Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Mississippi imposed the ban.
Not Dobbs. or the court.
It’s right there in the decision:

the statute prohibits abortion “if the probable gestational age of the unborn human being has been determined to be greater than fifteen (15) weeks. ”The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion.
whitehall said: The former democrat governor of Va. gave a rambling support of abortion whthll.23.11.09 #215

The current Republican Governor {VA} is in favor of killing 95 percent of all the Fetus Babies killed in the US every year..

NotfooledbyW said: “Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks” nf.23.09.19 #1

Can you avoid burning eternally in Hell Saint Whitehall if you continue to vote for baby killing Republicans like Youngkin and Trump?p

nf.23.11.10 #11,842
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ActionJackson Said: Meanwhile, here in civilized America: "Guttmacher’s national total for 2020 was 930,160 (abortions), a 1.5% increase from 916,460 (abortions) in 2019. ctnjcksn.23.10.21 #157

What is the impact Saint Actionjackson of those annual abortions on our last one hundred years of American civilization?

nf.23.11.10 #11,843
NFBW #1 VOICES: I support Issue 1 because of my faith, not in spite of it By Rev. Terry Williams Nov 5, 2023 nf.23.11.07 #1

kyzr said: If Republicans were smart they would push for abortions in all 50 states to take that issue off the board. • • • There are more important issues to deal with kyzr!.23.11.08 #275

NotfooledbyW said: I want to see Saints Tuberville, Trvmp, DeSantis do that flip by Monday! nf.23.11.10 #276

I think you should take Saint Ding’s advice.

ding said: But because of the unique circumstances she will be allowed to terminate her pregnancy and be charged with a misdemeanor and pay a small fine. dvng.23.10.17 #11,522

nf.23.11.10 #11,844
C_Clayton_Jones said: Indeed, the last thing Republicans wanted was for Roe to be overturned. cclytnjns.23.11.10 #273

Really really really what anti-statist Republican low tax and regulation corporate trickle down capitalists; do NOT want is to lose their white Christian nationalist base but Dobbs had rendered America’s Hobby Lobby billionaire class with no where to go to brainwash a highly powerful and motivated religious/political class of voters. White Christian nationalism is now a huge loser;

America has been through this before.

One, ironically, is that the Wits wrote too much, in too much detail, about how Christian America should look. As a result, it’s obvious that their vision does not easily fit with that of today’s Christian nationalists. America’s 18th-century Christian nationalists, for example, were interested in God and theologizing. Today’s Christian nationalists prefer Jesus and evangelizing. America’s 18th-century Christian nationalists wanted the state to regulate almost every aspect of life, from education to commerce to religion. Today’s Christian nationalists depend politically on an alliance with anti-statist capitalists; indeed, this in some ways odd alliance forms the basis of modern conservatism.
Second, in the story of American national history, America’s 18th-century Christian nationalists are losers. They lost a battle for political control of the United States to the deists Jefferson and Madison, and to the rest of the Southern planters, whom they despised. In December 1814 and January 1815, during the War of 1812, these early Christian nationalists’ alienation culminated in the Hartford Convention, in which a group of their close allies, state and federal officeholders from Connecticut and Massachusetts, met and issued a series of demands. Their most radical demand? They wanted the three-fifths clause, which in effect gave Southern planters 66 votes for every 100 slaves they owned, banished from the U.S. Constitution. If their demands were not met, the Hartford Convention threatened to secede from the United States. The threat misjudged the political climate, however, and helped destroy the Federalist Party that served their political vehicle.

Jefferson exulted at the Hartford Convention’s miscalculation — their “mortification,” he called it. Under any other government, he wrote, “their treasons would have been punished by the halter,” that is by execution. Hartford, to Jefferson, illustrated the New Englanders’ “religious and political tyranny.” He compared them to prostitutes, “bawds,” who found in religion “a refuge from the despair of their loathsome vices.” Strong words, from one of America’s founders, against the first American patriots, and the country’s original Christian nationalists.
America’s 18th-century Christian nationalists wanted the state to regulate almost every aspect of life, from education to commerce to religion but the superstitions lost to our founding generation and principles of rational theism.

This repeat of rational thinking winning over organized superstition is hopefully what Dobbs unleashed.

See the insert above;

"The Origins of American Religious Nationalism." By Sam Haselby

Sam Haselby is a historian, an editor at Aeon Magazine and the author of "The Origins of American Religious Nationalism."

July 4, 2017 at 6:00 AM EDT

Perspective | What politicians mean when they say the United States was founded as a Christian nation

What are the secular arguments for forcing full term gestation on women against their will?
A State may properly assert important interests in safeguarding health, maintaining medical standards, and in protecting potential life. At some point in pregnancy, these respective interests become sufficiently compelling to sustain regulation of the factors that govern the abortion decision. ... We, therefore, conclude that the right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision, but that this right is not unqualified and must be considered against important state interests in regulation.

Though the State cannot override the right to an abortion, it has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life, each of which interests grows and reaches a 'compelling' point at various stages of the woman's approach to term. For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, may, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother.
the [ Mississippi ] statute prohibits abortion
Mississippi imposed the ban.
Not Dobbs. or the court.
The truth is Mississippi imposed no ban if Dobbs did not impose it.

You have not refuted that simple straightforward truth because you cannot.
the [ Mississippi ] statute prohibits abortion
Mississippi imposed the ban.
Not Dobbs. or the court.
What good is a prohibition if you cannot impose it on the people you want to control.

Dobbs imposed a fifteen week abortion ban in Mississippi.
Mississippi imposed the ban

Dobbs removed a right to terminate one’s own pregnancy through access to safe legal abortion. By removing that right to privacy on behalf and as proxi for a non-existing person, Dobbs imposed a state’s right to invade a woman’s privacy when she becomes pregnant if the state wishes to invade. Dibbs imposes harm on women depending upon where they live.

Women in Ohio are hearing none of this shut that Dobbs does not harm them. It imposes a loss of rights depending how white and extremist Christian their Republican neighbors might be.

nf.23.11.10 #11,859

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