Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Look, the race card can't be thrown at everything dummy.
The Republican Party is 90% lily white for a reason.

Mississippi just elected it’s first LGTBQ state legislator. He is a Democrat and he is black and pro/choice.

You will cite that as civilization going to hell and America being destroyed because you support white Christian nationalism when you vote for Republicans and are a very deep into the Saving Baby Fetus Cult.

You are a racist as a minimum when you support Trump after Jan6 he and when his mob blatantly tried to deprive Biden voters of their choice to represent the mist multiracial, multicultural political party in the world in American government.

You can’t hide your racism by hiding behind a mugshot of Trump as a religious icon of white nationalist Christian religion.
Scotus said that women had a right to privacy and the left took that to mean that abortion was a constitutional right. •••• That should have always been a state decision
States do not make decisions on the existence of an individual’s right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness when an individual pursues happiness according to their conscience that does not interfere with any other life liberty and pursuit of happiness of any other born individual.

The USSC could have backed precedent that privacy does protect a right to a medical procedures if public safety and individual rights of all persons in the state are not harmed. They could have told Mississippi that they were standing by precedent because Mississippi could not provide standing fir any person outside the body of the woman having an abortion is harmed by that procedure,

nf.23.08.09 #10,822
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Have you ever expressed an apology that you’d like to convey to Ruby Freeman and her daughter for what Trump and his criminal enterprise did to them?

You are a racist, so you can’t
We know who the white liberal race baiting racist is here, and it isn't me. That leaves you.
The Republican Party is 90% lily white for a reason.

Mississippi just elected it’s first LGTBQ state legislator. He is a Democrat and he is black and pro/choice.

You will cite that as civilization going to hell and America being destroyed because you support white Christian nationalism when you vote for Republicans and are a very deep into the Saving Baby Fetus Cult.

You are a racist as a minimum when you support Trump after Jan6 he and when his mob blatantly tried to deprive Biden voters of their choice to represent the mist multiracial, multicultural political party in the world in American government.

You can’t hide your racism by hiding behind a mugshot of Trump as a religious icon of white nationalist Christian religion.
Keep talking you lying nut job... You are so stupid that you don't even remember the time when you claimed to be anything but a leftist liberal, yet you are worked right into your skin thus revealing that you are the very thing that you claimed you aren't. ROTFLMBO 🤣

Keep talking nut job, we are laughing at your bull shite constantly.
Have you ever expressed an apology that you’d like to convey to Ruby Freeman and her daughter for what Trump and his criminal enterprise did to them?

You are a racist, so you can’t
Who is Ruby Freeman let alone her daughter ? I'll look it up.
I tend to ignore Trump and Biden and focus on the future, because those two are not the future.

Are you ignoring millions MAGA voters who continue to support apparently into the future their leader even though when he was in the highest position of power in America he led a criminal enterprise for the purpose of staying in power beyond the Constitutional deadline that is set when a first term president loses his request to the voters to serve a second term?

Do you think MAGA subversion of our democratic institutions goes away if Trump goes away?
One of the most egregious aspects of this whole ordeal with Republican operatives trying to overturn the election has been the way a sitting US president targeted and demonized random citizens who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG but be two black women in a majority black precinct; doing their public service of being election workers. The only reason buckdancing c00ns like Trevian Kutti tried to threatened these women by saying they were in danger and were going to be arrested in 48 hours - is because of Rudy and Trump targeting these ladies. Trevian should know better, Trevian should know the history of how people were bullied, intimidated and killed by CONSERVATIVES for being involved in the voting process - and not a single Trumper is going to give A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT HER after this point.

Trump is the only president since the Jim Crow era to so openly try to throw out the LEGAL VOTES of black voters in majority black precincts like Wayne County in Michigan, the 14th district in Pennsylvania, Milwaukee county in Wisconsin and Fulton county in Georgia -- with the help of folks like Jenna Ellis -- who also is indicted.

"While Biden won Black voters overwhelmingly across the country, they were key to his victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia — places where President Trump and his allies have been targeting ballots in cities with large Black populations in an attempt to overturn the president's defeat and retain power. To many civil rights advocates, this is another grim chapter in what they see as an expansive, decades-long effort by Republicans to gain more power by suppressing the votes of people of

Who is Ruby Freeman let alone her daughter ?

Do you know who the white Christian nationalist and Saving Baby Fetus cult leadership figure Jenna Ellis is?

Are you ignoring millions MAGA voters who continue to support apparently into the future their leader even though when he was in the highest position of power in America he led a criminal enterprise for the purpose of staying in power beyond the Constitutional deadline that is set when a first term president loses his request to the voters to serve a second term?

Do you think MAGA subversion of our democratic institutions goes away if Trump goes away?
First you must talk about Democrat subversion of our political institutions, but of course you knucklehead's ignore that in your hatred of Donald J. Trump. TDS is definitely real with you guy's, so get help fast
Do you know who the white Christian nationalist and Saving Baby Fetus cult leadership figure Jenna Ellis is?

Look, these links or information will have to be vetted during the trial if there ever is one, because it's gotten to the point that anything can be twisted and manipulated outside of that.

If Trump and his team smelled a possible rat, then whose to say that it wasn't right to try and out a possible rat ? Of course due to the hardened leftist supporter's that are against Trump, they always will come running to the rescue of anyone that was the target of being investigated by the Trump administration for possible nefarious activities.

Are you ignoring millions MAGA voters who continue to support apparently into the future their leader even though when he was in the highest position of power in America he led a criminal enterprise for the purpose of staying in power beyond the Constitutional deadline that is set when a first term president loses his request to the voters to serve a second term?

Do you think MAGA subversion of our democratic institutions goes away if Trump goes away?
Yes and yes.
Do we aspire for our children to work the jobs that people who are milling about the Home Depot parking lot at 5AM do under the table? Does anyone think that is the future of the American economy?
" Enforcement Of Equitable Doctrine In Accordance With A Live Birth Requirement For Equal Protection Prohibits States From Proscribing Abortion "

* Uprooting The Ridiculous *

This is exactly right.
First , an article of fact may either be true , or false , or correct , or incorrect , whereas attempting to apply the term right as being analogous with correct , or incorrect , or as an article of fact , is degenerative application of correct diction - .

* Congress Created Us 14th Amendment And Live Birth Requirement To Be A Citizen *
The enumerated powers is not a list by which to judge all the rights afforded to the people. The 18 specified powers are a list of delegated federal powers, which are the powers assigned to the federal government, and are the ones referred to in the tenth ammendment.
The " 18 " enumerate powers apply to congress , which has ratified us 14th amendment from which a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen follows .

The enumerated powers of Congress are laid in out in Section 8 of the Article I. The eighteen enumerated powers are explicitly stated in Article I, Section 8.
4. Establish citizenship naturalization laws
18 . Authority to create laws that are necessary and proper to carry out the laws of the land

Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 is known as the Necessary and Proper Clause which gives Congress the authority to create any laws that are necessary and proper to carry out the enumerated powers of the Constitution.

* Scotus Of Dumbfounded Jurisprudence Needs Someone To Explain Logically Of Course - Oh How Pathetic ! *
The 9th ammendment simply says that because a right is not enumerated, it doesn’t mean the federal government can disparage people from other right, (and then the 10th amendment), but only the powers delegated to the federal government by the constitution (the 18 enumerated power) are valid, everything else is left to the states and the people.
A citizen of the united states is also a citizen of a state in which one resides , and live birth is a requirement to become a citizen in either .

As congress has ratified us 14th amendment , the stipulation for live birth for equal protection with a citizen is implicit , and dobbs is dumbfounded sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments .

" Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth. " - blackmun , roe v wade .

* All Eat Toe Babbling As Pretentious Traitorous Imbecile *
" Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on pre-viability abortions. The Court did not explain the basis for this line, and even abortion supporters have found it hard to defend Roe’s reasoning. "

* Dobbs Sedition Supported By Traitorous Ignorance To Principles Of Us Republic *

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If it comes down to Biden and Trump again, we as a nation have much bigger issues than January 6th.

Yes and yes.

I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.

What bigger issue is there than protecting multi-racial and multi-cultural voters from a former President who as leader of the mostly white conservative culture warring Republican Party, that criminally attempted to disenfranchise them with a plot to block the peaceful transfer of power to the Democratic Party that was certified the winner in all fifty states three weeks before January 6, 2021?

Can’t you see the harm that Trump has done to this country through the window of Ruby Freeman’s lawsuit as is captured in my post #520
Do you believe free enterprise should apply to a service that improves health by removing a biological condition that could cause premature death?
A biological condition... 😂

You are truly a nefarious individual. lol

Have you gone and protested the judges homes yet or do you just sit at your computer instigating or cheering that sort of thing ?
Have you gone and protested the judges homes yet
No. I’d only go there to thank them for exposing that they believe the most important document that needs to be adhered to is the Holy Bible over and above the United States Constitution. We didn’t know that about them before Dobbs. Yes the white Christian nationalists interpretation of your Holy Book and salutation to the Old South Confederate Constitution.

Did you figure out who Ruby Freeman is yet. If not see my post nf.23.09.10 #520
What bigger issue is there than protecting multi-racial and multi-cultural voters from a former President who as leader of the mostly white conservative culture warring Republican Party, that criminally attempted to disenfranchise them with a plot to block the peaceful transfer of power to the Democratic Party that was certified the winner in all fifty states three weeks before January 6, 2021?

Can’t you see the harm that Trump has done to this country through the window of Ruby Freeman’s lawsuit as is captured in my post #520
Trump won’t bring down a nation, we are much stronger then that.

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