Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


That choice of words means you have been sucked into the Saving Baby Fetus Cult which makes you an unsaved Hillbilly Christian on your way to burning in hell for all eternity unless you take Hillbilly Jesus as your lord and savior.

nf.23.09.08 #10,778
/----/ NEWS FLASH: You pathetic insults aren't changing anyone's mind.
/----/ NEWS FLASH: You pathetic insults aren't changing anyone's mind.

I realize that minds that give sway to white Christian nationalism and nourished with the false doctrines of the “saving baby fetus cult” have those beliefs engraved in stoned ignorance. Those minds will not change.

But as McKay Coppins writes at The Atlantic, "most white conservative Christians don't want piety from this president; they want power." In particular, they want the power of his judicial appointments, with the goal of overturning Roe v. Wade, writing their minority views into law for generations to come, even as their share of the population (though not the electorate) plummets.​
But somehow the population in general and the younger minds coming up behind the madness of Trumpism and the overturning of Roe versus Wade I am seeing rational minds prevail, over irrational, ignorance, and heartless hatred for secular multicultural American society.

Are the job decision achieved? What I know I personally couldn’t achieve before. The “saving baby fetus cult“ has been exposed forward to use a religious fanaticism as a means to achieving authoritarian religious rule in America. We are not having it.

nf.23.09.08 #10,782

I realize that minds that give sway to white Christian nationalism and nourished with the false doctrines of the “saving baby fetus cult” have those beliefs engraved in stoned ignorance. Those minds will not change.

But as McKay Coppins writes at The Atlantic, "most white conservative Christians don't want piety from this president; they want power." In particular, they want the power of his judicial appointments, with the goal of overturning Roe v. Wade, writing their minority views into law for generations to come, even as their share of the population (though not the electorate) plummets.​
But somehow the population in general and the younger minds coming up behind the madness of Trumpism and the overturning of Roe versus Wade I am seeing rational minds prevail, over irrational, ignorance, and heartless hatred for secular multicultural American society.

Are the job decision achieved? What I know I personally couldn’t achieve before. The “saving baby fetus cult“ has been exposed forward to use a religious fanaticism as a means to achieving authoritarian religious rule in America. We are not having it.

nf.23.09.08 #10,782
/----/ "“saving baby fetus cult”"
More of your childish insults. We could call yours a “killing baby cult,” but then we'd have to stoop to your level.

----/ "“saving baby fetus cult”"
More of your childish insults. We could call yours a “killing baby cult,” but then we'd have to stoop

But you would be lying about us. WHEN AN expectant mother stops gestating a fetus prior to 16 weeks because that medical procedure does not kill a baby. And if 15 weeks is the acceptable time frame for legal abortion then the joke is on the ‘saving baby fetus cult’ after all. If we are baby killers then most Republicans are baby killers as well.

nf.23.09.08 #10,784
Dobbs was a good decision because roe should have never happened. It was never the federal governments business to get involved.

Scotus said that women had a right to privacy and the left took that to mean that abortion was a constitutional right.

That should have always been a state decision.

A woman in Alabama is little different from one in Vermont.
" Threading The Eye Of A Needle Against Populism For Democracy As Tyranny By Collective Majority "

* Traitors To E Pluribus Unum Principles Of Individualism For US Republic *

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

That seems pretty straightforward to me.
Legal semantics may suggest straight forward deductions , but necessarily straight forward conclusions .

Clearly from us 9th and 10th amendments , wrights of powers not enumerated in the constitution are retained by the people , and those wrights of powers retained by the people can prohibit powers to the united states and to the states respectively .

* Straight Forward For Anti-federalism Anti-statism And Principles Of Individualism *

The constitutional basis for public policy on abortion is not " When does life begin ? " , rather the constitutional basis for public policy on abortion is " When does a state interest begin ? " .

As a state and the united states are comprised of individual citizens , whose constitutional protections are instantiated with a live birth requirement , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

Consequently , states are prohibited from proscribing abortion by powers retained by the people , though traitors falsely claim that non enumerated powers of the federal government to protect wrights of powers retained by the people against states is federalism .

The current narrative being forwarded by traitors to principles of us republic is that as public policy for abortion is not an enumerated in the constitution , either as a wright of power retained by the people , or as a power prohibited by the constitution to the states , then states are entitled to the power for determining public policy on abortion , irrespective of any consideration for wrights of power retained by the people to have an abortion .

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[7]

The First through Eighth Amendments address the means by which the federal government exercises its enumerated powers, while the Ninth Amendment addresses a "great residuum" of rights that have not been "thrown into the hands of the government", as Madison put it.[12]
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" Informed Consent Through Compelling Narratives "

* Realities Of Truth Seeking When Subject To Direct Public Feedback *

And these irrational mostly white Christian people want Trump to end the democracy that rational theists (Washington, Adams Jefferson Madison Paine and Franklin ) bequeathed to a hopefully educated and rational people.

Is it true that dissociated it from , though this moniker has had to berate periodically for its clueless blather about abortion . has been provided with #Truth interjections , and with links to a number of treatises provided by this moniker , though many on the forum are cowardly sheep who block unwanted commentaries .

The " constitutional originalism " trope receives great credit and blame for scotus issuing its ruling of sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments by dobbs .

However , the greatest credit and blame for the dobbs ruling rests with negligence and incompetence of the abortion choice trope and its legal team from , which maintained a secondary and incidental claim that abortion was based on a wright to privacy , and which did not present the actual constitutional basis for abortion as provided in roe v wade .

There is no money for lawyers , or charities , or political campaigns , or fee press , when abortion law is settled , and those opportunistic institutions are concerned with serving themselves rather than defending and securing wrights retained by the people .
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" Constitutional Stipulations Exist For Ensuring With Cause Abortion "

* Sentience And Live Birth Are Rhetorical Considering Developmental Anomalies *

But you would be lying about us. WHEN AN expectant mother stops gestating a fetus prior to 16 weeks because that medical procedure does not kill a baby. And if 15 weeks is the acceptable time frame for legal abortion then the joke is on the ‘saving baby fetus cult’ after all. If we are baby killers then most Republicans are baby killers as well.
nf.23.09.08 #10,784
It is not in the general nature for a would be mother to seek a 15 week abortion without cause , meaning that abortions in the second and third trimesters are not sought because the would be mother simply no longer wishes to continue a pregnancy to term , even through the pregnancy is without developmental anomalies .

So long as the contention over abortion remains in the realm of generalities and ambiguities of timeline for when " without cause " abortions and for when " with cause " abortions occur , the abortion anti-choice will continue to conjecture that second and trimester abortions occur " without cause " and thereby refuse to acknowledge the validity of " with cause " abortions , thereby perpetuating a scheme for an unsubstantiated agenda to issue debase dictates about abortion by baring false witness .

The abortion anti-choice trope of clown suits wants to prohibit any abortion , but it is most paranoid in generalizing " without cause " abortion , so as to prohibit an extremely outside chance that some retarded fuck would psychotically sacrifice a sentient fetus prior to live birth as a ritual , or in prohibiting an extremely outside chance that some would be mother would abort a fetus because her relationship ended .

An ending of a pregnancy due to a relationship with violence would naturally follow rigors of constitutional entitlement based on collective obligations of legislative bodies to facilitate safety and security for its individual citizens ; whereby , restraining an opportunity for an after life against deviance remains a legitimate legal and individidual entitlement to a would be mother through self ownership and self determination elements from principles of individualism .

An option to foster an opportunity for an after life of a diploid through an anonymous adoption program , for a pregnancy without developmental anomalies , for a pregnancy where a fetus has developed a capacity to survive an imminent live birth at natural viability , which blackmun referred to as " potential life " , could be determined by states in the third trimester , as per a wise dome from roe v wade .

The timeline onset for sentience in a fetus is concomitant with the timeline onset for natural viability .
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The constitutional basis for public policy on abortion is not " When does life begin ? " , rather the constitutional basis for public policy on abortion is " When does a state interest begin ? " .

Answer to when does a state interest begin is when public safety is in involved as if the medical procedure causes undue and unreasonable harm to a patient - so NEVER.

Dobbs was a good decision because roe should have never happened.

Medical procedures are private matters, are they not? Why is abortion different?

I have never been in favor of abortion in my personal relationships and I’ve made sure I will never ever be responsible for an unwanted pregnancy; but I accept that the state does not have and should not aspire to have the right to inflict childbirth on a woman who does not want to give birth a child.

Abortions are legal and being protected in rationally governed states where they are safe, sanitary and unstigmatizing, States must be returned to bring united on safe legal and “early” as Sean Hannity now says.

The moral dilemma over when the unborn attain the rights of a person that supersede the rights of a woman over her own physical person is not resolved by biological or political science and should never be forced by a tyranny of a religious majority on a woman to grant her fetus an immediate right to life beginning at conception.

RvW produced a common sense morally acceptable compromise on that moral dilemma that stood for fifty years.

It should never have been torn down by the “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” because without detectable exception all elective abortions take place prior to the 16th week of pregnancy.

And those with a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at conception are at liberty to take their conceptions to full term
If they do choose.


Answer to when does a state interest begin is when public safety is in involved as if the medical procedure causes undue and unreasonable harm to a patient - so NEVER.


Medical procedures are private matters, are they not? Why is abortion different?

I have never been in favor of abortion in my personal relationships and I’ve made sure I will never ever be responsible for an unwanted pregnancy; but I accept that the state does not have and should not aspire to have the right to inflict childbirth on a woman who does not want to give birth a child.

Abortions are legal and being protected in rationally governed states where they are safe, sanitary and unstigmatizing, States must be returned to bring united on safe legal and “early” as Sean Hannity now says.

The moral dilemma over when the unborn attain the rights of a person that supersede the rights of a woman over her own physical person is not resolved by biological or political science and should never be forced by a tyranny of a religious majority on a woman to grant her fetus an immediate right to life beginning at conception.

RvW produced a common sense morally acceptable compromise on that moral dilemma that stood for fifty years.

It should never have been torn down by the “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” because without detectable exception all elective abortions take place prior to the 16th week of pregnancy.

And those with a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at conception are at liberty to take their conceptions to full term
If they do choose.

/----/ "Medical procedures are private matters, are they not? Why is abortion different?"
Who asks the baby what he or she wants?
"Hey kid, - you wanna live or you wanna die?
Who asks the baby what he or she wants?
"Hey kid, - you wanna live or you wanna die?

There is no baby to ask. An underdeveloped fetus has no brain and no consciousness so it cannot answer the question you ask, So
If you ask the mother she has the only right to decide, So what is your point?

One of five conceptions is spontaneously aborted in a miscarriage:

A miscarriage is the unplanned loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of pregnancy. At least 10 to 15% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage, but experts say the actual rate of miscarriage is probably greater because some miscarriages occur before women even realize they are pregnant.
So there could be up to half of all human fertilizations that end up in spontaneous abortion known as miscarriage.

Are you going to ask each one if they want to live or die

There is no baby to ask. An underdeveloped fetus has no brain and no consciousness so it cannot answer the question you ask, So
If you ask the mother she has the only right to decide, So what is your point?

One of five conceptions is spontaneously aborted in a miscarriage:

A miscarriage is the unplanned loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of pregnancy. At least 10 to 15% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage, but experts say the actual rate of miscarriage is probably greater because some miscarriages occur before women even realize they are pregnant.
So there could be up to half of all human fertilizations that end up in spontaneous abortion known as miscarriage.

Are you going to ask each one if they want to live or die
/---/ You gonna say that every pregnant woman can only have a Fetus Shower?
They are fetuses, not babies.
The mother is more important than the fetus.
The mother and her doctor are the one to decide.



Said no person EVER who did not intend to KILL that baby.

nf.23.07.14 9,723

Is it unlawful or any of your business if a woman who wants not to be pregnant refers to the living human organism that has no brain as “baby” or as a “fetus” if she decides to kill it before the organism has its own brain?

You gonna say that every pregnant woman can only have a Fetus Shower?

I do not consider it to ever to be my business what a pregnant woman refers to as the ‘developing life within’ during the earliest stages of “having a baby”.

I am not in the “saving baby fetus cult” - you are. With Saint Unkotare.

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" Reasonable Legal Stipulations For Negative And Positive Wrights Expected "

* No Such Thing As Not Ever Given Significant Risk Factors *

Answer to when does a state interest begin is when public safety is in involved as if the medical procedure causes undue and unreasonable harm to a patient - so NEVER.
Any perceived offenses against a zygote , an embryo , or a fetus , are in fact offenses against the mother .

As per roe v wade decision , abortion procedures in first trimester were safe and decisions were between the doctor and patient ; currently pregnancies terminated in the first trimester occur by medication , which are referred to as medical abortions .

As per roe v wade decision , states could legislate restrictions on abortion procedures to ensure their safety and security ; currently pregnancies terminated in the second or third trimester most often occur by dilation and curettage , which are referred to as surgical abortions that could include significant risk factors and requiring consumer protection to minimize patient risk .

Thus state interest for the welfare of the mother begins whenever significant risk to safety or security to maternal health exists .

The roe v wade decision to substitute natural viability in lieu of a live birth requirement , based on an ability of a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , was issued as allowable contexts of considerations for " without cause " abortions .

The roe v wade opinion did not address whether states could proscribe " with cause " abortion in the third trimester , where significant developmental anomalies in the fetus exist .
" An Invalid Question Begs For An Impossible Answer "

* Subjective Realism Of Objective Conditions *

/----/ "Medical procedures are private matters, are they not? Why is abortion different?"
Who asks the baby what he or she wants?
"Hey kid, - you wanna live or you wanna die?
An onset for a physical capacity for sentience is necessary for cognitive objection , whereby a conjecture to address a mind of a fetus - with a question about its own survival , could be expected to illicit an answer .

Fetal awareness of noxious stimuli requires functional thalamocortical connections. Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks. For fetal surgery, women may receive general anesthesia and/or analgesics intended for placental transfer, and parenteral opioids may be administered to the fetus under direct or sonographic visualization. In these circumstances, administration of anesthesia and analgesia serves purposes unrelated
to reduction of fetal pain, including inhibition of fetal movement, prevention of fetal hormonal stress responses, and induction of uterine atony.
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That choice of words means you have been sucked into the Saving Baby Fetus Cult which makes you an unsaved Hillbilly Christian on your way to burning in hell for all eternity unless you take Hillbilly Jesus as your lord and savior.

nf.23.09.08 #10,778
Look at the moron trying to justify killing unborn children. Enjoy your eternity in hell. Your laziness does not rub off onto the general population.
" Challenged With Opportunity To Express Musing Through Common Terminology "

* Dichotomy Of A Republic Founded On Individualism And Equal Protection Of Negative Liberty Versus A Democracy Founded On Authoritarianism Determination By A Collective Posturing Unequal Endowment Of Positive Liberty *

Look at the moron trying to justify killing unborn children. Enjoy your eternity in hell. Your laziness does not rub off onto the general population.
Please justify whether " without cause " and " with cause " abortions would be relevant , as part of yearn considerations about their occurrence for first , second and third trimester abortions .

A " without cause " abortion is an elective abortion occurring prior to most " with cause " abortions , for which no claim of " with cause " is forthcoming , and where " with cause " abortions occur due to developmental abnormalities , whether in the fetus or mother , which are most often diagnosed by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy , that is codependent on the availability of prenatal care .
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" Correct That A Would Be Mother Is Entitled To Legal Elements From Principles Of Non Violence And Individualism "

* Post Twenty Nine Of Demand Any Nomination For Us Supreme Court Justice Explain Blackmun ' Logically , Of Course ' Statement From Roe V Wade *

Nope. Mom's decision, not yours, not ever.
A fetus not having been born is without constitutional protections and is private property of the mother , and any perceived offenses against the fetus are in fact offenses against the mother , whereby penalties may be applied as prescribed by law .
/----/ NEWS FLASH: You pathetic insults aren't changing anyone's mind.
The only way they change minds is through force... Why do they always target government whether it's with a soft coup or with a hard coup ? Because that's where their power has laid since the 1960s. They've become very aware and astute as to what government (especially a corrupt controlled government), can do for them.

When Trump wanted to put America first, they were duped by the rich establishment to make war with Trump, and make war with anyone else that supported such non-sense (called that by design), that Trump was spouting.

A little story - Back before Trump, Americans had been watching their lower and middle class worker's being destroyed due to unfair labor competition, and unfair labor practices supported by the wealthy class. The claims were - "hey they're just doing the Jobs that Americans won't do". I call bull shite big time, because prior to the illegal invasion supported, aided, and a bedded by the rich elites, America always supported family, hard work, American made, and education.

Then came the invasion of illegals set to begin a slow march into every labor intensive plant job, construction job, farming job, landscaping job, vegetation control jobs, carpentry jobs, and many more, and yet all in which were done by Americans with a little help mixed in until greed took over by the wealthy who wanted more and more and more.

Next we have Americans being shunned, and illegals being hired and promoted for the jobs, and this was because they were yes hard workers, but the main attraction is that they were easily controlled, and worked for pennies on the dollar. After year's of this Trump and other's saw the huge decline in American labor, family, stability, skills and workmanship, along with pride and patriotism among the Americans.

So he ran on a MAGA platform in order to right the ship, bring jobs back for all Americans, and build the wall as a symbol or message to our own elites that no longer will you throw this nation out of balance like that again. It all ends now. Well you must know how this infuriated the likes of a Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, the Mit Romney types, and on and on and on into the deep state of illegal worker supporters, foreign government Shake Downer's and etc it all went.

So what does these types do ? Well they undermine their own country for self gotten gain, while hanging Americans out to dry.. Fact.

Ok, back to the illegal worker's.

Well the Trump administration started moving them out, and Americans began going back to work. Hundred's of thousands of poor white's and black's got their Jobs back again, and America began to lift itself up (float all boat's again), until it happened - the foolish riots started, the pandemic hit, and a suspect election happened.

Biden takes over, and instantly goes to work to restore the cheap illegal labor markets for the rich, and started destroying Americans who prospered under MAGA, and better yet prospered due to a stabilized economy getting better by the day.

I watched poultry plants began to get fined and outed for working illegals, and soon you were seeing a huge transition back to American labor in construction and in many other labor intensive jobs. This trend was gaining huge ground under MAGA, where poor blacks and White Americans started working again and contributing, otherwise instead of feeling hopeless as the drug lord's began to meet their every need under Obama and now Biden.

Now everywhere I look I see Mexicans or migrants that are probably illegal, once again working thousands of jobs that were once being filled with patriotic Americans who want to work.

The biggest con this nation has ever seen or experienced is happening right now under this Administration, and all any young black or white up and coming person needs to realize, is that they aren't wanted anymore, so just go on and call your local drug dealer so you can forget about it all. Hey that's what they want. Look at the underbelly, and you can read this stuff like a book.

Trump's biggest mistake was believing in America, and thinking that he could right this ship, and yet he couldn't do it because it's probably way to far gone now.

So the illegal migrants are back, and they are taking Americans job's faster than a speeding bullet, whilst the Americans become huge drug addicts and worthless because of it all.

Wake the heck up American's, because these people no longer have your best interest at heart. Fact.
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