Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

No one says we have to “unite with Russia” whatever that means. We just don’t need to go to war with them.
The problem you have Saint Thehawk is that you agree with Putin’s objective that he announced at the G20 Summit in 2019.

You want male white authoritarian Christian rule in America as well. Putin is your liberal-crushing dreamboat.

The liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades is “obsolete,” •••• Speaking to the FT on the eve of the G20 summitin Osaka, Japan, during which world leaders will discuss trade, security and other matters, Putin said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” and “come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population. “ vldmrpvtvn.19.06.28​
We are not funding a war. We are funding the defense of the liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades against a murderous fascist dictator who has the support of Trump and his movement; who want to see a strongman crush liberal democracy from within here in America as well.

The way to help Putin is to cut American Funding to Ukraine and surrender to Putin by withdrawing from NATO. Surrendering to Putin when he’s getting his ass kicked makes absolutely no sense.

nf.23.10.10 #11,341
Ukraine elected Zelensky because he promised peace. Yet the US and NATO nations refuse to allow him to negotiate peace. Kiev has been bombing “Ukrainians” in Eastern Ukraine since 2014. How is that not war crimes?

How has electing a Jewish president worked out for the Christians of Ukraine? He sold out to the American war machine and has sent hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to their deaths. He sees them all as Goyim.

No one says we have to “unite with Russia” whatever that means. We just don’t need to go to war with them.
All you Commie freaks are lovers of murder.
nf.23.10.10 #11,341 You want male white authoritarian Christian rule in America as well. Putin is your liberal-crushing dreamboat.

thvhwk.23.10.10 #11,342 So what should rule America? Atheists? Jews? Muslims? Pedophile Satanic cult?

The voters. Be they Americans Christian; American Atheist, American Muslims, American Jews, American whatevers.

Our founding generation rejected all medieval Christianity, medieval Catholicism and medieval Mohammadusm. So anything medieval like white Christian nationalism should not be given power by the voters.
dehumanize human life
Any honest and halfway intelligent person knows that I was saying you were lying about me.

You are skipping steps. Before we can get to that discussion, first we must determine that abortion does indeed end the life of a specific, genetically distinct, new human being.
Saint Ding does not allow into this discussion any further distinct characteristics of a genetically distinct new human being. We must KEEP OUT! all biological scientific pre-birth distinctions such as every new human being cannot survive outside the womb until it has reached a stage of minimal “viability” . ( see dvng.17.04.19 #319 )

Viability occurs at around 21 weeks with is fetuses own brain and neurological development whereby rudimentary independent consciousness has become a functional addition to a potential independent new life.

It is estimated that Nature aborts as many as half of all the new genetically DNA distinct new innocent human beings with no brain or consciousness for up to twenty weeks. But Saint Ding fails to “humanize” all the billions, if not trillions, of aturally dead new genetically DNA distinct new innocent human beings since humankind began begetting offspring.

How many human beings has Saint Ding’s sexual gratification involving his seed and a vagina caused to die and end up in a landfill of sewage plant to spend eternity with Saint Ding’s God. Perhaps Saint Ding needs to seek atonement for his dehumanizing sins. Unless he follows the choice of Catholic Priests who abstain from sex with women at least.

dvng.23.10.09 #297 to ftfnndn.23.10.09
#296 “You need to dehumanize human life to rationalize ending it and feel good
about doing so.”

dvng.17.10.05 #444 “You are making an arbitrary designation for the explicit purpose of justifying a wrong as a right. You need to see them as less than human and you know it.”

dvng.23.10.07 #569 “How does it feel to go through such an elaborate rationalization to justify the dehumanization of human life just so you can feel better about your beliefs”

dvng.23.11.30 #409 It is an attempt to dehumanize life in the womb for the express purpose of ending it.

dvng.17.10.06 #469 “You dehumanize human life because you are too much of a pussy to say you support doing something that at its core is wrong”

dvng.17.04.15 #64 “Thank you for proving my point.”

dvng..17.04.15 As long as you and people like you continue to dehumanize babies in the womb, abortion will continue.
'Less Than Human': The Psychology Of Cruelty

dvng.17.02.24 #9 Do you ever dehumanize people for reasons other than skin color?

dvng.17.04.13 #269 “You dehumanize human life to rationalize that wrong is right.”

dvng.17.04.19 #319 “Stop making up science. Viability is not in the definition of being alive, dumbass.”

dvng.17.04.20 #340 My argument stands on reason and science. It is your argument that stands on emotion.

This is Catholic emotion propaganda from the Saving Baby Fetus priesthood of saints cult:
Only to you because you are a dumbass. Tell me... was this "fetus" viable, dumbass?

"Warning Graphic Image"

nf.23.10.11 #11,345
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Socialism is evil
dvng.17.01.25 #226 Socialism is evil because it is secretive in nature, it defies examination and offers no clear socialism of socialism. Therefore, socialism is based on deceit. As such, socialism is inherently evil.

dvng.17.01.22 #135 trvmp “Not really. The first step is to dehumanize them.”

the faith of another
dvng.17.01.16 #23 “But as long as I remember that its adherents are human beings just like me, I don't need to fail miserably at it. Which is why I try to view their beliefs in the best light possible.”​

Except when human beings do not adhere to his highest moral order from Rome that the sanctity of life begins at conception and all conceptions need take place in the Phyllis Schlafly ideal type of Catholic devoted family.

Saint Ding cannot accept that ideal Jewish parents locked into holy matrimony can accept the Rabbinical guidance that the sanctity of life for civilized societies can begin at first breath. Saint Ding must accuse Jews of dehumanizing Baby Fetus because they fail to allow the bright Catholic light shining of the modern scientific proof that DNA provides into their old Jewish eyes.

Saint Ding fails miserably at being human in the American sense of being human in a nation where protected freedom of conscience and expression was a high if not the highest guiding light of our founding generation.

It isn't about religion.
dvng.17.02.25 #81 “It isn't about religion. We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is not in society's best interest to normalize deviance (i.e. lower a standard). The standard is marriage is between a man and a woman. Religion did not establish the rule, nature did.​
As a rule it is in the best interest of children and society to have families which have a male and female role model. Just look at what happened to the black community from the 1930's to the 1960's. They were decimated because they did not have a nuclear family. Does that mean there are no exceptions to the rule? No. It means that as a rule our society will suffer fewer negative consequences by maintaining the highest standard possible. This same argument applies to all behavioral conduct within a shared society.​
Virtue is the greatest organizing principle in any society and leads to harmony within the society. It is not virtuous to force society to define the rule for the exception just because someone wants his exception to be normalized and validated. Just like it is not virtuous for someone to dehumanize someone else for their exception. It seems to me that don't ask don't, tell is a good compromise. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.”​

In Saint Ding’s moral universe “It isn't about religion” except when it always is.

America was designed of the individual by the individual and for the individual to be protected from harm from other individuals foreign and domestic who would do “we the people” harm.

American enforcement of civility in a shared society with shared consequences has no interest in regulating any behaviors that occur between consenting adults.

Slaves were never consenting adults.

All Americans like Saint Ding are free to join like-minded individuals to establish moral boundaries that promote maintaining the highest standard for themselves possible be they Amish, Catholic, Atheist or Jew when they enterprise in a shared multicultural multiracial nation like ours.

The duty of government is to keep these groups from harming each other. That’s it. The government is expressly forbidden from determining which group promotes the most virtue as to be the greatest organizing principle that will lead to the greatest harmony within the society.

Ding violates the The First Principle of “hands off the law abiding individual” type if governing when he supports a state government’s authority to ban or restrict the medical procedure of abirtion for authoritarian social engineering projects answerable to the Vatican government instead of our own.

nf.23.10.11 #11,347
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I don't condemn anyone.​
Isn't the lesser of two evils the moral choice. Would you condemn someone for choosing the lesser of two evils?

dvng.23.10.11 #339 I see the lesser of two evils as the lesser of two evils. That doesn't make it good only better than the other choice. •••• I don't condemn anyone. I can judge behaviors and actions better than I can judge the person. Judging people is a slippery slope.​
Saint Ding condemns every female human being who gets pregnant without intent of being a Phyllis Schlafly homemaker and/or did not use a proper contraceptive device or pill, or does not chose a proper sperm spewing father figure to have sex with, when he posts beliefs such as this;

dvng.22.08.11 #4,566
That's up to each state to decide.
Saint Ding judges every single pro/choice American to be inferior to his superior sense of morality for saving Baby Fetus from the cruel punishment of death. He grants authority to white Christian model society states to submit to the whim of the tyranny of the majority who demand the medical procedure of abortion be banned in their state. Jezebels can leave. It is white Christian Social utopian Engineering that is acceptable to Saint Ding.

Don’t let him get away with denying it.

Roe v Wade was not judgmental - Saint Ding had every opportunity to defend it, but then he can’t defend Trump on abortion.

nf.23.10.11 #11,348
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dvng.23.10.11 #339 I see the lesser of two evils as the lesser of two evils. That doesn't make it good only better than the other choice. •••• I don't condemn anyone. I can judge behaviors and actions better than I can judge the person. Judging people is a slippery slope.​
Saint Ding condemns every female human being who gets pregnant without intent of being a Phyllis Schlafly homemaker and/or did not use a proper contraceptive device or pill, or does not chose a proper sperm spewing father figure to have sex with, when he posts beliefs such as this;

dvng.22.08.11 #4,566

Saint Ding judges every single pro/choice American to be inferior to his superior sense of morality for saving Baby Fetus from the cruel punishment of death. He grants authority to white Christian model society states to submit to the whim of the tyranny of the majority who demand the medical procedure of abortion be banned in their state. Jezebels can leave. It is white Christian Social utopian Engineering that is acceptable to Saint Ding.

Don’t let him get away with denying it.

Roe v Wade was not judgmental - Saint Ding had every opportunity to defend it, but then he can’t defend Trump on abortion.

nf.23.10.11 #11,348
Let's see what ding has to say.
It’s only people who need to dehumanize the unborn child that refer to them as a fetus.
The only people entitled to refer to a fetus as a baby are the human beings who are involved as parents and the close people they let into their private life who know about it.

About eleven months ago my wife and I visited our daughter and son in law in California and were given the news she had just tested positive in a pregnancy test. They told us we were the only ones to know and wanted not a word said to anyone until my daughter was certain that she was going to have a baby. The image in the ultrasound looks like a cashew so that is what we called it. “Cashew” among the four of us..

His parents were not in the loop as was their mutual request.

But the best news was they wanted to move back to the East Coast and be with family if the pregnancy goes well. It is her first.

So we started making the move happen - We bought a fourth property for them to move into to start a family.

We got them safely moved and we now have our little granddaughter in our lives.

I’m retired but my wife is not so I am grandpa day-care now that both the parents are back to work full time.

I cannot tell you what a joy little Cashew has briught to my life. I sing the lullaby “Summertime” from the musical Porgy and Bess when she is cradled in my arms and she will be sound asleep in three minutes.

My daughter is pro/choice and when Saint Ding suffers the craving to dehumanize her for her normal human belief, he needs to get a fucking life on planet real.

nf.23.10.11 #11,350

Voting Begins in Ohio in the Only Election This Fall To Decide Abortion Rights pblshd Ohiovbrtn.23.10.11
AP VoteCast polling last year found that 59% of Ohio voters say abortion should generally be legal. Ohiovbrtn.23.10.11
Several vote centers visited Wednesday had no lines but a steady trickle of voters. Among them was Jonathan Griffiths from the Dayton suburb of Beavercreek. A Republican, Griffiths said he voted yes on the constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights. Ohiovbrtn.23.10.11
“I'm fairly conservative, but I'm also married and have daughters and granddaughters,” he said. "Women's body, women's choice." Ohiovbrtn.23.10.11

Jonathan Griffiths from the Dayton suburb of Beavercreek. A Republican, Griffiths said he voted yes on the constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights.​

a negative eugenics/misogynistic/anti human rights ideology.
kshrgrl.23,10.11#360 Elective abortion is not health care, it's butchery. Most abortions are coerced-we know this. Every reputable study supports this. Abortions lesd to poor mental health outcomes and appear to do NOTHING to alleviate trauma, or poverty, or depression.. and in fact contribute to poor trauma outcomes and depression. •••• You can shriek hysterically as much as you want- it doesn't change the fact that you are exploiting and lying g to vulnerable women to push a negative eugenics/misogynistic/anti human rights​

Typical democrat bullshit.
cncrndmrcn.23.10.11 #361 Typical democrat bullshit. Just call the murder of defenseless innocent lives "reproductive healthcare." REPRODUCTIVE? What is reproductive about murdering a child.​

Reply to cncrndmrcn.23.10.11 #361 and kshrgrl.23,10.11 #360 Jonathan Griffiths from Dayton is a Republican who told s reporter he voted yes on the constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights because he has a wife and daughters and granddaughters and it’s a "Women's body, and a women's choice."

And another: Linda Debard, 73, a retired French teacher from Columbus, said she would be voting yes on the amendment “because I believe firmly that it's nobody's business but the family's what decisions you make with women's health care. No. Keep the government, politicians out of it.”

A no vote comes from an unhinged Christian woman: Shari Moore, a retired banker from suburban Toledo who voted against the amendment along with her husband, said it was a decision rooted in their Christian beliefs.

“Abortion is murder,” she said. “It’s a dangerous thing for Ohio and for the whole country.”​

Shari Moore Is unhinged because it’s absurd to believe Ohio issue 1 is a dangerous thing for Ohio and America.

America has nothing to do with her medieval remnant of fear mongering Christianity..

Americans are fed up with Medieval Christians like Saint Mashmont meddling in our lives.

Hopefully Ohio Issue 1 passes with 60% or more and we can be done with white medieval Christians meddling in private lives for once and for all.

nf.23.20.11 #11,351
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Voting Begins in Ohio in the Only Election This Fall To Decide Abortion Rights pblshd Ohiovbrtn.23.10.11

Jonathan Griffiths from the Dayton suburb of Beavercreek. A Republican, Griffiths said he voted yes on the constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights.​

kshrgrl.23,10.11#360 Elective abortion is not health care, it's butchery. Most abortions are coerced-we know this. Every reputable study supports this. Abortions lesd to poor mental health outcomes and appear to do NOTHING to alleviate trauma, or poverty, or depression.. and in fact contribute to poor trauma outcomes and depression. •••• You can shriek hysterically as much as you want- it doesn't change the fact that you are exploiting and lying g to vulnerable women to push a negative eugenics/misogynistic/anti human rights​

cncrndmrcn.23.10.11 #361 Typical democrat bullshit. Just call the murder of defenseless innocent lives "reproductive healthcare." REPRODUCTIVE? What is reproductive about murdering a child.​

Reply to cncrndmrcn.23.10.11 #361 and kshrgrl.23,10.11 #360 Jonathan Griffiths from Dayton is a Republican who told s reporter he voted yes on the constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights because he has a wife and daughters and granddaughters and it’s a "Women's body, and a women's choice."

And another: Linda Debard, 73, a retired French teacher from Columbus, said she would be voting yes on the amendment “because I believe firmly that it's nobody's business but the family's what decisions you make with women's health care. No. Keep the government, politicians out of it.”

A no vote comes from an unhinged Christian woman: Shari Moore, a retired banker from suburban Toledo who voted against the amendment along with her husband, said it was a decision rooted in their Christian beliefs.

“Abortion is murder,” she said. “It’s a dangerous thing for Ohio and for the whole country.”​

Shari Moore Is unhinged because it’s absurd to believe Ohio issue 1 is a dangerous thing for Ohio and America.

America has nothing to do with her medieval remnant of fear mongering Christianity..

Americans are fed up with Medieval Christians like Saint Mashmont meddling in our lives.

Hopefully Ohio Issue 1 passes with 60% or more and we can be done with white medieval Christians meddling in private lives for once and for all.

nf.23.20.11 #11,351

Voting Begins in Ohio in the Only Election This Fall To Decide Abortion Rights pblshd Ohiovbrtn.23.10.11

Jonathan Griffiths from the Dayton suburb of Beavercreek. A Republican, Griffiths said he voted yes on the constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights.​

kshrgrl.23,10.11#360 Elective abortion is not health care, it's butchery. Most abortions are coerced-we know this. Every reputable study supports this. Abortions lesd to poor mental health outcomes and appear to do NOTHING to alleviate trauma, or poverty, or depression.. and in fact contribute to poor trauma outcomes and depression. •••• You can shriek hysterically as much as you want- it doesn't change the fact that you are exploiting and lying g to vulnerable women to push a negative eugenics/misogynistic/anti human rights​

cncrndmrcn.23.10.11 #361 Typical democrat bullshit. Just call the murder of defenseless innocent lives "reproductive healthcare." REPRODUCTIVE? What is reproductive about murdering a child.​

Reply to cncrndmrcn.23.10.11 #361 and kshrgrl.23,10.11 #360 Jonathan Griffiths from Dayton is a Republican who told s reporter he voted yes on the constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights because he has a wife and daughters and granddaughters and it’s a "Women's body, and a women's choice."

And another: Linda Debard, 73, a retired French teacher from Columbus, said she would be voting yes on the amendment “because I believe firmly that it's nobody's business but the family's what decisions you make with women's health care. No. Keep the government, politicians out of it.”

A no vote comes from an unhinged Christian woman: Shari Moore, a retired banker from suburban Toledo who voted against the amendment along with her husband, said it was a decision rooted in their Christian beliefs.

“Abortion is murder,” she said. “It’s a dangerous thing for Ohio and for the whole country.”​

Shari Moore Is unhinged because it’s absurd to believe Ohio issue 1 is a dangerous thing for Ohio and America.

America has nothing to do with her medieval remnant of fear mongering Christianity..

Americans are fed up with Medieval Christians like Saint Mashmont meddling in our lives.

Hopefully Ohio Issue 1 passes with 60% or more and we can be done with white medieval Christians meddling in private lives for once and for all.

nf.23.20.11 #11,351
Negative eugenics wasn't cool during WWII, it wasn't cool in China, it's never cool. There is no right to butcher dependent offspring. Stop coercing women into abortion.
Science says at conception a current living , genetically distinct , female is optioning to perpetuate a haploid instance of her own genetic existence .

dvng.23.10.11 #365 Which would be fine if it weren't for the other two people with standing.

The woman is the only one of those three who have standing. It is it is her body And she is supposed to be sovereign over it. She can decide if any other human being is standing.

And this fact is a certainty You Saint Ding have absolutely no standing, nor any interest, or any justification for meddling in her condition or her decisions.

nf.23.19.11 #11,353
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dvng.23.10.11 #365 Which would be fine if it weren't for the other two people with standing.

The woman is the only one of those three who have standing. It is it is her body And she is supposed to be sovereign over it. She can decide if any other human being is standing.

And this fact is a certainty You Saint Ding have absolutely no standing, nor any interest, or any justification for meddling in her condition or her decisions.

nf.23.19.11 #11,353
Er.. "standing" is not relevant to human rights.All humans are created with sufficient "standing" just by the nature of what they are.. human. Their humanity is not negated just because they are dependent upon another person.
All humans are created with sufficient "standing" just by the nature of what they are.. human. Their humanity is not negated just because they are dependent upon another person.
Under the US Constitution the unborn are not protected persons with any rights. The founding generation did not consider abortion to be murder of a human being so you need to take that up with them. Or get a personhood amendment passed in two thirds of the states. Good luck with that when you can see what’s coming in Ohio on November 7.

A third of Republicans do not agree with you that a 20 week fetus is a person so what are you going to do when a third of Republicans are liberal on abortion.

Your trash talk about Eugenics is a complete fail even with Republicans.

The Catholics who dream up your Saving Baby Fetus propaganda were not prepared for the aftermath of Dibbs.

You cannot explain why you wanted RvW overturned in legitimate constitutional language.

You have a problem which has no political or intellectual or legal solution.

nf.23.10.11 #11,355

Under the US Constitution the unborn are not protected persons with any rights. The founding generation did not consider abortion to be murder of a human being so you need to take that up with them. Or get a personhood amendment passed in two thirds of the states. Good luck with that when you can see what’s coming in Ohio on November 7.

A third of Republicans do not agree with you that a 20 week fetus is a person so what are you going to do when a third of Republicans are liberal on abortion.

Your trash talk about Eugenics is a complete fail even with Republicans.

The Catholics who dream up your Saving Baby Fetus propaganda were not prepared for the aftermath of Dibbs.

You cannot explain why you wanted RvW overturned in legitimate constitutional language.

You have a problem which has no political or intellectual or legal solution.

The US Constitution does not dictate who is human and who isnt.isn't.
Human rights are for a HUMANS regardless of age, dependence, size or location. The Constitution doesn't create rights.
The US Constitution does not dictate who is human and who isnt.isn't.
The Constitution distinguishes between humans who are born and unborn with birth being the requirement for a human to be a person who has natural rights.

You have to amend the Constitution to read “conception” to be the starting point and that will never happen.

Human rights are for a HUMANS regardless of age, dependence, size or location.
Once the human is born.

It’s absurd to believe that a 20 week fetus has a natural right to life when nature aborts half of all conceived human beings befire they can develop their own brain.

You may believe humans do not need to have a brain and you are free to never abort a brainless fetus if you think it’s wrong. But mind your own business for the rest of us who do not accept absurdity as a guiding principle.
The Constitution distinguishes between humans who are born and unborn with birth being the requirement for a human to be a person who has natural rights.

You have to amend the Constitution to read “conception” to be the starting point and that will never happen.

Again, human rights are not granted by the Constitution.
Once the human is born.

It’s absurd to believe that a 20 week fetus has a natural right to life when nature aborts half of all conceived human beings befire they can develop their own brain.

You may believe humans do not need to have a brain and you are free to never abort a brainless fetus if you think it’s wrong. But mind your own business for the rest of us who do not accept absurdity as a guiding principle.
Human rights are for all humans, sorry. We know that human life begins at conception.
All pro death acolytes are anti human rights negative eugenics ghouls. It's the same old story. You don't even get fresh rhetoric.

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