Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I have never claimed or will claim that a 15 week fetus is not alive.
Is this you admitting that CommunistFront is your alt, troll?

Moreover, you sick fuck, you have too said that.

And in 5 minutes you’ll say the opposite, then in 10 minutes you’ll say you never said either, because you’re a lying piece of shit who stands by nothing. You are nothing.
You are just proving that the U.S. has slipped into a cesspool leading to the destruction of our Constitutional Republic and the 2nd Coming is very, very close.

there is no cesspool - you are anti-American

you have too said that
Post it where you think I did - You are a liar.

I have never wavered from this:

06774 nf.23.01.18 #6,774 I understand the very simple truth, that every single individual human being who has ever lived on this planet, has a life that begins at conception. Immediately upon conception, the human living human organism gets attached to a woman’s uterus, and begins its development on the human lifespan continuum. This continuum begins at conception and develops to a moment of viability then birth and then death. What else do I need to know about biology when we are contemplating the natural human rights of pregnant women in our secular society?
Oh, I absolutely could.

Your theoretical shooter didn’t hurt or affect me at all… other than bringing me relief and joy.

When abortion is criminalized as murder, abortion is criminal activity. Welcome to the basics of how everything works.

Welcome to why abortionists and their clients need life sentences or executions, numbnuts.

And frankly, at this point I’m sure you’re responsible for many of these homicides yourself, so probably you too. I mean maybe you’re too poor to have done so, you do seem incredibly inept and stupid…
I noticed that he walked right into a trap he laid for himself... LOL
there is no cesspool - you are anti-American

Post it where you think I did - You are a liar.

I have never wavered from this:

06774 nf.23.01.18 #6,774 I understand the very simple truth, that every single individual human being who has ever lived on this planet, has a life that begins at conception. Immediately upon conception, the human living human organism gets attached to a woman’s uterus, and begins its development on the human lifespan continuum. This continuum begins at conception and develops to a moment of viability then birth and then death. What else do I need to know about biology when we are contemplating the natural human rights of pregnant women in our secular society?
LOL!!! No, anyone who supports socialism is anti-American. That would be you.
If no person who is participating in “civilization” by virtue of actually experiencing a live birth is not harmed when a medical procedure is performed on a woman by her doctor in private, the American constitutional civilization and all it’s Holy MAGA Ghost believers are not harmed or affected in any way. •••• When a fly lands upon an elephant’s ass the planet earth is not knocked out if its orbit in any way., So it is with a woman and her doctor ending unintended gestational development, civilization continues on its path unaltered and unaffected in any way.,
How pathetic to equate the abomination of killing human life born or unborn to a fly landing on an elephant's ass. Just pathetic.

I never ever have said that killing a human being who has met a live birth requirement and is not a batter of self defense is not an abomination. You are a liar. You best check in with your Holy MAGA Ghost to learn why lying is not right behavior from a Christian Church Lady.

nf.23.07.07 #9,565
cgrbr 23.07.07 #9,600
I never ever have said that killing a human being who has met a live birth requirement and is not a batter of self defense is not an abomination. You are a liar. You best check in with your Holy MAGA Ghost to learn why lying is not right behavior from a Christian Church Lady.

nf.23.07.07 #9,565
cgrbr 23.07.07 #9,600
Whether a fetus or born baby, pathetic comparison. Truly have no compassion and possibly sociopathy as well. Do you torture animals as a kid too?
Based on the date of the mother’s last menstrual period, the breakdown of abortions is as follows:
Weeks of PregnancyPercentageYearly total
< 9 weeks65.4%563,958
9-10 weeks14.7%126,761
11-12 weeks8.2%70,710
13-15 weeks6.3%54,326
16-20 weeks4.1%35,355
21+ weeks1.3%11.,210
All abortions100%862,320
This means approximately 88% of abortions occur in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy.
Whether a fetus or born baby, pathetic comparison.
Born babies are not part of a conversation about abortion rights for women but you double down on your lie anyway.

This conversation need not be focused anywhere past the 21st week of gestation when there is only one person involved in a pregnancy based on the above breakdown of abortions by trimester.

Your Holy Ghost is wimp. A pushover for a mind controller like Trump.

nf.23.06.08 #9,115
cgrbr.23.07.07 #9,606
nf.23.07.07 #9,607
Born babies are not part of a conversation about abortion rights for women but you double down on your lie anyway.

This conversation need not be focused anywhere past the 21st week of gestation when there is only one person involved in a pregnancy based on the above breakdown of abortions by trimester.

Your Holy Ghost is wimp. A pushover for a mind controller like Trump.

nf.23.06.08 #9,115
cgrbr.23.07.07 #9,606
nf.23.07.07 #9,607
Your complete mockery of the good Lord is enough for anyone to know all there is to know about how evil a human being you are. After that knowledge, anyone taking anything you say as serious is a foolish person that is also endangering themselves to the fire. Fact.
There are many voices in religion forums stating they need God to show Himself before they can believe. Some tell us they have earnestly sought God. •••• Other voices tell us that Biblical accounts brought them not to awe and worship, but to active disdain of God. •••• Specifically, what causes disappointment in God?

It’s not God I reject. I’m agnostic. Here is why. Cousin Butchie!

I am not ignoring the influence that Christianity contributed to the founding of America. And I have nothing to do with subverting religion.

Many of the Founding Fathers admired the historical Jesus as an enlightened teacher but no more. They subdivided into Deists, Unitarians etc . Jefferson and Adams for sure rejected the Holy Trinity of Christendom.

I was married in a Unitarian Church. I attended the Unitarian Congregation where I grew up. The Unitarians and Quakers were the only churches that officially came out against the war in Vietnam that I could find.

My religious views were formed from as young as I can remember through high school at the peak of casualties on both sides of the Vietnam War.

I was baptized newly born as a Protestant Christian in a Lutheran Church.

I never attended Catechism which I was reminded by my mother my entire life.

Around the age of ten I was the second oldest in a family of six kids. We lived in a former old wooden office building in a rural area that was converted into a duplex. My paternal grandparents lived in the other half. My Grandmother was extremely religious as typical in a farming community during the 1950’s. She raised Irish and Gordon Setters, hunting and show dogs. I worked for my grandmother feeding and watering dogs and cleaning the pens and kennels. My grandmother never showed any kindness or gentleness toward me.

I do not know why but I would not go as a young child to church. My Grandmother expected that of the older brothers and sisters and they went. I refused and succeeded in convincing my mom and dad that I did not need to go to church with my grandmother or attend Sunday school.

I loved the woods and nature in the thousands of acres of wild game preserve that surrounded my home. I loved wild animals and the dogs I took care of. I explored every inch of it. I had a cousin, Butch. A year younger than me. Butchie visited often and every Sunday dressed in a jacket and tie and went to church with Grandma. He was her pride and joy.

Trouble was Butchie provided me with my first concept of what an asshole was.

In the woods my friends and I spent much time building forts and tree houses. A Tom Sawyer dream. My cousin led a gang that hunted down our forts and knocked them down. One day they showed up while we were there. They brought buckets of rocks from the roadway a mile away. There were no rocks in the woods. They threw rocks at us so we picked them up and threw them back. I watched one stone I threw fly in a perfect arc toward the spot when Butchie popped up and it hit him square on the forehead. Bleeding and screaming he ran back to grandma. I thought I killed him, but from that point on any chance that I would not burn in Godless hell was over in my cold grandmother’s eyes.,

Around that time I rescued a rejected puppy born in the winter and the only puppy in a rare litter of one. He was all black. A mix somehow. I fed him with a bottle dropper and watched Blacky grow into a beautiful strong little puppy. I assumed he would be mine. WRONG. Butchie said he wanted the puppy and I guess the puppy was not going to be raised in an unchristian home.

One day, I went to my cousins house and found Butch and his buddies throwing my dog off a twenty foot high bridge. I got my dog took him home and kept him as my dog.

My parents got divorced years later, moved to the city. My Grandmother died rather young, never asked why, and then sometime after that Butchie was killed around the age of 13 14 thrown from the back of pickup truck that failed to make a curve at high speed. I didn’t mind at all that Grandma’s God took him.

My religious views resurfaced a few years later when the Vietnam War was on TV and I ended up reading about that foreign land and people and it led to an interest in religion.

I studied on my own and read all I could find. I searched for answers to what religion meant to others and myself. My interests led me at one point to understand the relationship of religion and war. That led to reading about Buddhism, Gandhi and Tolstoy, MLK and what Jesus said in the Bible.

I worked as a dishwasher at 14, then my mom was getting married to a man I could not tolerate. I moved out at fifteen and have worked and paid my way through high school and signed my own grade cards forging my fathers name. I worked after school all through high school

At 17 a 1964 s Pontiac LeMans hit me on my motorcycle head on. It’s fault. I survived all that and at twenty I was married and my first of three daughters were born.

My reading about religion and war was on and off but over time I started a notebook cutting and pasting Quotes from the people I read about. Jesus’ sermon on the mount was in that booklet. A photo of a Buddhist Monk setting himself on fire to protest the Vietnam War,

Then after cutting and pasting from the Bible myself I came across the Jefferson Bible

My natural religion was settled, My appreciation for the works of Jesus was fine. I did not have to believe in anything else about him that my Christian Grandmother wanted.

I’m not anti-Christian at all. I’m just opposed to coercion from anyone or organization telling me what to think about God.

But to come here to make the case that America was not founded as a Christian Nation, nor should it be one, I am regarded as a Jesus hating atheist commie troll.

If no one cares about how one’s life experiences determines one’s views about religion, I am fine with putting it on the record just to show how strong my life’s philosophy and Intuition about religion truly is.
Do you torture animals as a kid too?

No, I would not torture animals ever. But I am a carnivorous human being. . (see my post above) That would be my cousin Butchie who was favored by our grandmother because he put a suit and tie on every Sunday and went to church with her. I refused to go to church as a kid.

My cousin was a bad seed who tortured animals and I never wanted to be a Christian after seeing that.

mrwthr.22.01.12 #1
nf.22.01.31 #374
cgrbr.23.07.07 Today at 6:01 PM#9,606
This conversation need not be focused anywhere past the 21st week of gestation when there is only one person involved in a pregnancy based on the above breakdown of abortions by trimester.
Your complete mockery of the good Lord is enough for anyone to know all there is to know about how evil a human being you are. After that knowledge, anyone taking anything you say as serious is a foolish person that is also endangering themselves to the fire. Fact
If you deny your mockery of the Lord up above, then yes you are A LIAR.
I’m mocking Cougarbear for believing in a ghost that allows her to lie. On top of the she calls it her Holy Ghost part of the Holy Trinity.

If it’s ok for John Adams to mock the Holy Trinity I’m in good company.

John Adams and the Trinity

In a letter to Thomas Jefferson in 1813, John Adams made this comment on Britain’s repeal of an old statute that made it a crime to deny the existence of the Holy Trinity:
“We can never be so certain of any Prophecy, or the fulfillment of any Prophecy; or of any miracle, or the design of any miracle as We are, from the revelation of nature, i.e. nature’s God, that two and two are equal to four. Miracles or Prophecies might frighten us out of our Witts; might scare us to death; might induce Us to lie, to say that We believe that 2 and 2 make 5. But We should not believe it. We should know the contrary.”
Adams’s current admirers on the Christian right clearly have a lot of “splaining” to do in categorizing this man as an orthodox Christian believer.
Your complete mockery of the good Lord is enough for anyone to know all there is to know about how evil a human being you are.
We don’t live in a white Christian nationalist theocracy yet. We can mock any version of God we want.,
No, I would not torture animals ever. But I am a carnivorous human being. . (see my post above) That would be my cousin Butchie who was favored by our grandmother because he put a suit and tie on every Sunday and went to church with her. I refused to go to church as a kid.

My cousin was a bad seed who tortured animals and I never wanted to be a Christian after seeing that.

mrwthr.22.01.12 #1
nf.22.01.31 #374
cgrbr.23.07.07 Today at 6:01 PM#9,606
What a dumb unintelligent illogical reason. The Church is a hospital for the spirituality sick. Those who are righteous are there to help those who are sick.
There are those who we won’t allow in our churches. If it was known that’s what he was doing I’m sure he wouldn’t have been allowed. Child molestors as well.
What a dumb unintelligent illogical reason.
The point is you are a shallow human being for assuming I must be in favor of torturing animals just because I don’t buy your religious view that women do not have autonomy over their bodies when they get pregnant..

IF you want to give up your autonomy to a potential human being in your body you are welcome and free and normally expected to do so. No one is stopping you. Your autonomy is yours to give to the miracle of life inside you.

Just stop taking away that decision that autonomy by government force from every other woman in your state and this the greatest nation on earth ever.

I do not accept what your Holy Ghost tells you, I agree with John Adam’s who wrote this about your Holy Ghost.

Although this {HOLY GHOST} is all Artifice and Cunning in the secret original in the heart, yet they all believe it so sincerely that they would lay down their Lives under the Ax or the fiery Fagot for it. Alas the poor weak ignorant Dupe human Nature.
JohnAdams to Benjamin Rush December 21. 1809​

The definition of artifice = . (the use of) a clever trick or something intended to deceive:...

cgrbr.23.07.07 #9,614
nf.23.07.08 #9,615
Last edited:
Who gives a shit?

You’re sitting here claiming that a living human being isn’t alive and isn’t a member of its species - neither of those things can possibly be true, and you know it!

All organisms have a body made up of cells, and the number of cells ranges from 1 to hundreds of quadrillions!

All organisms are just cells!

An embryo in a womb isn't a human being, any more than embryos being stored in a lab are human beings. Should the government save all of the "embryo-human beings" from being unjustly imprisoned in freezers in university research labs and the labs of private companies throughout the country and the world? Just because a form of life, like a cell or collection of cells is human, it doesn't follow that it is a human being. Something being human and someone being a human being, are not the same.

If I extract an individual cell from my body, that cell is human, and it may even be alive, but it's not me nor is it a human being. I amount to much more than just an individual cell or even my physical body. I have thoughts, memories, feelings, a personality, aspirations, a family life, a social life..etc. I am much more than just cells.
All organisms have a body made up of cells, and the number of cells ranges from 1 to hundreds of quadrillions! •••• All organisms are just cells!

What makes our bodily conglomerate of cells unique and gives us dominion over all the other bodies of cells in our midst in the animal kingdom?

It is our brain and a higher concentration of neurons and neurological connections that produces an exceptional god-like ability for conscious thoughts tied to physical action in social groups through advanced forms of being able to communicate with each other.

Without consciousness our fetal bodies are human but are lacking divinity in the natural order of things. That tells me that Natures’ God did not place a high value on a non-conscious fetal body when the intelligent design of mammal reproduction was developed for the reproduction of the male and female as equal human beings to lord over the animal kingdom at the top of the food chain -

It’s neurons CarsomyrPlusSix its trillions of neurons that defines a step up from just being human. It’s neurons and the ability to be conscious of individuality that make us a human being at the top of natural law.

Aborted fetus at 20 weeks do not have what it takes to be considered protected from it’s human being mother if she does not consent to protect it. Society has no business making a plea for that be mandatory.

myrpls.23.07.07 #9,592
nf.23.07.08 #9,617
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An embryo in a womb isn't a human being
Objectively false. What species are they, moron?
Just because a form of life, like a cell or collection of cells is human, it doesn't follow that it is a human being.
That’s retarded. “A human” and “a human being” are the same thing.

If I extract an individual cell from my body, that cell is human, and it may even be alive, but it's not me nor is it a human being.
No shit, your one random skin cell isn’t an entire human being, just part of the body of one.

What was this supposed to prove?
Objectively false. What species are they, moron?

That’s retarded. “A human” and “a human being” are the same thing.

No shit, your one random skin cell isn’t an entire human being, just part of the body of one.

What was this supposed to prove?
No, it's not the same thing. My fingernail is human, but it's not a human being. An individual cell from my body is human, but not a human being. A human BEING is much more than just an embryo or even an undeveloped fetus without a brain. A human embryo or fetus is a potential human being. You need an actual human being, a pregnant woman, to actualize that human embryo or under-developed fetus into a HUMAN BEING.
" Bull Shit Arrogance Of Damned Dirty Apes "

* Uniform Fetish Fanatics *

And, it's your position that abortion should be used as birth control, not a fact. Thus, we have elections and choose our representatives to decide. When conservatives lose to the looney left, we are supposed to sit down, shut up and take it because the majority spoke. But, when Leftist Liberals lose to the rational right, Conservatives again are supposed to sit down, shut up and take the disobedience of the left forcing the majority through democracy and force this abomination. It's your turn to sit down, shut up and take it. Woose!
The conservative versus liberal paradigm is intellectual buffoonery , and the left and the right both vie for government control over public policy , while emphasizing collective whimsy through populism for democracy as tyranny by majority .

The us republic is founded upon principles of individualism that do not simply pander to a whim of collective dictates through state or federal government , and us constitution assures it , so trite comments about sit down , shut up and take it are asinine .

That without cause abortion occurs is not an abomination , rather that abortion anti-choice ignore with cause abortion is an abomination .

The simple facts of us constitution are that as a live birth is required to be a citizen , whereby equitable doctrine states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , whereby dobbs is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments , that is supported by traitors to principles of us republic .

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