Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Populism Of Clown Shoes "

* Zero Respect For Principles Of Individualism For Us Republic *

Ok…nobody claimed a fetus had constitutional rights…not sure your point
It is good that is out of the way , however the basis upon which abortion anti-choice proponents seek to proscribed abortion is to protect a wright to life of a zygote , or embryo , or fetus .

Otherwise , your conjecture becomes the same populism of democracy as tyranny by the collective majority , against the principles of individualism as the basis for us republic , as are the democrat beliefs of beagle9 .
Yes a fetus has humanitarian rights, and that is covered by many civilized nation's in their standards of holding a civilized order, but we are currently under a great attack when it comes to our civilized order, and it's all because of an uncivilized order that has been allowed to form, and now it is being allowed to challenge in every way our civilized order.
I couldn’t careless what other nations do. i was referring to our US Constitution
" Populism Of Clown Shoes "

* Zero Respect For Principles Of Individualism For Us Republic *

It is good that is out of the way , however the basis upon which abortion anti-choice proponents seek to proscribed abortion is to protect a wright to life of a zygote , or embryo , or fetus .

Otherwise , your conjecture becomes the same populism of democracy as tyranny by the collective majority , against the principles of individualism as the basis for us republic , as are the democrat beliefs of beagle9 .
Well yes I believe some do believe they have a “right” to life.

so? I believe I have a right to life too…that’s not covered in the US Constitution either.

Do you not think you have a right to life?

i believe my cat has a right to life too…she’s also not protected by the Constitution either

I fail to see your point
There is no way that I or you can comment as to why Putin's army crossed that border,

So you know that it was Putin’s army that crossed that border. That is all anybody needs to know. He’s a mass murdering war criminal and must be stopped, forced to withdraw, pay reparations and tried at Nuremberg and hopefully hung.

When you want to quibble on some justification for Putin reason to invade Ukraine, you are genuflecting to Putin because there is no justification for what he is still doing. None. You are disgusting and uncivilized when you get all MAGA squishy if asked to spend tax dollars on a democracy in peril from our generation’s Hitler
Abortion bans are the solution.
Saint Cplus demands a government solution for an imaginary undefined problem he has when a woman chooses not to take the risk of serving full term gestation going on as part of her own body and her life.

If a woman ends the gestating process that is a private part of her physical being and life, Saint Cplus refuses to ever explain what standing he has to request his states’s government to ban the safe medical procedure a woman seeing potential risk, needs to end gestation in orders to not be harmed by it.

nf.23.08.19 #10,365
I’m simply saying one doesn’t have to be a citizen to have the protections afforded by the Constitution.
How about these as a minimum requirement to have the protection afforded by the Constitution:

Take at least one into one’s lungs
Oxygenate one’s own blood
Become physically separated from one’s birth mother.

nf.23.08.23 #10,365

How about these as a minimum requirement to have the protection afforded by the Constitution:

Take at least one into one’s lungs
Oxygenate one’s own blood
Become physically separated from one’s birth mother.

nf.23.08.23 #10,365
Ok…nobody ever claimed a unborn child had constitutional rights
That war has been running since 2014.
The war started when Putin invaded in February 2022.

No missiles were launched from Russian soil onto Ukraine civilian targets unto the invasion began in 2022.

Just today a Russian missile killed seven Ukrainian civilians in Kiev as they were leaving a church.

What do you say about that news? Americans can never know if it was really a Russian missile.
The war started when Putin invaded in February 2022.

No missiles were launched from Russian soil onto Ukraine civilian targets unto the invasion began in 2022.

Just today a Russian missile killed seven Ukrainian civilians in Kiev as they were leaving a church.

What do you say about that news? Americans can never know if it was really a Russian missile.
Putin invaded back in 2014

There was a period of peace, and he invaded again after xiden was elected…but don’t forget he was able first to, during the period of Obama’s more flexible policy
Dobbs doesn't ban abortions.

Dobbs lifted the ban on forcing full term gestation on women who do not want to take the risk of harm and possible death that comes with full term gestation.

So tell us if you agree or disagree a that law that forces full term gestation on women, established by majority rule, can be enforced in a state, based on nothing of legal standing or protection from harm to that majority.

How can you accept a state government enforcing a law that forces full term gestation on women who do not want to be put in harms way by a reproductive process going on in her one and only body? She has a right to protect herself? Does she not?

nf.23.08.19 #10,369
" Populism Of Clown Shoes "

* Zero Respect For Principles Of Individualism For Us Republic *

It is good that is out of the way , however the basis upon which abortion anti-choice proponents seek to proscribed abortion is to protect a wright to life of a zygote , or embryo , or fetus .

Otherwise , your conjecture becomes the same populism of democracy as tyranny by the collective majority , against the principles of individualism as the basis for us republic , as are the democrat beliefs of beagle9 .
Democrat beliefs eh ? Don't know who you are referring to, but I'm know damned Democrat, I'm a conservative all the way through, but you like to play games maybe ? Tell me more about myself lefty, I'm all ears.
The war started when Putin invaded in February 2022.

No missiles were launched from Russian soil onto Ukraine civilian targets unto the invasion began in 2022.

Just today a Russian missile killed seven Ukrainian civilians in Kiev as they were leaving a church.

What do you say about that news? Americans can never know if it was really a Russian missile.
Wars are multi-faceted or have many platforms in which they are being waged or fought from, otherwise they don't have to have a physical land border for it to be a war between group's, nation's or between individuals. You knew this, but like your good buddy monkey, y'all like to play dumb in a nefarious way.

Dobbs lifted the ban on forcing full term gestation on women who do not want to take the risk of harm and possible death that comes with full term gestation.

So tell us if you agree or disagree a that law that forces full term gestation on women, established by majority rule, can be enforced in a state, based on nothing of legal standing or protection from harm to that majority.

How can you accept a state government enforcing a law that forces full term gestation on women who do not want to be put in harms way by a reproductive process going on in her one and only body? She has a right to protect herself? Does she not?

nf.23.08.19 #10,369
The ruling doesn't force a woman to carry a pregnancy, but it gave the states back the right to deal with the issue as they see fit. Women can either do two things, they can control themselves better or they can prepare to deal with the inconvenient consequences of their actions by going to a state that tolerates women seeking to end their pregnancy in the way that the state being visited rules does allow them too.
Wars are multi-faceted or have many platforms in which they are being waged or fought from, otherwise they don't have to have a physical land border for it to be a war between group's, nation's or between individuals.
You are a Putin fascist. Putin killed 7 civilians in Kiev today and he started killing civilians by his army of cowards using missiles launched from the safety of Russian soil a thousand miles.

A physical land border tells you Putin is a genocidal maniac who needs to be hung l, not the genius your Orange anti/Christ - Trump says he was

Have you seen a post from this poster where I claim a gestating human being is not a life.

A gestating human being at any stage of it’s development has a right to life through the exact same right to life of its mother.

Of course there can be grief if the mother survives being hit by a drunk that causes miscarriage.

Only the mother can decide to avoid the risk of full term gestation by getting an abortion which end the life of a gestating human being.

Think about that please.

A drunk driver cannot legally blamelessly end a woman’s gestation by reckless and negligent behavior.


Have you seen a post from this poster where I claim a gestating human being is not a life.

So you believe it is a life, you just don’t care..

A gestating human being at any stage of it’s development has a right to life through the exact same right to life of its mother.

Wait, so you’re suggesting that if you can abort the baby, you should be able to abort the mother too??

Of course there can be grief if the mother survives being hit by a drunk that causes miscarriage.

Why? According to the left, it’s not a baby, it’s just tissue. Why grieve over that. It also can’t be murder. My point is, from the lefts point of view, if a woman gets hit by a drunk driver and loses the….tissue, she can’t sue for murder of her unborn, because it’s not a baby, it’s nothing more than tissue..a clump of cells.

A drunk driver cannot legally blamelessly end a woman’s gestation by reckless and negligent behavior.

Sure, she can sue him for personal bodily injury to herself, but that’s it. She can’t sue him for murder…cause ya know, it’s not a baby, it’s just a clump of cells.

I absolutely do not believe there is no life until a gestating human being takes a first breath. I am on record here clearly stating that an unborn potential self sustained ‘air breathing’ human being achieving separation from his/her mother is as follows:

Modified slightly by me from original
By Robert P George Arguing the Ethics of Stem Cell Research : The embryonic, fetal, infant, child and adolescent stages are stages of development of a determinate and enduring entity -- a human being -- who comes into existence as a zygote and develops by a gradual and gapless process into adulthood many years later.

{The gestating fetal human being} is a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information. The direction of its growth is not extrinsically determined, but is in accord with the genetic information within it.

Please adjust questions to suit what I say I believe.

nf.23.08.17 #10,334

The article you quoted even says that the unborn baby is a “human being”, even from a zygote. Why can’t the left see that? So, if I’m understanding you correctly, it is a human life while in the womb, it just has no value until it can breathe on its own. Doesn’t that about sum it up?
You are a Putin fascist. Putin killed 7 civilians in Kiev today and he started killing civilians by his army of cowards using missiles launched from the safety of Russian soil a thousand miles.

A physical land border tells you Putin is a genocidal maniac who needs to be hung l, not the genius your Orange anti/Christ - Trump says he was
Wash your damned fascist leftist filthy mouth out boy. You can't cover your bull shite up by hiding behind Putin for much longer. America is going to put your party down come 2024, so get ready.
The article you quoted even says that the unborn baby is a “human being”, even from a zygote. Why can’t the left see that? So, if I’m understanding you correctly, it is a human life while in the womb, it just has no value until it can breathe on its own. Doesn’t that about sum it up?
Yep, you get him and his ilk. Thanks

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