Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

But our societal value place the right to life at the very top of our hierarchy of values. Therefore, your argument is antithetical to our land’s values.

Is Ohio part of our society and land,

I’m sorry if I have mistakenly assumed Ohio is part of our society and land,

bckvgn.23.03.20 #7,819
nf.23.08.11 #10,182
He fights to legally maintain abortions at all times for all reasons. That violates one of the Catholic Church's chief tenets and is why he gets denied communion.

Quid Pro is an abortion champion and the Catholic Church hates abortion.

Joe is a freedom of conscience and separation of church and state champion who gained the most politically from Dobbs.

Dobbs was a culmination of USSC rulings improperly leaning favorably to uniting church and state by taking away a very secular and private right from women.

This one really pissed women and men who respect them off. They will teach Republicans a lesson in 2

The actual votes in Ohio Kansas and Wisconsin show Dobbs is nationally shifting America blue.

Thanks though. FYI I did a little more research and found that clamping the umbilical cord is not what ‘triggers’ the ventilation of a newborn’s lungs and first breaths of independent life

There is a signaling system within the brainstem that activates almost immediately at birth to support early breathing.

The lungs are cleared of amniotic fluid during this practiced breathing instinct while momentarily in a matter of minutes the oxygen flow continues to the newborn’s body and brain supplied through the umbilical cord.

When the umbilical cord is clamped it initiates transfer of the baby’s own blood supply in a closed system to flow to the lungs to be oxygenated by the lungs the very first time. The baby is now breathing oxygenating and circulating blood throughout the body living life independently on its own. With independent mature enough humans caring for it for about 13 to 18 years.

A team of researchers led by UVA's Dr. Yingtang Shi, Patrice Guyenet and Douglas A. Bayliss have discovered a signaling system within the brainstem that activates almost immediately at birth to support early breathing. That first gasp that every parent cherishes appears to trigger this support system.​

"Birth is traumatic for the newborn, as the baby has to independently take control over various important body functions, including breathing," said Bayliss, who chairs UVA's Department of Pharmacology. "We think that activation of this support system at birth provides an extra safety factor for this critical period."​

hvdvt.23.05.16 #8,889
hvdvt.23.05.16 #8,898
nf.23.08.11 #10,185
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No! HARM. My question contains the word “harm” Harm HARM

how can the govt constitutionally justify intervening in the life decisions of a law abiding pregnant woman by banning a medical procedure that will end the risk of harm to her body, life, livelihood and mental health if she does it early in the pregnancy?

strth.23.08.01 #10,037
nf.23.08.01 #10,044
strth.23.08.01 #10,046
nf.23.08.07 #10,043
nf.23.08.01 #10,040
strth.23.08.01 10,061
strth.23.08.07 #10,145
How can it intervene by going along with abortion that in many cases had become barbaric in it's acts ??
Where does your hierarchy of values exist that places right to life for the unborn at the top?
You’re a dope. As I told you before, the hierarchy isn’t looking mired just to the preborn.

The highest value on a hierarchy of values has to be life, itself. That includes those already born and those not yet born.

Move along, Fool. You’re not up for this.
the hierarchy isn’t looking mired just to the prebor
I have not said the hierarchy of values with life at the top that you claim to exist is mired just to the unborn.

I am arguing the point that no hierarchy of life exists that includes the unborn. You made that up because you are a liar.

bckvgn.23.08.11 #10,188
nf.23.08.11 #10,189
The highest value on a hierarchy of values has to be life, itself. That includes those already born and those not yet born.

The highest value on my hierarchy of values and every person I’ve met my entire life is that the value of life starts at first breath. The value of unborn life from the moment of conception is protected through the right to life of the maternal parent. She has autonomy over her own unborn life including not taking the risk of full term gestation by ending that life.

bckvgn.23.08.11 #10,188
nf.23.08.11 #10,190
I have not said the hierarchy of values with life at the top that you claim to exist is mired just to the unborn.

I am arguing the point that no hierarchy of life exists that includes the unborn. You made that up because you are a liar.

bckvgn.23.08.11 #10,188
nf.23.08.11 #10,189
No. You’re an asshole and you are the liar.

Only a moron with no willingness to be honest (ie, you) would say something so stupid and utterly dishonest as you just did.

Fuck off.
The highest value on my hierarchy of values and every person I’ve met my entire life is that the value of life starts at first breath. The value of unborn life from the moment of conception is protected through the right to life of the maternal parent. She has autonomy over her own unborn life including not taking the risk of full term gestation by ending that life.

bckvgn.23.08.11 #10,188
nf.23.08.11 #10,190
You’re an idiot.
Think about what happened in Ohio this week. Horrible news for Trump. Horrible news for The MAGA Republican Party. Horrible news for white Evangelical Christians and their Catholic fellow believers

lkhtv.23.05.02 #35
bckvgn.23.05.02 #40
nf.23.08.10 #10,191
No. Just a consequence of punting the abortion decision to the states. Other than that, you’re still just babbling.
Fuck off.

I make a point that no hierarchy of life exists in the United States that includes the unborn at the top and you tell me to fuck off.

That reply means you cannot show a hierarchy of life exists that includes the unborn.

It is that simple.

It primarily exists for the Catholic Church and sone white evangelical Protestants who are absolutely free and entitled to practice their beliefs and never abort a baby fetus when one comes into their lives.

bckvgn.23.08.10 #10,192
nf.23.08.11 #10,195
. I am not anti choice, choose not to get pregnant,
You do not have a choice to use the government’s power to coerce a law abiding woman being forced into what she can and cannot do in her bedroom.

Believing Jesus Christ is the Son of God does not give you power over others you are too pathetic in your religion to convince kindly to convert.,

The special single ballot issue in Ohio that you Orange Evangelicals just got stomped on, cost the Ohio taxpayers $20 million and probably half that tax money comes from Ohioans who are not Christians. And add to that another $30 million spent from both sides to take a right away or to preserve a right women must keep - we have $50 million that could have been spent on 5000 would be aborted babies based on financial hardship to facilitate birth and day care. Just in Ohio.

So cut the crap Jesus Freak. Listen to HIM instead of the MAGA megaphone of hate and contempt of women who get pregnant but never intended it to happen.

frnknstn.23.08.11 #734
nf.23.08.11 #10,196
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No, it's not part of her body.

Can we agree that a living organism to be classified as a human being by society, the organism must have as a very minimum a brain that controls at least all the physical functions such as breathing and digesting of nutrients etc required to sustain itself independently until death for any reason shall occur?

hvdvt.23.08.11 was #537
nf.23.08.11 #10,197
You do not have a choice to use the government’s power to coerce a law abiding woman being forced into what she can and cannot do in her bedroom.

Believing Jesus Christ is the Son of God does not give you power over others you are too pathetic in your religion to convince kindly to convert.,

The special single ballot issue in Ohio that you Orange Evangelicals just got stomped on, cost the Ohio taxpayers $20 million and probably half that tax money comes from Ohioans who are not Christians. And add to that another $30 million spent from both sides to take a right away or to preserve a right women must keep - we have $50 million that could have been spent on 5000 would be aborted babies based on financial hardship to facilitate birth and day care. Just in Ohio.

So cut the crap Jesus Freak. Listen to HIM instead of the MAGA megaphone of hate and contempt of women who get pregnant but never intended it to happen.

frnknstn.23.08.11 #734
nf.23.08.11 #10,196
That is fine, however when a child is killed because of her responsibility it is everyone's business. You are against being responsible why don't you just say that.
Liberal baby killers spent way more than that on adds just so they can exterminate babies, that is what you support. The fact that we have made the act of abortion so common, has led to your friends abusing them sexually, and trafficking them, why wouldn't they you have dehumaized children so much.
Thank you for the compliment I am a Jesus Freak and proud of it!
Not having unprotected sex is what led to their unwanted pregnancy something they had a choice in!
Can we agree that a living organism to be classified as a human being by society, the organism must have as a very minimum a brain that controls at least all the physical functions such as breathing and digesting of nutrients etc required to sustain itself independently until death for any reason shall occur?

hvdvt.23.08.11 was #537
nf.23.08.11 #10,197
Think about what happened in Ohio this week. Horrible news for Trump. Horrible news for The MAGA Republican Party. Horrible news for white Evangelical Christians and their Catholic fellow believers

lkhtv.23.05.02 #35
bckvgn.23.05.02 #40
nf.23.08.10 #10,191
Wow racist only white evangelicals care about abortion what about latinas and black Christians

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