Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Formal Constructs In Overt Terms To Delineate Traitors To Principles Of Us Republic "

* Disingenuous Purveyors Of Deprecated Nostalgia Now Designated Sedition *

The SCOTUS decision was based upon the federal government dictating and creating law.
For some reason , anti federalists love to ignore individualists in favor for statists , without ever considering the meaning of an anti statists , in the contexts of independence as individualism .

Any and every citizen is entitled to legal standing under the equal protection clause of us 14th amendment clause , where equitable doctrine dictates that live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , and that " logically , of course , a legitimate " state interest interest in protecting a wright to life of any other than a citizen does not occur prior to meeting a requirement of live birth .

Hence , by us 14th , in us 10th , state interests are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any other non citizen that has not met a live birth requirement to receive it ; hence states are prohibited in us 10th amendment from proscribing abortion .

Sew , who ray , for us 10th amendment , but not as you have perceived it .

Such perceptions as yearn are as those of other traitors to a creto in a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic , where rather than expecting independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , as a democrat , populism for social norms is expected through democracy as tyranny by collective majority , irrespective for whether the normative values are consistent with principles of non violence and individualism underlying the foundations of us republic .
="Monk-Eye, post: 33131732, member: 68815"]

Well , most eventually figure out that further engagement provides opportunity to induce thoughts with purposeful objectives.
Preserving lives is a purposeful objective.

Which are legal caveats to killing an innocent life not included as murder ?
The USA (which turned from a Christian nation to a secular nation somewhere along the line) affords a few “legal” reasons for a woman and her bloodthirsty technician to kill babies. But “legal” doesn't mean right.

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort , or reprise , for violations of its legal pretexts , of which a greater individual , as a public state of collective individuals , would qualify .
As mentioned earlier, humans can create any laws they wish. But when they collide with God's laws they become null and void in the grander scope of things.

The roe v wade decision ruled that states could proscribe abortion in third trimester , which would keep degenerates from performing a rite of behavior to sacrifice an otherwise healthy fetus , that includes a malicious purpose of inflicting suffering on a likeness of themselves , for which they expect to receive an advantage of destiny by the drastic change in fates .
The Supreme Court made a step in the right direction, but it wasn't enough. Even the animal kingdom has a greater sense of right-vs-wrong when it comes to the bearing of their young.

Any perspective of normative rites for behavior within a collective includes some degree of validity based on consensus within a collective .
I'm guessing that you're making an attempt to define a Democracy. If 5 wolves and 1 sheep vote on what tonight's main dish is going to be for dinner, does the sheep have any real say in the matter?

An after life , a chance for eternal life , the life to come , the transmutation of soles , reincarnation , being born again , are all metaphors for passing on ones genetic identity , on haploid at a time , through a sophisticated state , so that another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection understood as life , where failure to do in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement and eternal damnation .
^^ Gibberish and nonsense based on impulsivity and ignorance. ^^

The traitorous republicans need to understand a difference between " without cause " and " with cause " abortion , so us citizens can can move forward to resolve immigration issues amidst ever grown global populations , including economic and environmental carrying capacity .
^^ And even more pointless opinions. ^^
" Eloquence Of A Non Enumerated Clause In Establishment Of Individualism Opposed To Federalism Or Statism "

* Us 9th Amendment Non Enumerated Equal Protection Of Negative Liberties Among Individuals Clause *

Where does the 10th amendment address abortion?
The us 10th amendment designates to the states , or to the citizens of a state by direct vote of the populace , jurisdiction over rites of behavior , which are not prohibited to states by amendments in us federal constitution .

A us citizen has two citizenships , one is a federal citizenship , and an other is a citizenship based on in which state an individual citizen has legal residence .

Technical details for a priori deductions in political science stipulate that a citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated through a live birth requirement . whereby an individual is countable by census and therefore a legitimate interest by a collective government , irrespective of whether citizenship is as a member of a federal or state collective government .

The us 9th amendment assures that not all prohibitions upon the states be enumerated in us constitution .

A us citizen maintains a citizenship that is federal and one that is in a state :
Maryland Can Have District Of Columbia As Part Of Its State Vote For Federal Representatives ;
Cluster Fuck Of Puerto Rico Statehood ,
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" May Hem Hymn Of The Maniacal "

* Deadly Sin Of Population Gluttony Beyond Carrying Capacity *

Preserving lives is a purposeful objective.
In which context is preserving lives a purposeful objective of a state , would it be for numerical superiority to survive attrition through armed conflict ?

Those optioning for " without cause " abortion by end of first trimester are more concerned with maintaining advantages for improving their quality of life and ability to be responsible for determining their self ownership through progeny , and self ownership through property , than they are with bolstering fodder for killing fields .

Those optioning for " with cause " abortion during second or third trimester are more concerned with maintaining advantages for improving their quality of life and ability to be responsible for determining their self ownership through progeny , and self ownership through property , than they are with bolstering fodder for killing fields .

* Mountainous Of Ire Against Forgiveness By Antinomian Heretics *
The USA (which turned from a Christian nation to a secular nation somewhere along the line) affords a few “legal” reasons for a woman and her bloodthirsty technician to kill babies. But “legal” doesn't mean right.
Others claimng to be christian and all about outlawing abortion are little more than antinomian heretics seeking valuation of their beliefs through nomianism , from this perspective .

The ignorance of the whole he see in capitulating with an institution based on theistic humanism and communism is pathetic - ,

As for what a right is - well , that does not fly for those with a formal background in mathematics - Applying THe Term Rights As A Descriptor For Articles Of Constitution Is Slang And A Profound Error In Diction .

* Nature Of Gawd In Nature *
As mentioned earlier, humans can create any laws they wish. But when they collide with God's laws they become null and void in the grander scope of things.
A logical fallacy occurs when premises in an argument are base on the authority of a subjective perception .

With a presumption that nature is the composition of all things , and with a presumption that something cannot be separate from itself , then what can be inferred about the nature of nature from empirical evidence ?

* Who Are Lions Of Judea And Which Makes One Believe Contrary With Natural Constraints *
The Supreme Court made a step in the right direction, but it wasn't enough. Even the animal kingdom has a greater sense of right-vs-wrong when it comes to the bearing of their young.
Infanticide is disturbingly common in nature. It's typically committed by males that take over a pride or pack and kill whatever babies are present to make room for the ones they plan to father.
The only thing that makes the work tolerable is that tamarin troops cooperate to rear young, but the conditions have to be right. There must be plenty of males to do the protecting and provisioning, and there can't be too many other females with babies of their own that also require attention.
When there were at least three assisting males in the troop, the researchers found, the survival rate for infants was an impressive 75%; when there were two or fewer males, the number fell to 42%. When a mother-to-be was the only gestating female in a group, the baby she gave birth to had an 80% chance of surviving at least three months. When there were two or more pregnancies, that forecast plunged to just 20%.
And unlike mothers in the marmoset, meerkat and social-carnivore species who kill the competing females' offspring, the tamarins killed their own.

* Rhinos Easily Delineated *
I'm guessing that you're making an attempt to define a Democracy. If 5 wolves and 1 sheep vote on what tonight's main dish is going to be for dinner, does the sheep have any real say in the matter?
So go the democrats .

* Freak Farmer Fanatics Can Go Fuck Themselves *
^^ Gibberish and nonsense based on impulsivity and ignorance. ^^
^^ And even more pointless opinions. ^^
A with cause abortion is relevant to self ownership and self determination , and the intentional , psychotically convenient , omission of acknowledgment for with cause abortion by abortion anti-choice is a heinous act of violence against those elements of individualism against the individual .

The abortion anti-choice are blubbering that 90% of individuals are optioning not to carry trisomy offspring to term !

You keep it to term ! You deliver it ! You keep it for life !


About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).
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No, Dobbs was a decision that women are not protected from state religious tyranny of the majority to control what happens in their bodies.

Six Catholics did what they were groomed or were committed to do for the billionaires when they got their Catholic super majority with three Trump appointments.

nf.23.10.22 #11,578

You need to come to grips with the fact that SCOTUS has no business creating law of the land. That is solely up to the legislative branch. Next question is why the legislative branch never did its job in creating law regarding abortion rights?
" Formal Constructs In Overt Terms To Delineate Traitors To Principles Of Us Republic "

* Disingenuous Purveyors Of Deprecated Nostalgia Now Designated Sedition *

For some reason , anti federalists love to ignore individualists in favor for statists , without ever considering the meaning of an anti statists , in the contexts of independence as individualism .

Any and every citizen is entitled to legal standing under the equal protection clause of us 14th amendment clause , where equitable doctrine dictates that live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , and that " logically , of course , a legitimate " state interest interest in protecting a wright to life of any other than a citizen does not occur prior to meeting a requirement of live birth .

Hence , by us 14th , in us 10th , state interests are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any other non citizen that has not met a live birth requirement to receive it ; hence states are prohibited in us 10th amendment from proscribing abortion .

Sew , who ray , for us 10th amendment , but not as you have perceived it .

Such perceptions as yearn are as those of other traitors to a creto in a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic , where rather than expecting independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , as a democrat , populism for social norms is expected through democracy as tyranny by collective majority , irrespective for whether the normative values are consistent with principles of non violence and individualism underlying the foundations of us republic . pop a gasket or something?

Nope! Browns just won. I love Taylor Swift but the Browns will beat her Chiefs in the AFC championship game this season.
Why is that of any importance?
dlldd.23.10.23 #56 We now need a definitive ruling on when life starts.​

Catholics started the political movement to force full term gestation on all women. Protestants supported RVW for most of the Seventies.

Just wondering if one of the Jesus superstitions has led you to wanting to force full term gestation on women or if you just want to dominate women and regulate their private sexual behavior like Trump promised white evangelicals he would do.

Read more in POST nf.23.10.13 #11,383


While delivering his 2019 State of the Union speech, Trump called for a culture that "cherishes innocent life."

“And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: All children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God," he continued.

HOLY IMAGE of GOD is a religious belief having no place in writing secular law or as an excuse to deprive women of a right.

nf.23,10.23 #11,589
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dlldd.23.10.23 #56 We now need a definitive ruling on when life starts.​

Catholics started the political movement to force full term gestation on all women. Protestants supported RVW for most of the Seventies.

Just wondering if one of the Jesus superstitions has led you to wanting to force full term gestation on women or if you just want to dominate women and regulate their private sexual behavior like Trump promised white evangelicals he would do.

Read more in POST nf.23.10.13 #11,383


While delivering his 2019 State of the Union speech, Trump called for a culture that "cherishes innocent life."

“And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: All children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God," he continued.

HOLY IMAGE of GOD is a religious belief having no place in writing secular law or as an excuse to deprive women of a right.

nf.23,10.23 #11,589
Thou aren't a Jesus freak is what you're trying to say?
dvng.23.10.19 #11,538

The proposed amendment would add a section into the state constitution that says everyone has the right to make and carry out their own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to contraception, fertility treatment, pregnancy, miscarriage care and abortion. Baldwin Wallace poll: 58% of Ohio voters supporting abortion amendment
The state could generally regulate abortion at viability, around 22 to 24 weeks, but could not prohibit it if deemed necessary to protect a woman’s life or health in the professional judgment of her​

Abortion will not be evil in Ohio. It won’t be a misdemeanor either.

White Christian Evangelical MAGA Nationalists and Schlafly/Vigano Catholics need to grab some bench in politics and STFU with their fake Baby Fetus morality. Spend God’s money doing good instead of supporting EVIL.

The poll released Wednesday showed 58.2% would vote yes, 33.5% would vote no, and 8.2% are undecided on the amendment.​
34% losers on abirtion matches pretty much with hardcore rightwing support for Trump

A 2018 Gallup poll shows that in the Age of Trump, Republicans now believe that presidential moral leadership is increasingly unimportant: "Republicans are much less likely now than they were during the Bill Clinton years to say it is very important for the president to provide moral leadership for the U.S. Democrats, on the other hand, are more likely to believe moral leadership is important now, with Donald Trump in office, than they were under Clinton.​

Trump is helping Americans kill MAGA VIGANO Christianity / perhaps the only good that comes from him.

nf.23.10.20 #11,540
You are so long winded. Abortion should be at least a misdemeanor.
It is such a travesty (*a) to Saint Ding that he wants deep state government to criminalize and “shame” the person with the uterus when she decides what is to be done with it.

Why though is it a misdemeanor instead of felony such as a first degree murder if Saint Ding truly is convinced that from the moment of conception abortion takes the life of an innocent human being?

ndpndnttthnkr.24.05.17 #1 “Since miscarriages can happen during those first 12 weeks, not usually requiring a D&C, a pharmaceutically induced abortion wouldn't really be much different than a miscarriage which, unfortunately, happens 10%-20% of the time anyway.”

nf.23.10.19 #11,530 “Why do you vote for Republicans who are in a religious crusade to force full term gestation on women against their will?”

dvng.23.10.19 #11,537 to nf.23.10.19 #11,530 “You are assuming fact that are not in evidence. And you are incorrectly summarizing my position. Be better.”

dvng.18.10.15 #357 “It is a states right issue. It is also a human rights issue. My expectation is that abortion will be seen as wrong. I want it to come to a vote of the people. That's what makes it conservative. Chicken shit supporters of abortion don't want it to come to a vote. That's what makes it liberal.”

Reply to Saint Ding POST:dvng.23.10.19 #11,537 . Do you vote Republican or Democrat? Liberal or Conservative?

Do you believe America was founded as a Judeo-Christian Nation and the Constitution is therefore a morals based document? Do you believe Americas religious conservatives on the right are doing the right thing to force full-term gestation on all women who live in their states?

*a pblshd.23.06.06
nf.23.10.21 #11,546
Guess what? Abortion should be a misdemeanor.
" Vestigial Stage Hues Without Semblance Of A Man "

* Apex Predator Damned Dirty Ape Blubbers A River As Would A Little Girl For Plastic Baby Dolls *

Apparently , a dissection of the term human , by etymology , into " hue man " , was too much to deal with .
Abortion should be a misdemeanor.
Women should be allowed to kill their unborn babies.
deprives women

mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 The proposed OH abortion amendment deprives women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.

mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 Roe v Wade deprives women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.

mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 All 50 states have laws that deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.

Reply to Saint M14shooter POST mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 Why did Saint M14Shooter have to lie about RvW in that Post?

nf.23.10.23 #11,594
mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 The proposed OH abortion amendment deprives women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.

mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 Roe v Wade deprives women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.

mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 All 50 states have laws that deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.

Reply to Saint M14shooter POST mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 Why did Saint M14Shooter have to lie about RvW in that Post?

nf.23.10.23 #11,594
Abortion should be a misdemeanor.
mnnshtr.23.07.26 #71 The proposed OH abortion amendment deprives women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.

Nearly Ninety Nine percent of all women who get abortions do so several weeks ahead of potential fetal viability as proscribed by RvW in 1973.

nf.23.10.23 #11,596
religious based reason
bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,720 Society doesn’t have to have a religious based reason to oppose the slaughter of helpless, defenseless and utterly innocent human life.​

Reply to POST from Saint Backagain bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,720 ; It may be true that there is no such thing as a religious based specific secular “reason” for any USSC ruling to evolve.

But the real and only legal, moral, political reason that RvW precedent was overturned in the first place is because Catholics such as Saint Ding and Saint Votarroja have near universal support from white religious conservatives (both Catholic and Protestant ) who are loyal Republicans and who vote in lockstep with their faith in Jesus Christ, This block of mostly white religious voters believe that both the American Republic and the fetus in the womb are gifts to mankind by the one and only Judeo:Christian God and author of their Holy Bible.

They vote irrationally and dishonestly against Democrats because they believe The Dem Party is anti-God, anti-American anti-family and anti-baby and anti/white people. There is no other reason to vote and it’s all driven by a religion.

Secular unchurched conservatives could not get an atheist elected to a Dogcatcher office on their own without the Christian Nationalists helping them out. Let alone US Senators and Presidential candidates needed in office to overturn a ruling like RvW.

JudeoChristianity is religion in case you didn’t know.

nf.23.10,24 #11,599
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