Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Thank God.
A rplnmchnc.22.02.02 #2 “Thank God. Nowhere in the constitution does it make abortion legal. This should be up to the states.”

See post nf.23.10.20 #11,540

Is Ohio “godless” if they pass this?

The proposed amendment

Or will you claim the election was stolen from Baby Fetus by evil leftist baby killers?

Jenna Ellis says “our nation was founded under a divine Judeo-Christian god premise”

She is wrong - Our nation was founded by rational theists whereas Natures’ God was not limited geographically or historically to one desert tribe in North Africa a couple thousand years ago.

Rational Theists recognize privacy and freedom of conscience as a natural right to born human beings.

nf.23.10.20 #11,541 to rplnmchnc.22.02.02 #2
“Throughout Scripture, there is evidence that God favors war for divine reasons and sometimes uses it to accomplish his will. He has also given governments and their citizens very specific responsibilities in regards to this matter,” Stanley said in a sermon broadcast internationally on his television program.​

rplnmchnc.23.10.19 #240
Then after being shown that democrats between 2001 and 2002 said the same thing, we move it back to March 2003.
Bush’s base of white irrational evangelical Christian nationalists wanted the invasion of Iraq instead of the inspections since they consider the UN to be part of Satanic World Government.

Judeo-Christian Biblical driven irrationality on the political right are those who inspired White Evangelical Dubya to lie about WMD and kick inspectors out to start a Holy War.

Christians on the left wanted Dubya to think about the potential for disaster and give inspectors more time to finish the search for WMD.

THELANDLETTER The LAND LETTER was an open letter sent to U.S. President George W. Bush by five evangelical Christian leaders on October 3, 2002, outlining their support for a just war pre-emptive invasion of Iraq to remove the government, army and police from power.

“Polls at the time and later on showed that white evangelical Christians were among the war’s strongest supporters”

The first paragraph quoted below is the epitome of the danger of governing prophetically:

“I think that most of the evangelicals I think of -- the majority that supported liberating Iraq and the minority who didn’t support liberating Iraq by military force -- both spoke truth as they saw it to power,” he said. “And if they do that, they’re certainly speaking prophetically.” Richard Land

They wrote the letter to counter the chorus of Christian leaders -- including mainline Protestants, Catholics and fellow evangelicals -- who already had spoken forcefully against the war.

Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s then-dictator, “has attacked his neighbors, used weapons of mass destruction against his own people, and harbored terrorists from the al-Qaeda terrorist network that attacked our nation so viciously and violently on September 11, 2001,” the letter said.
nf.23.10.20 #11,542
dvng.21.12.27 #203 “There's no good reason to make a religious argument. None is needed. The science is clear.”

If the science were clear Ohioans would not be voting on this:

The proposed amendment

And you are not pleading to shame women for having an abortion by charging them with a misdemeanor in a court of law. See POST nf.23.10.20 #11,540

nf.23.10.20 #11,543
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dvng.23.10.28 #861 “Exactly. Punish abortion like it's jaywalking. Brilliant. But make her acknowledge that she is ending a human life; one that has never existed before and will never exist again.”​
If life begins at the instant of conception, then any act to end that life would be wrongful killing. But if human life is a contingent matter, a slow and complex process that unfolds temporally, physically and spiritually -- as I believe -- then it is possible to speak of times and manners and reasons why other moral appeals may matter more.​
What Does It Mean to Be Human? Nov. 22, 2005 A Distvnct Human Organism​
Saint Ding is certain that scientists are absolutely unanimously convinced that life begins at the instant of conception. Therefore any act to end that life would be wrongful killing of a human being regardless of whether it is in the body of a mature human being or born. Saint Ding however has decided to dehumanize the preborn human being by calling for the woman who aborts a human life to shamed and charged with a misdemeanor similar to jaywalking.​
nf.23.10.21 #11,544
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Pillar of Truth
vtrrj.23.10.19 #284 “Why I am Catholic (A brief excerpt from the booklet “Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth”)”​

Are you, Saint Votarroja, an American Catholic like Joe Biden or a Medieval Catholic like Vigano or worse - like Phyllis, (the no longer living, Bronze Age’s Catholic) Schlafly?

Do you agree with this Republicsn Party Plank?

"Women can 'control their reproductive lives' without access to abortion; they can do so by refraining from unprotected sexual intercourse."

"Keep her legs closed!": Another Republican says the quiet part aloud pblshd.23.10.16

nf.23.10.21 #11,545
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It is such a travesty (*a) to Saint Ding that he wants deep state government to criminalize and “shame” the person with the uterus when she decides what is to be done with it.

Why though is it a misdemeanor instead of felony such as a first degree murder if Saint Ding truly is convinced that from the moment of conception abortion takes the life of an innocent human being?

ndpndnttthnkr.24.05.17 #1 “Since miscarriages can happen during those first 12 weeks, not usually requiring a D&C, a pharmaceutically induced abortion wouldn't really be much different than a miscarriage which, unfortunately, happens 10%-20% of the time anyway.”

nf.23.10.19 #11,530 “Why do you vote for Republicans who are in a religious crusade to force full term gestation on women against their will?”

dvng.23.10.19 #11,537 to nf.23.10.19 #11,530 “You are assuming fact that are not in evidence. And you are incorrectly summarizing my position. Be better.”
Chicken shit supporters of abortion
dvng.18.10.15 #357 “It is a states right issue. It is also a human rights issue. My expectation is that abortion will be seen as wrong. I want it to come to a vote of the people. That's what makes it conservative. Chicken shit supporters of abortion don't want it to come to a vote. That's what makes it liberal.”

Reply to Saint Ding POST:dvng.23.10.19 #11,537 . Do you vote Republican or Democrat? Liberal or Conservative?

Do you believe America was founded as a Judeo-Christian Nation and the Constitution is therefore a morals based document? Do you believe Americas religious conservatives on the right are doing the right thing to force full-term gestation on all women who live in their states?

*a pblshd.23.06.06
nf.23.10.21 #11,546
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ctnjcksn.23.10.21 #2 “The US government has been a crap show for decades regardless of which side of the Uni-Party has been in control. A "good day" for the Federal Government is likely a very bad day for the American People.”

Have you noticed that there is no Uni-Party with regards to the Dobbs decision?

Are you with the Republican Party as in the Vigano Catholic, Dobson white evangelical Christian Republican Party plank to force full term gestation on all women state by state or nationally by any means possible?

Or are you with the Democratic Party plank in favor of protecting reproductive rights for all women no matter where they live.?

nf.23.10.21 #11,547
" Whiny Bitches Pandering As Dictators For Freak Farms "

* Public Intuition Dummy Section Proud Of Ignorance About ' With Cause ' Abortion *

Human rights protect all humans.
Except the ones the US gov't ignores via mickey mouse 'laws'.
About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).

* Reminder That Human Rights Protect Humans Is Dumbfounded Diction And Political Science Idiocy *

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" Vestigial Stage Hues Without Semblance Of A Man "

* Apex Predator Damned Dirty Ape Blubbers A River As Would A Little Girl For Plastic Baby Dolls *

sperm and eggs in and of themselves are not genetically distinct NEW human beings.
Apparently , a dissection of the term human , by etymology , into " hue man " , was too much to deal with .
" General Instinct Of Indifference Through Carnal Knowledge "

* A More Rigorous Definition Of Hue Man *

An etymology from the term human continues to imply hue man , or in the semblance of a man .

Those opposed to abortion choice site a distinct dna from the point of conception which is an entity in semblance with a man , or a hue man .

A hue man argument from the point of conception would be consistent if a homunculus method of development were occurring , however a zygote , or embryo , are not designated by science as being in semblance with a man and the term fetus - a feat of us - feet us - is used to make that designation .

Any form of life and its quality of life are contingent upon a sophisticated physical state , and abortion of a fetus could qualify as ending a life of an entity with a semblance of a man , a hue man , however neither a zygote , nor an embryo , are designated as hue man .

* Distinctions Pending On Mammalian Hue *

The reference by abortion anti-choice to a hue man is restricted to homo sapiens ; however , due to technical issues in dna , or other physical anomalies in development , the set of approximation including the hue of man may become strained .

Given a claim that hue man be classified as homo sapiens , a minimum development of sentience is expected for being included in a category of sapience ; also note , for empathy to be valid , a physical capacity for sentience is required .

There is not a legal requirement to be understood or to be acknowledged by a collective state by any other than to those countable by census , which requires live birth .

An infinitesimal identity element in and of itself is inchoate and indifferent to event outcomes though not excluded from reflexive bias .
" Hole Ye See In Arrogance And Ignorance By Theistic Humanism Communism Doctrine "

* Suppositions For Absolution By Sanctimonious Sacrosanct For Illegitimate Aggression Against Us First Amendment *

The American Theocracy rules.
" Fools Dictating Options Which Do Not Qualify As Personal Interests To Stipulate "

* Individual Alternatives To Population Inundation *

No I don’t. I also don’t support government paying for it or promoting it in any way.
Indirect taxes can be used indirectly for purposes of promoting a general welfare through purposes for economic development .

Rather than inundating the planet with prophylactics , the us foreign policy dictates funding for abstinence only education - .

All taxpayers are paying for things the do not support , or otherwise benefit from directly , often through selective endowment - Public Private Trust .
" Public Informed Consent Continues To Be Deprived Of With Cause Abortion Meaning And Us Constitution Foundations "

* Missing Screws In Abortion Is Murder Melodrama Fanatics *

Abortion has absolutely nothing to do with reproduction. Reproductive rights is just another democrat dog whistle. SMH, when the narrative isn't what they want, just change the definition of words. Abortion is MURDER.
Within us republic , a republican follows a credo from a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic , which expects independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

Within us republic , a democrat follows a credo for populism as democracy by tyranny of collective majority , against a credo from a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic .

The dumbfounded conclusions from #dobbs by scotus are sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , which is supported by traitors to a credo from a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic .

This monikers republican for a us republic is abortion choice and death penalty choice , where both positions are based on whether a wright to life exists .

" Fools Dictating Options Which Do Not Qualify As Personal Interests To Stipulate "

* Individual Alternatives To Population Inundation *

Indirect taxes can be used indirectly for purposes of promoting a general welfare through purposes for economic development .

Rather than inundating the planet with prophylactics , the us foreign policy dictates funding for abstinence only education - .

All taxpayers are paying for things the do not support , or otherwise benefit from directly , often through selective endowment - Public Private Trust .
That has nothing to do with abortion
ctnjcksn.23.10.21 #2 “The US government has been a crap show for decades regardless of which side of the Uni-Party has been in control. A "good day" for the Federal Government is likely a very bad day for the American People.”

Have you noticed that there is no Uni-Party with regards to the Dobbs decision?

Are you with the Republican Party as in the Vigano Catholic, Dobson white evangelical Christian Republican Party plank to force full term gestation on all women state by state or nationally by any means possible?

Or are you with the Democratic Party plank in favor of protecting reproductive rights for all women no matter where they live.?

nf.23.10.21 #11,547
Uni-Party = two opposing sides of the exact, same coin.
" Fools Dictating Options Which Do Not Qualify As Personal Interests To Stipulate "

* Individual Alternatives To Population Inundation *

Indirect taxes can be used indirectly for purposes of promoting a general welfare through purposes for economic development .

Rather than inundating the planet with prophylactics , the us foreign policy dictates funding for abstinence only education - .

All taxpayers are paying for things the do not support , or otherwise benefit from directly , often through selective endowment - Public Private Trust .
Only an idiot would claim taxpayer funding of abortion is a “general welfare” issue.
So where do you stand on abortion?
I'm opposed to murder in all of its forms. Too bad the Uni-Party hasn't completely outlawed it by now. There have been more than enough chances for the RINOs to force a change, but they failed.

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