Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

mktxs.22.05.08 #2,260
Looks like roe v wade has been successfully aborted.
Felt good to be a Bible Thumper in our Christian Nation that day didn’t it. Praise Gawd! but wtf happened in Kansas Wisconsin and Ohio since then? Why are they voting 2 to 1 to secede from the Kingdom of God and convert our Christian Nation into an empire of Satan?


RvW Was in effect for 50 years, and I do not know of any single woman, individual citizen, who wanted to have a baby lost her right to have a baby on any day in any state nationwide.

So you tell me whose rights were trampled under RvW?


The rights of the baby? But then, you’ve already stated that the fetus has less value…I.e…it has no rights.

If abortion is your concern, then it is up to the people to petition their states to make sure abortion is allowed, it is not, however, a function of the federal government to mandate abortion onto the states.


I value independent life, same as you. Independent life includes those on any kind of life support in a condition, recognized under normal legal medical framework as having life sustaining brain activity. Independent life begin at the moment, a fetus transitions into an infant Which is separation from his mother.

As for unborn dependent life; embryonic and fetal life in the gestational phase of development; and which is outside my realm of responsibility for its existence; what civil duty do I have to place a value on it. It’s fate is none of my business and therefore it is of no interest if the state to intervene by depriving the pregnant woman of her inherent right to chose what shall be done with her body.

nf.23.08.27 #10,613

So we have a fundamental difference in what “life” is.

Regardless, where does the federal government derive its authority to mandate abortion onto the states?
thssm.23.08.29 #10,623
So we have a fundamental difference in what “life” is. •••• Regardless, where does the federal government derive its authority to mandate abortion onto the states?
No we do not have a difference in what life is. We have a problem that you ideologically insist alongside hundreds of thousands of sanctimonious right wing Bible Thumpers (without being one yourself perhaps), that women lose an equal right to a safe medical procedure to remove the potential risk of harm to their lives if an egg in their body is inseminated for hers and the pleasure of a man.

The Federal Government has never forced the medical procedure of abortion on any individuals who live in or visit any state.

The Federal Government does not force a safe medical procedure to exist. Human pursuit of life liberty in the pursuit of happiness and advances in medical snd other sciences in a free society where the individual is king.

The problem is that in deep red states, the individual is no longer king. Jesus is the king and people vote in droves against abortion as health care who are willfully subjected to the authority of Jesus Christ.

nf.23.08.28 #10,624
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The rights of the baby?
A baby conceived and under development in the womb in a nation where its birthright citizens have freedom of conscious will have whatever rights the consensus of the nation’s collective conscience bestows upon it.

The fetus has no rights except the rights bestowed upon it by its mother. That is where we are regarding unborn babies right to life. The right to life of babies who have become separated from their mother, have every bit of the right to life that every human being on earth deserves, a national consensus of conscience protect babies when they are born as universal and as solid as ever.

You must agree that this past year’s special votes in Kansas, Wisconsin, and most recently Ohio confirm exactly without question, but what I say is true.

nf.23.08.29 #10,625
mktxs.22.05.08 #2,260

Felt good to be a Bible Thumper in our Christian Nation that day didn’t it. Praise Gawd! but wtf happened in Kansas Wisconsin and Ohio since then? Why are they voting 2 to 1 to secede from the Kingdom of God and convert our Christian Nation into an empire of Satan?

I don't go church, butcher and I don't have a bible.
I don't go church, butcher and I don't have a bible.

I am certain that you don’t go to church in a physical way, but when it comes to sanctimonious Bible thumpers who demand the states where they live to pass laws to force full-term gestation on women; you are a Bible Thumping Goober in that sense.

So am I right about that?

Are you able to defend state laws that force full-term gestation on women apart from the reasons that right wing Bible thumpers justify it for Jesus?

nf.23.08.29 #10,627
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I am certain that you don’t go to church in a physical way, but when it comes to sanctimonious Bible thumpers who demand the states where they live to pass laws to force full-term gestation on women; you are a Bible Thumping Goober in that sense.

So am I right about that?

Are you able to defend state laws that force full-term gestation on women apart from the reasons that right wing Bible thumpers justify it for Jesus?

nf.23.08.29 #10,627
I was never part of passing any law for anything. You are a typical left stain. An idiot.
I was never part of passing any law for anything. You are a typical left stain. An idiot.
Have you ever voted for a Republican politician like Abbot?

Texas Governor Greg Abbott was the featured speaker at the recent Texas Rally for Life in front of the Texas capitol Saturday, celebrating a new Texas law that bans abortions. The heartbeat law has saved thousands of babies since it first went into effect in September, making Texas the first state to successfully ban abortions.​
The governor said he was delighted to sign the abortion ban into law.​
“There’s no freedom more precious than life itself,” Abbott told the enthusiastic crowd of several thousand pro-life advocates. “I promised to protect the life of a child with a heartbeat, and we did,” Abbott said. “I am proud to join you in this fight to protect the sanctity of life, and we did.”​
Have you ever voted for a Republican politician like Abbot?

Texas Governor Greg Abbott was the featured speaker at the recent Texas Rally for Life in front of the Texas capitol Saturday, celebrating a new Texas law that bans abortions. The heartbeat law has saved thousands of babies since it first went into effect in September, making Texas the first state to successfully ban abortions.​
The governor said he was delighted to sign the abortion ban into law.​
“There’s no freedom more precious than life itself,” Abbott told the enthusiastic crowd of several thousand pro-life advocates. “I promised to protect the life of a child with a heartbeat, and we did,” Abbott said. “I am proud to join you in this fight to protect the sanctity of life, and we did.”​
Dang this butcher admits wanting to kill children. Sick...
thssm.23.08.29 #10,623

No we do not have a difference in what life is. We have a problem that you ideologically insist alongside hundreds of thousands of sanctimonious right wing Bible Thumpers (without being one yourself perhaps), that women lose an equal right to a safe medical procedure to remove the potential risk of harm to their lives if an egg in their body is inseminated for hers and the pleasure of a man.

The Federal Government has never forced the medical procedure of abortion on any individuals who live in or visit any state.

The Federal Government does not force a safe medical procedure to exist. Human pursuit of life liberty in the pursuit of happiness and advances in medical snd other sciences in a free society where the individual is king.

The problem is that in deep red states, the individual is no longer king. Jesus is the king and people vote in droves against abortion as health care who are willfully subjected to the authority of Jesus Christ.

nf.23.08.28 #10,624

We have a problem that you ideologically insist alongside hundreds of thousands of sanctimonious right wing Bible Thumpers (without being one yourself perhaps),

Nope, has any argument I’ve made so far mentioned, at all, religion? I don’t believe religion should even be a consideration in the abortion debate, as not everyone is religious.

that women lose an equal right to a safe medical procedure to remove the potential risk of harm

I’ve never stated this to be the case. I think that women should be able to abort if it poses a risk to her life, and every state in the country has allowances for this.
Nope, has any argument I’ve made so far mentioned, at all, religion? I don’t believe religion should even be a consideration in the abortion debate, as not everyone is religious.

I’ve never stated this to be the case. I think that women should be able to abort if it poses a risk to her life, and every state in the country has allowances for this.
You don't have to be religious to oppose murder.
thssm.23.08.29 #10,623

No we do not have a difference in what life is. We have a problem that you ideologically insist alongside hundreds of thousands of sanctimonious right wing Bible Thumpers (without being one yourself perhaps), that women lose an equal right to a safe medical procedure to remove the potential risk of harm to their lives if an egg in their body is inseminated for hers and the pleasure of a man.

The Federal Government has never forced the medical procedure of abortion on any individuals who live in or visit any state.

The Federal Government does not force a safe medical procedure to exist. Human pursuit of life liberty in the pursuit of happiness and advances in medical snd other sciences in a free society where the individual is king.

The problem is that in deep red states, the individual is no longer king. Jesus is the king and people vote in droves against abortion as health care who are willfully subjected to the authority of Jesus Christ.

nf.23.08.28 #10,624

No we do not have a difference in what life is

Yes, we do. You believe “life” only comes from “brain waves” and from transference from the pre born stage to the post born stage. You believe that pre birth,”it” has little value.

I believe that it is life from conception, because, whatever you want to call it, is indeed alive and growing, it is a human being, even according to the articles you mention, and left to its natural course, will continue to grow and develop into a fetus, then a baby. That only comes from something that is alive.

But here’s the deal, my feelings, your feelings, they are irrelevant to the topic of abortion. In fact, I’ve been vocally supportive of abortion. Go back and search my posts. On several occasions, I’ve made it clear that, if you are a democrat and get pregnant, abortion should be strongly encouraged…like…as in a first option! But alas, my opinion isn’t at the heart of this debate. What is, however, is the constitution, and what the federal government is and is not allowed to do.

A baby conceived and under development in the womb in a nation where its birthright citizens have freedom of conscious will have whatever rights the consensus of the nation’s collective conscience bestows upon it.

The fetus has no rights except the rights bestowed upon it by its mother. That is where we are regarding unborn babies right to life. The right to life of babies who have become separated from their mother, have every bit of the right to life that every human being on earth deserves, a national consensus of conscience protect babies when they are born as universal and as solid as ever.

You must agree that this past year’s special votes in Kansas, Wisconsin, and most recently Ohio confirm exactly without question, but what I say is true.

nf.23.08.29 #10,625

If a driver has an at fault accident with a car with a pregnant woman, and causes her to lose the baby, is this murder? Let’s say they are drunk or texting or whatever.

Also, ill ask you for a 5th time…do you believe the federal government has a right to mandate national reciprocity?
On several occasions, I’ve made it clear that, if you are a democrat and get pregnant, abortion should be strongly encouraged…like…as in a first option!

I’ve made it clear that couples should not rely on abortion as a substitution for birth control. It is moral failure mostly for the man. But as a rational theist myself aa lover of liberty and freedom of conscience I don’t meddle using government force to legislate unnecessary laws in morality.

But I see you recognize the reality that no Republican should ever expect a Republican to win the popular vote for the Presidency.

But the problem with your plan is you’d have to begin at least twenty years ago and I don’t know how you will convince women who want to have a baby to abort it because you want to elect Republicans in the future who want to ban abortions. Seems absurd to me but most Republican thinking is absurd.

You know like the absurdity that Trump came up with a plan to have Mike Pence to refuse to count six states that Biden won on Jan6 and then declare the Trump/Pence ticket the winner so Trump could tell the millions of MAGA who were in DC to celebrate stopping the stesk

Two and a half years later MAGA is still being manipulated by the Orange Anti-Christ.

Zzzz. The Dims are all about Election Interference.

So J6 was just a keggar, not election interference?

Would have been a bit late seeing the election was in the previous November. Duh.

J6 was neither.

That's a good point. But is the election finished before the changing of the guard?

J6 was election interference on steroids and Trump told us he was interfering knowing all the networks cameras on the ellipse were on him When he said it

He told it in broad daylight he was committing a crime that involved Mike Pence and overturning an election when he was fired by the American People but didn’t want to leave the mansion on Pennsylvania Ave.

I watched his Jan6 speech and knew he was a criminal that day before his mob turned violent when he said this:

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] •>•• looked at Mike Pence, ••>•• Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN​

Trump said out in the open If Pence did the right thing Trump/Pence would win and his mob would be happy.

The trouble is on January 6. There was no constitutional legal means for Trump to win.

That was not a crime to say delusional shit in front of an angry mob; but Trump is being indicted because behind that speech was a criminal enterprise he led designed to overturn the election that he lost by fraud. He is being indicted for solicitation of election officials in seven states to break their oath of office to overturn the elections in those states. And on and on and on.


I’ve made it clear that couples should not rely on abortion as a substitution for birth control. It is moral failure mostly for the man. But as a rational theist myself aa lover of liberty and freedom of conscience I don’t meddle using government force to legislate unnecessary laws in morality.

But I see you recognize the reality that no Republican should ever expect a Republican to win the popular vote for the Presidency.

But the problem with your plan is you’d have to begin at least twenty years ago and I don’t know how you will convince women who want to have a baby to abort it because you want to elect Republicans in the future who want to ban abortions. Seems absurd to me but most Republican thinking is absurd.

You know like the absurdity that Trump came up with a plan to have Mike Pence to refuse to count six states that Biden won on Jan6 and then declare the Trump/Pence ticket the winner so Trump could tell the millions of MAGA who were in DC to celebrate stopping the stesk

Two and a half years later MAGA is still being manipulated by the Orange Anti-Christ.






J6 was election interference on steroids and Trump told us he was interfering knowing all the networks cameras on the ellipse were on him When he said it

He told it in broad daylight he was committing a crime that involved Mike Pence and overturning an election when he was fired by the American People but didn’t want to leave the mansion on Pennsylvania Ave.

I watched his Jan6 speech and knew he was a criminal that day before his mob turned violent when he said this:

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] •>•• looked at Mike Pence, ••>•• Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.​
All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN​

Trump said out in the open If Pence did the right thing Trump/Pence would win and his mob would be happy.

The trouble is on January 6. There was no constitutional legal means for Trump to win.

That was not a crime to say delusional shit in front of an angry mob; but Trump is being indicted because behind that speech was a criminal enterprise he led designed to overturn the election that he lost by fraud. He is being indicted for solicitation of election officials in seven states to break their oath of office to overturn the elections in those states. And on and on and on.


I’ve made it clear that couples should not rely on abortion as a substitution for birth control.

I agree

But as a rational theist myself aa lover of liberty and freedom of conscience I don’t meddle using government force to legislate unnecessary laws in morality.

I agree, the federal government is not the arbiter of morality, and I’m not arguing from a point of morals. I’m arguing from the point of what power does the federal government have to mandate to the states.

The 10th ammendment says any power not delegated by the constitution are reserved for the states and the people. What are the delegated powers? There are 18 of them. Beyond that, the states and the people have the say. If a state bans abortion, and the people don’t like
It, then they can petition their legislators to change it, and if they don’t, then they can vote them out in exchange for some who will.

But I see you recognize the reality that no Republican should ever expect a Republican to win the popular vote for the Presidency.

How did we go from abortion to this? Anyway, the answer here is, until they change the constitution, then, no, we don’t elect presidents based on popular vote.

But the problem with your plan is you’d have to begin at least twenty years ago and I don’t know how you will convince women who want to have a baby to abort it because you want to elect Republicans in the future who want to ban abortions.

Federally, I don’t want an abortion ban. It’s not their place. I also don’t agree with complete bans. I think there should be exceptions, for rape, incest and the health of the mother.

I also don’t agree with complete bans. I think there should be exceptions, for rape, incest and the health of the mother.
Why do you Saint-Me have standing to file a complaint against Jane Roe’s health choices who is if no relationship to you and who is a law abiding citizen who causes you no harm nor does she interfere whatsoever in your liberty when she decides to stop gestating a fetus at about the ninth week of her unwanted pregnancy.

It begs the question, if it is not about her morality living up to your utter most perfect and socially acceptable but not Christian morality then what is it?

I agree, the federal government is not the arbiter of morality, and I’m not arguing from a point of morals.

did the evangelicals influence the scotus decisions?
Absolutely! Originally white and black evangelicals supported RvW. Only some extremist Catholic intellectuals opposed it from the start.

Then politics and billions of rightwing religious dollars became involved and active for the purpose of trashing godless liberals who were destroying the Christian Nation that was founded by white European Christians under the direction of the one and only God as he tells in the Holy Bible that Thomas Jefferson cut out all the diamonds from the book he equated with a dung hill. Filthy rational theist that he was.

nf.20.01.15 #78 Jefferson was most comfortable with Deism, rational religion, and Unitarianism.[3] He was sympathetic to and in general agreement with the moral precepts of Christianity.[4] He considered the teachings of Jesus as having "the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man,"[5] yet he held that the pure teachings of Jesus appeared to have been appropriated by some of Jesus' early followers, resulting in a Bible that contained both "diamonds" of wisdom and the "dung" of ancient political agendas.[6]. Religious views of Thomas Jefferson - Wikipedia

In many respects abortion was an unlikely choice, because when the Roe v Wade decision was issued, most Protestant Republicans supported it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed resolutions in 1971 and 1974 expressing support for the liberalization of abortion law, and an editorial in their wire service hailed the passage of Roe v Wade, declaring that “religious liberty, human equality and justice are advanced by the Supreme Court abortion decision.”​
As governor of California, Ronald Reagan passed the most liberal abortion law in the country in 1967.
Conservative icon Barry Goldwater supported abortion law liberalization too, at least early in his career, and his wife Peggy was a cofounder of Planned Parenthood in Arizona.​
Yet abortion turned out to be the critical unifying issue for two fundamentally political reasons.​
How the Christian right took over the judiciary and changed America​
Leaders of the movement understood very well that if you can capture the courts, you can change society​

Sat 25 Jun 2022​
First, it brought together conservative Catholics who supplied much of the intellectual leadership of the movement with conservative Protestants and evangelicals.
see beagle9 Protestant
see Mashmont Catholic
Second, by tying abortion to the perceived social ills of the age – the sexual revolution, the civil rights movement, and women’s liberation – the issue became a focal point for the anxieties about social change welling up from the base.

Over time, pro-choice voices were purged from the Republican party. In her 2016 book, How the Republican Party Became Pro-Life, Phyllis Schlafly details the considerable effort it took, over several decades, to force the Republican party to change its views on the issue. What her book and the history shows is that the “pro-life religion” that we see today, which cuts across denominational boundaries on the political right, is a modern creation.​
Jerry Falwell speaks at Higher Ground Baptist church in Kingsport, Tennessee, in 1984. Photograph: Getty Images​
In recent decades, the religious right has invested many hundreds of millions of dollars developing a complex and coordinated infrastructure, whose features include rightwing policy groups, networking organizations, data initiatives and media. A critical component of this infrastructure is its sophisticated legal sphere.​
Movement leaders understood very well that if you can capture the courts, you can change society. Leading organizations include the Alliance Defending Freedom, which is involved in many of the recent cases intended to degrade the principle of church-state separation; First Liberty; Becket, formerly known as the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty; and the Federalist Society, a networking and support organization for rightwing jurists and their allies whose leader, Leonard Leo, has directed hundreds of millions of dollars to a network of affiliated organizations. This infrastructure has created a pipeline to funnel ideologues to important judicial positions at the national and federal level. Nearly 90% of Trump’s appellate court nominees were or are Federalist Society members, according to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and all six conservative justices on the supreme court are current or former members.​

Everything Trump is relevant to the Saving Baby Fetus in the Christian American nation versus the true religious freedom that our non-Christian Constitution guarantees which include bodily autonomy for women whether they are pregnant or not.

You favor taking it away with the Evangelicals backing you up / I oppose you on the grounds very simply that it is none of your business what a woman does with her own body for the security of her life liberty health and the pursuit of her happiness.

If you believe none of the above to be correct. Please advise with a high degree of reality-based specificity. Thank You.



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