Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I don’t defend either. I defend a woman’s right to choose as a matter of her own conscience and what don’t you understand that I’d like to see Putin hanged or or murder himself by his own bloody hand, because of the genocide he has committed in Ukraine
You say you want a woman to follow her own conscience, and to decide freely for herself, but you ignore the bigger picture of escalation that had occurred in which not just a few women, but an entire trend began to form where women began to explore timelines that became highly inappropriate in their reasoning, and in their wants verses needs concerning an abortion.

When bad trends start forming, it's up to the majority to decide what's appropriate or inappropriate if recklessness and/or abusiveness starts to become the norms in society.

No woman ever kills a baby in the United States of America and goes unpunished if caught.
Late term abortion is basically a woman killing her baby, and yet you are for abortion up until when ? If siding with the extreme left or nutty Democrat's ,you have to say 9 months or they'll disown you.
Is something wrong with your brain or whyelse are you only able to think in pictures of violence?
When Zputin sent the column of Russian Tanks into Ukraine he became guilty of war crimes and Justice demands he be put to death or kill himself like his predecessor from Germany after doing the same thing to Poland

It’s how civilization deters violence when all is said and done.

No woman ever kills a baby in the United States of America and goes unpunished if caught.

Why do you try so speak out only bullshit? Very short again: In every abortion dies a human being. And only because you play to be an idiot who doesn't like to see this problem this changes nothing in the existence of this problem.
Late term abortion is basically a woman killing her baby, and yet you are for abortion up until when ?

Women who use abortion as a contraceptive, must choose to do so before the 23rd week. After that is to save the life of the mother, or with a badly deformed non-viable fetus needs to be removed from the patient’s body. Late term abortions are done and suffering by the woman, not for convenience as usual you are an asshole every time you bring that up.

And Trump is in favor of abortion for contraception purposes when he came out against DeSantis and the six week abortion ban. Millions of brainless womb beings die with Trump’s blessing and yours I must presume.

When Zputin sent the column of Russian Tanks into Ukraine he became guilty of war crimes and Justice demands he be put to death or kill himself like his predecessor from Germany after doing the same thing to Poland


It’s how civilization

¿Civilisation? You try to tell me something about civilisation?`

deters violence when all is said and done.

I never liked to speak with you. You started to speak with me. And still now I do not have any idea why you do so. What for heavens sake is your problem? Speak it out. C-o-n-c-r-e-t-e and not abstrahotic.
every abortion dies a human being
Only to your irrational paternalistic Catholicism is a 13 week brainless womb being a human being of an equal right to life as a person as its mother is and she who holds the decision and that decision is between her and her God,

She is not beholden to Archbishop Vigano.

It’s none of your business what a woman. decides to do with her own body
When Zputin sent the column of Russian Tanks into Ukraine he became guilty of war crimes and Justice demands he be put to death or kill himself like his predecessor from Germany after doing the same thing to Poland

It’s how civilization deters violence when all is said and done.
Wars have taking place since the begining of time itself, so you could say that any army sending it troops into battle are guilty of war crimes by your vague definition.... You can't execute a war without killing people, otherwise who fight back against an army whether justified or not. So have you heard the official word or the reasons given that Russia had no right to make war with Ukraine as according to the UNITED Nations as of yet ?? I've heard a lot of media and social media warriors make the claim that the war is unjustified, but have we heard the world body or UN officially state the same claim ?? If so what was their official statement concerning Putin's reason for entering Ukraine ???
Only to your irrational paternalistic Catholicism is a 13 week brainless womb being a human being of an equal right to life as a person as its mother is and she who holds the decision and that decision is between her and her God,

She is not beholden to Archbishop Vigano.

It’s none of your business what a woman. decides to do with her own body
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To kill a human being is no contraceptive and the main problem in context "overboarding sea of abortions" are not women - the main proplem are men.
And women lying down for them without being married to them. Otherwise using no contraception or not requiring it in which has created an entire industry called the abortion mills.
I never liked to speak with you
You are an authoritarian and you should not want to speak to anyone who does not submit to your fantasy of your own self implied human being greatness.

I can cure you with Jeffersonian rational theism, but you have to become intellectually curious about truth found in rational honest, thinking outside of your Catholicism
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Wars started with the bronce age as far as I know. Typical weapon: sword (= an instrument which is made to kill other human beings).
You forget the war in Heaven where Satan and his angels were thrown out afterwards.

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