straight to heaven.


They're going straight to Jesus.
" Sanctimonious Sacrosanct Demented Reprobate "

* Vicarious Threats *

I am not harmed by someone shooting you in your stupid face right now.
This former veteran and patriot for us republic based on principles of individualism is not bothered by someone shooting you in the face either .
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" Simply Demented "

* Not Civilized *

Traitors in your mind, but officers for civilized order in ours.
Across the United States, 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage—about 900,000 wanted babies lost. What many people don’t know is that many of the most common treatments for miscarriage are now banned under new abortion laws politicians passed when Roe v. Wade was overturned.
When women go into early labor with an unviable pregnancy, doctors are now prevented from inducing delivery because that is technically an abortion. Instead the woman is left waiting hours or days until the heartbeat finally stops and the doctors can assist in completing the miscarriage.
Other women in earlier stages of pregnancy are being sent home to suffer through a miscarriage alone in their bathrooms, extending their suffering and creating risks of complications.
Women forced to carry nonviable pregnancies to term
I am not harmed by someone shooting you in your stupid face right now.
You could not pursue a life of liberty in the pursuit of wealth property and happiness if you lived in a society where a separated at birth consciously acting individual can shoot another separated at birth consciously acting individual in the face and suffer no consequences such as loss of freedom for the commission of such a crime. Rational people understand that we must give consent to be governed on the basis that we give government restricted power to deter criminal behavior that would infringe on my right to live lawfully in this country to pursue happiness however I see fit.

It is that deterrence against criminal activity that makes a society of free citizens able to build a peaceful productive future for the benefit of all.

That is why homicide laws exist going back thousands of years.

You are not harmed directly if someone else shot me in the face and killed me. You wouid be harmed however if the crime was ignored because you could be next if there was no government to deter it. Other criminally minded gun worshipping assholes like you would start shooting every person who doesn’t buy into the MAGA cult group think if you have no fear of consequences for committing crimes against individuals who were in fact separated at birth from their mothers.

If my mother killed me before I become conscious and was able to be separated by live birth, it is an act that harms no other person who has been separated by live birth from their mother.,

An abortion done in private in pursuit of life liberty and happiness by a woman has no impact on the billions of lives pursuing happiness in private or in public in whatever conditions the civilization where they were born and live their own lives.

myrpls.23.07.07 #9,568
nf.23.07.07 #9,574
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If the Holy MAGA Ghost has purified and civilized the minds of the current six Catholic justices on the USSC it has to be your opinion that the minds of the justices that decided RvW were not under the influence of a Holy Ghost.

Now that we see you are pleased that the Holy Ghost had seized control at the top of our judicial branch of government - you are a traitor to the US Constitution and to the freedom of conscience that made America the greatest nation and ideal that mankind had ever seen.

You are a traitor.
Why do you support the murder of children as method of birth control?

Are you afraid a Feminazi will beat you up if you don't support the murders?
" Pull The Dick Out Of Your Mouth "

* Wah Wah Blah Blah *

Why do you support the murder of children as method of birth control?
Are you afraid a Feminazi will beat you up if you don't support the murders?
Children have met a live birth requirement of us 14th amendment and are therefore entitled to equal protection with a citizen , which would include a wright to life .

Killing children is not birth control , it would be consequences of population control for over extending carrying capacity of the environment and economy ; go ask your gawd about it -
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