Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


nf.23.10.08 #11,312 I understand nature aborts at least a quarter or up to half of every human being that has been conceived in the world since human time began. Billions of natural abortions generally occur as late as twenty weeks from conception.

Why do you think people need to force full term gestation on woman who do not want to continue an unwanted pregnancy within the first twenty weeks?

dnttzmb.23.04.04 #44 “Once again abortion is the anchor dragging down the Republican Party. One must wonder when they will finally figure this out and drop this stupid issue once and for all”

rplnmchnc.23.04.05 #195 to dnttzmb.23.04.04 #44 “Because conservatives don't surrender their values for votes. •••• No true conservative will EVER support the killing of a baby in the womb. They might lose every fucking election from now until eternity because of it, but at least they can lay their heads down at night knowing they stuck with their morals.”

Reply to 23.04.05 #195 post by Saint Airplanemechsnic: After you read the above nf.23.10.08 #11,312 or go to the link, can you tell me what is your moral interest in the deaths of the trillions of 20 week or less aged fetuses that have perished and were deprived of life as we born humans know that miscarriage is a biological scientific reality not a moral dilemma that a human being is being murdered.

More Commentary on the subject of aborti on the following thread.

nf.23.10.09 #11,316

We get it. You love abortion and killing babies.

And Democrats demand 40 million dead babies, so what’s your point?
Why do you say Democrats? All MAGA Trump supporterd love abortion and kill babies too.

Reference Post nf.23.09.19 #1

TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being murdered every year so Democrats will like him. Should he be president.
Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks / statistically speaking zero abortions will occur in a state that has a six week ban Without a six week ban about a million baby fetuses will be murdered every year. TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being...

Trump is a Republican. Do you agree with his position that it is ok with him that unborn babies can be murdered after six weeks from a woman’s last period until such a time that Democrats can agree?
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We get it. You love abortion and killing babies.
I will never need to be a Herschal Walker because after my second daughter was born I got snipped. I don’t love or hate something that is none of my business. So you are a liar
Why do you say Democrats? All MAGA Trump supporterd love abortion and kill babies too.

Reference Post nf.23.09.19 #1

TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being murdered every year so Democrats will like him. Should he be president.
Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks / statistically speaking zero abortions will occur in a state that has a six week ban Without a six week ban about a million baby fetuses will be murdered every year. TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being...

Trump is a Republican. Do you agree with his position that it is ok with him that unborn babies can be murdered after six weeks from a woman’s last period until such a time that Democrats can agree?
Sorry. Democrats are the only ones pushing to murder children as they’re born.
Sorry. Democrats are the only ones pushing to murder children as they’re born.

There are no abortions by choice of the mother during birth. That claim is absurd rightwing bullshit.

Do you believe in exceptions to save the life of the mother and in cases of fetal deformity where survivability following birth is measured in hours or a few days.
There are no abortions by choice of the mother during birth. That claim is absurd rightwing bullshit.

Do you believe in exceptions to save the life of the mother and in cases of fetal deformity where survivability following birth is measured in hours or a few days.
Pathetic liar who loves murdering children.

Psaki: “Are most Democrats in favor of legislation that allows for this? Yes. For all the reasons I just outlined.”

In a 51-49 vote, a bipartisan Senate majority rejected Democrats’ bid to pass the most extreme abortion bill in history on Wednesday that would have effectively legalized killing unborn babies up until birth and prohibited pro-life states from restricting abortions until after 23 weeks gestation.

Psaki: “Are most Democrats in favor of legislation that allows for this? Yes. For all the reasons I just outlined.”
Psaki confirmed that leftist legislators everywhere are fighting to legalize late-term abortions. Mothers have described in heart-wrenching detail having to make the decision to end their pregnancy to save their own life, or because they were told the baby that they were so excited for would not survive, or would suffer…Are most Democrats in favor of legislation that allows for this? Yes. For all the reasons I just outlined.’”​

Do you want no exceptions for abortion meaning that a doctor cannot save the life of the mother or a brain dead live birth must be kept on life support so you religious fanatics can get a few more days of watching a newborn suffer struggling to breath and watch the little body turn septic

If you want laws passed to save brain dead fetuses or Bodies with no kidneys and other fatal deformities you are one sick fucker and no one should believe in whatever God Superstition that caught your fancy or were taught as a child. Sick you are

Psaki confirmed that leftist legislators everywhere are fighting to legalize late-term abortions. Mothers have described in heart-wrenching detail having to make the decision to end their pregnancy to save their own life, or because they were told the baby that they were so excited for would not survive, or would suffer…Are most Democrats in favor of legislation that allows for this? Yes. For all the reasons I just outlined.’”​

Do you want no exceptions for abortion meaning that a doctor cannot save the life of the mother or a brain dead live birth must be kept on life support so you religious fanatics can get a few more days of watching a newborn suffer struggling to breath and watch the little body turn septic

If you want laws passed to save brain dead fetuses or Bodies with no kidneys and other fatal deformities you are one sick fucker and no one should believe in whatever God Superstition that caught your fancy or were taught as a child. Sick you are
There is zero reason to murder a baby in the last trimester to save the mother.
Spare us your evil murder loving lies.
There is zero reason to murder a baby in the last trimester to save the mother.

Cool story, but you support abortion on demand up until birth, like every Demoncrat.
Reply to Saint Thehawk post #11,329
Please find the quote where I say that I support abortion on demand up until birth.

I do not support abortion except to save the life of my lover or if our baby will suffer following birth for a few hours because of some fetal deformities.

Thise exceptions are between us and our doctor.. No government shall ever have a say in it. Think about it and quit lying about what I think.

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Women as Housekeepers with Womb​

In 2017, famously publicity-averse white supremacist and alt right figure Greg Johnson was caught on tape airing his views on women’s reproductive rights and bodily agency. “Get rid of all voluntary birth control,” he told Patrik Hermansson, who spent a year undercover with (and often recording) members of the alt right.
“Voluntary birth control means that people who are far-sighted and responsible restrict their fertility,” Johnson went on, “and people who are impulsive and stupid don’t. So you can’t leave birth control up to the individual.” He decried the trend of women having children later in life, and offered a solution to maintain the viability of the white race.
“Women are postponing childbearing because of education and their careers. Say you give a woman a free year of education for every child she bears and takes care of in the home up to the age of six. Okay, so maybe by the time she’s 30 she’s ready to go off to college or something.”
Johnson’s opinion is fairly prevalent in alt right circles. Richard Spencer told Newsweek he’s not sure women should have the right to vote. Matt Forney wrote, “As men, it is our responsibility to bring girls back to their proper place. To lead them into their natural roles as wives and mothers. We men do not choose or reward girls for their clown college degrees, their meaningless cubicle jobs, or their supposed ‘intelligence.’ We reward them for their willingness to please us and make us happy, and in doing so make themselves happy. No amount of phony education or career ‘success’ will scratch that deep itch in a girl’s soul: the desire to serve a man.”
In June 2017, the white supremacist group Vanguard America promoted their “women’s division,” tweeting, “The woman has her own battlefield. With every child that she brings into the world, she fights her battle for the nation. Strong nations grow from strong families.”
A recent exchange on the message board, headlined “The Woman Question,” (an echo of the ubiquitous white supremacist “Jewish Question”) asked participants to weigh in on women’s functionality. One poster responded, “Seriously, the only role women play in this movement is donating their husband’s money.”
As another a poster put it, “[Women] should be building their own cells and collaborating to relearn the noble art of motherhood and only as a secondary activity, spread the gospel of femininity over feminism to a female audience.” When Women are the Enemy: The Intersection of Misogyny and White Supremacy


This kid does not have a womb but he wants women he does not know to give up her liberty for the religious indoctrination he is receiving at an all boys Catholic prep school.


Yea, pretty scary people are so stupid they continue to vote for Dems. If our country is obsessed with wanting to murder babies then it will be the end of us.

When Ohioans vote in November it will not be Democrats vs Republican protecting the reproductive rights of women in Ohio.

It will be liberty loving Americans versus Vigano/Schlafly Catholics and Dobson white Evangelical Christians who put their fucking religion over individual liberty every moment they breathe.

Starting Friday morning in Ohio.

Vigano Catholics organizing a march against women who refuse to be proper housekeepers for the womb. Thank you Saint Blaster for warning us what extremist white patriarchal religion is up to in Ohio.

Ahead of major abortion vote, thousands to descend on Ohio’s capital for March for Life​

Students participate in the Ohio March for Life in Columbus, Oct. 5, 2022.
Students participate in the Ohio March for Life in Columbus, Oct. 5, 2022. | Courtesy of March for Life.
Joe Bukuras
By Joe Bukuras
CNA Staff, Oct 3, 2023 / 18:15 pm
An estimated 5,000 Ohioans will be marching for life this Friday in the state’s capital of Columbus just one month ahead of a November election that could fatally influence the futures of many unborn children.
In a battleground abortion state where the life-ending procedure is legal up to the point of viability, all eyes will be on Ohio as residents will be voting on a constitutional amendment Nov. 7 proposing to enshrine abortion rights into law.
In a September press release, the March for Life — the pro-life organization co-hosting the march — said that speakers at the event will be educating attendees on the dangers of the November constitutional amendment.
The amendment, which says that “every individual has a right to carry out one’s own reproductive decisions,” would bring “painful late-term abortions right up until birth to Ohio, cancel parental consent protections for minors, and erase basic health and safety standards for women when it comes to abortion,” the March for Life organizers said.

The fight over the issue of abortion in Ohio in the past several years has entailed intense legal battles, which includes Republican Gov. Mike DeWine’s signing of a 2019 “heartbeat” law that has since been blocked by a state court and remains that way pending the outcome of a constitutional challenge by abortion clinics.
That law aims to outlaw most abortions when a fetal heartbeat is detected, typically around six weeks’ gestation. Almost 67% of state abortions in 2022 occurred in pregnancies where gestational age was less than nine weeks, according to the Ohio Department of Health.
Regardless, if the November constitutional amendment passes, the heartbeat law would be null and void, according to WTVG.
Calling it Ohio’s “most significant” March for Life yet, Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life Education and Defense Fund, said in the release that “we are ready to welcome thousands of Ohioans to the state Capitol in this critical moment to peacefully advocate both against this extreme measure and for state laws that respect the human dignity of every person, born and unborn.”
In addition to Mancini, Aaron Baer, president of the march’s other co-hosting organization, Center for Christian Virtue, will be speaking at the human rights demonstration as well.
Prior to the march, Columbus Bishop Earl Ferandes will be celebrating a “Mass for life” at 9 a.m. at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, just a short distance away from the pre-rally concert, which takes place on the West Lawn of the Ohio Statehouse. He will be speaking at the march as well.

Damascus Worship, a Catholic worship group, will be performing music at the event. A sample of the group’s music can be viewed here:

Two state legislators, Rep. Melanie Miller, serving District 67, and Sen. Kristina Roegner, serving District 27, will be speaking at the march. Miller will also be singing the National Anthem.

Other speakers include Baptist pastor Jeremy Westbrook; Peter Range, CEO of Ohio Right to Life; Pastor Walter Moss, president of the Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio; Lt. Gov. Jon Husted and his wife, Tina Husted; and Ruth Edmonds, Christian engagement ambassador from the Center for Christian Virtue.
The rally kicks off at 11 a.m., and attendees begin marching at noon. Following the march at 1 p.m., marchers are invited to the Sheraton Columbus Hotel at Capitol Square for an educational event focused on the November constitutional amendment.
Admission is free and lunch is provided. Attendees can register here.
The Catholic Conference of Ohio, which represents the state’s bishops, issued the following invitation online:

“Join Catholics across Ohio at the Mass for Life, celebrated by Bishop Earl Fernandes at St. Joseph Cathedral in downtown Columbus at 9 a.m. Then participate in the Ohio March for Life right down the street at the Ohio Statehouse.”
Joe Bukuras
Joseph Bukuras is a journalist at the Catholic News Agency. Joe has prior experience working in state and federal government, in non-profits, and Catholic education. He has contributed to an array of publications and his reporting has been cited by leading news sources, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the Catholic University of America. He is based out of the Boston area.
nf.23.10.09 #11,331


Reply to Saint Thehawk post #11,329
Please find the quote where I say that I support abortion on demand up until birth.

I do not support abortion except to save the life of my lover or if our baby will suffer following birth for a few hours because of some fetal deformities.

Thise exceptions are between us and our doctor.. No government shall ever have a say in it. Think about it and quit lying about what I think.


There’s zero reason to murder a baby to save a mother.
And Democrats demand killing the baby up to and even after birth.
Government is responsible for the death of our Christian nation

When do you think Ameruca was a Christian nation because it never was and never will be.

The voters in Ohio on November 7 are going to kill your fictional Christian wish., It’s time you recognize our government is a secular institution with no favor to any religion or any other faith based on sny superstitious belief no matter how popular.

nf.23.09.07 #10,765 The political force behind the push for white Christian authoritarianism starting with controlling women’s bodies is fueled by the fictionalized belief that the Republicans are morally superior because they stand for saving baby fetus from Democrats who lust to kill babies in the womb. •••• It’s a self delusional nightmare for Republican now that Dobbs overturned Roe versus Wade.​
nf.23.09.09 #10,821 Mississippi just elected it’s first LGTBQ state legislator. He is a Democrat and he is black and pro/choice. •••• You { Saint @beagle } will cite that as civilization going to hell and America being destroyed .

nf.23.10.10 #11,333
There’s zero reason to murder a baby to save a mother.

…….. out of 900,000 abortions every year there were 11,000 elective abortions performed.

nf.23.09.19 #1 Without a six week ban about a million baby fetuses will be murdered every year. TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being murdered every year so Democrats will like him. Should he be president.​
Backup Data see here nf.23.06.08 #9,113

Based on the date of the mother’s last menstrual period, the breakdown of abortions is as follows:
Weeks of PregnancyPercentageYearly total
< 9 weeks65.4%563,958
9-10 weeks14.7%126,761
11-12 weeks8.2%70,710
13-15 weeks6.3%54,326
16-20 weeks4.1%35,355
21+ weeks1.3%11.,210
All abortions100%862,320
This means approximately 88% of abortions occur in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy.

Of the 11,000 elective abortions performed

After 21 weeks how many do you know were performed because women changed their mind for no reason to kill their baby for no reason other than being subhuman selfish sluts who go through at least five months of pregnancy hell just because they want to have a baby ripped apart inside their belly?


Abortion may be medically necessary to save a mother’s life.


Fact Check-Termination of pregnancy can be necessary to save a woman’s life, experts say​

By Reuters Fact Check

Contrary to claims made online, certain medical conditions may require the termination of a pregnancy to avoid fatal complications for the mother.
“Abortion is never medically necessary to save a woman’s life,” reads a popular tweet ( here ), as campaigners call 2021 the “worst year” for abortion rights ( here ).

“Yes, there are absolutely certain medical conditions that warrant us to very urgently encourage a woman to have an abortion,” said Stacey Beck, MD and Assistant Professor at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Physicians
“One of the most common reasons I help women to terminate their pregnancy is because their water is broke [early in pregnancy] and they have an infection,” Beck said.

If there’s a clear sign of infection, the condition can be life threatening, “because there is an extremely high risk that the infection inside of the uterus spreads very quickly into her bloodstream and she becomes septic. If she continues the pregnancy it comes at a very high risk of death.”
“Typically, if a woman breaks her water before 20 weeks into her pregnancy, it is usually strongly recommended by medical professionals that she considers an abortion,” Beck said.
A placental abruption, which is when the placenta starts to separate from the uterus, is another condition that could fatally impact a pregnant women’s life. It is “uncommon yet a serious condition,” the Cleveland Clinic states ( here ).
In a “small percentage of abruptions,” Beck said, if a woman is bleeding so heavily that she can go into hemorrhagic shock, “then we would also recommend a very urgent termination of pregnancy or abortion as a life saving measure for the mom, in order to prevent her bleeding to death.”
Another condition in which staying pregnant comes at a very high risk of death for the mother is preeclampsia early in pregnancy (less than 24 weeks), Beck said.

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication that involves developing high blood pressure and signs of organ damage ( here , here ).
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) reports ( here ) that the rate of preeclampsia in the United States increased by 25% between 1987 and 2004.
The earlier it develops, the more severe it will be, according to the UK National Health System ( here ).
In a joint statement made in 2019, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and Physicians for Reproductive Health said that the termination of a pregnancy in the form of abortion can be necessary to save a woman’s life.
Pregnancy “can exacerbate underlying or preexisting conditions, like renal or cardiac disease, and can severely compromise health or even cause death,” the ACOG said ( here ).

If a woman has cancer, treating her cancer in the most effective form could be limited in pregnancy.
Abortion may also be recommended, Beck said, “not necessarily for an immediate threat to the mother, but for the effective treatment of her cancer.”
The Canadian Cancer society points out ( here ) that “some cancer treatments can harm a baby” during the first trimester, thus sometimes causing treatment to be delayed until later in pregnancy.
When asked if abortions are sometimes medically necessary to save a woman’s life, Elizabeth Janiak, ScD and Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical School also told Reuters, “The answer is clearly yes.”
One of them is “Situations in which people are beginning to miscarry, and they experience complications that threaten their lives but the fetus still has a heartbeat.”

Not being permitted to complete the abortion or delaying it in these cases “can be deadly, if someone is developing sepsis and they are not treated, and the cause of the sepsis is the pregnant tissue being infected,” she said.
Janiak referred to the 2012 case of Savita Halappanavar, an Indian woman in Ireland who was refused a termination of her pregnancy and died of sepsis, or blood poisoning, following a miscarriage at 17 weeks ( here ).
A study from the University of Colorado on how abortion bans could increase pregnancy-related death, and more drastically for women of color, can be found here.


False. Abortion may be medically necessary to save a mother’s life.
This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here .
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

nf.23.10.10 #11,334
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Muslims all around the world are and will unite to destroy Israel. Which is why we should be uniting with fellow Christian nations like Russia instead of making them our enemy.
Ukraine is a Christian Nation that elected a Jewish President. Ukraine did not attack Russia - Russia attacked Ukraine to destroy western liberal democracy there in order to show the world authoritarian strong man straight white male Christian or Muslim or atheist rule is the way it has to be.

Americans cannot unite with Pvtvn anymore than they should have United with Hitler,

If you side with Russia you side with Iran China and North Korea and Trumpism.

nf.23.10.10 #11,335
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…….. out of 900,000 abortions every year there were 11,000 elective abortions performed.

nf.23.09.19 #1 Without a six week ban about a million baby fetuses will be murdered every year. TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being murdered every year so Democrats will like him. Should he be president.​
Backup Data see here nf.23.06.08 #9,113

Of the 11,000 elective abortions performed

After 21 weeks how many do you know were performed because women changed their mind for no reason to kill their baby for no reason other than being subhuman selfish sluts who go through at least five months of pregnancy hell just because they want to have a baby ripped apart inside their belly?


Abortion may be medically necessary to save a mother’s life.

nf.23.10.10 #11,334
Unless a person is in the third trimester and been diagnosed with an extreme cancer that must require chemotherapy immediately, there’s zero reason for killing a baby. And the chances of a young adult getting that cancer at that exact time is extremely low.
Most babies live after birth during the third trimester. It can be taken c section and you don’t get a dead baby.
So you think the crew of the Enola Gay were "baby killers" and should be punished? You're un-American.
dvng.23.10.10 #322 to USA-Alang #320 “I think anyone who rationalizes an "evil" as good doesn't understand the slippery slope they are standing on. Do you really believe they felt no remorse at all?”​

The problem with Saint Ding’s slippery Catholic world view against women having a right to end gestating a fetus without remorse in her own body is that he thinks his feet are standing upon a sacred rock that imparts divine knowledge of what is good and what is evil to his brain.

nf.23.10.01 #4 “When a miscarriage results in a natural abortion and a living organism dies, does it devalue innocent, defenseless human life in any way?”

Miscarriage is neither good nor evil and it causes no harm to American society as designed by the founders when a twenty week developed human fetus suffers death.

That makes it individual private business and Saint Ding should keep his sanctimonious brain out of everybody else’s sexual business.

nf.23.10.10 #11,337
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Most babies live after birth during the third trimester. It can be taken c section and you don’t get a dead baby.

“most” are not “all” …. If 1% of all abortions that are at the end of pregnancy See ( nf.23.06.08 #9,113 ) then it stands to reason the decision to abort a fetus with a heartbeat is a tragic situation for the mother who wanted to have a healthy child.and gave up eight months of normal life before catastrophic complications become known.

If Amanda Zurawski was the only one it’s still reason enough to get your fucking religion with your fucking religion driven government out of medical decisions that pregnant women need to make. Just get the fuck out of something that you cannot come up with a rational argument why you want to do it.

Your only argument is that Democrats want to kill babies and Republicans don’t. That argumentvl is a lie.

mrwthr.23.03.08 #195 • It appears you had to go back a couple of centuries to find an example of Christianity being "shoved down our throats".​
nf.23.03.08 #7,488 to mrwthr.23.03.08 #195 We only have to go back to yesterday to find an example of extremist white nationalist Christianity being shoved down an American woman’s throat in Texas.​
35-year-old {Amanda} Zurawski, an Austin woman who was nearly 18 weeks pregnant last August when her doctor diagnosed her with an “incompetent cervix,” meaning the organ had prematurely dilated and there was no possibility of her pregnancy resulting in a viable baby.​
Amanda Zurawski, one of the plaintiffs, speaks outside the Texas Capitol on Tuesday.
Amanda Zurawski, one of the plaintiffs, speaks outside the Texas Capitol on Tuesday. SUZANNE CORDEIRO VIA GETTY IMAGES ~~~~​
Those complications began to make her sick, but because she was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat, the hospital told her the Texas ban meant there was nothing her doctors could do except wait for her to go into labor.Because there was a possibility she could deliver in the coming hours, doctors told her to stay within 15 minutes of the hospital ― eliminating the option of traveling out of state for an abortion. •••• On her way home from a check-up with her obstetrician days later, Zurawski “developed chills and started shivering, and by the time she got home, she had a temperature of 101 degrees and was not responding to her husband’s questions — all signs of sepsis,” the lawsuit lays out.​
It wasn’t until doctors confirmed she was septic ― a life-threatening reaction in the bloodstream to an infection ― that the hospital agreed to induce labor on a baby that would die shortly after birth. •••• Her infection persisted, landing her in the intensive care unit and causing severe scar tissue to develop in her uterus and fallopian tubes. One of her fallopian tubes remains closed and non-functional. Because of the damage to her reproductive organs, her doctors have told her she will likely have to attempt in vitro fertilization to become pregnant again ― a process that’s often invasive, expensive and unsuccessful.​

nf.23.03.08 #7,488 Yes, white extremist Christian’s like Meriweather and ding have caused severe scar tissue to develop in Amanda Zurawski’s uterus and fallopian tubes. Both are aided and abetted by a moral authoritarian atheist CarsomyrPlusSix - none of those three will weigh in on the suffering their political ideology actually causes.​
ding will argue Texas legislators were just following science not religion;​
ding220725-#3,867 Legislators are free to decide anything they want. I'm just stating the science that is taught in every embryology textbook.​

nf.23.03.08 #7,488 We should all be calling bullshit on that. Science would have saved Amanda’s uterus. White Christian extremism in Texas scarred it.​

nf.23.10.10 #11,338
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Ukraine is a Christian Nation that elected a Jewish President. Ukraine did not attack Russia - Russia attacked Ukraine to destroy western liberal democracy there in order to show the world authoritarian strong man straight white male Christian or Muslim or atheist rule is the way it has to be.

Americans cannot unite with Pvtvn anymore than they should have United with Hitler,

If you side with Russia you side with Iran China and North Korea and Trumpism.

nf.23.10.10 #11,335
Ukraine elected Zelensky because he promised peace. Yet the US and NATO nations refuse to allow him to negotiate peace. Kiev has been bombing “Ukrainians” in Eastern Ukraine since 2014. How is that not war crimes?

How has electing a Jewish president worked out for the Christians of Ukraine? He sold out to the American war machine and has sent hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to their deaths. He sees them all as Goyim.

No one says we have to “unite with Russia” whatever that means. We just don’t need to go to war with them.
“most” are not “all” …. If 1% of all abortions that are at the end of pregnancy See ( nf.23.06.08 #9,113 ) then it stands to reason the decision to abort a fetus with a heartbeat is a tragic situation for the mother who wanted to have a healthy child.and gave up eight months of normal life before catastrophic complications become known.

If Amanda Zurawski was the only one it’s still reason enough to get your fucking religion with your fucking religion driven government out of medical decisions that pregnant women need to make. Just get the fuck out of something that you cannot come up with a rational argument why you want to do it.

Your only argument is that Democrats want to kill babies and Republicans don’t. That argumentvl id a lie.

mrwthr.23.03.08 #195 • It appears you had to go back a couple of centuries to find an example of Christianity being "shoved down our throats".​
nf.23.03.08 #7,488 to mrwthr.23.03.08 #195 We only have to go back to yesterday to find an example of extremist white nationalist Christianity being shoved down an American woman’s throat in Texas.​
35-year-old {Amanda} Zurawski, an Austin woman who was nearly 18 weeks pregnant last August when her doctor diagnosed her with an “incompetent cervix,” meaning the organ had prematurely dilated and there was no possibility of her pregnancy resulting in a viable baby.
Amanda Zurawski, one of the plaintiffs, speaks outside the Texas Capitol on Tuesday.

Amanda Zurawski, one of the plaintiffs, speaks outside the Texas Capitol on Tuesday. SUZANNE CORDEIRO VIA GETTY IMAGES
Those complications began to make her sick, but because she was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat, the hospital told her the Texas ban meant there was nothing her doctors could do except wait for her to go into labor.Because there was a possibility she could deliver in the coming hours, doctors told her to stay within 15 minutes of the hospital ― eliminating the option of traveling out of state for an abortion. •••• On her way home from a check-up with her obstetrician days later, Zurawski “developed chills and started shivering, and by the time she got home, she had a temperature of 101 degrees and was not responding to her husband’s questions — all signs of sepsis,” the lawsuit lays out.
It wasn’t until doctors confirmed she was septic ― a life-threatening reaction in the bloodstream to an infection ― that the hospital agreed to induce labor on a baby that would die shortly after birth. •••• Her infection persisted, landing her in the intensive care unit and causing severe scar tissue to develop in her uterus and fallopian tubes. One of her fallopian tubes remains closed and non-functional. Because of the damage to her reproductive organs, her doctors have told her she will likely have to attempt in vitro fertilization to become pregnant again ― a process that’s often invasive, expensive and unsuccessful.

NFBW: Yes, white extremist Christian’s like Meriweather and ding have caused severe scar tissue to develop in Amanda Zurawski’s uterus and fallopian tubes. Both are aided and abetted by a moral authoritarian atheist CarsomyrPlusSix - none of those three will weigh in on the suffering their political ideology actually causes.

ding will argue Texas legislators were just following science not religion;

ding220725-#3,867 Legislators are free to decide anything they want. I'm just stating the science that is taught in every embryology textbook.

We should all be calling bullshit on that. Science would have saved Amanda’s uterus. White Christian extremism in Texas scarred it.

nf.23.10.10 #11,338
Bullshit lies.
Babies at third trimester live.

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