Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Why is it your business Roman catholic woman that was with her body that is absolutely no harm to you?

I take no comment as I can’t answer
There you go with your default to "none of your business" when you get stumped on the issue.
You forget the war in Heaven where Satan and his angels were thrown out afterwards.

Ahm ... First: I did not forget what I did not know. Much more important for me is it that Satan loves god. He hates us because we are not good for god in his view to the world as far as I heard. Second: I spoke about real wars - not about spiritual fights.
Ahm ... First: I did not forget what I did not know. Much more important for me is it that Satan loves god. He hates us because we are not good for god in his view to the world as far as I heard. Second: I spoke about real wars - not about spiritual fights.
Uhhh ok.
But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

cclytnjns.23.03.19 vnglcls #1
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.

blprstr.23.03.27 #27

Killing babies, promoting fags, is that all you got?
You got even an institution devoted to killing babies.

Dobbs made the “don’t kill babies” Bumper Stickers worthless except to convince every American under forty who is not a religious fanatic that the entire Republican Party is no friend to individualism, civil rights, social justice, liberty and equality for all.

nf.23.10.01 #11,287
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Ignatius de Loyola was canonized a Catholic saint in 1622.

nf.23.06.03 #78 Writing to Jefferson in 1816 about a recent revival of the Catholic order of the Jesuits, Adams wrote,

"This Society has been a greater Calamity to Mankind than the French Revolution or Napoleans Despotism or Ideology. It has obstructed the Progress of Reformation and the Improvements of the human Mind in Society much longer and more fatally." Adam’s to Jefferson rvltn jffrsn.1816​
nmdc.22.07.33 #129
As John Adams, co-Founder of the USA said

(my paraphrase) This nation was created for moral and upright people. It is wholly inadequate for any other

He was a Christian and he was speaking of Christian values. I know. I have studied history.

NOt everyone has done that.

A God fearing conservative believes in something higher than himself, and submits to that higher authority.

nf.23.09.15 #11,024 Was John Adams a Christian if he did not believe in original sin?

I would love to get an answer to nf.23.09.15 #11,024 from all the Saints in the SBFC Saving Baby Fetus Cult

Also if John Adam’s is the source for religious conservative thinking that America was founded as a Christian Nation does Adams tell you it is not founded as a Catholic Nation because Adam’s says the Jesuits obstructed the Progress of Reformation and the Improvements of the human Mind in Society for two hundred years before the American Revolution.

nf.23.10.02 #11,288
What a great way to make Democrats regret their vote to oust McCarthy.

Democrats did not vote to oust McCarthy. Republicans did.

You support the weak ass Potato and pretend to care about the Ukrainian people.

I am hearing trump’s gangster mob in the House of Representatives do not want a Speaker who will continue funding Ukraine.

Biden and the Democrats want to continue funding Military assistance to Ukraine until Putin is defeated.

I believe you support MAGA gangsterism which means you support a Putin victory if Ukraine loses US military support and weaponry.

Who’s side are you really on?

nf.23.10.04 #11,289
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Women planning families is not the concern of the court. Constitutionality is.
In Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the constitutionally of a right to “plan parenthood” was found by the court in the due-process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This amendment prohibits any state from depriving “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” See Amvnd14

When Saint Hikerguy argues from one side of his mouth that there is no moral issue involved when a woman seeks to terminate an unplanned pregnancy for family planning reasons and then from the other side argues that women have no right to plan parenthood if she resides in a state that a moralistic majority wants to ban abortion because a fetus has a right to life they insist. But that right does not exist when applied to non-persons such that a ZEF is not a constitutionally protected person until birth.

Saint Hikerguy cannot resolve this intellectually defunct dilemma going on within a wistful constitutionally strict constitutional and legal mind, so he lashes out with emotional-cons against a hard truth.

Dobbs is one blatantly flawed ruling because morality is what made it happen
and morality made it wrongly decided to defer it back to the states.

articulates a compelling understanding of the nature of liberty and the role of the judiciary in American constitutional law.
First, it’s important to understand the question before the Supreme Court. It is not “Should American women possess a right to abortion?” but “Does the American Constitution protect abortion rights?” The distinction is of paramount importance. The Court’s job is not to determine which rights we should possess but rather the rights we do possess.
What Alito Got Right
pblshd amvnd14.22.05.00

A surface reading of the Constitution would indicate an easy answer to the question. Because the Constitution doesn’t even mention abortion, how can one argue that it protects a right to an abortion? Don’t we have to locate the right in the text itself?

But the matter is not so simple, and the reason relates to the basic theory of American liberty. At the risk of oversimplifying a complex debate, the quick explanation is that many of the Founders viewed the Constitution as reserving “all rights and powers that were not positively granted to the federal government” to the people or the states. In plain English, this means that the Constitution did not need to spell out our individual rights. They existed unless a constitutional provision declared otherwise

Adam Serwer: Alito’s plan to repeal the 20th century

nf.24.20.05 #11,290
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a black women at the forefront of killing black babies by abortion.
We know that the heartbeat abortion ban at six weeks is opposed by Putin’s former top White House agent in America.

see nf.23.09.19 #1 “Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks” •••• nf.23.09.19 #11,089 “Are you going to ask baby-killer Trump that very same question” •••• nf.23.10.01 #11,287 “Dobbs made the “don’t kill babies” Bumper Stickers worthless”

There is no Uni-Party agreement between Dems and Repubs on abortion rights, but there is unanimity among UPdems and UPrepubs on continuing military and economic aid to Ukraine

Reply to Vtrrj.23.10.02 #1 Gov Newsom’s pick is strong on reproductive rights for women as was Diane Feinstein who was elected over and over again by California’s voters.

We need to be clear democrats control the Uni-Party.

see nf.17.07.07 pvtvn #15 “This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished. •••• I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming •••• You did not disappoint.

Biden and the Dems being the leaders of the Deep State’s goal of stopping Putin’s aggression against Liberal Western Democracies, It had to become the accepted truth that Trump and his Vigano Schlafly MAGA base are “WEAKling pacifists against Putin aggression and Biden and Democrats are “STRONG”

Uni-party is a fun catch-phrase for disgruntled people, but it’s actually bullshit.
Reply to vtrrj.23.10.04 #1 Do you stand with the Uni-party on the American defense of Ukraine against fascist Putin aggression or do you agree with MAGA doves who do not believe liberal Western Democracies are not worthy of defending against an authoritarian dictator in Russia?

tvmpvn.23.10.04 #1
Trump was the one who supported McCarthy and helped him in his wheeling & dealing to become Speaker of the House, and yet he also led the effort to shut down the government — which McCarthy intelligently prevented at the last moment.

Bbbbbuttt McCarthy as a Uni-Party lawmaker supports military and civilian aid funding for Ukraine which is not fair to the genius genocidal maniac Vladimir Putin.

Trump may need to ask dear friend Vladimir for asylum in the near future so what better way to secure a yes to asylum than to cut off Uni-Party funding to the “NAZIs” in Ukraine

nf.23.10.05 #11,291
ref-1 "Logically" a person's Constitutional rights should begin when their fucking life does ….” chzlf.#2

Logically a fetus’s Constitutional rights should begin when a person has brain life sufficient to sustain its development while in the womb. WHY NOT?

God Bless Trump
God Bless Trump's family
God Bless America
God Bless you Patriots.
You forgot “God Bless Putin” and the chaos in the US House that will cut off funding for Ukrainian defense of their land and Europe.
It would be political suicide for any Republican in the House to side with the Democrats when selecting the new speaker.

Let’s hope at least five will decide to be tough on Putin and vote with Democrats and President Biden to make Hakim Jeffries

Who could those Republicans be? There are more than you might think, at least in theory. The most obvious pickup opportunities are among the 18 GOP House members who represent districts where Joe Biden beat Donald Trump. In some of those districts, Biden walloped Trump: by 10, 11, 14, 16, 18 points. If you’re such a Republican, anticipating Trump at the top of your ticket again, you might think a bipartisan move like voting for a Democratic speaker makes sense. Of course, you’re guaranteeing yourself a primary and likely defeat. But maybe the prospect of a Speaker Jordan is enough to make you say the heck with it​

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

America truly is gone.

Not if white Christian MAGA nationalists figured out as you did that Trump and MAGA are idiots.

"There is divine providence in all of this," Gaetz said Thursday, adding that he "knows" God's will will be done when there is a new speaker.

I hope Gaetz’s God puts Jeffries in.

Putin may pull Russian godless army out of Ukraine including Crimea if that happens.
not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion.
So Trump is for US and NATO weakness against Putin and Biden is strong. Can you come right out and say it - You want Putin to take over Ukraine if he has to kill every last civilian and soldier there .
rplnmchnc.22.02.11 #1 “Good job, Biden. The result of a weak child molesting president is that yet again, under a democrat administration, Russia invades a neighbor. “ ref bvdvn01weak​

Trump endorsed. Jordan says he will cut funding for Ukraine. Trump wants no more aid going to Ukraine which is no doubt favorable to Putin.

So Saint Airplanemechanic how is Trump strong on Ukraine and Biden is weak as you say in post rplnmchnc.22.02.11 #1

nf.23.10.06 #11,300

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