Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You think that Putin so loved TRUMP! that he did NOT make a military move while TRUMP! was in office, but instead waited until someone he actually feared got into office to make his move, and now he's holding out for TRUMP! to get back INTO office so he can pull out, and all this because he thinks he'll get more favor from Washington if TRUMP! is there?

The truth will be obvious as the election season gets underway. Biden stopped Putin from taking Kiev. So Biden did what we cannot be sure Trump would have done.

Putin assessed all democratic systems are weak. He thought after seeing Jan6 that the attempt to abolish democracy was an indication that he can take what he wants and Biden and other Democracies will fold.

Putin likely saw the Derek Chauvin riots all summer and then the Trump Maga riots at the capital on January 6 and figured we would be fully occupied having our race war getting started. Russian bots have a strong presence on social media stirring up racial animosity in this country.

Putin is an absolutely stupid fascist to think he would have Ukraine in a couple of weeks.

remember, at the start of the invasion Trump said Putin was a genius for sending his army into Donbass.

The calculation did not change when the US transitioned from TRUMP’s to Biden‘s. I’m quite certain that Europe and the other deniers democracies on our side feel much better working alongside Biden than an idiot like Trump.

Putin has learned that he miss calculated what to say face. He’s been trying to steal some territory by reducing it to rebel evacuating it, and send barely trained young boys on the front line is canon fodder.

He has only one way out of his spectacular Fuck up. That is holding onto some fucked up reduced to rubble territory and praying to the Russian Orthodox God that Donald Trump or even DeSantis or any MAGA isolationist wins in 2024 and LEADS a Republican Congress TO cut off Military and humanitarian funds to Ukraine.

The truth of the narrative of which I speak, Putin will be cheering for Trump in the trump Biden rematch, and unless Ukraine f finishes off the Russian army, and it would be a nice bonus, if the take Crimea back. Driving the invaders into the black sea. The Trump/Putin Bromance might be over, but it will be clear that it has always existed.
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The truth will be obvious as the election season gets underway. Biden stopped Putin from taking Kiev. So Biden did what we cannot be sure Trump would have done.

Putin assessed all democratic systems are weak. He thought after seeing Jan6 that the attempt to abolish democracy was an indication that he can take what he wants and Biden and other Democracies will fold.

Putin likely saw the Derek Chauvin riots all summer and then the Trump Maga riots at the capital on January 6 and figured we would be fully occupied having our race war getting started. Russian bots have a strong presence on social media stirring up racial animosity in this country.

Putin is an absolutely stupid fascist to think he would have Ukraine in a couple of weeks.

remember, at the start of the invasion Trump said Putin was a genius for sending his army into Donbass.

The calculation did not change when the US transitioned from TRUMP’s to Biden‘s. I’m quite certain that Europe and the other deniers democracies on our side feel much better working alongside Biden than an idiot like Trump.

Putin has learned that he miss calculated what to say face. He’s been trying to steal some territory by reducing it to rebel evacuating it, and send barely trained young boys on the front line is canon fodder.

He has only one way out of his spectacular Fuck up. That is holding onto some fucked up reduced to rubble territory and praying to the Russian Orthodox God that Donald Trump or even DeSantis or any MAGA isolationist wins in 2024 and LEADS a Republican Congress TO cut off Military and humanitarian funds to Ukraine.

The truth of the narrative of which I speak, Putin will be cheering for Trump in the trump Biden rematch, and unless Ukraine f finishes off the Russian army, and it would be a nice bonus, if the take Crimea back. Driving the invaders into the black sea. The Trump/Putin Bromance might be over, but it will be clear that it has always existed.
Yet the historical record shows that Putin did nothing while TRUMP! was in office, during the time when he supposedly was getting favorable treatment from Washington and less likely to face any opposition at all if he wanted to invade. Only when TRUMP! was OUT of office and he would supposedly face MORE opposition did he make his move. Now, you want us to believe that he's pining away, desperately hoping TRUMP! will win again so he can pull out of Ukraine during a time when he again will supposedly get less opposition. As for the riots, that's ridiculous. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. You're just reaching for anything to hold onto.

You're a little strange.
Yet the historical record shows that Putin did nothing while TRUMP! was in office,
Why do you think Putin’s decision to seize the Capitol of Ukraine and take over the government there was made even in the slightest based on being afraid that Trump would react stronger than Biden, so he waited.

No matter the timing. It was a horrendous miscalculation and a war crime. And President Biden’s response has been forceful and wise.

You oughta forget about who was president when Putin launched a war crime against free and democratic people. You got to get your ass on our side, instead of providing aid and comfort to the enemy by finagling a way to blame Biden for the war crime.

Human retardation is not the subject of this thread but now that you as the OP have changed the subject from the serious constitutional and political debacle Dobbs had created for MAGA Republicans, I have always wanted to discuss here the very solid possibility that the belief that Trump is a smart, intelligent, good, Christian, honest, courageous, thoughtful human being has something to do with the same psychologically damaging retarding effect on people who are susceptible mentally to joining the Saving Baby Fetus Cult that has been spreading needless psychological damaging propaganda into our governing system relentlessly the past fifty years. And for what? Dobbs, the great MAGA Republican and hillbilly Christianity backfire if all time.

Why are nit all Christians and definitely not most Christians captured by the idea that they have to save baby fetus by forcing full term gestation on women, so goddam attracted to an authoritarian democracy hating pussy grabber like Trump .

Are Trump Supporters born retarded or does right wing Christian radio and mega-church bright and shiny authoritarian paternalism at Christian right wing gatherings cause retardation and reduce IQ to those who attend and listen to right wing hillbilly Christian preachers 24-7.

I wish @Mashmint would engage in this thread. He might be the most retarded. stupid, hillbilly Trump worshipping anti-liberty. Christian in America.


No matter how good you think that you can spin everything, the fact that you are a Democrat is as low as the bar can get......FACT.

Anyone taking anything you say seriously has got mental issues... 😂

They need help, and while they are at it, they can bring your ace along with them to the doctor.
Why do you think Putin’s decision to seize the Capitol of Ukraine and take over the government there was made even in the slightest based on being afraid that Trump would react stronger than Biden, so he waited.

No matter the timing. It was a horrendous miscalculation and a war crime. And President Biden’s response has been forceful and wise.

You oughta forget about who was president when Putin launched a war crime against free and democratic people. You got to get your ass on our side, instead of providing aid and comfort to the enemy by finagling a way to blame Biden for the war crime.
Now see, there you go again spinning a narrative... No one's blaming Biden for war crimes... It's not for us to blame anyone for war crimes, because we have no idea the amount of propaganda being created on both sides, nor do we know exactly why Putin decided to move in on Ukraine.... That war has been running since 2014. Average American's don't know shite about everything that has been involved in that war, and they don't know who is justified or not in the lead up to that war. Biden being involved in alleged corruption in Ukraine should have everyone pausing to think very seriously on whether our role in the situation is justified or not.
It's not for us to blame anyone for war crimes, because we have no idea the amount of propaganda being created on both sides, nor do we know exactly why Putin decided to move in on Ukraine.
Boy! Uncle Putin is really hoping the likes of MAGA you get Trump elected again , since you don’t even know which army crossed the border into another country when they did absolutely nothing to provoke Putin.
Now, you want us to believe that he's pining away, desperately hoping TRUMP! will win again so he can pull out of Ukraine during a time when he again will supposedly get less opposition.
No he’s not pining he’s hoping Trump or a MAGA Republican who believes we have nothing to do with his feud with Ukraine so he won’t have to pull out .
But Ukraine didn’t invade Russia or itself. Russia invaded Ukraine. And Russia has waged its war of aggression against the civilian population to a large degree committing obvious and indefensible war crimes along the way. Putin belongs under a prison. For life.

Why did Putin wait until Biden was president to invade Ukraine?

Because he knew Joe would let him.

Putin thought everyone agreed to a neutral Ukraine. Unfortunately, based upon faulty Intel provided by the CIA, the Globalists were lead to believe Russia was weak and would crumble in the face of a United NATO. Accordingly, they ordered Ukraine to ignore the Minsk Accords and installed a puppet government run by a comedian. They continued to let Ukrainian Nazis kill Russian people in Donbass and make noises about wanting to join NATO. Biden gave Putin a go ahead for a limited invasion. Again based on faulty CIA assessments, Russia was a tiny armed force, sure be be defeated in a Ukrainian proxy war. BlackRock has agreements with Zelen$ky to buy up most of Ukraine after the inevitable Russian defeat.


It's funny to watch them dance and twist to get around that one.

The only ones who want to “let him” [Putin] get away with this bloody invasion … are those who want to stop all aid to Ukraine.

Who are these people? Well, 70 U.S. House Representatives — all of them MAGA Republicans — voted for Trumpster Matt Gaetz’s amendment to the annual defense bill to cut off all military aid to Ukraine.

Of course if the war deadlocks with no further likely gains from either side — as casualties on both sides continue and both sides exhaust themselves — then a cease-fire will become possible, and then any U.S. Administration would do well to encourage a negotiated settlement.

The Biden Administration is certainly aware of this possibility. But because it wants to appear tough and not give false hope to Putin and his domestic opponents, because it wants to hold its newly motivated and strengthened NATO alliance together — as it has very successfully done to this point — it emphasizes that continued military and financial assistance “for as long as it takes” must be provided.

Trump had disrupted and demoralized NATO, and encouraged Putin to underestimate American and NATO’s willingness to stand up to any eventual invasion of sovereign Ukraine. Why did he “wait”? So long as Trump’s negative impact as President existed, Putin could afford to wait. Increasing European and American divisions served his interests.

Putin may hold back from pulling his barbarians out of Ukraine, hoping Trump wins in 2024. That will not help the Republicans as a national security narrative at all.

You think that Putin so loved TRUMP! that he did NOT make a military move while TRUMP! was in office, but instead waited until someone he actually feared got into office to make his move, and now he's holding out for TRUMP! to get back INTO office so he can pull out, and all this because he thinks he'll get more favor from Washington if TRUMP! is there?
I agree with what’s said by BackAgain and TomPaine
bgl.23.08.18 #10,346
Average American's don't know shite about everything that has been involved in that war, and they don't know who is justified or not in the lead up to that war.
No. Putin invaded Ukraine. Ukraine is a democracy. Ukrainians will fight to save democracy if we supply them with weapons. It is the right thing to do if you believe democracy is worth defending. With Ukrainian courage against fascist authoritarianism we are getting off cheap by just sending aid, There is nothing more to know.
mdwhstl.23.08.10 #8

Have you ever worshipped Satan in public or in the privacy of your own home?

Have you ever worshiped Christ in public and got yourself arrested for it?

nf.23.08.19 1 minute ago#10,351
No....I have not worshiped Satan in public or in my home.

And no, I haven't been arrested for worshiping Christ in public, but I've seen people arrested for it.
I also have seen people fined for worshiping Christ in a church parking lot.

According to the constitution that's illegal.
But people who worship Satan are trying to explore the boundaries of the law and of decency to see what they can get away with before someone sues them.
flvsh.23.08.10 #23 gmfftgRepublican
But the damn Illegals flooded in and voted for Democrats to give them welfare and now it is a shithole with a thousand middle class people moving out every day.

myrpls.23.08.04 #145
gmfftgRepublican of atheist persuasion.
Abortionists are serial killers; the people who hire them are sociopaths.

ffthhrsmn.23.08.07 #209
opposed to gmfftg
Why don't you womb guardians just fuck off and die? •••• You aren't gonna surf through the Pearly Gates on a wave of Innocents. St. Pete is no fool, he's heard it all. •••• You will be judged on your aggregate shittiness, your equine smothering hypocrisy and will find yourself spinning on a rotisserie over glowing coals

swvvts.23.08 gmfftgRepublican & luvsJesus
So we all would be without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. There is not one righteous--no, not one.

ffthhrsmn.23.08.07 #249
opposed to gmfftg
I don't believe the State should mandate parturition. •••• It can have deadly consequences •••• women should only have to proceed by their own choice.

I have a question for all those (gmfftg’s) who demand that all us liberty loving Americans accept government mandated forced full term gestation nationwide in order to save baby fetuses from being killed by their potential birth mother. In other words those of you mostly Christian people who argue in favor of state mandated parturition.
This question is based on the premise that most proponents of state mandated parturition are in some degree also in agreement politically with Flash’s post #23 regarding those damned illegals who have turned California into a shithole by voting Democrat.

My second premise is that most of the non-citizen immigrant families in California are Hispanic and very family oriented Catholic who may be persuaded to believe Republicans are the morally correct choice for saving baby fetus.

So which is more important to you (1) building a bigger and longer wall to keep all those damned shithole country rapists and thieves and welfare goblins out or (2) welcome Catholic families in and support them to become productive citizens who vote Republican and build a majority into the future that will bring you a majority status of Americans who accept government mandated forced full term gestation nationwide.

A few South American Countries have Constitutions that recognize their unborn as persons already.

Which is more important to you, Loathing darker skinned human beings seeking a better life for their children and families or saving every Baby Fetus nationwide.

Which is the best Christian way forward?

nf.23.08.19 #10,353
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" Nothing To Do With Education At This Point Rather Than Low Intelligence Quotient "

* Restating Equitable Doctrine Again For The Benefit Of Those Riding The Short Bus *

Being a citizen doesn’t matter…laws and the constitution don’t just protect citizens
The unavoidable stipulation is equal protection with a citizen .

To become a citizen requires live birth , whereas all other stipulations are incidental ( eg . parents have to be a citizen , or within us jurisdiction ) , hence by equitable doctrine a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , even when the individual ( by virtue of having been born ) is not a citizen .
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" Not Based On Principles Of Us Republic "

* Orwellian Double Speak Clown Shoes *

No matter how good you think that you can spin everything, the fact that you are a Democrat is as low as the bar can get......FACT.
Anyone taking anything you say seriously has got mental issues... 😂
They need help, and while they are at it, they can bring your ace along with them to the doctor.
All the populism bullshit , of bantering for democracy as tyranny by collective majority , is the premise of a democrat , which is not the premise of a republican bantering for a republic based on principles of individualism .

Perhaps you are dismayed to know it , you are a democrat on the abortion issue .
" Nothing To Do With Education At This Point Rather Than Low Intelligence Quotient "

* Restating Equitable Doctrine Again For The Benefit Of Those Riding The Short Bus *

The unavoidable stipulation is equal protection with a citizen .

To become a citizen requires live birth , whereas all other stipulations are incidental ( eg . parents have to be a citizen , or within us jurisdiction ) , hence by equitable doctrine a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , even when the individual ( by virtue of having been born ) is not a citizen .
Ok. I’m simply saying one doesn’t have to be a citizen to have the protections afforded by the Constitution.
" Supported By Traitors To Principles Of Us Republic "

* US 14th Amendment And Title 1 Section 8 Reiteration Of The Obvious *

Ok. I’m simply saying one doesn’t have to be a citizen to have the protections afforded by the Constitution.
An individual does not have to be a citizen to receive equal protection , however an individual must have completed live birth requirement to receive equal protection , as a live birth is required to become a citizen , and an individual , while all other stipulations are incidental .

The abortion anti-choice could not swing the necessary constitutional amendment and chose sedition of us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments instead .
Boy! Uncle Putin is really hoping the likes of MAGA you get Trump elected again , since you don’t even know which army crossed the border into another country when they did absolutely nothing to provoke Putin.
You make up bull shite constantly here, and then try to pass it off as somehow relevant and/or legit. No one hopefully is as stupid as you lying Democrat's think that they are.

There is no way that I or you can comment as to why Putin's army crossed that border, but because you are in bed deeply with the Democrat's, then you feel free to conjure up support for Ukraine without it being factual or conditions based eh ?? It's only because of the border crossing you love to use, yet without facts being known that I question your unconditional support when speaking on the matter.......... So are you just using lying narratives or statements where as you might claim to know the details on the border crossing, but you won't share those details for fear of what (being caught lying because you have no details maybe?), otherwise facts or details between the two nation's as to why they are at war with each other seem to not be included in your bull shite, but you lash out for political reasons, and that's just typical of leftist bull shite IMO.
" Supported By Traitors To Principles Of Us Republic "

* US 14th Amendment And Title 1 Section 8 Reiteration Of The Obvious *

An individual does not have to be a citizen to receive equal protection , however an individual must have completed live birth requirement to receive equal protection , as a live birth is required to become a citizen , and an individual , while all other stipulations are incidental .

The abortion anti-choice could not swing the necessary constitutional amendment and chose sedition of us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments instead .
Ok…nobody claimed a fetus had constitutional rights…not sure your point
Ok…nobody claimed a fetus had constitutional rights…not sure your point
Yes a fetus has humanitarian rights, and that is covered by many civilized nation's in their standards of holding a civilized order, but we are currently under a great attack when it comes to our civilized order, and it's all because of an uncivilized order that has been allowed to form, and now it is being allowed to challenge in every way our civilized order.

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