Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

next time youre with your grand baby I want you to get a vacuum cleaner out and explain to her how her mother could have had a doctor use a vacuum like that to suck what there is of her body out through her moms cooch,, so she should be happy to be alive,,,
I already did and she said her first words to you

POOP On you EMO slave holder Woman hating MAGA I would not have given a poop so freaking what. Get a freaking life dude.
next time youre with your grand baby I want you to get a vacuum cleaner out and explain to her how her mother could have had a doctor use a vacuum like that to suck what there is of her body out through her moms cooch,, so she should be happy to be alive,,,
She’s luckier to not be related to you

Did I tell you that Dobbs ruined all the political advantage of describing in emo ways how abortion works.

After fifty years of Vigano Catholicism and white MAGA evangelicalism deploying “fetus equals baby” skullduggery to win elections for Republicans its over.

When the right to abortion was taken by Dobbs the political focus left the fetus and all eyes are on the viable human being that may not have intended on creating it,
swvvtvv.22.05.04 MAY2022
Once people realize the decision simply goes back to the people and the states--that's it. For most, outrage over.


As the Author and Creator of life, He has the ultimate say in when life begins and ends.

It's a matter of obvious scientific fact.

Good einstein Bob says it is science.

Good witnesseth to Jesus Saint Sue says it is God

I say in our secular society where freedom of conscience is protected, unenumerated rights are protected, the right to due process is protected, the right to privacy is protected; the sanctity of life begins when the woman doing the gestating decides she wants it to begin,

And most women do the moment they find out.

Einstein has no role

Jesus has no role unless invited In

Ron DeSantis has no role

Hindusim has no role

Mississippi has no role WHATSOEVER

Grifter Justice Clarence Thomas can get out of my daughters life and stay the fuck out.

SweetSue92 and Bob Blaylock surely had no fucking role about eleven months back when my youngest found out she was with fetus. She temporarily named it “cashew” when seeing it on ultra-sound because she did not want to get attached until “cashew” made it past potential miscarriage. It’s her first. CASHEW is here. Safe sound well cared for and she is pissed if Grampa doesn’t hold her until sound sound sound asleep . I’m Cashew’s day care grampa when both her parents young professionals go back to work but I’m with her most weekdays already. And I am loving it.

nf.23.08.27 #10,602
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I do not ignore questions ever. If I miss one of yours that you really want answered remind me and I’ll get to it as fast as I can. Every whattsboutism is not a legitimate question because circumstances and scenarios may be similar but not to any point.

Biden and Pence having possession of classified materials is problematic but nothing like defying a subpoenas after a year of the DOJ trying very nicely to get them back in the way that Pence and Biden cooperated fully in a short period of time.

nf.23.08.26 #10,570

I do not ignore questions ever. If I miss one of yours that you really want answered remind me and I’ll get to it as fast as I can

I’ve asked you the same question like 3 times…and yet you’ve not answered it again….that’s called ignoring…

Point One of many: I am myself opposed to ending gestation once it gets started if and when I am involved in starting it.

After my second daughter was born, I got a vasectomy because I didn’t want to have any more kids because I wanted to give my two kids a better chance in life that I started out with.

Neither one of my beautiful daughters were planned. I was very young. But I also chose vasectomy after the second because I didn’t want to put a burden on my wife to be responsible for not getting pregnant. Men who do that are assholes in my opinion.

nf.23.08.26 #10,572

?? What does this have to do with my question?

Point Two: See #10,572 for Point One: The record shows I general apply a “nine out of ten” reference to black voters being allied with my morals, politics and avoidance of voting for Republicans for any position of power in government.

So I’m sure it does not matter whether privately black evangelicals are opposed or in favor of forced full term gestation by banning abortion in states where white evangelicals are in the majority even among all races put together.

Because “nine out of ten” black Americans vote Democrat it is no concern to me if they perfobdlky want state governments to force full term gestation on any woman because the vote for politicians who oppose its



What does this have to do with my question?

We’re talking about black evengelicals…then you switch to saying “black Americans”

#10,572 to #10,567


#10,574 to #10,572

In response to #10,572 Saint Beagle asked if I am in control instead of God because I have very little faith. I must confess I do not know why I am being asked about my faith or lack thereof.

So my question and I think it’s fair
is to you, Saint Me is in reference to your post #10,570.accusing me if ignoring questions.

So am I to get bogged down answering Saint Beagle’s questions meant to shame others for not being as faithful to Jesus as he suggests he is?

Am I required to respond to Saint Beagle’s Bible Thumping because just to let you know Rational Theists like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God in some kind of supernatural Holy Trinity. I am with Presidents 2 and 3 on that.

nf.23,07,26 #10,575

Do you believe the federal government should have ultimate authority over the states?
Murdering a unique human being is NOT "a choice." It is a sin of the most heinous and cowardly kind.

aborted humans.jpg
thssm.23.08.26 I’m curious ••>•• does that make? #10,564
I’m curious as to why you favor one color of evangelical over another. What difference does that make?

nf.23.08.26 Black evangelicals do not ••>•• black voters in Fulton County, Georgia.
#10,566 to #10,564
Black evangelicals do not petition the government to force gestation on women in the way that white evangelicals do. Black evangelicals do not spread the lie that the United States of America was founded as a Christian Nation in the way that black evangelicals do Because how could they? Black evangelicals would never vote for the orange antichrist who tried to steal the election from the nine out of 10 black Americans who voted for Biden. Specifically including the black voters in Fulton County, Georgia.

nf.23.08.26 Black evangelicals do not ••>•• that white evangelicals do. #10,566 to #10,564
Black evangelicals do not petition the government to force gestation on women in the way that white evangelicals do.

thssm.23,08,26 Are you suggesting ••>•• are pro life? #10,567 to #10,564
Are you suggesting that no “black evangelicals” are pro life?

nf.23.08.26 Point One;
#10,572 to #10,567
Point One of many: I am myself opposed to ending gestation once it gets started if and when I am involved in starting it.

You ask in post #10,564 why I favor one color of evangelical over another. You ask in post #10,564 what difference does that make?

Part of my answer in post #10,566 to your first question was that black evangelicals do not petition the government to force gestation on women in the way that white evangelicals do.

Do you agree that black Evangelicals are part of the entire voter population of black Americans who consistently vote 9 to 1 for Democrats for the past 60 years and vote pro-choice even if they believe the sanctity of life begins at conception and wouid not do what Herschel Walker does to unwanted fetuses?

My answer “Point One” in post #10,572 to #10,567 That I am myself opposed to ending gestation once it gets started if and when I am involved in starting it; I am quite certain is applicable to black evangelicals and every American who chooses to hav an opinion on the matter.

One can be opposed personally to abortion in our personal lives while also being opposed to state governments banning a medical health procedure in order to force gestation on women against their will,

nf.23.08.27 #10,609
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Do you believe the federal government should have ultimate authority over the states?
Yes. If the Federal Government forbids slavery, the Federal Government can forbid abortion bans that force full term gestation on women who choose to end gestation before let’s say 21 weeks.

nf.23.08.27 #10,610
This is not about controlling the body of a woman, it's about the life inside of her.
If it is about dependent life x inside independent life y whereas y ends life x because y did not want x inside y anymore; what harm comes to you if x and y is of no acquaintances to you when y ends the life of x?

nf..23.08.27 #10,611
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If you have the federal government step in and say "abortion is legal nationwide", then whose rights are being trampled?

RvW Was in effect for 50 years, and I do not know of any single woman, individual citizen, who wanted to have a baby lost her right to have a baby on any day in any state nationwide.

So you tell me whose rights were trampled under RvW?

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I don’t care what some Jewish people think. I asked you if you don’t value life.

I value independent life, same as you. Independent life includes those on any kind of life support in a condition, recognized under normal legal medical framework as having life sustaining brain activity. Independent life begin at the moment, a fetus transitions into an infant Which is separation from his mother.

As for unborn dependent life; embryonic and fetal life in the gestational phase of development; and which is outside my realm of responsibility for its existence; what civil duty do I have to place a value on it. It’s fate is none of my business and therefore it is of no interest if the state to intervene by depriving the pregnant woman of her inherent right to chose what shall be done with her body.

nf.23.08.27 #10,613
So exposing fraud in an election or questioning the outcome is ignoring and breaking the constitution in your addled little mind, eh?
Trump gave white MAGA evangelicals the USSC decision to overturn RvW. All The charges against him are serious and supported by strong evidence. So why aren’t Evangelicals not dumping Trump and all the anti-Christian and anti-democracy baggage that cones with him,

Trump is not being charged in any criminal indictment for exposing fraud in an election or questioning the outcome of the one that was certified by all fifty state that he lost. So what are you talking about?

Exposing fraud would require bringing evidence. He still does not have any evidence and that is a huge problem for what he is being indicted.

My relationship with God/Jesus is a personal one. No one else has a need to know anything about it and a church definitely has no place in it.

If you believe it is a “sin” when a woman decides not to gestate a fetus to full term, then your objection is of some kind of metaphysical or supernatural matter.

If a woman does not share your supernatural wisdom on how to live her life according to your values why are you and Saint ChemEngr in a ‘need to know’ what some random women do with their pregnant bodies.

Murdering a unique human being is NOT "a choice." It is a sin of the most heinous and cowardly kind.

If Saint ChemEgnr believes abortion is a sin I suggest he not produce a child with a woman who does not want one, leave the rest of us to sin how we see fit,

nf.23.08.27 #10,614
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bckvgn.22.05.02 #1
I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

jhnwk johnwk said: 23.08.24 #22 Roe v. Wade was defective just as you confirmed. So, its ruling was invalid from its very beginning, hence, the regulation of abortion, according to our Constitution, was always withing the powers reserved by the States. How can the S.C. return a power to the states which was always within their powers?
"The Constitution is the act of the people, speaking in their original character, and defining

It has separate dna and therefore is a separate being!
If it is a separate being with it’s own unique dna and you feel it belongs to you or the state and you want to save it when a woman wants it removed from her body when she finds out it is there at six to 8 weeks - take it .

You are saying it is separate at conception- so take it / put it in your body and carry it to birth.

IF IT’s separate, why not?

nf.23.08.28 #10,615
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bckvgn.22.05.02 #1

jhnwk johnwk said: 23.08.24 #22 Roe v. Wade was defective just as you confirmed. So, its ruling was invalid from its very beginning, hence, the regulation of abortion, according to our Constitution, was always withing the powers reserved by the States. How can the S.C. return a power to the states which was always within their powers?
"The Constitution is the act of the people, speaking in their original character, and defining


If it is a separate being with it’s own unique dna and you feel it belongs to you or the state and you want to save it when a woman wants it removed from her body when she finds out it is there at six to 8 weeks - take it .

You are saying it is separate at conception- so take it / put it in your body and carry it to birth.

IF IT’s separate, why not?

nf.23.08.28 #10,615
So you don't like science? The Biology is that she carries it to birth that is how pro creation works if she doesn't want too, be responsible and do not become pregnant
bckvgn.23.08.13 #10,249
There are often conflicts between rights and between individuals. •••• For example, as I’ve maintained all along, the life of the mother (or even a genuine risk of significant health issues) supersedes the embryo’s right to live. Logic supports that.

Do you mean what you say in post #10,249 as follows?

“the life of the mother (or even a genuine risk of significant health issues) supersedes the embryo’s right to live” bckvgn​

Do you mean what you say in post #7,495

“Logically, the “right” to life begins when life itself begins at Conception.” bckvgn​
“Life begins at conception. This is a scientific fact. Ergo the right to life has to begin then.” bckvgn​
You have a conflict in your logic which means the conflict of rights by your logic can be morally resolved at the sole discretion of the ‘being’ with the higher value of life. Only the woman has consciousness and she is the only one to perceive the demise of her own life. Only she can act to protect her life by preventing gestation of the “it” in her body to proceeds to full term. . Women have the right to cease gestating a fetus if they decide to do it. Simple as that and you must agree unless your words mean nothing at all nf.23.08.29 #10,616
thssm.23.08.26 I’m curious ••>•• does that make? #10,564

nf.23.08.26 Black evangelicals do not ••>•• black voters in Fulton County, Georgia.
#10,566 to #10,564

nf.23.08.26 Black evangelicals do not ••>•• that white evangelicals do. #10,566 to #10,564

thssm.23,08,26 Are you suggesting ••>•• are pro life? #10,567 to #10,564

nf.23.08.26 Point One;
#10,572 to #10,567

You ask in post #10,564 why I favor one color of evangelical over another. You ask in post #10,564 what difference does that make?

Part of my answer in post #10,566 to your first question was that black evangelicals do not petition the government to force gestation on women in the way that white evangelicals do.

Do you agree that black Evangelicals are part of the entire voter population of black Americans who consistently vote 9 to 1 for Democrats for the past 60 years and vote pro-choice even if they believe the sanctity of life begins at conception and wouid not do what Herschel Walker does to unwanted fetuses?

My answer “Point One” in post #10,572 to #10,567 That I am myself opposed to ending gestation once it gets started if and when I am involved in starting it; I am quite certain is applicable to black evangelicals and every American who chooses to hav an opinion on the matter.

One can be opposed personally to abortion in our personal lives while also being opposed to state governments banning a medical health procedure in order to force gestation on women against their will,

nf.23.08.27 #10,609

Do you agree that black Evangelicals are part of the entire voter population of black Americans who consistently vote 9 to 1 for Democrats for the past 60 years and vote pro-choice even if they believe the sanctity of life begins at conception and wouid not do what Herschel Walker does to unwanted fetuses?

No, I don’t agree. I’ve not seen any statistics on this. I don’t know that black evangelicals vote a certain way, or that they vote a certain way based on a particular reason.

Perhaps you could provide these statistics?

Yes. If the Federal Government forbids slavery, the Federal Government can forbid abortion bans that force full term gestation on women who choose to end gestation before let’s say 21 weeks.

nf.23.08.27 #10,610

Ok, then the same authority you attribute to the federal government would also be the same authority that would allow them to give the decision to the states, right? It would also allow them to make national reciprocity the standard, right?

What other things can we get the federal government to force the states to do?

If it is about dependent life x inside independent life y whereas y ends life x because y did not want x inside y anymore; what harm comes to you if x and y is of no acquaintances to you when y ends the life of x?

nf..23.08.27 #10,611
but that isn’t the premise of my argument. My argument is whether or not the federal government has the authority to demand states allow abortions. According to my understanding of the tenth ammendment, it does not.

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